Quality of Life - Part One
An Earth - Final Conflict story by Tina Price
Original Story Ideas ©1998, Tina Price. All rights reserved.

Preview: The battle lines are redrawn as several individuals on both sides of the conflict attempt to begin life anew...

Rating: This story is rated PG - 13 for mature themes.

Disclaimer: Earth - Final Conflict, all characters and images therein, as well as story elements put forth in the series are the property of the Tribune Entertainment Company. Several characters appearing in this story are my own creation. Any similarity with anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.

Authors notes: This story may refer to events occurring in the actual series, however, it is in fact what could be dubbed "An Alternate EFC Universe Story". My definition of "Companion" is such that it refers to a Taelon who has been assigned a protectorate upon Earth. <"Speech appearing like this denotes mental communication."> Speech apearing like this denotes the Taelon language, Eunoia, being used.  Reference is made to events which occurred in the first season episode, "Old Flame", written by Paul Gertz. He is to be credited with all dialogue taken from it. As always, I am in no way receiving 'privileged information'. Any advice, criticism and kudos are always welcomed. Please contact me at the above e-mail address.

Quality of Life
Part One
Image is from Earth - Final Conflict and is the property of Tribune Entertainment
         Boone snuggled closer to Katie and sighed contentedly. He had just been having a dream in which he had managed to restore Da'an to his rightful place as North American Companion... except...
        His eyes fluttered open as several things occurred to him at once, not the least of which was that Katie had died over a year ago...
        The world came into focus as his suspicions were confirmed. The person he was actually curled up with was Da'an.
        Suddenly wide awake and nearly overwhelmed by the returning memory of everything which had befallen him, he took a slow, deep breath and forced himself to concentrate... on Da'an.
        Boone was still lying on his right side, as he remembered falling asleep after inviting the anxious Taelon to share his bed, but Da'an was now facing towards him, curled up in the protective cage formed by his arms. The renegade's head was cradled atop his bent right arm and turned so that her cheek was pressed to his chest. Her own right arm was drawn up between them, her hand loosely clutching the front of Boone's T-shirt, her legs were likewise drawn up so that her shins pressed against his thighs just above his knees.
        He was amazed by how well they seemed to fit together.
        Looking down at the hand tangled in his shirt, Boone found himself fascinated by the delicate, blue and pink lines of energy which traced along it and down its fingers. Her hand seemed to be faintly lit from within - like an old fashioned, glow-in-the-dark clock dial in the darkened room.
        He then looked over his companion's sleeping face, enjoying the rare opportunity to contemplate it unobserved.
        Da'an had lost control of her human guise while she slept and in the dark of the room, she had become a softly phosphorescing figure, her body lighting the blankets just enough to make Boone's own form appear as a sinister shadow beneath them.
        Finding the mental imagery of light and shadow disturbing when it applied to them, he returned to his perusal of Da'an's sleeping face. The energy pathways which pulsed across it were as unique as a human's fingerprints and he had been told that even Taelons as related as parent and child did not have the same pattern - despite the fact that their actual external features were identical.
        Bonded or not, CVI or not, he would have no trouble recognizing Da'an in a room filled with identical Taelons, so used was he to his friend's true form.
        Again he looked over the face beside him, as ever amazed and astounded by the alien's eyes. If she had eyelids, they were insubstantial enough to be unnoticeable in her natural state. When sleeping, her eyes' gentle, blue phosphorescent glow dimmed down until only a hint of the color remained. Her eyes - if you could truly call them that - became barely visible darkened patches on her face.
        Boone sighed. When those orbs were open, a human could lose themselves in their swirling, mesmerizing depths. To gaze into a Taelon's eyes was to catch a glimpse of eternity.
        For him to gaze into Da'an's own eyes... was to experience such absolute acceptance and unconditional love that he always ended up having to look away.
        He was not worthy of such a thing...
        Feeling an inexplicable sadness settle over him, he again looked Da'an over and found her to be a creature of absolute beauty, both inside and out.
        His own dark form beneath the covers caught his eye. How could he, in all his selfish, individualistic darkness ever be worthy of the bond they had forged? How could Da'an possibly see him as anything other that a violent, primitive animal? True, he had much to offer in the way of explaining his own species... but beyond that? What could this incredible being possibly see in him?
        Worse yet... he could not say why, but he feared that their relationship might eventually destroy his friend. That she had actually risked her very long life by leaving the commonality... and all for his sake! What else might Da'an end up doing in order to keep him safe? The risks were just too high. Da'an was the only person in the entire interspecies conflict whose life was indispensable!
        Boone anxiously chewed the inside of his lip as his thoughts turned back towards their current situation. Of what use was he to the resistance now that he was officially dead? What about Da'an? What was now their purpose? How could they be most useful?
        One thing was certain - there was no space down here to waste on extraneous personnel. If they couldn't prove their worth soon, they would have to leave...
        Just then, Da'an sighed and shifted slightly, drawing Boone's attention back to her.
        He wondered why was she sleeping... and doing so much of it. When he had been trapped within an infant body, he had noted the Taelon's peculiar new ability, but even then she had not slept more than twenty minutes at a time. Did this have something to do with the permanent regression Da'an had mentioned? If so, it would hardly seem to be worth becoming embarrassed about - and Da'an had certainly seemed to be very embarrassed about some aspect of her regression...
        His curiosity getting the better of him, Boone concentrated and began wandering into the portion of his mind which was also Da'an's. He was able to feel the Taelon's torment at the transformation and relive the moment she had known that he was back - and in danger. Blasting the doors to his old room apart had been simplicity itself...
        Boone moved through the string of memory until he arrived at the moment in time in which his restored friend had shown him her now active - and deadly Shaquarava. She had been embarrassed by his questions and had not told him that...
        <!> Boone withdrew quickly as the shock of his discovery washed over him. No wonder he had begun referring to Da'an in the feminine... She was still a Taelon... not truly female - not capable of bearing young in the way that human women could, but, thanks to her regression, she now possessed female form. Which meant that she and he...
        Slowly he inched backward on the bed until he was able to slip out from under the covers and quickly grabbing the only set of clothes he had available, left the room, headed for the shower down the corridor.
        His life had just become a whole lot more complicated...

        Da'an stirred and opened his eyes only moments after Boone's departure. Reaching out, he felt the mattress beside himself and found it was still warm, which meant that the human had only just arisen.
        Feeling for his friend mentally, he found that Boone had shut his thoughts away and was unwilling to allow him more than an acknowledgment of his whereabouts.
        He was taking a shower.
        Frustrated by the sudden exclusion and suspecting the cause of it, the ex-Companion sat up and rising himself, left the room, heading down the corridor in Boone's direction.

        It was nearly zero seven hundred hours, and she had a half hour before she needed to be at the embassy. Checking in with the sentry as she entered headquarters, Lili headed off to check in with Boone and grinned. Not only was he back, but he was the de facto Liberation leader, something which pleased her no end. There had been a time when she would have cringed at the thought, but all those months she had spent as his control had taught her much about the dangers of seeing things merely as either black or white...
        Walking toward the newer, rear section of the complex, she turned down the newest habitation corridor and stopped in her tracks as she noticed Da'an standing at the end of the hall, before the door to the shower room.
        "Good morning," she greeted him, as she approached.
        "Greetings, Captain."
        "I hope you had an uneventful night." Lili tried to keep a smirk off her face.
        "All was peaceful, however, I fear that this morning finds Boone strangely withdrawn."
        Lili noted the Taelon's rapidly fluttering fingers and realized that he was very anxious about something himself. "What are you doing out here anyway?" she asked.
        "Guarding the door while Boone showers."
        Lili's eyebrow shot way up. "Bet he's taking a cold one, too," she muttered to herself.
        "What has the temperature of a shower to do with anything?"
        She cringed. Da'an had not been meant to hear that! "Never mind. Look... I need to ask him a question. Any idea how long he'll be?"
        Da'an didn't hesitate for a second. "Boone wishes you to give him three minutes."
        Lili's amazement was clearly visible on her face and she shuffled her feet nervously as her curiosity got the best of her. "You and Boone can share information that quickly? How does that work?"
        "Later there will be time for explanations," he answered her. "William wishes to know what happened when you talked with Dr. Belman last night."
        "Let's just say that Jonathan Doors is sleeping peacefully in the infirmary following reimplantation with a new CVI and more importantly - an altered motivational imperative."
        "And Beckette? Liam?" Da'an asked.
        "Beckette's returned to her Companion," Lili related. Then she frowned. "I'm not sure where Liam's gone to..."
        The door to the shower room opened and Boone stepped out in a cloud of steam. "On your way out, ask around and see if anyone knows where our infant's got to." William frowned at her then. "By the way... I'll have you know that I don't take cold showers - I hate them..." he said, fixing her with an annoyed look. "Now what is it you need to ask me?"
        "Can we set the meeting for four thirty? I'm pretty sure that I can be available then..."
        Boone ran a hand through his damp hair and started off down the corridor. "I don't feel right holding the debriefing while Jonathan is out for the count. I think we owe it to him to wait until he's able to attend..."
        "Boone! Are you crazy?" Lili grabbed his arm, stopping his foreword momentum. "Now's your chance to take complete control of the organization! It's what everyone's hoping you'll do."
        The tall ex-policeman looked at Da'an before turning back to Lili. "It's not right. Jonathan has organized this movement. He's put everything into it and he lives a fugitive's life because of it. I have no doubt that when he awakens he'll be his OLD self. We owe it to him to wait and give him a chance."
        Lili rolled her eyes. "You really are a Boy Scout, you know that?"
        "So I've heard," he sighed, as he began walking again. "I'm going to check in with Belman and then we'll decide where to go from there. Let me know what Zo'or thinks of Nivian's hostage status as soon as you're able."
        "OK. I'm gone." Lili checked her global for messages and then patted Da'an on the shoulder before heading out.
         As soon as she had gone, Boone stopped. He and Da'an had drawn even with the doors to their new room. Without a word he gestured toward the doors and they both entered.
        "Why do you now exclude me from the majority of your thoughts?" The ex-companion asked immediately after the doors closed behind them. "How is it that such a small change in my form could create so large a change in our relationship?"
        Boone frowned. "Nothing's changed between us."
        Da'an's mouth tightened into a thin line, a sure sign of her disapproval. "You rarely succeeded in lying to me... before. Now such a feat is impossible... unless it is your own self you attempt to delude?"
        Moving forward, Boone reached out and gently gathered the Taelon to him. "We are NOT going to do this," he whispered, as he held her close. "No more verbal sparring. We know how we feel about each other. I DO love you, but... our relationship is now heading in a completely different direction, one which must be almost inconceivable to you. I'm not sure that either of us is ready for that... or that we should ever even go in that direction..."
        Da'an nodded as she clung tightly, relishing the contact. "Such a relationship with you is conceivable to me and desirable. It would fulfill your needs, serving to make our association less complicated and, in the human tradition, bind us more closely together."
        Alarms instantly went off in Boone's head. Was a physical relationship nothing more that a means to ensure his loyalty? Was that what was being said here? He must have mentally communicated some of his sudden displeasure to his friend, for she suddenly looked worriedly up at him.
        He carefully withdrew his arms and stepped back. "If this is so," he managed to ask in a normal tone of voice. "...then why were you so embarrassed by your new form yesterday?"
        Da'an confusion was evident as her fingers began moving rapidly. She looked at Boone strangely, but did not answer.
        "Come on. We need to see Belman," Boone said, ending the conversation. Turning, he made to leave the room, but Da'an held him back.
        "I fear that I have somehow missed something crucial in our conversation... or that you have misinterpreted what I have said." She moved to stand close by his right shoulder as she continued to hold onto his arm. "Open your thoughts to me. Let us share... that this may be quickly and painlessly resolved."
        He swallowed. "I'm afraid of what I may discover," he admitted.
        "And what might that be?"
        He sighed and held out his hand, palm outward to her. "I suppose that I have to face this sooner or later... "
        Giving him yet another puzzled look, the ex-Companion brought her palm up to meet his own and allowed him free access to her thoughts and memories.
        <"I sense your need to know... my feelings,"> Da'an's thoughts echoed in his mind. <"Come to me. Search them out...">
        Encouraged, Boone moved straight for a particular event of the proceeding day - the moment that they had kissed. Quickly he moved into his friend's memory and lived the experience - shared it - from her point of view.
        With a groan, Boone broke contact with Da'an and fled, leaving the flustered and disturbed renegade alone in the room.
        As he had feared... the moment had been a pleasant one for the Taelon - there was little doubt that she had enjoyed it, but there had been nothing else.
        No longing for anything more...
        No need...
        In other words - no desire.
        With a heavy heart, he set off in the direction of the infirmary.


