Quality of Life - Finale
An Earth - Final Conflict story by Tina Price
( TinaP@prodigy.net  )
Original Story Ideas ©1998, Tina Price. All rights reserved.

Preview: As Boone and Da'an work toward forcing Zo'or to develop a means of circumventing the new series three CVI's, they meet with an unexpected complication. Will they give up their biggest pawn in the hopes of achieving a greater good?

!Content Warning!: This story is rated R for sexual content. If you prefer the PG-13 version, it will be available at one or more of the following sites:

Jen's Gumbo:               http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Bayou/1773/fan.htm

Ja'el's Da'an site:          http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nebula/2974/tinap.html

Companion HQ site:     http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/8941/DaansOffice.htm  

Disclaimer: Earth - Final Conflict, all characters and images therein, as well as story elements put forth in the series are the property of the Tribune Entertainment Company. Several characters appearing in this story are my own creation. Any similarity with anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.

Authors notes: This story may refer to events occurring in the actual series, however, it is in fact what could be dubbed "An Alternate EFC Universe Story".  <"Lines appearing in this context denote mental speech."> The poem is "A Single Night" by -Rainier Maria Rilke (one of my favorite poets). I would also like to give a nod to Ursula K. LeGuin, whose UN-EDITED, ORIGINAL RENDITION of "The Left Hand of Darkness" included a love scene between a trans-gendered alien and a human man. I read that version many years back and have yet to find another copy of it. It, along with many e-mails from readers, inspired me to finally write this story. As always, I am in no way receiving 'privileged information'. Any advice, criticism and kudos are always welcomed. Please contact me at the above e-mail address.

Quality of Life


IThrowing his tie onto the back of a chair, Sandoval retrieved a bottle of cola from the fridge and popping it open, chugged a third of it down. Shuddering briefly, he moved back out to the living area and collapsed into his favorite chair where he took another chug and shuddered again.
        "I hate this stuff..." he grumbled. The soda was way too sweet for his taste, but at the moment it was the only thing in the house besides tap water.
        With a sigh, he let his eyes wander about the room. It had been a very long time since he'd last actually noticed the place.
        For the past three years, he had come back here only to sleep, shower and change - if he bothered to come back at all, that was...
        ...And now here he sat, suddenly himself again - or at least as close to himself as he was ever likely to get again.
        Quickly, he downed the rest of the soda and rising unexpectedly, hurled the bottle as hard as he could at the image of himself across the room. The mirror shattered, throwing silver plated shrapnel in all directions. Unsatisfied by its demise, he sank back down in the chair and let his head drop into his hands.
        How would he ever come to terms with the things he had done?
        Boone was alive! He was back!
        The man whose wife he had killed, simply to please Da'an... The man who later got his pound of flesh back... and more...
        Boone had not let him die when his CVI broke down. Oh no - nothing so simple as letting him finally drift off into the peace of oblivion. The man had made certain that he was reimplanted and returned to his Taelon masters, but not before making sure that he knew that Boone's own wife's death had been reciprocated.
        Boone had killed Deedee and what was more... he had not been under the influence of a motivational imperative...
        Sandoval suddenly looked up.
        Boone now led the Liberation.
        Back then, he had promised him sanctuary...
        Zo'or was right! Boone had not been under the influence of a M.I...
        "Son of a...." Sandoval yelled, as he came to his feet.
        How could he have been so blind? There was no way in hell that William Boone, ex-police chief extraordinaire, could have killed Deedee! Not without a motivational imperative to force his hand...
        "She's alive..." he breathed. "Deedee's alive!"
        Running back into the bedroom, he carefully lowered a plastic clothes box from the top shelf and opening it, removed one of Deedee's favorite hats. Inspecting it carefully before a lamp, he was able to pluck several stray blond hairs from the brim...


        Reaching over, Lili refilled Augur's wine glass and nearly dropped the now empty bottle. Fortunately, Augur's quick snag prevented the few remaining drops of wine from splattering her carpet.
        "Ooops!" she giggled.
        "I don't know, Lili... what's Dro'vha going to think of you when you show up hung over on your first day of work?"
        She snorted. "Dro'vha's pretty easy-going. He wouldn't say a word - even if he did notice - and he won't." She sat up straighter. "I'm hardly even tipsy."
        "Uh - huh..." Augur became serious again. "So you're still intent on going?" He got up off the chair and moved to sit beside her on the sofa.
        Lili shrugged. "I told you - I don't have a choice. Besides... if I stay, there's too much of a chance that Zo'or will eventually insist on sharing with me..."
        Augur frowned. "What is it with you and Taelons?"
        "Hey! Believe me - I never encouraged him! He gives me the creeps..." She shifted so that she could lean against him.
        "What about... us?"
        "Nah. You don't give me the creeps... anymore."
        He rolled his eyes. "Will you be serious? Why do you drink so much whenever we get together, anyway?"
        She pouted. "Why are you suddenly so offended?" Before he could answer, she continued in an exasperated tone. "Augur - I've got a shuttle. I can pop in almost any time!"
        He locked eyes with her.
        "So you admit that there's an 'us'?"
        "Maybe..." she drawled.
        "Maybe you admit it or maybe there IS an 'us'?"
        Lili grabbed his goatee and pulled him to her. "Shut up and kiss me..."
        A wide smile lit his face just before he complied...

          By the time his clock displayed the time as three hundred hours, Boone had had enough. Unable to sleep or even find a moment's rest, he had spent the night pacing his room and thinking. At least half a dozen times during the course of the night, he had been on the verge of marching next door and rectifying his tragic mistake of the previous evening.
        ...And he was now firmly convinced that it HAD been a mistake to push Da'an away. His friend had been right - he was overly concerned with the possibility of them changing, but life WAS change, wasn't it? Da'an was no curiosity to be preserved behind glass, but a living, growing being. It was madness to think that she could/should always remain as she was when their friendship had first begun.
        He had hurt her, and he had hurt himself...
        Even now, his body protested her absence, even as his mind again dredged up the events which had led up to his blunder.
        "Dammit!" he said aloud, as he began searching through the dresser until he found an old sweat suit.
        The only reason that he hadn't finally knuckled under and gone to her had been because he felt it might be better to let things remain cool for a while.
        ...Speaking of cool, it was remarkably cold outside - which was where he planned on being.
        Pulling on his clothing, he attached the holographic device to his collar and slipped out into the hallway.
        Letting the sentries know where he was headed, he took the elevator up to the church and activating his device, slipped out the back door into the garden.
        There was frost everywhere and his breath immediately formed a cloud before his face. After taking two deep breaths, he began to feel a little bit better. Working quickly in the frosty air, Boone stretching a bit, then exited the garden through a gate which opened on the side road. Breaking into a jog, he headed back around to the main road before turning left and moving away from the church.