         Zo'or sat frozen upon the chair in his audience room. his thoughts so dire, so dark, that they stirred throughout the commonality, distressing his fellow Taelons and robbing them of the peace they so desperately sought.
        He bolted upright as soon as Captain Marquette entered the room, startling her enough to halt her forward momentum.
        "Zo'or... " she nearly yelped. "Have you been here all night?"
        "And why would I not be?" he sneered, as he moved in close. "My..." He stopped himself and tilted his head as he fought for a more normal demeanor. "Nivian is in the hands of the liberation and so is my spy. As of this moment in time, she lives still, but that could easily change... should the virus be released." He peered closely at her. "Why do you persist in believing that I am incapable of loyalty... or affection? Would you not wait the night if it were Joshua Doors' life hanging in the balance?"
        "Doors?!" Lili's surprise was clearly evident on her face.
        "Do you deny that you and he took meals together on several occasions? That you accompanied him to the Presidential Gala several months past?" He circled her slowly. "Do you deny that you had a relationship with him?"
        She kept her eyes front. "Yes! I mean... I did date him a few times, but... that's as far as it went. Besides, he's a wanted criminal now, and beyond my reach."
        Zo'or stopped before her. "Then it is as I surmised," he said, apparently pleased with her answer. Turning, he stepped back up and took his chair. "Captain, I require Nivian. I require her alive and unharmed.  You must locate the facility from which she was taken and recreating her capture, trace her back to the Liberation headquarters."
        She looked down at her feet.
        "What is it? Are you incapable of putting your predecessor's techniques to use?"
        "William Boone was the expert at this type of assignment," she answered bitterly. "If you hadn't killed him, I'm sure that you'd have Nivian back already."
        "It would not have been so simple as giving that one a command to return her, Captain. Boone was a liberation spy and his motivational imperative was non-functional. Truly the Commander was an excellent actor, to have fooled you as well as the rest of us... Unless of course, you knew?"
        "Zo'or! You can't possibly think that..."
        He held out his hand to her. "Take my hand, Captain."
        "If it is as you say, you have nothing to fear. Take my hand."
        Swallowing hard, she began to reach towards him. How would she ever get out of this? Would she have to shoot herself to protect her secrets? She readied herself to pull her gun...



         Boone entered the infirmary to find Jonathan Doors strapped to a gurney in the center of the room. He was completely and profoundly unconscious. Dr. Julianne Belman roused herself from a state of near sleep and arose from her seat before the large computer screen to greet him.
        "Have you been up all night, Doc?" he asked, sympathetically.
        She stretched gingerly, as though her body had frozen in the most awkward of positions. "I really had no choice, after all, my relief is now a patient herself. Once Wanda's had her few hours rest, I'll take a nap."
        "What have you found out?"
        As she beckoned him to follow her to the gurney, Da'an entered the room. Giving him a quick, wounded look, she moved to join them next to Doors.
        Belman switched on the scanner and pointed to the full color display of Doors' head. "Want to guess what this is?" she asked as she pointed to an extra CVI component which shouldn't be there.
        Boone blew his breath out. "Yeah - Trouble."
        The doctor lifted an eyebrow at him. "Good guess. Want to guess how it got there?"
        "Park somehow managed to alter Doors' CVI. The question is; why did it take so long before we noticed? It wasn't until he was hit in the head that a personality change was noted."
        Belman nodded. "Now look at Park's scan." She changed the display, revealing that Park also had an extra CVI element.
        "Wait a minute..." Boone breathed. "You just reimplanted her..."
        "That I did."
        "I assume that you saw no sign of this them?"
        "That's right. This device - whatever it is - was not present at that time, sooo... will someone please tell me where it came from?"
        Boone's eyes were immediately drawn to Da'an, as he instinctively knew that the Taelon knew something. He realized with a start, as Da'an met his gaze, that he could pick up little from his friend. It was amazing how closed to each other their thoughts had suddenly become, but... perhaps that was for the best...
        "It would appear to be a third generation CVI," the pale alien said sadly.
        Belman frowned. "And what does that mean?"
        "Many of our Synod members worried that humans would quickly find a way to circumvent the motivational imperatives inherent in the CVI's," she explained. "Work was begun - in secret and aboard the home ship only - in which a newer, more efficient CVI was developed. It would appear that Park was one of the first test subjects. She in turn must have re-engineered Doors' own CVI with the upgrade program."
        Boone shook his head. "Upgrade program?"
        "A means by which those already possessing CVI's could be be upgraded to the new configuration through means of a simple injection..." He moved to stand beside the monitor and pointed to the unknown CVI component. "An entirely new cybervirus is incorporated within the host. It is originally undetectable and lies dormant until an anti-CVI virus is introduced. Then it is activated. All settings... all programing from the original CVI, including the motivational imperative, are saved. Once the host's replacement CVI is firmly generated, the old programing is restored, overriding any new directives. Lastly, this device is generated..."
        "What is it?" Boone asked, as his stomach began churning.
        "A fail safe," Da'an answered with a pained expression. "Should the CVI be tampered with in any way once it has appeared... the host will be killed, his mind utterly destroyed."
        "But, I had already altered Jonathan's MI when I reimplanted him following his faked death. The series three CVI should have restored him back to that programming!"
        "Ahh, but Zo'or is aware of Doors 'altered state'. I am certain that Park infected him with a very specific third generation CVI - one with an MI which is set with parameters specified by Zo'or himself..."
        Belman went pale. "My God! That means that Jonathan..." Quickly she covered her eyes with a hand and turned away.
        Boone pulled her against his side, offering her shelter as she struggled to regain her composure. "So Dr. Park was initially willing to deactivate the device she had hidden within Rayna, but then her third generation CVI restored her imperative, which is why she's now so uncooperative..."
        Da'an nodded. "I did not realize that the project had progressed this far..."
        "This dooms all implants to a life span of just two CVI's. Once the original breaks down and is replaced, this kicks in and a new replacement is impossible..." Belman moaned.
        "Is there any way at all to restore Doors or Park?" Boone asked his friend.
        The Taelon's expressive eyes gave the answer.
        "What about Zo'or?" Boone persisted. "Is there any chance that he had a counter virus developed?"
        "There is always that possibility, however... why would he wish to undo that which he has worked so hard to accomplish?"
        "What if we give him an incentive to develop a way to reverse this... offer him a trade? Say - Doors' and Park's restoration for Nivian's release?"
        Belman looked up then as both she and Da'an stared at him.


         As Lili's fingers began to brush up against Zo'or's, the Synod Leader felt a thrill run through him. He had long relished the chance to know her better...
        A flash lit the room.
        Marquette collapsed to the floor as Zo'or rose to his feet in shock. A human male stood before him in the room, his palms aglow.
        Hag'el's hybrid offspring!
        "How did you enter this place unchallenged?" he asked, automatically stalling for time in order to devise a plan of escape.
        "Who says I wasn't challenged?" he shot back.
        Zo'or readied himself to step down from his chair, but the hybrid raised his glowing palms in his direction.
        "Sit back down!" he ordered.
        The Synod Leader instantly complied, even as he mentally called out to his brethren for help.
        Kincaid approached the fallen attaché. "My business is with her, not you," he sneered. "Just stay where you are and I'll be out of your way in a moment."
        "What is the nature of your business with my attaché?" he risked asking.
        "I've been keeping an eye on her, watching her while she thought she was tracking me. I actually let her find me last night..."
        "And she tried to blackmail me!" Kincaid answered indignantly. "Either I turn myself in or she gets my mother transferred to moon base. I had to turn her down, so you can understand why I can't afford to allow her to live." He turned and fixed Zo'or with a piercing look. "Don't you even think of trying the same. If Beckette disappears, so will you. I promise you that even retreating to the home ship will not prevent me from finding you..."
        "I cannot simply allow you to kill my attaché..." he replied. In truth, he could not afford to lose Lili...
        "Don't tell me that you plan to challenge me?"
        "Actually," he managed to respond. "I have a much better offer to make you."
        Kincaid straightened up and put his hands on his hips. "And that is?"
        "Be my protector. Enter my service and you will have a purpose in life. We Companions shall no longer hunt you. In addition, you would be allowed to visit with your female parent when time allows."
        The hybrid cocked his head to one side and regarded him strangely.  "You would accept a Chimera/ Human hybrid as your chief protector? What is to prevent you from simply trapping me, turning me into a biology experiment?"
        He smiled. "The fact that you could easily vaporize me. Of course, if you were to do that, neither you nor your parents would ever be safe again..." He stood and this time the hybrid did allow him to step down. They were nearly nose to nose. "An association between us would be mutually beneficial... You would protect me, and in exchange, I would agree to guide you in the use of your abilities. You need a Taelon parent... now that Hag'el has joined the void... and I shall have the most efficient protector available..."
        Liam looked down at the fallen attaché and then back to Zo'or.
        "When do I start?" he asked.


        "Nivian. It's me, William Boone," he spoke softly as he approached the figure rocking slowly back and forth in the corner of what had once been a walk in utility room.
        She paused briefly in her rocking and actually looked at him, an action which gave him hope that they might be able to help her.
        "Boone..." she whispered, as she again looked away and began rocking herself. "Yes... I remember you. He hates you, you know... wants you dead. You and Da'an both..."
        He exchanged a quick look with Da'an, who had remained near the door.
        "I know that Zo'or doesn't like us," he said slowly, as if to a child. "...but, what about you? There was a time when you liked me, when you told me that you'd like to meet Da'an as well..."
        Nivian did not react. She merely kept up her endless rocking.
        Boone slowly took her hand and encouraged by her failure to withdraw it, spoke again. "Da'an is here, Nivian. She wanted to see you. Will you say hello?"
        Again Nivian stopped rocking, but this time she actually scanned the room until she saw the Taelon near the door. Wordlessly, she held out both arms to her. Da'an moved forward and kneeling before her, moved into her embrace.
        As soon as the Taelon's arms encircled her, Nivian started crying. It came out as a deep, mournful keening which went on for long minutes as Da'an patiently held her, her chin resting atop the deranged scientist's head.
        Finally, the crying slacked off.
        "Help me," Nivian pleaded in a hoarse, choking voice. "Help me, please! I'm so lost!"
        "Is there anything you can do?" Boone asked his friend.
        "I can but try..."
        Gently taking Nivian's hand in his own, Da'an carefully initiated a sharing as Boone looked on worriedly. The researcher became wide-eyed and let out a gasp as the Taelon's hand began to glow. As Boone looked on in amazement, she seemed to sit up straighter and her face once again became that of the intelligent woman he had met many months ago at the Research Facility.
        Da'an's sudden, soft whimper instantly drew Boone's worried eyes to her. She looked as though she were in pain!
        "Da'an!" He made to grasp the Taelon's other hand, but she gasped loudly and moved it away.
        "Do not join with me now. Zo'or must not learn of your existence!"
        "Zo'or! You mean that you're in communication with him?"
        Da'an nodded. "Through Nivian's link. Yes."
        "Are you all right?"
        She shook her head in the negative. "I cannot bear this..."
        Coming to a sudden decision, Boone grasped Nivian by the shoulders and hauled her away from Da'an, breaking their connection. Da'an sighed with relief as she placed her hands, palm down on the cool floor to steady herself.
        Boone ended up cradling Nivian in his arms. She was utterly still, completely slack, and he feared that perhaps they had done her more harm than good. "Da'an...?"
        "I am well." Moving closer, she lay a hand upon the doctor's forehead.
        With a start, Nivian awoke and stared at Boone, dumbfounded at being in his arms. Blushing brightly, she sat up and pushed him away. Then she noticed Da'an and froze.
        "Get out," she demanded, in a tired, pained voice.
        "Nivian, are you..." Boone began.
        "Just get out, Will. Please? I really don't want to see anyone right now..."
        He rose to his feet and offered Da'an a hand up.
        Together, they left the room as Nivian began to cry softly behind them.
        Once Boone had locked the door behind him, he turned back towards his friend. Da'an definitely looked... shook up. Reaching out, he pulled her against him. <"Are you going to be OK?"> he thought.
        <"I am already recovering.">
        <"What happened in there? Is Nivian restored?">
        <"I have filled the void within her mind with some memories... taken from Lili during our few sharings. It is enough to allow Nivian to function, however, she will still be... unstable...">
        <"And Zo'or?">
        Da'an slowly drew herself upright and gazed up at him. "He became aware of my presence within Nivian's mind. The link was very weak. He knows only that I aided her."
        Boone also switched to normal speech. "... which means that he knows that you're with us - that you've joined the Liberation..."
        As he pondered all the possible ramifications of that, a wave of dizziness swept over him. Boone clutched the chiseled rock of the wall to keep from falling even as one of Da'an's arms gripped his arm in an attempt to help stabilize him.
        "You must eat," the ex-Companion reminded him as Condor hissed balefully in agreement.


        Lili groaned and struggled to sit up only to have someone gently push her back down onto the... cot? Opening her eyes quickly, she found herself in one of the spare embassy guest rooms with both Zo'or and Liam hovering over her. At the sight of Liam, she let out an automatic gasp and began to scramble back away from the two.
        "Where am I? What happened?" she asked in honest confusion. As an afterthought she addressed Zo'or. "Are you all right?"
        The Synod leader actually smiled. "It is I who should be asking you that question, Captain. Please allow me to clarify what has occurred. Liam Kincaid was intent upon killing you for your threats against his parent, however, we have come to a mutually beneficial arrangement which allows for your continued existence..."
        "In other words, he offered me a job as his protector, which means that you owe him your life," Liam deadpanned.
        Lili's mouth dropped open as she turned to look first at Zo'or and then at Liam.
        "You need not thank me," the acting North American Companion added smugly. "You have so far proven yourself a worthy ally. I would not have you removed from my service so soon...
        Suddenly, the Taelon staggered and would have collapsed, had Liam not grasped him by the shoulders and steadied him.
        Lili sat up. "Zo'or! What's wrong?"
        "Da'an..." he breathed. "Da'an is with Nivian..." Pushing Liam away, he turned narrowed, icy eyes upon her. "He is now a part of the Liberation!"
        "What?! Are you certain?" Lili's head was really reeling now.
        "Of course!" he snapped at her.
        As the Marine struggled to rise to her feet, it was Liam who offered her a hand up. "Where are you going?" he asked. "You shouldn't be up and about yet."
        "I need to ready Zo'or's shuttle. He'll be wanted back aboard the home ship..."
        "Wait." Zo'or moved slowly toward the small window in the room and stared out over the city for a few moments before again turning to face his attaché. "We shall not share this information with the rest of the Synod. Is this understood?"
        Lili was beyond confused. "Yes," she answered automatically.
        At her confused and uncertain expression, Zo'or moved to stand close to her. "Da'an's viewpoints about the humans have continued to stir debate within the Taelon ruling party. His withdrawal from us served to sway another Synod member to his side. I cannot afford to have this information swaying any more of them..."
        "So what you're saying is that Da'an's complete and utter conviction that he is on the right path is causing even his opponents to doubt they're own stance," Liam said.
        "Yes. How much worse it would be if they learned that he had actually joined the Liberation..." Zo'or moved towards the door and exited the room as Liam winked at Lili and followed close behind.
        Lili rubbed her aching head and sighed. "It's gonna be a long day..."