        An hour and twenty minutes later, he caught sight of the church again as he slowed to a walk and began to cool down. The exercise had done him good, tightening muscles which had lain dormant in an acceleration chamber for far too long and calming his nerves. The cold combined with a sudden yearning for breakfast had conspired to bring him back, otherwise he might have run for another half hour.
        Once again Condor grumbled within his mind and Boone mentally berated the skrill. The alien weapon's own complaints about the cold and breakfast had most definitely contributed to his cutting his workout short.
        Boone sighed. He still felt guilty as hell about last night, but at least now it wasn't eating him alive. He even felt that he could face Da'an and discuss the situation with her calmly. She had been right about so many things... Now if only she would be patient with him and realize that last night had not been a rejection. It had nothing to do with her.
        It was all about him.

        High up in the church steeple, on a landing in front of the upper windows, Da'an sat and watched as Boone approached the front of the church.
        She sighed with relief to see that he was apparently in a good mood, for he smiled at another earlier morning jogger who passed him.
        Unable to find rest, she had left the sanctuary of the resistance base and made her way up into the steeple where she could watch the stars and reflect on her new life. It had been with some shock that she had sensed Boone heading off down the street not twenty minutes after her arrival. It had pained her greatly to realize that she had not even felt his presence until she had seen his tall form. Only then had she concentrated and realized that the distant jogger was indeed William.
        That he was out so early and in such cold weather had been proof that he too was suffering for their last encounter.
        That in itself gave her hope that they might find a way to come together.
        She hoped that it would be soon...
        Simply curling up with William was enough to provide her with energy sufficient to survive. Their brief encounter of the night before had been the equivalent of an hour in an energy stream, but it would last her no more than three days. If he continued to hold her at a distance, she would eventually be forced to look to another for the energy she required.
        That in itself could destroy the trust she and Boone had worked so hard to build. It mattered not that Liam and she would merely be joining hands... It would not be... appropriate to what she wished for herself and Boone...
        Da'an focused on Boone, content for the moment to be able to watch him unobserved. She waited exactly ten minutes after he had re-entered the church and then went below herself.


         After showering and shaving, Boone lay down and must have immediately drifted off to sleep, for when he next spotted the alarm clock, it was well past seven!
        With a groan, he arose and once again found himself mentally hushing his outraged skrill.
        "Ok, ok! Breakfast is next!" He grumbled, as he dressed in one of the new shirts and slacks which he had purchased during his trip to the mall with Da'an the previous day. He had to admit that the deep, eggplant-colored shirt, which Da'an herself had picked out, complimented his coloration and looked great with the suit, which was of a similar tone. He sighed and began working at the knot of his tie. It certainly wouldn't hurt to try to look good. He had a roundez vous to keep with Zo'or... and the Synod later that day.
        Besides, it couldn't hurt to let Da'an see that he valued her judgment...
        With a sudden yawn, he checked himself in the bathroom mirror, donned his earpiece, mic and holo-device and headed for the kitchen in the hopes of downing breakfast and some much needed coffee.
        It was with some surprise and a thrill of pleasure, that he found Da'an already seated at a table there with a cup of coffee and a nibbled at croissant. She was wearing a new tan and blue caftan, which he had helped her to pick out, over the usual body suit.
        It made him think suddenly of Ma'el.
        They stared at each other for a few seconds, each pleased with the other's attire and then he nodded his approval as he moved to the counter to see what had already been prepared. A glance over his shoulder, revealed the Taelon's answering nod.
        Quickly scrambling himself two eggs,  he poured some coffee and took a few link sausages from the warming tray. Then he returned to the table where Da'an sat and took the seat beside her.
        She was watching him with a cautious air about her.
        Unable to stand it a moment longer, he lifted a hand to cup her cheek and leaning forward, kissed her softly.
        "I'd wish you a good morning, but if you're half as grumpy as I am..."
        She covered his hand with her own. "And how could I be... grumpy... after such a greeting?" she asked, as small smile lit her face.
        Boone withdrew his hand and snorted amusedly as he picked up his fork. He was about to dig into his food when he was distracted by the sight of her sipping her coffee.
        "Do you actually like that?" he asked.
        "Why would I not?"
        "... Most people find it bitter when they first try it. It's an acquired taste."
        "I have experienced this beverage through you on numerous occasions," Da'an explained. "Therefore, I have already acquired a liking for it..."
        He felt like an idiot. Of course Da'an would be familiar with coffee, after all, Boone was a big caffeine addict. Still, he couldn't help asking, "Does this mean that you automatically like those foods that I like?"
        She gave him a long-suffering look. "No."
        Her response further piqued his curiosity. "What don't you like?" he questioned.
        "I do not... like... to have so many superfluous questions put to me on an already difficult morning."
        Boone's mouth dropped open. Flustered, he set about eating his breakfast, eyes fixed upon his plate. To a casual observer, the Taelon's statement would mean little more than that she was somewhat annoyed, but to Boone, Da'an's words spoke volumes. There was no doubt that she was still very upset about the preceding evening's disaster, for she rarely lost her patience or allowed her irritation to get the best of her. For her to have cut him off like that...
        He turned over different possible responses in his head as he ate his meal, hoping that he could find an easy way to put her at ease - to make her understand. In the end, he came up at a loss as to what to do.
        Quickly downing the last of his meal and polishing off his coffee, he patted her hand.
        "Duty calls," he announced, as he rose to his feet stalked off in the direction of the control room.
        He didn't doubt that he could find numerous tasks which demanded his attention. With any luck, he'd be far too busy for Da'an to pull aside - at least until he had some time to think up a way to deal with their little... problem...