        With his stomach rumbling dangerously, Boone marched down the main corridor as quickly as his long legs could take him. He was half way to the kitchen when he picked up Da'an's mental request that he slow so that she could catch up.
        He stopped and she caught up with four steps.
        "Sorry. I'm not used to being... accompanied anymore..." He made to move off again, but Da'an slid her hand in his and stopped him.  He looked back at her curiously and found her searching his face.
        "What did you see when we shared?" she asked.
        He hesitated, but she locked eyes with him and spoke into his mind. <"Tell me. Please,">
        He leaned close to her and placed his free hand on her cheek to help soften the blow. "It's what I didn't see..." he sighed.
        She blinked in confusion and distress. <"If I am lacking in some significant way... then you must tell me what it is...">
        He sighed, suddenly every bit as distressed as she. "Why?" he asked softly. "Can you change your own basic nature? For that's the only way in which you could remedy this." Again he brought his hand up and slid the backs of his fingers along her cheek. "I wouldn't have you do that for all the world..."
        Turning, he continued his trek toward the kitchen, gently leading his friend by the hand.
        Five minutes later, he was self-consciously scrambling himself some eggs and frying up some bacon as Da'an sat at one of the small kitchen tables. He could practically hear her mind frantically attempting to unravel the puzzle he had lain before her. Now and then he would feel those intense, blue eyes turn in his direction, as she studied him, looking for further explanation.
        Finally done cooking, he collected his dishes and moved to sit next to her, praying that she wouldn't ask him again...
        Just then Norm and Sarah entered the room. The Billingsley's had married only a few weeks past, or so they had told him at the meeting last night. Their presence in the kitchen instantly let him off the hook - for now anyway.
        "What'll it be today, Luv?" Norman asked, as Sarah took a seat at another table.
        "I think I fancy some bangers today - and eggs," she answered.
        Boone could almost feel the attraction between the pair and smiled indulgently at the way they were eating each other up with their eyes. He and Katie had been like that and the thrill had never worn off...
        With a sigh, he shook himself out of his melancholy mood and focused on his plate instead. Looking down at his own bacon and eggs, his mouth began watering in anticipation. It had been so long... and his last meal had been a few cold sandwiches. Before that, he had been chowing down on formula...."  He shuttered at the memory. Picking up his fork, he took a deep sniff, savoring the smell of the bacon, and then scooped up some eggs...

        Da'an watched as Boone savored the sight and smell of his food. Without hesitation, he placed his hand upon his friend's arm and concentrated as the fork disappeared into Boone's mouth.
        He felt the indescribable sensation of texture and taste as Boone slowly chewed, relishing the flavor.
        The experience of eating was surely an interesting and enjoyable one, but of more interest was Boone's emotional state. He was so thoroughly caught up in the sensation of eating his breakfast, that he didn't even seem to notice when Da'an delved deeper into his mind.
        Boone was more than enjoying his food...
        He seemed to also be... yearning for it? How could that be, when he was already eating it?
        "Here ya go, Luv. A cheese and mushroom omelet with bangers on the side." Norm placed the dish before Sarah.
        Da'an's attention was drawn to the couple as Sarah grasped Norm's shirt and hauled him closer.
        "Come here honey,' she said, right before their lips met in what turned into a spectacularly passionate display.
        The Taelon stared at them intently before realizing that he himself was being watched. Turning, he saw Boone's green eyes observing him, their pupils strangely dilated... and at the same time, he sensed the envy which consumed the human.
        In a flash of sudden insight, he knew what it was that Boone found lacking in him.
        He knew the word. He had read enough human literature to understand the concept. He had even had a fleeting feeling of the emotion the night that Zo'or and Nivian had...
        Lowering his eyes in pained comprehension, he stared at his knees.
        <"I understand..."> he thought to his friend.
        Boone reached across and gently squeezed his hand before turning to finish his meal.


        Sandoval left his room in the Dublin embassy and slowly made his way to the audience chamber. It was still very early - at least two hours before dawn, but sleep had once again eluded him. So long as he remained here, within Kha'rha's domain, it was easy to remain free of his motivational imperative. Kha'rha made no demands of him save that he aid Beckette in her daily duties.
        For the first time in many years he felt like a human being. He had done quite a bit of soul-searching and had found that he had too many regrets to allow him a peaceful night's sleep. Compounding matters was the fact that he still found Siobhan both attractive and desirable, but had serious reservations about becoming involved with her. Everyone he had ever cared for had suffered because of their link with him... Besides, Siobhan and Kha'rha... were something of an item and although each had led him to believe that he would be welcome in the relationship, he really didn't care for the idea of a menage-a-trois with this particular Companion and his protector...
        Taking a slow turn around the interior of the audience room, he came to a stop before the huge virtual glass windows and stared out at the beauty which was Dublin at night.
        What was he to do? Staying here was proving to be more painful than he could bear. Yes, he was away from Zo'or, but... Siobhan....
        Sighing in frustration, he decided to awaken her. If they could just talk about it...
        Quickly, he backtracked to the ramp which led to the Companion's living quarters and ascended it to the level of the first room - the one belonging to the Companion's attaché. After a pause in which he steeled his courage, he rapped quietly upon the portal and called her name...

        Kha'rha lifted his head from the pillow on his meditation mat and gently nudged Beckette. Overjoyed by her return to him, he had invited her to his chamber each night since and simply held her while she slept. He had quickly discovered that he craved these quiet, passive times with her, both for the honest conversation and the feel of having her so near.
        Never truly sleeping himself, he had immediately overheard Sandoval's soft call.
        "Siobhan..." he whispered near her ear.
        "Wha...?" she asked sleepily, as she rolled over to face him and cracked an eye open.
        This time Beckette clearly heard Sandoval call out to her.
        "Oh Lord! If he finds out I'm here with you he'll fly away back to Zo'or!" she panicked, as she rose to her feet.
        Kha'rha rose as well, but before either could move, they clearly heard the misplaced attaché's footsteps retreating back down the ramp.  "What has your sleeping here with me to do with him returning to Zo'or?" he asked curiously.
        Siobhan stared at him aghast. "Chalk it up to the fragile male ego," she snorted as she gathered together her shoes. Before heading for the door, she smiled at him. "Oh... and Love... You really do have so very much more to learn about human relationships," she chastised.
        He pulled her close and kissed her gently. "At least I am studious about Human-Taelon relationships," he countered, to her delight.


        "Has anyone heard back from Lili or Liam yet?" Boone bellowed across the main command center. Da'an stood silently near the wall and observed the proceedings, still not entirely sure of his welcome in this place.
        "No sir," one of the technicians answered. "We've....Wait a minute! Incoming call from Captain Marquette!"
        "Put it on the main screen." As Lili's bruised face appeared, Boone spoke quickly. "What's happened?"
        "I can't really talk now, but I've found Liam... or rather, he's found me. He's Zo'or's new protector!"
        There was a brief uproar in the control room as people began conferring in amazement.
        "Zo'or knows that Da'an is with the Liberation as well," Lili continued. "...but he refuses to pass the information on to the Synod!"
        "Lili. Meeting at sixteen hundred hours. Be there if you can," Boone rapped out. "And try to pass the word to wonder boy..."
        With a nod, she cut the transmission.
        Boone turned back to those assembled in the room.
        "I'm afraid that I have some bad news about Jonathan," he announced. "It seems that Dr. Park, under the influence of a CVI, managed to infect him with an upgraded version of his original - including the original MI."
        There was consternation all around and Boone was quickly drowned out by the sound of so many operatives asking questions all at once.
        "People! PEOPLE!" he bellowed out again, finally drawing their attention. He waited for the room to grow silent. "OK, look - We're going to do everything we can to get Jonathan back on his feet, but until that time, I will be running the show. By now you've all heard how it is that I'm still alive and amongst you. If anyone has reservations about my leading this movement, I'd like to hear them."
        There was silence in the room.
        "Do you mean to tell me that not one of you objects to me taking command?" he asked.
        The silence continued.
        "Very well. On to topic number two. As you all know, we've gained a new member, someone with a great deal to offer to this movement." He gestured to Da'an, who slowly move to join him. "Da'an will be passing her information on to us at today's meeting and I hope that by then not one of you will doubt her sincerity." He placed a hand on the Taelon's shoulder.
        "I am grateful for this opportunity to know you better," Da'an addressed them. "Long have I looked upon your race with respect and admiration, but I am in the minority amongst my own people. You must understand that we are not your enemy. Many amongst us feel as I do - that only through cooperative effort may both our races survive and flourish..." Da'an placed both hands over the place in her chest where a human's heart would be - were she human. "I humbly thank you for offering me shelter amongst you."
        "What about loyalty?" came one voice in the crowd.
        Boone immediately recognized Steven Yates and sighed. The man just loved to stir the pot...
        "If you were that willing to betray your own people, why should we trust you?" Steven continued as several others shook their heads in agreement.
        "My loyalty belongs not to the Taelons or the Humans," the ex-Companion spoke. "but to BOTH. Casualties on both sides are to be avoided. Acceptance must be won through understanding. The fate of all depends upon it..."
        There was silence in the room as one by one people began to nod and whisper their agreement. Boone stepped in quickly to wrap things up. "There is much more you all need to know - to hear. Then Da'an's words will resonate even more clearly, I promise you." Even as he spoke he could see that there were still those in the room who doubted the wisdom of allowing Da'an to remain.
        "OK. Impromptu meeting is over. I want to see all the team leaders at the meeting later on. No excuses!" he ordered.
        Slowly the crowd thinned out as those going off shift left and the others moved off to their individual areas or assignments. Boone turned toward Da'an and spoke mentally. <"That went about as well as could be expected."> he observed.
        <"Yes, however, I sensed several in the crowd who object to our association. They fear that I may influence you too strongly as you lead the movement...">
        Boone shrugged. <"Then we'll just have to show them that they're wrong..."> He picked up a flurry of doubt from his friend and changed the subject. "There are some things I need to do. Would you mind checking up on Dr. Park? See if you can reach her in any way?"
        "I do not know if I will be able to glean much from her... but I shall try..." With that, she turned and started back towards the infirmary.

        Da'an had gotten half way down the corridor which led to his goal when the human who had questioned his loyalty caught up with him. Swiveling around suddenly, he stopped in his tracks and confronted his pursuer.
        "Speak then of what troubles you," he invited.
        The man, Steven, reacted with surprise, which he quickly masked. "You. But you already know that," he responded. "I don't like the idea of you influencing the Commander. I don't like the idea of you replacing Katie in his affections AND I most definitely don't like to even think of the two of you being lovers..."
        "We are not..."
        "Save it!" he interrupted. "You shared a single room. That's more than enough to damn you. You're not human. Hell, you're not even female! Such a relationship is utterly sick and will ultimately cost Will his command." He leaned closer. "Believe me, people are already talking," he whispered.
        Da'an met Steven's gaze with an even one of his own. He had his pride and he would not allow the misguided human to intimidate him.
        Seeing that the alien wasn't about to respond, the resistance fighter continued. "I have no doubt that your presence will do this organization some good," he admitted, in a low tone. "I believe that you'll help us, if for no other reason than to keep your precious ex-implant safe. All I'm saying, is that I trust Will. I want him to remain in command... for all our sakes, but that isn't going to happen if he remains your little pet..."
        That said, Steven whipped around and disappeared back down the corridor.
        A deep blush covering his form, Da'an stood and watched him go with a troubled look upon his face.


        Peering down the ramp and finding no evidence of Sandoval's presence, Siobhan Beckette moved quickly down it and in the direction of Kha'rha's meditation garden. After a short while, she could re-enter the embassy and with luck, Ronald would believe that it was where she had been when he had sought her out...
        She made it half way to her destination when she heard the unmistakable sound of a shuttle leaving interdimension right next to the embassy.
        "What the hell?!" She broke into a run as she headed back up a ramp to the shuttle bay. As she rounded the corner, she met up with Sandoval, who was running in the same direction.
        "Beckette! Are you expecting anyone?" he asked.
        Together they entered the shuttle bay and, as one, dropped to a knee, lifting their skrills in tandem to point them at the newly arrived shuttle.
        Zo'or stepped out, apparently having made the shuttle trip by himself.
        The two implants exchanged a startled look before rising to their feet and moving to greet the visiting Companion.
        "Zo'or? What brings you unannounced to our abode?" Beckette asked respectfully. She expected a reprimand for her questioning and was surprised when it didn't come.
        "I am Eh'har," the Companion greeted them both. "It is imperative that I speak with Kha'rha - and quickly at that."
        "Eh'har," came a voice from the entranceway. Beckette looked behind her to see that Kha'rha had followed them to the shuttle bay. "Please enter and be at ease," he continued.
        The Pacific Companion quickly moved forward to join him and with no waste for further pleasantries, the two Taelons shared. When the quick exchange was over, Kha'rha turned towards Beckette. "We shall retire to my quarters," he announced, looking deeply troubled. "Please remain within the audience chamber with Sandoval until we join you... and do not answer any incoming calls."
         As the Taelons departed, Siobhan looked at Sandoval to find him equally alarmed by the Companions' behavior.
        "I'll bet anything that something major is going down," she commented.
        "No bet," he responded dryly.
        Looking at her watch, Lili fidgeted and prayed that Zo'or would let Liam out of his sight soon. It was already after twelve and she still hadn't had a chance to corner the hybrid, but when she did...
        Lili literally jumped about a foot and quickly turned to find that Zo'or and Liam had re-entered the audience chamber. Quickly, she snapped to attention, trying to keep her anger from showing. Her face hurt from where she had banged it on the floor earlier and the twin smirks visible on the Companion and his new protector really set her teeth on edge.
        "Yes Zo'or," she acknowledged the Synod leader.
        "It is your customary meal time, is it not?" At her nod, Zo'or continued. "Please take Liam with you that he might eat as well."
        Zo'or obviously misread the surprised expression on her face, for he narrowed his eyes and leaned in close. "You two are not to fight," he hissed. "I demand that you remain civil with each other, understood?"
        "Yes Zo'or," she replied, managing to sound sullen.
        After one more glare, the Taelon turned and climbed the ramp to his chamber.
        "Come on, let's go." Lili turned a dirty look on the hybrid and quickly led the way out.


        "Are you certain of this?" Kha'rha asked his guest as they sat facing each other on his meditation mat.
        "Yes. Zo'or is about to relieve me of my chair. My failure to pass crucial information on to him from his spy has undone me." Eh'har sighed and looked up at the blue sky visible in the chamber's virtual glass window. "I shall miss this planet... very much..."
        "Is there no way in which we might salvage this situation?"
        "Not without implicating another, and I'll not have someone else suffer for my actions. What I did was the only correct choice at the time. I do not regret it, but I do fear what awaits me aboard our home ship."
        "You realize that we cannot risk having our secrets revealed, Eh'har..." Kha'rha's expression was already one of mourning and loss.
        "Do not fear. I shall not allow such an event to occur."
        Silence filled the room then as they stared sorrowfully at each other for a time. Without a word, Eh'har offered both his hands palms outward to the English Companion. Kha'rha bowed his head, humbled by this final request, the bestowal of all Eh'har's knowledge and memory before his departure into the void. Slowly, he lifted his own hands so that their palms met Eh'har's.
        Within seconds, the room was bathed in a deep blue light as both Taelons lit up brightly.


        They settled on eating lunch at a popular Chinese restaurant. As soon as the waiter left the table, Lili leaned forward and spoke in a soft, but threatening tone. "Just what the hell do you think you're doing?" she hissed. "Do you have any idea of what you've done?"
        "Yeah. I saved your life and managed to get myself into a position similar to Boone's former one," he smirked.
        Lili steamed for a moment but then managed to get a hold of herself. "You DID save my life," she admitted, but the idea of delivering yourself into their hands... You're part Chimera. The Taelons hate them... "
        He shrugged off her concern. "Zo'or loves the idea of having a Chimera hybrid as his protector. None of his rivals could possibly surpass him as far as my protection goes. It's an ego thing."
        With a sigh, Lili poured herself some tea and changed the subject. "The Commander's called a meeting today at sixteen hundred. He really wants both of us to make it if possible..."
        They enjoyed a leisurely lunch, chit-chatting about safe subjects. Finally full, Lili rose and moved to the register to pay the bill while Liam headed for the men's room.
        She had just handed her money to the cashier when the woman waiting in line behind her stepped forward.
        "Lili Marquette" she asked, excitedly. "It is you! I'm so glad to have run into you!"
        Lili's mouth dropped open. It was Elyse Chapell!
        "Ms. Chapell..." she mumbled, trying to regain her composure.
        "Captain," the woman continued. "I really need to speak with you. Please, would you be kind enough to swing by my place sometime today?" She handed over a paper with her phone number and address on it.
        "What's this all about?
        "It's about William Boone."
        "He's dead!" Lili shot her a look designed to make her think she questioned her sanity.
        Elyse dropped her voice way down and leaned in close. "That's not what I've heard..." Turning, she threw her money down in front of the cashier and departed.
        Too shocked for words, Lili could do little but watch her go.


         Beckette and Sandoval turned away from the windows as the two Companions finally entered the audience chamber. Quickly, they moved to stand before them, ready to do their bidding if it should be required. It was with some surprise that they watched as Kha'rha moved to Beckette instead of his chair. Gently squeezing her shoulder, he spoke softly.
        "Prepare yourselves," he warned, as he moved to take his seat, only seconds before the data stream activated itself. The displayed figures at its base indicated that the transmission was going out to all Taelon Companions on Earth, as well as to the home ship.
        On it appeared Zo'or, with Liam by his side. It was all Siobhan could do to keep from groaning out her fear. Only a warning glance from Sandoval fortified her.
        "Liam Kincaid, hybrid offspring of the Chimera, Hag'el and a human female, is now my most trusted protector," the Synod Leader announced proudly as he indicated Liam with a gesture. "Of other note, Eh'har is immediately relieved of his duties as Pacific Companion. He shall report directly to the home ship to face interrogation by the Synod to determine the extent of his betrayal of us. A new Companion shall be posted at a future time..."
        With that, the transmission suddenly ceased.
        There was dead silence in the room, as both Beckette and Sandoval stared apprehensively at Kha'rha.
        "Approach me, Siobhan," Kha'rha asked, as he held out a hand to help her up.
        Sandoval watched with mixed emotions as the Companion initiated a sharing with his attaché. He was so engrossed, that he started when a hand came down on his shoulder.
        Eh'har stood beside him, offering him his palms.
        With a final glance back at Kha'rha and Beckette, he reached out to accept Eh'har's offer.
        Seconds later, both pairs broke apart and Sandoval found his eyes seeking out and then locking with Siobhan's.
        "My God...." they both breathed.

        "I have business aboard the home ship," Zo'or announced after cutting his transmission. "Marquette, cancel the rest of the day's audiences. You may both do as you will until the morrow. I shall summon you when I have returned."
        Lili bowed her head from her position outside of datastream range as Liam did the same. Respectfully, they remained where they were until Zo'or had exited the room, then Lili signaled Liam to follow her as she made her way to the windows.
        Together they waited until they saw Zo'or's shuttle zip out of the shuttle bay and into transdimension.
        "Let's go," Lili said. "We have a lot to share with the others!"


        Making his way to the infirmary, Boone entered to find Joshua standing beside the cot on which his father lay. He approached slowly and placed a hand on the younger Doors' shoulder.
        "I'm so sorry," he said. "You know that we'll do everything we can for him."
        "I know you will. I just can't help feeling that this might be the end of the line, though." Joshua shook his head. "He abandoned us - me and mom, long ago, but I've never stopped hoping that we might one day reconcile. Then I lost him to the Companions, death and the Liberation - in that order. Finally, when my own life is a ruin, I find myself thrown together with him down here." Joshua sighed. "I should have known that he'd find some way to elude me again..."
        Boone bit his lower lip. "Don't give up on him yet," he finally offered. "You know he's too mean to go down without a good fight."
        Joshua actually cracked a small smile then. "You're probably right," he admitted.
        The tall, acting Liberation Commander looked around then. "Have you seen Da'an?" he asked. He had been tied up with so many niggling little things which had to be resolved, that he hadn't noticed the time passing. It had been hours since he had last seen his friend and he couldn't help but feel a sudden concern for his well being.
        "He hasn't been here for a while," Joshua replied. "He had been trying to reason with Park, but she threw just about every insult she could at him and he eventually gave up."
        Boone nodded. "Thanks anyway."  Slowly, he backtracked down the corridor, then came to a stop and shook his head, cursing his own stupidity. He was linked with his friend. All he had to do was open his mind to her...
        He was shocked by the intensity of Da'an's feeling of relief when their minds touched again.
        <"What are you up to?"> he thought.
        <"I have been in my quarters meditating,"> came the reply.
        <"Your quarters?">
        <"Right next to your own.">
        He was already in motion, turning down a side corridor and backtracking down the new habitation area. Entering the room on the far side of his own, he found Da'an seated upon an old futon on the floor. The room had no other furnitings but that of an old, beat up table lamp which was placed on the floor near the futon.
        "Why?" Boone breathed, as he indicated the room with a sweep of his arm.
        "The others do not approve of our... living arrangements," Da'an answered, meeting his eyes unwaveringly with her own. "It is best that we not endanger your current position by reminding them of our close ties. They fear that I may be influencing you too much as it is."
        He joined his friend on the futon and frowned at how lumpy and uncomfortable it was. "You can't live like this," he began, only to be interrupted.
        "I assure you that I can. This is all I require."
        "What about sustenance? You need energy and we have not even begun to set up an energy stream for you," he pointed out, worried for his friend's health.
        "I shall survive without it, even as Ma'el did," she countered.
        Boone was not completely convinced, but decided to let the subject drop. "OK, but tomorrow we're going to go out and buy you a few essentials," he insisted.
        "I look forward to such an excursion."
        "Are you all right? Really?"
        "I shall be, so long as you do not completely close your mind to me," she replied, her eyes holding his own.
        Boone reached out and drew her close. They remained like that for some time, fortifying each other for the debriefing which approached.
        "Sir?" Came the voice of their security chief over Boone's headset.
        "What is it, Vince?"
        "Captain Marquette and Liam have entered the church."
        "Thanks. I'll be right there," Boone answered, as his eyes met Da'an's. "Looks like it's time to go back to work."
        I shall accompany you..."

        A short while later, they met Lili and Liam in the control room, where, aware of all the eyes watching them, Boone suggested that they move to Doors' office. Once there, Lili quickly filled them in on the events which had occurred at the embassy.
        "I fear for Eh'har's life," Da'an said softly, as Lili wrapped up her account. "For Zo'or to turn upon his sibling... even I did not not foresee him capable of this..."
        Boone, who was seated behind Doors' desk, rubbed his face and leaned back. "I don't believe that there's anything we can do for Eh'har at this point," he admitted. "Unless you have a suggestion?" he asked the renegade.
        "There is nothing we may do," Da'an responded. "I feel certain that Eh'har will join the void before the Synod can question him. It is in his nature to protect those he cares for. I ask only that he be remembered for his sacrifice."
        For a time they all sat in silence, but then Boone checked his watch.
        "We need to go out. It's about time for the meeting," he announced, rising and shepherding everyone for the door..
        Lili caught him as he was about to pass her.
        Sensing that she was having trouble telling him something, he moved closer. "Go on..." he urged her.
        She took a deep breath. "I ran into Elyse Chapell this afternoon..."
        Boone looked as though he had been slapped.
        "Somehow she knows you're still alive," she continued. "She wanted to meet with me later today. Do you think I should..."
        "You'd better find out what she knows," he answered, having apparently recovered from the shock.
        As he moved off toward the conference table, Lili saw Da'an standing off to the side watching her.
        It was apparent that the Taelon had heard their exchange.


        Beckette stood with Kha'rha within his chambers and shook her head at the enormity of what she had learned from him.
        "A Taelon Underground?" she whispered. "You orchestrated the formation of an underground?"
        "Even as I showed you," he replied. He was standing directly behind her at the windows, his hands upon her shoulders.
        "How many?"
        "There are twenty one of us."
        "Twenty one out of a total of sixty nine remaining Taelon visitors. A significant number..." she whispered. "How many are Companions?"
        "Fifteen. We who have had close contact with your race have quickly learned that human beings are not to be dominated or sacrificed that our race might live... Two of our number are actual Synod members as well, with the rest being scientists."
        "You tell me that Da'an does not know of this movement... How could you possibly have kept such a thing from him? Why would you keep it from him?"
        "As the most vocal defender of your people, it was Da'an himself who unknowingly made our organization possible. His words, his arguments galvanized us to seek out others with like thoughts as ourselves. We wished for nothing more than to have him as our spokesman, however... the very outspoken views and ideas about humanity which brought us together also marked him as a potential weak point in our movement. It is he whom the Synod would question first, if they caught wind of us. We felt it best to protect him and our interests by keeping our existence from him. Now that he has gone out among the humans, there is a chance that he will be able to unite us with them. If he survives, we shall reveal ourselves to the human resistance through him..."
        "Eh'har and Dro'vha, together with some of your other members, developed the new CVI's..."
        Again Siobhan shook her head in amazement.
        "Eh'har and Dro'vha orchestrated the minute changes in the new CVI series which would allow members of our group to set their recipients free of any and all motivational control. Zo'or and the others are unaware of the altered programming. With but a verbal command, Companions may free their implants from control, thereby allowing them more freedom in working... outside the Taelon agenda."
        "Are you sure that they work?"
        "Sandoval is living proof."
        Beckette turned then and stared hard at the glowing eyes of her Taelon love. "When?" she breathed.
        "He unknowingly received the injection before Boone's death. I spoke the phrase which activated the new program."
        Beckette laughed. "So those words are really useless without the new CVI!" Suddenly beside herself with joy, she flung her arms around Kha'rha and held on tightly. "You set him free because you thought me dead. You wanted to do something I would have approved of..." she whispered.
        "Yes,' he said near her ear. "Imagine my chagrin when you turned up alive. Now I must put up with you following him about like a love sick cow."
        She leaned back and stared up at him with large, innocent eyes. "Never!" she lied. Then her brows drew together. "Cow? Why you..."
        Letting out the first laugh she had ever heard him make, Kha'rha pulled her close and kissed her. When they finally parted, his eyes were very serious as he gazed intently at her. "It matters not. I am content so long as you remain with me."
        She was shaken to the core by the love she felt emanating from him. "I can live without Ronald," she admitted. "but never without you..."
        "Go to him now. You know what must be done. In truth, he already knows it as well... I shall return to you once my business upon the home ship is concluded."
        Reluctantly, she stepped away from him and headed for the door.