            Sandoval stared at the world net screen display before him and gripped the edge of the desk to help still his shaking hands.
        The strand of hair he had fed into the DNA analyzer had eventually pulled a match...
        ...but it was not to Deidra Sandoval, who was classified as deceased and had been removed from the system.
        The match was for a woman named Danielle Warner, who lived in Aveiro, Portugal.
        He opened her file and began to read.
        She was twenty nine years of age, brunette, with blue eyes and she taught algebra in a nearby middle school.
        He pulled up her picture and closed his eyes as he fought for control.
        It was Deedee. Her hair had been cut short and dyed brown... but it WAS her...
        Boone had kept his promise after all - He had kept Deedee safe in the only way he could while still saving Sandoval's life...
        He broke down then, doing the one thing that he had never thought he'd do again...
        ...He cried tears of relief and joy.


        "I said for you to get up. I have to be going and Liam will be here soon!"
        Augur's eyes snapped open to find Lili staring down at him. He was naked, in her bed and she was already clean, dry and dressed, standing next to said bed and glowering at him.
        "You know that's not fair," he groaned, as he sat up and reached for his glasses.
        "What? Not letting you sleep all morning?"
        "No." He reached over and tipped her onto the bed next to him. "Not letting me see you wandering around without your clothes on!"
        She laughed then, as he kissed her, but after a few minutes, she broke free and stood back up.
        "When will I see you?" he asked.
        She glanced at her watch. "I don't know. Let me get settled in and then I'll beep you."
        "Tell you what... Let's go catch breakfast and then I'll help you with your bags..." He leaped from the bed and began dressing hurriedly. A shower would have to wait till later.
        Lili simply stood there and watched him.
        "Well?" he asked, as he pulled on his pants.
        "Huh? ... Oh! ... Yeah. breakfast would be fine..." She replied, clearly distracted by the view.
        He grinned knowingly, but not wanting to die anytime soon, made certain that she didn't see it.

            "Has Kincaid been settled into Captain Marquette's former domicile?"
        "He's there now, Zo'or," Sandoval replied. "It shouldn't take him long to get his things settled..."
        Zo'or nodded, but then turned his attention completely towards his attaché. "Agent Sandoval, are you not well today?" he asked with a suspicious, oblique look.
        "I am well enough to carry out my duties," Sandoval replied quickly, as he straightened up and tried to look sharp. Zo'or had summoned him back to the embassy well before sun up and leaving him without the time to actually contact his wife. He hadn't had a moment's sleep all night, but had instead wandered restlessly through his house, pondering the best way to break the news to Deedee that he was whole and himself again. Sharp as he was, the Taelon had spotted his unusual lack of attention... Sandoval would not repeat that mistake.
        "Very well." Zo'or rose from his chair and descended to stand beside him. "I have spent the night giving the current situation much thought. A trap must be laid for Da'an."
        "A trap?"
        "Yes. It is the only way in which I may now obtain Nivian. Boone will trade her for Da'an. Of this I am certain." The Synod Leader turned a piercing, blue look on him and waited for his response.
        "What will the Synod say about this?" he asked, certain that the question would remind Zo'or that he spoke with a true implant.
        "They will say nothing. I have been ordered not to trade Boone what he wishes for Nivian. This does not prevent me from obtaining her through other means. So long as Da'an is not harmed, there shall be no interference from my superiors."
        "How do we trap a renegade Taelon?"
        Zo'or smiled at him in a way which made goose bumps come up on his arms. "I am glad that you asked..."      

          By the time that she landed her shuttle in the Honolulu embassy, Lili had managed to push thoughts about Augur to the back of her mind.
        Not that it had been easy...
        He was infuriating, conceited, annoying and, in general, acted younger than his years.
        Unfortunately, there was also a magnetism about him which she couldn't ignore. She doubted that anything good could come from their newfound 'closeness', but she was determined to enjoy his company while it lasted...
        "Dammit!" she swore. "I'm thinking about him again!"
        Exiting the shuttle, she pinched the skin between her left thumb and forefinger as hard as she could and concentrated on the pain. It was a neat little trick for lessening the pain of a headache... and it helped her to get her mind off Augur as well.
        It just wouldn't do to greet her new Taelon overlord while her mind wandered elsewhere...
        Especially THAT kind of elsewhere!
        Moving out of the shuttle bay, she paused in the corridor beyond, uncertain of where the main audience chamber would be situated. The Honolulu embassy was of a different design than the one in Washington.
        "Great..." she huffed, under her breath. All she needed now was to get lost.
        Fortunately, at that very moment, Dro'vha himself rounded the corridor to her left.
        "Captain Marquette," he greeted her warmly with a Taelon gesture. "I welcome you to my new protectorate."
        "Thank you for honoring me with this position," she replied, as she reciprocated. With a sense of unease, she noted that the Taelon was giving her a sly look from the corners of his eyes.
        "I think that we both know that you volunteered for the position so that you might... escape a certain Taelon's... interest..."
        She stared at him, open-mouthed.
        "Come now," he chided, as he lightly placed his hand upon her left shoulder and steered her down the corridor. "I am not so blind as some of my people. I know well that Zo'or would not have given you up to me unless you requested the assignment."
        Lili swallowed hard. "Actually, he asked me if I wanted to go..."
        Dro'vha stopped for a moment and stared at her intently. "Then it is truly fortunate that I requested one of his implants..."
        "Did you know that I'd be the one you'd get?" she asked, wide-eyed, as they began walking again.
        "No. I felt certain that he would send me Liam."
        "Liam?" Lili stopped short. "There's no way that he would part with his status symbol protector!"
        "Ah... but he would have, wouldn't he?" Dro'vha's mouth turned up slightly at the corners. "That he offered you a choice of staying in Liam's stead truly speaks... volumes..."
        "Um... Can we change the subject? I don't mean to be rude but the topic is beginning to frighten me..."
        Dro'vha nodded. "I apologize for having caused such discomfort," he replied, as they entered the audience chamber. "...however, I fear that our next topic shall prove far more frightening to you..."
        Lili stared at the new Companion, not at all liking the very serious, pained expression on his face.
        "What is it?" she asked, annoyed with the slight waver which shook her voice.
        "What I need to tell you must be shared in complete privacy," he answered, gesturing to an entranceway opposite that of the one they had just passed through.
        Lili followed him through it to a doorway which admitted them to the Companion's private chamber. Once inside, the Taelon secured the door and turned to face her.
        "The Synod will not allow Zo'or to negotiate for Dr. Ibraham, for several Synod members, Kha'rha and myself included, have swayed the vote against such an event."
        "I don't understand... I thought that you were Da'an's friend..."
        Dro'vha nodded. "And your own as well."
        "But then, why..."
        He held a hand up, silencing her. "You seek a means to restore your leader and Dr. Park to their true selves, however... what if your attempt foiled an even larger scheme? Would you continue, if you knew that it meant robbing many others of their freedom?" Moving closer, he offered her his hand and without hesitation, she reached forward to press her palm to his own.
        Several seconds ticked by and then her eyes nearly started from her head.
        When their palms parted a few seconds later she swayed and might have fallen, had Dro'vha not steadied her.
        "You understand now why I am thankful that you have been assigned as my attaché," he whispered near her ear, just before she straightened up and moved a step away. "You have the rest of the day to get settled in," he added, as he turned his back to her and moved to look out his windows. "Should you decide to visit... friends, I would not object..."
        Lili shook her head in amazement. Dro'vha was clearly telling her to relay the information he had given her to Da'an... She hesitated for a brief moment and then turned, headed for her shuttle.