         "So what you're telling us, is that Zo'or advocates the enslavement and bioengineering of our entire race?" Steven asked, horrified.
        "That is correct." Da'an reached out and grasping Boone's arm, raised it so that the skrill was clearly visible. "This creature - the Skrill, is all that is left of it's once semi intelligent species. Many of my people believed them to be sentient, but the majority found it easy to overlook that possibility in the face of our need. It is now nothing more than a living weapon... one which sometimes dreams that it was once much more than that..."
        As if on cue, Condor lit faintly and hissed.
        "What has it communicated to you?" Da'an asked.
        "It's upset," Boone related. "but I can't tell precisely why..."
        "This then is the fate which awaits the human race if we cannot work together and find a way to convince my people that you are much more than just another intelligent race," Da'an warned.
        "A few well placed nukes ought to convince them," one of the younger members muttered.
        Da'an moved to stand before him and placed a hand upon his shoulder. "The power we weild is such that you could not hope drive us away. Would you prove to the minority of Taelons who respect you that you are not deserving of such respect? Would you prove to them that Zo'or is correct, that humanity will destroy itself in the long run in any case - that it is best to turn your rage to our advantage that we might live?"
        The man shook his head slowly and turned his eyes toward the floor. After a pause, Da'an raised her hand to gently touch his cheek. "Peace, Jared. All is well. I sense that you would not do such a thing," she said softly, before moving back to Boone's side.
        It was evident to Boone, from the look in the man's eyes, that Da'an had just won herself a supporter. She had the power to convey that kind of absolute sincerity with a touch and a look.
        "Our only hope is to convince my people that humanity is our spiritual otherself. Only through a joining between our races, may a new race emerge - one which can defeat the Jaridians and ensure the continued existance of the best elements of both of us."
        Sarah, one of the communications experts, moved forward. "How are you going to prove that your ideas about a hybrid race are correct?  I doubt that you're going to find many of us willing to birth such a hybrid on the off chance you're right!"
        "Such hybrids already exist," Boone announced. "You all remember the Taelon teleportation fiasco?"
        Steven interupted him. "I was getting to that," he sneered, before turning to address Da'an. "If the Synod believes that Zo'or is right, why did they allow such an attrocity?"
        "The hybrid project was meant to provide a new working crew for the home ship," Da'an admitted, as his fingers began twitching rapidly, a sure sign that he was agitated. "The secondary purpose to their creation was to prove me wrong. Zo'or saw to it that they would have little free will once they had matured. He re-engineered them at their births to be incapable of independent thought."
        There was silence in the room for a moment before Boone picked up the story. "Fortunately, Da'an, along with another sympathetic Taelon, managed to free several dozen women BEFORE they birthed their offspring. He provided them with new identities so that they could raise their children in safety. Those children ARE the beginnings of our future."
        "When the time is right, they shall confront their Taelon parents," Da'an announced. Those Taelons will be forced to admit the truth - that re-engineering humanity is not the correct option. However... before this may occur, we must gain more support among my people... and your own."
        "AND we have to discredit Zo'or," Boone added.
        "Da'an?" Dr. Belman got the alien's attention from her place near one of the main consoles. "Is such reproducion between a Taelon and a Human limited to a human being of the female gender?"
        Da'an shot Boone a quick look, catching his startled appearance. "It is possible for a Taelon to begin a new life with a male human, however, being energy based creatures, we ourselves are unable to gestate such a hybrid infant. It would require that the fetus be quickly transfered to a human female, that it might gestate to a viable age. It is simply easier for a Taelon to pair up with a female with regard to reproduction."
        "OK, I think we've covered enough of that for the time being," Boone declared. "We need to talk about Doors and Dr. Park." Seeing that he had everyone's attention, he continued. "Dr. Park somehow fell into Zo'or's hands and was implanted with an upgraded CVI, a third generation CVI, if you will... She in turn managed to somehow inject Jonathan with such a CVI, but one which had been  programmed especially for him. It restored his motivational imperative back to what it was when he worked with the Taelons. Complicating matters, this particular generation of CVI cannot be tampered with. If we try to alter it or it's motivational imperative in any way, Doors and Park will die."
        "What can we do?" one person was heard to ask at the same time that another said, "They have to be considered casualties..."
        "Hey! I won't listen to that kind of talk!" Boone snapped. "We are not going to give up on them!" Pausing to make certain that his words had sunk in, he continued. "We do have an option left. It has both advantages and drawbacks, so it'll be put to a vote... We can offer Dr. Nivian Ibraham back to Zo'or in exchange for a means to restore Doors and Park."
        That set off an uproar, with members suddenly turning to each other and loudly debating the wisdom of such a manuver.
        "Nivian's our ace in the hole." Steven yelled to be heard. "So long as we have her, Zo'or wouldn't dare strike at us. We can't afford to give her up!"
        Boone nodded. "You've just stated the biggest drawback to the trade, but three lives are at stake here... including Nivian's." The noise in the room quieted down, as the liberation members turned their attention to their acting commander. "We cannot keep Doors and Park locked up for the rest of their lives, nor could we ever let them leave here while their MI's are active. Would you condemn them to spending maybe three years in prison and then dying a protracted, painful death from CVI burnout? As for Ibraham, I've seen her and I can tell you that she is in her own private hell. Who are we to keep her there when Zo'or holds the key to restoring her?"
        "But she willingly chose him!" someone shouted. "In a way, she did this to herself. Why are we obligated to risk ourselves for her?"
        Boone stared at the woman, aghast. "I hope that you don't mean that," he said. "Are you telling me that we are not our brother's keeper? Why are we here then? What is our purpose - to save only ourselves?" His anger building, Boone paused and visibly struggled for control. "Let me tell you something. Nivina didn't choose to fall in love with Zo'or. I know. I met her when her relationship with him was just beginning and she fought it! None of us has a choice when it comes to that. It just happens. Nivian Ibraham is one of the finest people I've ever met and we owe it to her as well as to Doors and Park, to restore their quality of life."
        Lili stepped forward then. "I'm with Boone. Nivian can't betray our whereabouts, we've made sure that she has no idea where we are. The only people she's seen without a surgical mask covering their faces, are Boone and Da'an. Giving her back to Zo'or will not only restore her, but her presence is bound to have a positive influence on him. The benifits of the trade far outweigh the risks!"
        "Three lives saved, or three lives lost. The decision is up to you," Boone said. "Remember, before you make your decision, that one day it could be you locked away in that room... or someone you love. Forcing the developement of an 'antidote' to the series three CVI's is a necessity!"
        "What happens if we restore Doors?" someone asked.
        Boone looked puzzled. "I'm not certain that I understand the question."
        "Who will be in charge?"
        "Remember that we hope to have him completely freed of any motivational imperative," Boone answered. "He's bound to be quite different than he is now. If the majority calls for it, there can be a vote to determine command."
        The man nodded. "That's all I needed to know."
        "OK everyone. You all know where the terminals are. Enter your votes and any comments you'd like to make." Boone pointed toward the back of the room. "Augur, who has finally decided to grace us with his presence, will release the results once all the votes are in."
        That said, Boone retreated back to the relative safety of Doors' office, with Lili, Augur, Liam and Da'an in tow.



        "We are already cognizant of the severity of the incident which has cost Eh'har his chair," Gho'an said, cutting off Zo'or's explanation. "Protocol was breached when you relieved him of his position before first consulting with us."
        "In truth, many of us have been concerned by this incident," another Synod member added. "You would do well to remember that we may elect a new Synod leader should our present one prove ineffective. Gho'an himself is a likely candidate now that Da'an has fled us."
        Zo'or worked hard to retain his composure as Gho'an turned a predatory look upon him. He could feel the Synod member's ambition. He quickly swallowed his pride. "I am humbled by this correction," he said with his head bowed. "I shall take care not to overstep my authority in the future."
        "That is most wise," Kha'rha responded. After a brief pause, he changed the subject. "We have looked into your thoughts and we agree that Eh'har is most certainly responsible for the failure of your latest efforts to destroy Jonathan Doors' organized Liberation movement. He shall remain in our care that we may question him fully. The Synod as a WHOLE shall then decide his fate..."
        "Let us now commune that we might choose a suitable replacement as our Pacific Companion," Gho'an said.
        A heated mental debate quickly ensued, with two clearly defined factions emerging to argue for their own particular candidate. For long moments, neither made headway, but then Kha'rha suggested a third party - a particular Taelon who was new to their group and, as yet, unclaimed by either faction..."
        "Very well," Zo'or spoke. "We are now in agreement. "Dro'vha shall be our new Pacific Companion, effective immediately. I shall return to the main chamber and make the formal announcement..."
        The business at hand concluded, he left the room.

        Not ten minutes later, two human implants sent to escort Eh'har from his chamber to the Synod meeting room, watched in startled disbelief as Eh'har's essence escaped to the void mere seconds after they entered his presence.


        "When do you two have to be back?" Boone asked Liam and Lili as he offered each a drink Doors' private stock.
        "It's hard to say... He seemed to indicate that he might be gone a long while," Liam answered.
        "In any event, he'll global us when the time comes," Lili added.
        Boone was about to take a sip from his own glass, when he felt Da'an's sudden distress. A quick glance showed that the Taelon was beginning to crumble. Quickly thrusting his glass at Augur, he took three huge strides across the office and managed to somehow snag her as her legs gave out.
        Supporting her awkwardly against himself, he called out to her and shook her gently, but she seemed completely lost in a world of her own, turning her head first one way and then the other as she lost control of her appearance.
        "What's wrong?" Lili asked, alarmed, as Augur stood next to her, an equally frightened look on his face.
        Liam wore a compassionate expression, which implied that he knew what Boone knew.
        "Eh'har has joined the void," Boone told his human friends, before turning his attention back to Da'an. "Would you all give us some time alone?" he barely heard them leave the room, as sinking down to the floor, he held Da'an close and relived his friend's memories of Eh'har with him...



        Siobhan eventually found Sandoval in his chamber, packing his things. She watched from the open doorway for a moment before slowly entering. "Ye'll be going then?"
        He zipped up a garment bag that looked about to burst with the number of suits it contained and then straightened up and met her eyes. "I think we both know that I should, especially in light of the knowledge that I once again have complete control of myself. So long as I'm there, Zo'or is going to give me his dirty work, which gives us a chance to minimize the damage..."
        "Will you hook up with your old comrades?"
        "Who? The FBI?" He waved that idea away with a hand. " Are you kidding? The Taelons OWN them!" Turning, he moved back to the bed and began shoving the rest of his things in a suitcase.
        "Sandoval... Ronald... I want you to know right now that I have no overwhelming desire to destroy the Liberation. When I told you that I suspected Lili marquette, it was because I had been given a specific job to do for Zo'or..."
        Sandoval looked confused. "I've wondered about that. You tell me that you've had free will almost from the beginning. Why would you have gone to such trouble to expose the LIberation?"
        "At the time, I thought that Kha'rha was a typical Taelon - that he agreed with his people's policies, even if he did care for me." She lowered her eyes, apparently ashamed of herself. "I would have done anything to advance his standing with the Synod and make him proud of me..."
        "Even if it meant destroying the Liberation..." Sandoval continued folding and packing his things, his back still to her as he tried to remain nonjudgmental. "I'm the last person in all the world to judge you," he whispered. "Anyway, I know how it is to care for a Companion... how desperately you wish to please them..."
        She silently moved forward to stand directly behind him and embracing him, leaned her head against his shoulder blade. "Will you be OK?" she whispered.
        He covered her hands, where they met at his waist, with his own. "Aren't I always?" he asked sadly.
        She turned him to face her and moved her arms up to encircle his neck. "If you need to talk to someone who understands..."
        "I promise that you'll be that someone..." Leaning forward, he kissed her tenderly. "I promise that I'll look out for Liam, too," he whispered, as the kiss ended. "I look forward to getting to know him..."
        "Then... you know?"
        "Yes. Zo'or told me his suspicions about Hag'el and you. Somehow I knew he was right - that Hag'el wore my form when he seduced you..."
        It was almost too much for her. Tears began to slip from her eyes as she struggled for composure.
        "Hey... Hey...." Sandoval chided softly. "It's all right. I understand how difficult it must have been for you."
        "No, that's not it..." she sniffed. "I just wish that you and I... but..."
        "I understand about that, too," he replied. "I know how you feel about your Companion. I once cared deeply for mine as well..." He swallowed hard and shook his head. "I just can't force you to choose and I can't become a part of what you both already have. I hope you understand..."
        She nodded, sniffed again and slowly moved away from him. "Come on then, I'll help you carry your things to the shuttle. We wouldn't want all these suits throwing your back out..."
        With a small smile, he snorted and reached for the rest of his things.



        Lili knocked loudly on the door to Elyse Chapel's apartment before stepping back a pace and listening carefully. When she didn't hear any approaching footsteps on the other side, she turned and made as if to walk away...
        ... And heard the lock being released.
        She suppressed a smirk. She had known that the spy had snuck to the peephole and was observing her... Turning, she faced the woman as the door swung open.
        "Captain," Elyse greeted her. "Please come in."
        Lili moved past her and waited two beats after the door was locked. "Ok, What is it that you needed to say, because you know, my time isn't exactly my own..."
        Elyse gave her a measuring look. "It must be difficult juggling both the Companions and the Liberation. I am still amazed that William was able to do so for so long - and so well..."
        "You've obviously been smoking some seriously strange stuff..." Lili said, indignantly. Inside she was one huge knot. How had Elyse learned the truth and could she get out of this without killing her? Or... was she now being tested?"
        "Relax, Captain. I no longer work for the Companions. I meant it when I told William that he was my third assignment and my last..."
        "Surely, you don't expect me to trust anything you might say! What is it that you want?"
        Elyse walked to the window and gazed out at the darkening sky. Already, Washington was lighting up as the street lights began to glow and the cars switched on their headlights. "After I left Washington, I managed to hook up with a Liberation wing in New York. It took a while, but I finally convinced them that I had a lot to offer them in the way of information. My anger at what I had been... cajoled into doing helped them to trust me." She turned around to face Lili again. "I was stunned to discover that you and William were two of the organization's top operatives. You have no idea how badly I wanted to contact him - to tell him that I had made good on my promise... but, I knew it would take time before my loyalties were no longer doubted..."
        "Then I heard that he had been killed..."
        "And now that the word went out that he's still alive, you come crawling out of the woodwork in the hopes of seeing him again," Lili spat.
        "All I want, is for you to look up my records with the NYC wing. Show him. Tell him that if he tells me to never contact him again, that I won't, but he HAS to tell me in person... I think that I at least deserve a chance to try to put things right between us..."
        "Elyse... He already has a love..." Lili broke the news in the hopes of discouraging her.
        The woman looked flustered for all of three seconds. "I don't care! He and I still have not resolved our relationship!"
        "What relationship?" Lili sneered at her. "You used him, he figured out what was going on and walked away. End of story!"
        "That is not your decision to make," Elyse snapped. "You know that you're obligated to carry my message to him." She walked to the door and opening it, indicated that Lili should leave. "Tell him that I'll be waiting..."
        Angry at the woman's stubborn refusal to bow out semi-gracefully, Lili marched out and was nearly hit in the rear by the door when Elyse slammed it.



         Boone exited Da'an's room to find Lili waiting out in the corridor for him.
        "How is she?" the Marine asked.
        "She'll be all right... in time," he sighed. "You know, Eh'har was Da'an's last close childhood friend. Following right on the heels of Quo'on's death, this has just been very hard for her to accept."
        Lili sighed. "She must truly feel isolated now..."
        Boone steered her in the direction of the control room. "What happened with Elyse?"
        "She said to tell you that she kept her word. She broke it off with the Companions and moved to New York City, where she joined the local Liberation branch. I've already checked up on it - she's telling the truth. As soon as she got our announcement that you were still alive, she started looking for me."
        "And she just happened to run into you in a Chinese restaurant?"
        Lili shrugged. "I hate to say this, but stranger things have happened..."
        Boone snorted. "What else?"
        "She says that you owe her the chance to resolve what happened between the two of you. If you don't want her to ever contact you again, show up at her apartment and tell her so to her face."
        Grabbing his headset of a nearby console, Boone put it on. Elyse was right - he did owe her some sort of closure... Still, he found the idea of seeing her again terrifying. He still retained all of the altered memories of their fictional life together and he'd just as soon let them fade away...
        "I'll have to think about it," he told Lili. "Thanks for going. I owe you."
        "Don't you always?" she smirked at him, just before turning to walk away. "I'm going home. See you tomorrow."
        Boone watched her go and then headed in Augur's direction.


        Liam waited until he saw that Boone was deeply engrossed in a conversation with Augur before making his way to Da'an's new chambers. He hadn't had the opportunity to spend any time with the Taelon since Boone's return and was determined to do so now.
        Funny how relieved he had been to hear that Da'an and Boone wouldn't be sharing quarters after all... What difference did such a thing make anyway?
        Placing a hand against the door, he concentrated and was rewarded a few seconds later with a faintly heard, "Enter... please."
        He did just that, to find Da'an curled up comfortably in the oversized chair which had recently been in Boone's room. She was wrapped in a blanket and had a weary look about her.
        Without a word, he offered her his hands, but she shook her head and refused to take them. "I am not in need," she said.
        "I can feel that you are." He dropped his hands and knelt beside the chair. "He pushes you away. He'll never accept you fully..."
        Da'an's face instantly became colder as the Taelon refused to hear such criticism of her chosen mate. "Boone and I are two very different beings," she explained slowly, as though to a slow student. "Though I am used to and comfortable with full mental communication, he expects to retain some privacy. It is only natural that we struggle through a period of adjustment, that we slowly define the boundaries of this union."
        "Yet you haven't told him that you require the energy which only physical contact provides."
        "He must not know." Da'an blushed and then regained control of herself. "What happens between us must be of his choosing. He must not think that he has no choice but to hold me to him..."
        Liam smirked. "I suppose, but if you ask me, he does appear to be a bit dense..."
        "I did NOT ask you," Da'an's tone instantly conveyed to Liam that he had overstepped the boundaries of their relationship. "You are my student, however, William Boone is my other. Your jealousy of him is unseemly."
        He bowed his head. "I'm sorry."
        Da'an reached out to stroke his hair. "I appreciate your offer, Liam, but I am not yet in a critical state. Only then will I obtain energy from someone other than Boone."
        "Is there any way in which I can bring you the technology which will allow the construction of an energy stream?"
        She shook her head. "It is far too risky, most especially in light of Eh'har's exposure. The Synod will be wary, watchful of anything out of the ordinary..."

         Liam reluctantly left Da'an's room a few minutes later to find that Boone was returning up the corridor in his direction. They both froze in place for a moment and stared at each other. Then Liam slowly moved forward to greet Boone.
        "I was just checking up on her," he explained. "You know that I can't help but worry..."
        Boone nodded. "That's understandable. Look... I never got the chance to tell you, but thanks for watching out for her while I was... indisposed."
        With a nod, Liam smiled and moved back towards the control room, relieved that things were apparently going to remain amicable between him and the ex police chief.
        He would be crashing at Augur's place tonight, but tomorrow Lili had promised to help him find an apartment. Now that he was a Companion protector, the Taelons were paying for his upkeep.
        He found it amusing that they were paying him to work for the Liberation and decided that he and Boone would probably have a great deal in common before this was all over.
        He promised himself to chat with him about it sometime soon.



        The following morning was crisp and overcast. The majority of the trees were now devoid of their leaves and a fine frost coated both the grass and the window panes. As nine thirty approached, the sun's rays finally began to bring some warmth to the earth, banishing the frost, but a cold breeze kicked up and shoed no sign of stopping anytime soon.
        Winter had definitely arrived in Washington.
        "What'll you have?" the waitress asked the good looking couple at table four, completely oblivious to the illusion which cloaked them.
        "I'll have two eggs, over easy, a side of bacon and the hash browns," Boone replied. "...And coffee. Lots of coffee."
        "And what will you have today?" the waitress asked the woman next to him.
        "A poached egg and some water please."
        Boone stared at her in amazement.
        "Do you want the egg on toast or on a muffin?" Their waitress asked.
        Da'an merely stared at Boone, who replied for her. "She'll have that on toast."
        "OK. I'll be right back with the coffee."
        Boone waited until she was gone before addressing his friend. "You handled that very well," he drawled.
        Da'an shrugged. She once again had taken on the appearance she had once used to break him out of a Taelon trap. With her pale skin, long, dark brown hair and green eyes, she made a very attractive woman and Boone found it more and more difficult to believe that it was nothing more than an illusion, despite the fact that his own reflection in the restaurant window was false. He stared at himself for a moment, still surprised every time he saw his new image. He was his usual height, but his features were less rugged, a bit more subtle and his hair was a nondescript medium brown. Strangely, his eyes looked very blue against a darker complexion than his own natural one.
        A moment later, the waitress returned with a carafe of coffee and a glass of water. Boone was in the middle of adding sugar to his cup, when he saw Da'an slowly lift her glass and sip from it.
        He froze in shock.
        "Can you do that?!" he asked, after she had set the glass back down.
        "It would appear so." Da'an stared at him. "I have recently been feeling strangely and had begun to wonder if perhaps I was thirsty..." She leaned closer and lower her voice even more. "Since my regression, I have been experiencing many strange sensations, but it was not until this morning, when I was unable to simply phase into my suit, that I realized what was occurring... I believe that I am comprised of far more matter than I previously was..."
        "Are you going to be all right?" he asked, instantly alarmed.
        She nodded. "I do not believe that I will undergo any further change. I feel that my form somehow stabilized itself this morning."
        "...But now that this has happened, you need to meet some basic matter-based requirements..."
        "Yes. I think so."
        "You're going to try to eat that egg, aren't you?"
        "I believe so."
        Boone added milk to his coffee and downed the first cup quickly as he tried to come to terms with this new development.

        "What are you doing here?' Zo'or asked as he exited his shuttle in the shuttle bay.
        Sandoval bowed and greeted him with the proper hand gesture before speaking. "I was sent back to you by Kha'rha," he replied. "I fear that he found my presence too distracting to his relationship with Beckette."
        Zo'or frowned slightly as he headed toward his audience chamber with Sandoval falling into step behind him.
        "I'll have you know that I have a new protector..."
        "May I ask who?"
        Zo'or stopped and spun to face him. Sandoval could tell that he was attempting to hide his amusement.
        "None other that Liam Kincaid himself," Zo'or replied with a small smile.
        Sandoval did his best to appear upset. "What do you plan to do with me then?" he asked.
        "You are still my Attaché. Captain Marquette will therefore resume her role as your assistant. Is this acceptable to you?"
        He bowed again. "Of course."
        With a regal nod, Zo'or continued toward the audience chamber, where he quickly assumed his chair and contacted both Liam and Lili. Once they had been ordered to return to their duties, he turned his attention back to his acting attaché.
        "What were you able to learn from Beckette?" he asked.
        "Very little, but I suspect that you are correct in your assumption that Hag'el wore my form when he approached her. She would have shot anyone else to have done so."
        Zo'or nodded. "It pleases me to have both you and your offspring as my protectors. I expect you to guide him in the learning of his responsibilities."
        "Of course."
        "Now, before the others return, I have a new assignment for you." Zo'or leaned forward. "I want you to keep a close watch on Captain Marquette."
        "Captain Marquette?"
        "Yes. She has the habit of disappearing at odd hours. I wish to know what it is that she is doing. Is she, for example, hiding Joshua Doors?"
        "I doubt that the Captain would jeopardize her position by doing something so foolish."
        "Yet, she and he were dating..."
        "But it was nothing serious. I trust her completely and I feel certain that this will prove to be nothing."
        Zo'or's eyes narrowed. "My hope is that you are proved correct. Now that my own brother has betrayed us, I fear that suspicion must now be the order of the day..."

        Boone watched in fascinated disbelief as Da'an carefully used her knife and fork to cut a section of egg topped toast and then carefully shuttled it to her mouth. Slowly she encircled the tidbit with her mouth and sliding it off the fork, chewed it slowly and methodically before awkwardly swallowing it.
        Then she locked eyes with Boone and actually smiled.
        Only when he let his breath out, did Boone realize that he had been holding it. "Are you all right?" he asked anxiously. "You don't feel ill, do you?"
        "I am now certain that I was correct in my assumption. Food, it seems, has become necessary for my continued existence." She quickly cut another piece and ate it as well, as Boone watched carefully for the slightest sign of distress.
        "Maybe you'd better stop there and give yourself a chance to digest that before you eat again," he suggested, as he got their waitress' attention and asked for the check.
        "There is wisdom in your advice." She took a final sip of the water and glanced out the window. "Where are we going next?"
        "Augur will contact us when the last member has voted... I figured that we'd go to a mall and do some window shopping." At Da'an's confused expression, he explained. "We'll walk around and look in all the stores. I'm sure we'll find some things that you can use and perhaps something will appeal to you in the way of clothing."
        <"Why should I require more clothing?"> she thought.
        <"Trust me on this - women need more than just one change of clothing. Besides, it might help you to fit in better if your uniform doesn't keep reminding everyone that you were once a Companion.">
        Da'an seemed perplexed, but willing to go along with his suggestion.
        Boone quickly paid the bill and led her out to the street, where they caught a taxi.