          Only a few hours after checking out his new apartment, Liam entered the Washington embassy, eager for the opportunity to gain some sort of privileged information from Zo'or.
        With some surprise, he found himself met at the front security desk by Agent Sandoval.
        "Did things go smoothly?" the Asian attaché asked politely, as they both moved off in the direction of the ramp which led to the audience chamber.
        "Yeah," he responded automatically. "I don't have much in the way of belongings..." He received his second surprise in as many minutes when Sandoval indicated with a gesture that he should precede him into a small office on the left.
        Without closing the door, Zo'or's right hand man turned to face him. "I was hoping that you would allow me to treat you to lunch," he said, watching him with a wary expression.
        Liam found himself shrugging. "I never say no to a free meal."
        Sandoval's face relaxed slightly. "Good. There's something we need to talk about." He glanced at his watch. "Meet me out front at twelve thirty hours."
        Without another word, he spun on a heel and departed.
        Liam stared after him for a long moment, feeling both confused and anxious at the sudden invitation. He couldn't deny that he yearned for Sandoval's approval... and friendship. The man was his human father, after all.
        Unfortunately, he doubted that they could ever have anything more than a professional relationship, if that.
        Ronald Sandoval was a full implant and not to be trusted...


          "We have a serious problem!" Lili said loudly, the moment the elevator doors admitted her into HQ. Boone and Da'an were already waiting for her, as she had known they would be as soon as the sentries reported her unexpected return.
        "What's happened?" Boone asked, as he fell into step beside her, Da'an following behind, as they headed quickly for Doors' office.
        As soon as the door shut behind them, she turned to face Da'an. "There's a fifth column on the home ship!"
        "What?!" Boone exclaimed from the side.
        She turned to look at him as Da'an stared at her in what had to be the Taelon equivalent of shock. "It's true! There's an organized group who believe as Da'an does about humanity. There's about twenty of them, led by Kha'rha and Dro'vha. They've been working on a way to help us..."
        Boone's voice was both sharp and suspicious. "How?"
        Before she could answer, Da'an stepped forward between them and gripped her hand with her own, meshing their fingers together. In an instant, they shared and everything Dro'vha had shown her was passed on to the ex-Companion.
        Da'an released her and stepping back, gripped Boone's arm. In mere seconds, Boone's expression changed to become an exact duplicate of the amazed one which Da'an wore, making it obvious to Lili that the temporary resistance leader had experienced the sharing through his partner. They exchanged startled looks before again turning to face her.
        "We... have a problem..." Boone sighed.
        "Yeah. I figure you've got about six hours in which to figure out how to drop your original demands without making them suspicious," Lili said, placing her hands on her hips and staring at him.
        "No. If I drop my demands, they WILL be suspicious..." Boone turned away and began slowly pacing the area in front of Doors' desk. "The Synod will never heed my demands to tamper with the implants," he thought aloud. "It's Zo'or who's the problem. In order to get Nivian, he may well go behind their backs, which means that he might stumble across the modifications that our sympathizers made to the CVI's." He turned to face them. "I should continue with the original plan, BUT... we need to make Zo'or believe that he has another way in which to get to Nivian..."
        "Are you willing to argue the merits of developing a means to circumvent the series three CVI's before the Synod?" Da'an asked. "It will be what they expect you to do and they will be suspicious if you do not."
        "But, if he does that..." Lili started.
        "...I run the risk of actually convincing them," Boone finished.
        There was silence in the room for a time as the three of them thought through the possibilities.
        Da'an was the first to speak. "If we were to... facilitate Zo'or in obtaining Ibraham, our bartering chip would be lost..."
        "The Synod would know that they no longer had to comply," Lili said, excited by the idea. "We'd have to drop our demands!"
        Boone grinned. "We can all be sure that Zo'or already has a plan in mind for obtaining Nivian. We just have to find out what it is... and make certain that it doesn't involve the solution to the CVI problem."
        "I cannot imagine Zo'or giving you anything which you might request," Da'an said, pointedly. "Not even for Dr. Ibraham. I feel certain that he has something beside the CVI solution in mind."
        "What if you're wrong?" Lili asked. "What if he IS thinking about the CVI's? For all we know, he could be planning to 'fix' them in a way which would still kill Doors and Park - but not until after he got Ibraham."
        Boone nodded. "Well then, maybe we can... suggest a different plan to him..." He stared at them with a very serious expression. "Don't share this with anyone except Augur. I don't think the rest of our group should know - it would create too many... complications."