         "Incoming call," the computer announced. Sandoval was about to activate his global, but Zo'or waved the datastream open instead.
        The new Pacific Companion appeared before them.
        "I am in urgent need of an implant," Dro'vha stated. "I am hopeful that you will save me the time and energy of finding a new one..."
        "You wish one of mine?" Zo'or asked. At the other Companion's nod, he continued. "Only one of my humans is actually implanted - Agent Sandoval."
        "I would not wish to take him or your new hybrid protector from you," Dro'vha responded. "I was hoping that you would allow me to have Captain Marquette instead..."
        Sandoval had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling at the annoyed look on Zo'or's face. In truth, the Synod Leader could provide no good reason for denying the new Companion's wish... and Lili would be out from under his surveillance..."
        "Allow me some time to decide which I will give over to you," Zo'or finally responded, drawing a very surprised reaction from his attaché.
        Dro'vha himself seemed equally surprised. "Very well," he replied, as he cut the transmission.

         A short time later, Lili led the way into the audience chamber and stopped in surprise when she saw Sandoval standing next to Zo'or's chair. A quick glance to the right showed that Liam was wearing a hopeful expression.
        They didn't have time to ask questions.
        Zo'or spoke immediately. "Liam, please accompany Agent Sandoval. He will help you to settle in to your new position. Captain Marquette remain."
        After the other two had left, Zo'or stepped down from his chair and beckoned her to follow him to the window.
        "Dro'vha has requested you as his new attaché," he announced, drawing a sudden, surprised look from her. "What are your feelings on this?"
        Lili had to force her mouth to work. "Er... I'm willing to do your bidding, either way," she stuttered.
        She was surprised by the sharp look Zo'or gave her. "If you wish to remain, I will send Liam instead," he replied, truly stunning her.
        Was Zo'or really becoming that attached to her? Obviously it wasn't her imagination that the Synod Leader had been acting way too friendly with her of late. That he would actually allow a different Companion to have Liam in order to keep her...
        Just then, the Synod leader placed a hand on her shoulder, which caused the hair on the back of her neck to stand on end. He was watching her carefully.
        So it finally came down to this... The Liberation could only have one spy watching the Synod leader. Which of them would prove most effective? If Boone's plan to return Nivian went ahead, then it her presence would only complicate matters. The answer was clear - she would have to go. She dreaded having to leave Washington, but at least Dro'vha was friendly. Once she got away from Zo'or, hopefully her current nightmares would cease...
        "I look forward to serving our new Pacific Companion," she answered firmly.
        Zo'or stepped back as though he had been slapped and quickly withdrew his hand. "Very well," he responded, coldly. "I shall inform Dro'vha that you shall arrive tomorrow morning. You may use the time to get your things together. I'm sure that Agent Sandoval will be pleased to transfer your apartment to Liam Kincaid."
        With a quick bow, Lili left the chamber, headed back towards her office.
        She missed the regretful look which briefly crossed Zo'or's features before his usual cold expression returned.


        Boone handed the shopping bags to one of the guards. "Help Da'an carry these to her quarters," he ordered before turning and searching for Augur with his eyes. He finally spotted him sitting in Doors' office and with a quick nod at Da'an, headed for the cyber-wizard.
        "What have you got?" he asked as soon as the door closed behind him.
        "Was there ever any doubt?" Augur snorted. "Everyone was given the chance to vote and over ninety percent back up your plan."
        "Any interesting comments?"
        "Believe it or not, most people mentioned that Da'an's presence was a positive thing."
        Boone grinned. "Anything else?"
        "Yeah. Several express concern that she's influencing you too much."
        The smile instantly disappeared. "I guess I expected that. We'll just have to let time prove them wrong."
        Augur's global beeped. "Yeah... Lili..." The wizard was clearly surprised that the call was from her.
        "Where's Boone?"
        Boone took the global from Augur. "What's wrong?"
        "I've been transferred! Dro'vha requested me as his new attaché!"
        "I have to leave tomorrow morning. Oh! You ought to know that Sandoval's back."
        "OK. Do what you need to do to get ready and then get down here." He cut the transmission. There was little else that he could say...
        Augur looked positively stunned.
        "Sorry Augur," he said, laying a hand on the programmer's shoulder. "It's one of the hazards of the job..."
        Slamming his console shut, Augur picked it up and took off.


         At precisely fourteen hundred hours, a taxi cab pulled up in front of the Taelon embassy and delivered a non-descript video tape directly into the hands of a nonplused Agent Sandoval.
        "Who gave this to you?" he asked the cabbie.
        "Look. I got flagged down on High House road and some woman paid me one hundred GW's to deliver it to you and you alone. Do you think that I'm gonna say no?"
        Sandoval nodded to two of his security people. "These men will get a full description from you and then you may leave." He watched as the angry driver was led away and then took the tape to Zo'or, who was within his audience chamber.
        "Zo'or!" He called out as soon as he entered, drawing a narrow eyed look of disapproval from the Taelon. "This just arrived for you. We've run it through the security devices and it appears to be nothing more than a video."
        That piked the Synod leader's curiosity. "Indeed? Please, let us see what sort of idle threats are being made against my life now..."
        The FBI Agent quickly popped the tape into a video unit hidden within the chamber wall and hit the play button. Instantly, the images appeared, life-sized,  in a datastream directly in front of the Companion's chair.
        "Greetings to the new North American Companion from the acting head of the Liberation movement..."
        Sandoval felt himself grow pale, the hairs standing up along the back of his neck...
        "William Boone!" Zo'or rose to his feet. "This is not possible!" he spat, as alarmed as Sandoval had ever seen him. His alarm was such that the Synod went immediately on alert, instantly filling the area around Zo'or's chair with their holographic images as they too watched the tape.
        "... I'll spare you all the fine details and get straight to the reason for this transmission.." The tall, red head continued. "We know that you implanted Dr. Park with a third generation CVI and that she in turn implanted Jonathan Doors with a very special version of the same type of CVI. You're aware that we have Nivian Ibraham here among us..."
        The camera slowly turned to show the deranged scientist hanging onto Da'an himself for support.
        "Provide us with the means to free Doors and Park of their new CVI's and we will see to it that she is safely returned to you.  Failure to provide a successful way in which to circumvent the third generation series will result in our holding her here with us permanently. One other thing. I will contact you myself sometime in the future. Don't for a moment assume that you can dispose of me as easily as you did last time. Knowing the Synod as I do, I am aware that they must be monitoring this recording. I am now their sole link with Da'an. Destroy me and you lose contact with him permanently..."
        The tape suddenly went blank, plunging the room into a shocked silence.
        "Da'an's allegations that Zo'or was responsible for his implant's death would seem to be unjustified," one of the Synod members said.
        "And yet, William Boone himself places the blame with him," Gho'an pointed out. This is a mystery which must be looked into...
        "Commander Boone is now a part of the Liberation, along with our missing diplomat," Kha'rha stated. "This too demands our attention. Why would Da'an go over to their side without good reason? He and Boone together have proven to have had an uncanny ability to predict the most positive way in which to resolve a variety of difficult circumstances. We may assume that he and Da'an have again found a solution which we ourselves have refused to consider."
        "This does not follow!" Gho'an broke in. "However, I believe that it is important to retain a link to our missing member. William Boone's safety must be assured."
        The rest of the Synod instantly agreed.
        "And what of Dr. Ibraham?" Zo'or asked.
        "We are aware of the tragic results of your attempt to bond with her," Gho'an replied. "Yet..."
        "...It would not be in our interests to provide the means of circumventing our newest CVI," Kha'rha replied.
        "We shall speak immediately with William Boone when he contacts you," another Synod member added as their holographic images faded from view.
        Zo'or sat down heavily in his chair and stared at his knees for a full minute as Sandoval bowed his head and watched him from beneath partially lowered lids.
        Finally the Taelon glared in his direction. "Leave me!" he ordered.
        Sandoval did just that - heading back to a quiet chamber to put his thoughts in order. Boone alive!? How!?

        Zo'or waited until his attaché had gone and covered his face with his hands. Boone was alive... and in control of Nivian! Worse yet, he was ordered not to barter for her return...
        There had to be a way to ensure her return...


        "I am still uncomfortable with the idea of you confronting Zo'or," Da'an whispered to Boone as people moved about them in the control room.
        "You did say that you didn't think the Synod would allow anything to happen to me..."
        "Yes, but I did not expect you to actually agree to meet with Zo'or. You kept this from me."
        Boone's gaze softened. "I'm sorry. It just suddenly seemed like a good way in which to keep you connected with the Synod. Forgive me?"
        Da'an's own expression softened. "Always..."
        "We'll talk more of this later," Boone promised, before heading off to see to some other situation which required his attention.
        Once he had gone, Da'an moved slowly through the gathered resistance members searching for one in particular. She found her in Doors' office with Augur.
        The electronic genius looked extremely unhappy and Da'an instantly surmised that it had to do with the Captain's impending move to Hawaii. He decided not to disturb them and was backing up when Lili spotted him.
        "Da'an! Is there something you need?"
        "Might I have a moment of your time, Captain?" she asked, after a moment's hesitation.
        Lili stood up and patted Augur on the back as she approached. "Of course..."
        Together they moved off toward on of the isolation labs and it wasn't until the door had closed behind them that Da'an spoke.
        "I am aware of your recent visit with Elyse Chapel," she admitted. "Before you leave us I was hopeful that... you might take me to her."
        "What? Does Boone know about this?" Lili stared at her, clearly both surprised and disturbed by the request.
        "He does not, however, he is already dealing with too many situations at one time. I am more than capable of dealing with Ms. Chapel so that he does not need to."
        Lili just stared at her, unsure of the wisdom of complying with such a request.
        "Lili..." Da'an tried again. "...please..."
        The pilot held up her hand, cutting off what Da'an had been about to say.
        "I'm leaving tomorrow, so it's not as if Boone could easily hang me out to dry... If you're ready, let's go!"

        Kha'rha had one more stop to make before returning to his own Embassy. As he left his shuttle, he found Dro'vha waiting for him in the shuttle bay.
        Quickly, they joined hands.
        <"Every precaution must be taken to prevent Zo'or from investigating the possibility of developing a counter to our newest CVI's,"> Kha'rha thought to his friend.
        <"If William Boone's request is met, much more shall be lost that he can imagine. Though Doors, Park and even Ibraham be lost, the alternative is far worse..."> Dro'vha agreed.
        <"Yet, how can we keep Zo'or from trying to gain back his chosen one? I felt his resolve. Despite the Synod's order, he will deal for her...">
        <"I have summoned the means to get word to both Boone and Da'an,"> Dro'vha admitted. <"Once they know the truth, I do not foresee a continuation of this problem...">
        Kha'rha let out a very human sounding sigh as they broke contact. "Please keep me informed," he said, as he turned back toward his shuttle.
        Dro'vha made a gesture of leave taking as he too turned and then headed back toward his audience chamber.
        Elyse Chapell swung the door open and stared at her visitor. "May I help you?" she asked, clearly puzzled.
        "Ms. Chapell," Da'an addressed her. "We have a common acquaintance to discuss. He is tall with red hair..."
        Recognition crossed the ex-agent's face. "Come in, please!" she said, motioning toward the interior of the room.
        As soon as Da'an had entered, she swung the door shut and locking it, turned to face him. "You know William? How is he? Will he see me?"
        With a touch at his neck, Da'an deactivated the holographic device, causing Elyse to take two steps back and stare at him in mute shock.
        "Do not fear," he said softly. "You have not endangered Boone's life."
        "Da'an..." she breathed, as though still in a state of panic at his appearance.
        The renegade Taelon ignored her agitation and spoke again. "I understand that you wish to meet with Boone?" he asked.
        "May I ask the reason for this? In light of your betrayal of him, he is most anxious not to see you again..."
        "That's not fair!" Elyse snapped, suddenly showing some spirit. "Once I got to know Will, I would have given anything not to have gone through with the... test.... We both know that I had no choice at that point - you saw to that!"
        "Perhaps... however, you must realize that Boone was programmed to react to you then. Had you met under other circumstances, he might not have spared you any thought."
        The words apparently hit home. Elyse dropped her eyes to the carpeting at her feet as slow tears gathered and dripped down onto her toes.
        Da'an watched her for a moment, suddenly appalled that his words had caused her such pain. Both compassion and loathing for the woman warred within him. That she had known Boone's touch while he was denied such an intimacy...
        Da'an stared at Elyse hard then.
        If he could share with her...
        Stepping forward, he took her hands in his own and concentrated. There was the customary wrenching sensation and then she found herself seated at a bar opposite Boone as a musician played a mellow blues tune in the background.
        "When I heard your wife died, I cried for you," she found herself saying in Elyse's voice.
        Boone's voice was low and sad. "I loved her, deeply and truly. Kate and I had something unique." He looked up at her then and her heart skipped a beat at the affection visible in his eyes " ...But, so do we Elyse..."
        Da'an moved forward through Elyse's mind until the day she had pretended that she had been trying to sneak out of his life and he had caught her leaving the hotel. He had quickly been summoned to the transit authority with a report that some suspects had been spotted there.
        Following him there, she allowed one of the phony suspects to 'capture her' in accord with Agent Sandoval's pre-arranged plan. His reaction had been one of extreme fear for her. Realizing that if she didn't end the stand off soon, he would hit them both with a low skrill blast and take his chances, she bit her would-be attackers hand and elbowed him away.
        She had only hoped to avoid being skirled herself.
        She had never expected him to unleash so potent a blast at the man who had grabbed her.
        One minute, she was ducking away and the next, her assailant was reduced to atomic particles right before her eyes. Before she could recover from her shock at the instantaneous annihilation of the man, Boone was by her side, kneeling down and gently checking her to make certain she was all right...
        Again Da'an moved forward through Elyse's memories.
        After securing the situation at the station, both she and Boone had made there statements and he had insisted on taking her back to the hotel. During the elevator ride up to her floor, she had smiled at his nervous fidgeting.
        Suddenly, the fact that her first meeting with this man had been a set-up and that she was here only to do the Companion's bidding was... unimportant. She had never met anyone like him before. God knew, she didn't want to hurt him - not him...
        ...but, when he had charged in and taken out those men to save her...
        ...When he had frantically bounded up the stairs and pulled her close, stroking her cheek and her hair with trembling fingers...
        ...it had been the final straw which broke the camel's back and sealed her fate. She had completely and utterly lost her heart to him.
        Now all that mattered was that she wanted him. She had to have him. She would make the best of her situation and with luck, he would pass the test. Somehow she would find him again when all this was over and make it up to him. Then they could be together...
        With some effort, she stilled her shaking fingers enough to get the key in the hotel room's door.
        As soon as they entered her apartment, he made a gallant effort to excuse himself, but she held him back - encircling his neck with her arms and pulling him down for a kiss.
        And what a kiss it was!
        He hungrily responded, pulling her closer.
        Somehow she managed to slip his jacket off him without their lips breaking contact, but when her hand encountered his skrill, he pulled back and watched her as though expecting that she would be repulsed - that she would change her mind. Instead, she kissed him again, literally pushing him up against the door in her urgency.
        It was all he needed. With an arm cupping the back of her head, he held her to him, ravishing her mouth and causing her legs to become suddenly weak. Somehow, everything else faded away. The Companion, the assignment... everything.
        She was simply a woman in love who was finally in the arms of the man she admired and needed.
        What happened between them then was pure magic. For such a large man, Will was both gentle and passionate as well as unselfish almost to a fault.
        For as long as she lived, she would never forget this time with him... just as she promised herself that she would never regret it.
        Sometime much later, as she lay curled against his side, with her head cradled on his chest while William stroked her back and shoulders, reality set back in with a crash.
        "Today is..." he murmured, then stopped and chuckled softly to himself. There was a brief pause. "I'm just so happy," he finally managed.
        She wished that her heart would stop or that a stray lightning bolt would kill her instantly. Anything to keep from doing what she must now do. She had to. If she didn't, the Companions would...
        Now. She had to do it now or not at all.
        Taking a deep breath, she moved away from him, sitting up as she collected her nerve. He instantly knew that something was dreadfully wrong, for he sat up as well and stared at her fearfully.
        "What?" he asked in a soft voice. When she didn't answer, he scooted over so that he sat directly in front of her, his face only a few inches away. Those intense green eyes stared at her worriedly. "What is it?" he asked again, still in a calm tone.
        "Nobody can take today away from us..." she began. "Today's over."
        He shook his head slowly. "Elyse, don't do this to us. Tell me what this is all about..."
        "I don't want to hurt you..." she answered truthfully.
        "No. I won't accept that. You have to tell me what this is about."
        She grasped his forearm, forcing it up so that his skrill was right there before them both. "It's about this!" she lied. "Look at you! You might as well be wearing a leash and collar! I don't care how much good the Taelons have done..."
        "This is about you and me! We don't have to have anything to do with the Taelons,"  he said, trying to reason with her.
        "I'll fight their presence on this planet or die trying." She quickly leaped away and nearly ran for the shower, leaving a very confused and shocked implant to stare after her from the bed.