          "The Taelon Museum of Natural History?" Liam shook his head in confusion.
        "Yes. My project has already been approved by the Synod," Zo'or responded, turning from the window to look at his protector. "A portion of the Smithsonian has already been obtained for this endeavor. I believe that it will help to bring about a greater acceptance of my kind by the humans if they are able to see first hand how we live."
        "...And how you... evolved?" Liam snipped.
        Zo'or's eyes narrowed. "You are my protector, not my attaché. You are not qualified to critique my projects."
        "But, I AM more than qualified to critique your evolutionary history," he said with a phony smile.
        The Synod leader glared down his nose at him before turning an heading back for the high ground - his chair. Settling into it, he smiled coldly. "Agent Sandoval is overseeing the project. In the interim, you shall assist him when required to do so. You shall follow his orders as if they were my own. Is this understood?"
        Liam felt his mouth tighten into a hard, thin line. "Yes Zo'or."
        "Excellent. Have my shuttle prepared and await me there. We shall personally check in on the project."
        With a bow and the gesture of leave-taking, Liam turned and quit the audience chamber. Something about the whole situation just didn't sit right. Why would Zo'or be so concerned with such a museum when so much else was happening?
        This all had to have something to do with Boone and Nivian Ibraham....


           Da'an found Boone outside the storage room in which Nivian Ibraham was locked. He was watching the insane doctor through the window, his whole aspect one of intense contemplation.
        "What are you thinking?" she asked, as she slowly approached him.
        "I'm thinking that I don't like gambling with people's lives," he replied with a grimace.
        Moving to stand beside him, she looked through the window and noted that Nivian was sitting on the bed, her arms encircling her raised knees. Today she was calm, merely staring off at the far wall, rather than rocking continuously.
        Having no good words to cheer her chosen one, Da'an instead leaned against him and reaching back, brought his arms around her so that she could hold his hands in front of her waist. She let her sympathy and support for his position seep through their link.
        In a moment he relaxed with a sigh and hugged her tighter, leaning his head against her own.
        "I cannot tell you that what you do is right," Da'an whispered. "for, I know not myself. However... It is a far superior course of action than doing nothing."
        Boone withdrew his arms and slowly turned her to face him. "Then tell me, at least, that you understand about last night - that you forgive me that," he whispered.
        She reached out to cup his cheek. "I understand... and... there is nothing to forgive..." Withdrawing her hand, she turned and headed back down the corridor, pleased that they had put the awkward situation behind them.
        Behind her, Boone turned back to his contemplation of Dr. Nivian, his face slightly less grim than when Da'an had arrived.