        With a loud gasp, Da'an shoved the woman away from him and collapsed to his knees, clutching the nearby chair as though it were an anchor.
        "What have I done?" he asked in a broken tone.
        Elyse angrily swiped at the tears which ran freely down her face. The wounds she bore as a consequence of her betrayal of William Boone had opened and were bleeding freely.
        "You used and discarded me," she sobbed. "and your use of me destroyed my life and a part of William's as well..."
        Da'an rose to his feet and looked right at her, stunning Elyse with the jealousy visible in his eyes. "And now you think to repair the damage... to ultimately pair up with him," he stated.
        She stared at him, speechless.
        "Know this; William Boone is my bonded one now," he announced. "You have no place in his life."
        Her control snapped. "You think that you can just waltz in here, steal my memories from me and then warn me off him? You're the one who brought us together! You took away his dignity, you altered his memories - the very basis of his life. It is you who have no place in his life! You don't deserve him!" she hissed angrily.
        Da'an's eyes were cold as ice. "You will leave this area," the Taelon commanded. "You shall not contact him - ever." He moved towards the door, but then stopped and looked back at her, revealing that he had already conquered his anger. In a softer, gentler tone, he spoke. "I am sorry for what you and he endured. There is no excuse but that I was ignorant of such things then.. Still... I cannot undo what has already occurred. It would be best for all of us if you heeded my request." Without another word, he left the apartment.
        Elyse stared after him in shock and then collapsed to the floor herself as the tears came heavily again.
        Would she ever finish paying penance for her service to the Companions?



        "He's on his way down." The sentry's voice spoke in Boone's ear.
        "Thanks Harry," he answered into the mic before removing his head set and heading for the control room.
        The doors opened only seconds after his arrival and Lili stepped out first. The look she shot him seemed to warn that something wasn't quite right. Behind her, Da'an stepped into the room.
        "Da'an. I was getting worried," he said. He was spared a quick, pained glance before she looked away again.
        "All is well," she answered, as she made her way past him and headed for her chamber.
        He fell into step behind her. "What? What is it?" he asked, unknowingly echoing the words he had spoken to another so many months ago.
        The Taelon reacted as though his words had been a physical assault, stopping in her tracks and cringing as a deep blush revealed her true form.
        "I require time in which to meditate and rest," she responded once she had regained some control. Still she refused to meet his eyes.
        He briefly thought of pursuing her, but a hand on his arm prevented him from following as she moved off down the corridor. Turning, he saw that it was Lili.
        "Leave him to himself, Will," she advised.
        "Are you going to tell me what's happened?"
        She sighed. "I promised that I wouldn't." At his sour look, she added, "If you hadn't insisted on tuning down your link with him, you'd know what happened. In fact, none of this would probably BE happening..."
        "Her," he said.
        "HER. Da'an's a HER now. Since the regression she's had female form."
        Lili's eyes widened. "Ah... Now this is all starting to make sense..."
        "What? What's starting to make sense?" Boone felt himself beginning to lose his temper.
        She patted him on the back. "I'm almost beginning to feel sorry for you. Playing the dating game is hard enough under the best of circumstances, but when you're playing with someone who doesn't know the rules..."
        Before he could speak, she was half way down the corridor.
        Giving her retreating back a dirty look, he turned in the direction of Da'an's room and then stopped. With a sigh, he headed back towards the control room. Even Taelons were entitled to some privacy...

        As soon as the doors closed behind her, Da'an turned and leaned her forehead against their cold, metallic surface. Her confrontation of Elyse Chapel had been necessary, however, her sharing with her had certainly turned out to have been an ill conceived act.
        Even now, all she could think about was the memory of Boone's hands upon her body...
        ...but it had not been her body... it had been Elyse's...
        Moving away from the door, she headed for the large chair and curled up in it. Her eyes closed as she was again overcome by her new memories.
        Boone's touch. The things he had done to her! The way he had expressed his love for her...
        NO! Not for her! For Elyse...
        Da'an covered her face with her hands. Humans... they lived with this distress. How? How could she look at Boone, talk to him, work with him... without wanting...
        This then was desire?
        What sweet madness it was!

        By nineteen hundred hours, Boone was beside himself with worry. Da'an still had not emerged from her room and it was very unlike the Taelon to remain holed up, regardless of the severity of a situation. She had done so only twice before - when she had been in a deep emotional conflict over his death and later, when she had been protecting his resurrected infant form.
        Boone paced the hallway outside her door and briefly contemplated entering, but after a few minutes he turned and entering his own room instead, beeped Lili via her global.
        He didn't waste any words. "This has gone on long enough," he rapped out as soon as she appeared on the screen. "Tell me where she went. NOW."
        "He... Sorry - She went to visit Elyse Chapell," Lili mumbled.
        "What?! Why?"
        "To warn her to stay away from you."
        "OK. So what is it that I'm missing about this situation?" he asked, still puzzled by his friend's behavior.
        "Boone... Da'an shared with Elyse."
        It took a few minutes for all the ramifications of to sink in. "How much did they share?" he finally asked fearfully, as he collapsed heavily onto the edge of his bed.
        "I think you've already figured that out," Lili replied drily. "I suspect that her perspective of you has undergone a drastic change, which is why..."
        "...she's not coming out of her room," he breathed, still dazed.
        Lili nodded. "I don't think I need to tell you that it would be best if you two had a little discussion about this... Just go easy on her, OK?" She cut the transmission.
        Boone slowly closed his global and ran a hand tiredly over his face.
        Then he rose and headed for the door.
        He opened it to find Da'an standing without, an uneasy look upon her face. "William... May I enter?"
        Without a word, he stepped aside and motioned her in. "Da'an, I know that you went to..." he began as the door closed.
        "I know that you are aware of my visit to Elyse Chapel," Da'an interrupted. "It is time that we discussed this aspect of our relationship."
        Boone moved closer. "What is it that you want to know?" he asked, as he felt his heart rate climb.
        She spread her arms to the sides. "Can you not accept me as I am?  Can we not resume our close mental connection? ...Will you continue to hold me apart from you simply because of my species?"
        "No." He moved forward and pulled her against him. "Nooo," he murmured softly. "That's never been my wish." He leaned down and gently nibbled her neck just behind and below the ear before moving to rub his cheek against hers. "You must know that's not the case..." He pulled back enough to look her in the eye. "Things are simply complicated for us. We cannot afford to rush into this..."
        She frowned. "I do not believe things to be as complicated as you make them out to be..." Reaching out, she grasped his face  and pulled him to her for a kiss.
        And what a kiss it was!
        Boone felt the familiar, yet indescribably pleasurable tingle as their lips met and immediately began to lose control. Not a day had gone by since she had moved into her own room that he hadn't thought of going to her and doing just this...
        The kiss intensified and when he was next aware of his surroundings, the two of them had somehow ended up sprawled on the bed. He was leaning over her, his lips at the base of her throat. Hardly daring to believe what he was doing, Boone pulled back and stared at her, amazed once again by the almost electrifying sensation which ran through him whenever their flesh made such contact.
        He couldn't help but smile at the way Da'an was staring back at him with a look of wonder upon her face.
        "I think that I could really get used to this..." he murmured as he brought a hand up to stroke the Taelon's head.
        <"Boone..."> Reaching up, Da'an's delicate hands gently covered the sides of his face and pulled him back down so that she could nibble on his ear!
        He closed his eyes and savored the attention she turned on him for a few moments before pinning her beneath him and reclaiming her lips. Their kissing quickly escalated, becoming demanding and more intimate. As he tentatively probed at her mouth with his tongue, he felt Da'an mentally urging him to continue!
        Pulling her closer, he continued his exploration, his hands seeking out her cooler, alien flesh as their love play made him dizzy with the pleasure he was generating in both of them.
        Da'an held him close, her arms far stronger than he ever would have thought. She seemed intent upon preventing his escape ...
        She really did want him! He could easily pick up her feelings as their bond reasserted itself with a vengeance
        As she mentally encouraged him, slipping her cool, soothing hands under his shirt, he frantically began to search for a way to remove her jumpsuit.
        Everywhere those hands touched him, a delicious sensation erupted along his nerve endings. Da'an was quickly driving him over the edge... but, as she moved to help him open her jumpsuit...
        ...he suddenly froze!
        Dimly, he realized that things had begun to go way too far. He wasn't ready for this yet - and neither was Da'an.
        The Taelon had once looked upon sex as enigmatic, finding it incomprehensible that two beings could so enjoy such strange meetings of the flesh. Now, through her recent sharing with Elyse, she had gained an much deeper understanding of the world of a two-sexed race. She knew what it was to desire someone... but, was that enough? They were fully bonded, and that bond called out to both of them, insisting that they join in every sense of the word, but... did that make this right?
        <"This then is the problem..."> Da'an thought as she felt Boone struggling to push himself away.
        With a gasp, he managed to extricate himself. Rolling onto his back, he lay there shaking with reaction and fighting to catch his breath, afraid to look at the disappointed being who shared his bed.
        Da'an rolled towards him and braced herself over him with her arms. "William."
        He had no choice then but to look at her.
        "You fear changing me in some way, however, I am already far removed from what I was when first we met." Leaning closer, she laid her head upon Boone's chest and embraced him. "It is not I, who am unready for this event, but yourself... You fear...that I will change - that you will change...and most of all, you fear what the others will think of us."
        Boone's breath seemed to catch in this throat. The truth of his friend's words made his face burn with shame.
        <"Boone."> The voice in his head was sad, confused. <"All will be well. Why can we not...">
        He quickly moved away and swiveling around, sat up on the edge of the bed. He turned to look at the Companion then, angry with himself for having brought them to this. He couldn't bear to hear the longing in Da'an's mental plea or to feel the sting of rejection she was now experiencing.
        Da'an's eyes were glowing softly, but they appeared sad.
        "You're right," he said softly, as he once again clamped down on his thoughts, cutting himself off from her. "It's me. I... I'm not sure... Not yet... I'm sorry." He fell silent as the companion closed her eyes and seemed to wilt.
        "I truly do not... understand... this," Da'an answered in a barely audible whisper, as she completely lost control of her form.
        Boone's heart lurched painfully as she rose from the bed and slowly left his room.


To be continued....