          Liam waited over fifteen minutes for Zo'or to join him at the shuttle. He was therefore in an annoyed mood already when a tall, slender, blond fellow in a suit entered the bay and strode over to join him.
        Giving the man a sour look, he realized that he had never seen him before... Still, there was something vaguely familiar about the narrowed look the fellow was giving him...
        "Where's your security badge?" he finally asked, as he stepped back a pace and made ready to use his ample defenses if it came down to that.
        The man smiled coldly and, with a sudden flash od insight, Liam finally recognized him just a second before he spoke.
        "It seems that my disguise is effective," Zo'or grinned as he moved to board the shuttle.
        "Zo'or. Why the disguise?" Liam asked, as he followed.
        The Synod Leader took his seat and turned to face his protector. "It occurs to me that such a means to walk amongst the humans undetected could prove... useful. I have little doubt that Da'an is utilizing the same device." He smiled coldly again. "To have Nivian again by my side, I would venture out in search of her myself if need be."
        "Except that I would never let you out without proper protection," Liam replied, as he took a seat next to the Taelon.
        The shuttle took off then and the two of them were silent for a moment. Finally, Liam leaned closer to his overlord and spoke.
        "Look, Zo'or. Why don't you simply ask Da'an to return Nivian to you? She must know that you're Nivian's only hope for a normal life. Besides, she knows what it's like to be bound to a human. If anyone could understand and sympathize, it would be her."
        Zo'or stared at him unblinkingly for a moment, his face seeming to betray his wish that Liam might be right, but slowly, his mouth tightened into a narrow line.
        "Your suggestion is ridiculous. Da'an has no reason to aid me and every reason not to."
        "I don't think that you're giving her enough credit."
        Zo'or's eyes narrowed further. "Why do you continually refer to Da'an in the feminine? You of all people must be aware of the error of assigning gender to one of my kind."
        Liam sighed. "It simply occurs to me that if Da'an is attached to Boone, that SHE would be assuming a feminine role." He turned to look Zo'or in the eye. "What have you got to lose? Ask her. The worse she can do is turn you down."
        Zo'or turned to stare towards the front of the shuttle.
        "I see," Liam smirked. "Your pride won't allow you to ask help from one whom you consider your inferior."
        "I have never thought of Da'an as my inferior. He is merely misguided."
        "Just remember my suggestion. If you really want Nivian back, you can't afford to pass up any possible means of gaining her return."
        Zo'or ignored him for the rest of the trip, a sure sign that his words had unnerved the Synod Leader, forcing him to consider a distasteful, but possible course of action.
        If only Zo'or would heed his words, Liam thought. Things would go so much more smoothly if he didn't always insist on subterfuge. And would Da'an actually deliver Nivian?
        Liam felt certain that she would.               Two hours later, apparently satisfied with the way the museum was coming along, Zo'or broke off his tour and had his pilot shuttle him back to the embassy.
        Sandoval finished briefing the technicians who would install the elaborate security measures and joined him next to the entranceway. "Let's be going, " he announced, as he indicated the exit.
        They moved out to the implant's car and spent the drive to a nearby mexican restaurant in uneasy silence.
        "Look, let's cut to the chase," Liam found himself saying, as the waiter left with their orders. "I don't trust this sudden attempt at comradeship, so please tell me what's on your mind."
        Sandoval leaned forward, his elbows on the table. "Why are you working for Zo'or?" he asked. "And don't go feeding me the line you know I want to hear - because you'd be way off base."
        Liam shivered slightly, suddenly aware that something was very different about the attaché, but unable to pinpoint why he knew it.  "Is this what you wanted to talk about?" he asked. "Me?"
        Sandoval nodded. "In part." He leaned back and sipped his water. "You're chimera. The son of Beckette by Hag'el. Your race was betrayed and destroyed by the Taelons. Why would you choose to serve one?"
        "So that I might see my mother. So I wouldn't have to hide all the time," he tossed back before reaching for a chip and dipping it in the salsa.
        Sandoval's sharp eyes seemed to look right through him. "No," the implant protested. "...No. There's more at work here. You're not afraid of Zo'or or any Taelon." He leaned forward again and lowered his voice. "I can think of only two other reasons for your appearance in Zo'or's audience chamber that day..."
        Liam acted unimpressed. "Oh? And what might they be?"
        The implant laughed.  "By God, but there is some of me in you after all."
        A chip crumbled suddenly in Liam's tightening grip, causing Sandoval to smirk.
        "Oh yes. I know what form Hag'el took - had to have taken - to seduce your mother." His face became serious again. "There's a lot about you that I don't know yet, though. So much I want to learn..."
        He had Liam's undivided attention. The hybrid could not believe that this was happening. Was it another trick... or could it be that...
        He all but threw his chip into the salsa bowl. "Look. I don't know what kind of game you're playing this time, but I don't like it," he sneered across the table. "If you're trying to get me to trust you, then you'd be a fool to think that I would. I know where your loyalties lie..."
        Sandoval's eyebrows dropped as he gave him a measuring look. "Do you?" he breathed. "Are you certain?"
        "Quite certain."
        "Then perhaps you'd best have a little talk with your... mama."
        Liam felt all his pent up frustration beginning to surface, despite his attempt to remain cool. "Leave her out of this. You're really not worth the trouble of disturbing her."
        Sandoval actually smiled as he again leaned back in the booth. He non-chalantly nibbled at some chips himself and Liam felt certain that the implant was giving him a chance to cool off.  They sat in silence for a while and it wasn't until after the waiter had returned with their food that the attaché spoke again.
        "There's something you need to know about the museum," he finally said.
        "Oh? Don't tell me it's yet another way in which to gain access to a multitude of unsuspecting humans..." Liam snorted as he cut into his relleno.
        "Not at all. It happens to be a carefully laid trap."
        Liam stopped chewing and stared at the implant, who was watching him with an expectant look. Forcing his food down, he sipped some water. "And why might you be telling me this?"
        "If you go to Zo'or with what I've told you, I'll be ruined - and you know it," Sandoval whispered after leaning in close. "If you don't report it, I can turn you in as being disloyal and claim it was but a test." He smiled coldly. "Both of our necks are sticking out of our shells now, wouldn't you say?"
        "I don't understand..."
        "Trust has to start somewhere, Liam. I suggest that for us, it should start here. Finish your meal. Go back to work. Think about what I've said. Call Beckette..." He stood up and threw some cash on the table. "Come to me when you're ready to trust a little."
        Liam found himself rising to his feet as well. "What's to stop me from turning you in? I'll bet Zo'or has a quick means for testing the effectiveness of your CVI..."
        "There's nothing to prevent you from doing so," Sandoval sighed. "But if you do, there's a good chance that Da'an will suffer for your hasty decision." Turning on his heel, the attaché quickly left the restaurant.
        Liam sank back down into his seat and watched him go, as his stomach began to churn with both excitement and apprehension.

          "I never thought I'd actually hear myself saying this," Boone deadpanned. "but... take me to your leaders."
        He stood respectfully but casually before Zo'or's chair, having just been escorted in from the main entrance by several guards. He had made certain that his skrill peeked out from below his sleeve when he checked his watch and had been amused by the startled and apprehensive looks which had crossed his escort's faces. One of them had hurried ahead - to inform Zo'or that he was 'armed', no doubt.
        Zo'or stared coolly at him for a moment before speaking. "William Boone... and yet... not. You wear a clone's shell, yet it is obvious to me that Da'an took great pains to save you." His eyes narrowed dangerously. "He must have had help."
        "Of course, but... your brother is dead, isn't he?"
        The Synod leader looked momentarily startled, but managed to compose himself. "Your form is unimportant. I am more interested in how your mind was preserved. You may be nothing more than a poor copy of the original's memories..."
        Boone allowed himself a smirk. "I think you already know that I'm the real thing. Da'an would not have risked so much for a pale imitation. He took a step closer and noted with satisfaction that Zo'or drew back further in his chair. "The Synod..."
        He got no further, as the air around him shimmered with the holographic projections of the Taelon ruling body.
        The guards instantly withdrew from the room.
        "William Boone," the one known as Gho'an greeted him. "It pleases us to see that you have not joined the void, despite our displeasure at your current... affiliation. How fares our missing member?"
        Boone bowed ever so slightly at the Synod members, careful to maintain a civility between them and to communicate his continued respect for his adversaries. "Da'an has been in better health, however, she is surviving."
        "You are her anchor to this life then, as well as our sole link to her," Kha'rha said. "We wish her return. Da'an's views are unique among us."
        "There is strength in variety, in diversity of thought," added Dro'vha. "Although we might not agree with Da'an's views, still we wish his return."
        Boone glanced over at Zo'or, catching him with a sour look upon his face. With a small smile, he addressed the Synod. "I fear that there will always be those among you who fear individuality, who seek to weed out those who are... different. It is the way in human society as well. Nonetheless, Da'an foresaw this conversation. She has heard you through me and asks that I speak for her."
        Zo'or stood up. "Then you are fully bonded?"
        "Yes. Our relationship is further proof that humans and Taelons are not so different after all."
        Zo'or looked ill and Boone took the opportunity to round on him. "Why do you continue to deny the truth? You are the only other Taelon besides Da'an to attempt such a bond. Even now, you yearn for Nivian. You don't just miss her - you need her! Without her, you are an incomplete being, something you never even realized until the moment that you came to love her."
        "The Commonality binds us. I am complete within its structure," the Synod leader stated.
        "No you're not." Boone countered, as he turned to address the entire Synod. "You were drawn to us for a greater reason than the coming of the Jaridians. Deep down inside, you all know this, but it terrifies you so badly that you avoid even thinking on it. To the best of my knowledge, only Da'an has embraced the truth - which is why she can no longer be a part of you."
        Zo'or collapsed into his chair as though he had been punched and an uneasy silence filled the room for a minute.
        "I suspect that we have just now heard our missing member's statement," Gho'an announced.
        "Yes. You have," Boone confirmed. "Da'an may not rejoin you until you are willing to accept that humans are your equals. You must alter your actions toward my race and accept the fact that your own cannot survive without one more 'great change'. I strongly suggest that you move towards this goal before the Jaridians arrive."
        The Synod members glowed brightly as white and pink hues lit their forms. There was little doubt that a heated discussion was underway and Boone waited patiently for them to reach some sort of resolution. It was Kha'rha who spoke next.
        "Your words have been heard. We shall ponder this information further," he related. "Now speak to us of your wishes with regard to the series three CVI's."
        "My demands are unchanged," Boone replied, although it upset him to see Kha'rha's brilliant blush of distress. "We must have a means of restoring Doors and Park before we can return Nivian Ibraham to Zo'or.
        "You speak of the importance of the Human-Taelon bond, but then hold Dr. Ibraham hostage, " Zo'or spat. "If you believed your own words, you would release her to me at once!"
        Boone looked down at his toes for a moment before meeting the Synod Leader's eyes. "You must first demonstrate that you are willing to make sacrifices in your dealings with humans," he said softly. The first step is to stop enslaving us, but falling short of that, our release from servitude should at least remain a possibility. These CVI's ensure that their recipients will all die slaves... and die quickly at that. I do not believe that our demands are unreasonable."
        "We cannot..." Kha'rha began, only to be cut off by Gho'an.
        "We will ponder this," he stated. "and issue our decision three days hence. Contact us in this chamber then."
        In a blink, the Synod faded out, leaving only Boone and Zo'or within the chamber.
        Without a word, the Synod Leader waved a hand over a portion of his armrest and the two guards rematerialized.
        No words passed between them as Boone turned on a heel and quit the room.

          "What?!" Liam gawked at his global. He had taken refuge in his apartment after lunch, spending the rest of his lunch break pondering his strange meeting with Sandoval. Finally, unable to stand it a moment longer, he had contacted Siobhan Beckette.
        "It's true," Siobhan repeated. "I don't dare go into the details now, but... "
        "Did you tell him that he was my father?" he asked.
        She was immediately defensive. "He had already guessed. Besides... he knows that he and Hag'el contributed equal amounts to your make-up. He's aware that Hag'el is as much your father as he is. He's also aware that neither he nor I had any say in your conception, but I truly believe that he yearns for family. He wants to get to know you. He wants to protect you..."
        "I don't need his protection."
        Her face softened. "Of course you do. None of us can make it in this world alone. We all need someone to watch over us sometime."
        Liam paced through his living room, agitated and anxious over this sudden, unexpected change in his life. "Even if what you tell me about his CVI is true... I don't know if I can trust him!" he finally exclaimed, all his frustration spilling out in his tone.
        "That is something which will come in time. I doubt that he expects anything more than that you at least give him the chance to prove himself."
        The global bleeped, announcing a priority call.
        "Gotta go. Duty calls," he said.
        "Call me soon..."
        Liam switched to the new caller and was not surprised to see Zo'or's face appear on screen. The Synod Leader's face was more forbidding than usual. "Where are you?" he snapped.
        "My apartment. I thought I'd put some more things away..."
        "Things? Since when does a newborn Chimera hybrid have... 'things'?"
        "I meant Lili's things. She has a lot of stuff that I'm sure she's going to want."
        A flicker of interest crossed Zo'or's face and then was quickly replaced as he allowed his irritation to resurface. "William Boone has just left the embassy. Agent Sandoval and his men are trailing him from a distance. Please join them and offer your assistance..."
        "On my way!" Liam cut the transmission and flew for the door. He doubted that Boone would be easy to follow, but he relished any opportunity to mess up Zo'or's trained monkeys...

          Lili reentered Dro'vha's audience chamber late in the afternoon and stopped in shock when she saw Augur sitting before the windows with her new Companion.
        "Wha..?" was all that she could manage, but it was enough to interrupt the conversation the two were having and turn their attention towards her. Both stood.
        "Captain Marquette," Dro'vha said, as he approached. "I have taken a liberty and offered your... friend a position here. He contacted me this morning and I recalled his significance in your life from our earlier sharing..."
        Lili rounded on the techno-wizard. "What were you doing calling for me here?" she demanded.
        "Lili." Augur held his hands up in a placating gesture. "You hadn't settled into a place yet - I know, I dug around in your financial files." Seeing that his lover was turning a darker shade of red, he quickly continued. "I just wanted to make sure that you were all right. I had no idea at that point that you'd jumped back to DC. Anyway, I got Dro'vha on the line and we started chatting..."
        "And he offered you a job..." Lili rolled her eyes. "Look. I don't need you baby sitting me - either of you!"
        "Hey, I got a good salary," Augur added, as he tried to grasp her upper arms. She shrugged him off, but he refused to give up. When he placed his hands on her shoulders, she stilled, although she still glared at him. "Lili, I can perform my assigned tasks from almost any location. I don't have to stay in Washington... although I might have to travel out there now and then. Wouldn't you rather have me here?" When she didn't answer, he pouted. "OK. You win," he snapped in frustration. Turning, he addressed the Companion, who had been watching the exchange with fascinated interest. "Sorry my friend. I'm afraid that I'll have to turn you down."
        "I regret this turn of events as well," Dro'vha replied, as he looked pointedly at Lili. "...for I had hoped to make amends for having uprooted my new attaché..."
        Augur spared Lili a sharp look, and when she met his glare but refused to speak, turned and stalked out of the chamber.
        Several minutes passed before Lili blew her breath out slowly and tried to compose herself.  She looked to Dro'vha and was surprised by the concern visible on his face.
        "I do not understand why you would send your chosen mate away," he said softly. "Surely there is no reason to cause such pain..."
        "You don't understand," she sighed. "He's not my chosen... mate - not by a long shot. Anyway, I'm little more than the current flavor of the month where Augur's concerned. It's best that we not associate too closely..."
        "You sound uncertain of your own actions," the Pacific Companion said, as he slowly circled her. "I am new to your planet, and yet even I do not see Augur following you such a distance unless you were more than... the flavor of the month."
        Lili's mouth tightened. She wished nothing better than to get her job done and retire for the night. She didn't need an alien trying to tell her how to live her...
        "Augur was quite sincere when he earlier spoke of his feelings for you," Dro'vha added, just before he turned and moved in the direction of his own chamber.
        For a moment Lili watched his retreating back, and then, with an exasperated gesture, she turned and headed off in the direction Augur had taken.
        Maybe she could catch him before he left the structure...


        Sandoval waved Liam over as soon as the hybrid spotted him. "What are you doing here?" he asked.
        "Zo'or asked me to back you up. Where is he?"
        The attaché grimaced. "He somehow gave us the slip in the station. I don't know how he managed it with no less than seven men watching him, but somehow he disappeared in the middle of a shop."
        Liam couldn't help but smirk. Boone had most likely activated his holo device the moment he was out of direct sight of his pursuers. Knowing the street-savy ex-policeman's background, he didn't doubt that he had repeated the maneuver again several times for good measure, changing his appearance like a chameleon.
        "What's so amusing?" Sandoval snapped, bringing him back to the here and now.
        "The fact that you're going to have to explain this to Zo'or," he replied, drawing a sour look from his would-be parent.
        There was silence between them for a moment, as the attaché directed his men over his comm unit. Finally, he glanced back at Liam.
        "Let's get back to the embassy. My people will continue to comb the area, although I seriously doubt they'll spot Boone again. The man must be wearing some sort of disguise."
        Together they got in the FBI agent's car.
        "Have you contacted Beckette?" Sandoval asked him a few blocks later.
        "I have."
        "She confirmed that you've been let off your leash, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you're to be trusted."
        Sandoval laughed. "Quite right," he admitted. "but that doesn't mean that I can't trust you... a bit. The Taelon Museum of Natural History is a very good idea, wouldn't you say?"
        "Huh?" Liam was thrown off balance by the sudden change of topic.
        "If our fellow humans can see how the Taelons live, it may bring about greater understanding and acceptance of them."
        "I suppose..."
        They stopped at a light and Sandoval turned to look at him. "As I told you earlier, the museum is a trap."
        "For Da'an?"
        "Yes. Zo'or knows that he won't be able to resist checking into it. When he does, I've been ordered to capture him so that he may be traded back to Boone in exchange for Ibraham."
        "And is that what you're going to do?"
        "Of course not. Would I be telling you about this if I were?" Sandoval sneered at him, clearly disappointed by the question.
        "Then what are you..."
        "When the time comes, you'll help me to get him away from there," the FBI agent stated. "I believe that Da'an may be convinced to hand over Dr. Ibraham without resorting to extreme measures."
        Liam stared at him in amazement, for his father had just reached the same conclusion he had...

          "Have you lost your mind? You can't go!" Liam stared at Da'an in shock. The two of them were seated in a corner of the medical bay where he had led Da'an upon his return to HQ.
        The Taelon looked offended. "I assure you that I am quite sane," she replied. "It is imperative that we allow Agent Sandoval the opportunity to contact me, so that he might make his request regarding Dr. Ibraham."
        Liam's face slowly slip into a grin. "Then you WILL release her to Zo'or?" he asked.
        Da'an nodded. "It is all a part of our current plan. We must release her so that the Synod abandons all idea of researching the new CVI's."
        The young hybrid looked completely lost.
        "You have missed much during your recent absence," Da'an noted, as she slowly held out her hand to the youngster.

        "Well well well... Look who's finally arrived!" Jared, the on duty surveillance technician, declared as the elevator admitted Boone to the hidden Liberation base. "What took you so long? We were debating sending out a scouting team."
        Boone grinned. "I had to be absolutely certain that I wasn't followed back here."
        "Then, they did try?"
        He snorted. "What do you think? I had Sandoval and at least five men on my tail. Fortunately, I lost them early on." He pointed to his holo device. "This has got to be one of the niftiest things we've ever procured from the Taelons."
        "Yeah, too bad we don't have but two. Think of the surveillance possibilities..."
        "All in good time Jared." He glanced around the command area. "Where's Da'an?"
        "Liam arrived a few minutes ago asking the same question. Find him and you'll find your friend."
        With a nod, he headed off in the direction of Doors' office. Not finding them there, he checked out Da'an's quarters and several side rooms, including the kitchen with no success. Placing his hands on his hips, he grumbled for a moment and concentrated. With a flash of insight, he knew that they were in the medical area and that Da'an was bringing Liam up to speed on the latest news.
        He headed down the corridor in the proper direction.

        With a sudden gasp, Da'an withdrew her hand. "Enough!" she chastised Liam. "I have not given you permission to go beyond a current information exchange."
        Liam stared at her in amazement. "Female?" he breathed.
        Da'an glared at him.
        "You love him!" he accused. "You tried to seduce him last night, but he rejected you..."
        "This does not concern you." Da'an rose and turned her back to him.
        "...And now we're crying, 'privacy'? You really have regressed..." Liam stood and moved to a position directly behind his Taelon mentor. "Look... I'm sorry if I've offended you. I didn't mean to pry, but your memories and thoughts about last night are very strong - right on the surface. I could not help but stumble into them." There was still no response from Da'an. "You're going to need my help if Boone stays away." He placed his hands on her shoulders, causing them both to tense as a soft glow sprang up around the points of contact. "You can't survive on a few crumbs of food. You still require energy."
        Da'an suddenly moved forward, breaking the contact between them. "Boone will provide what I require," she threw back over her shoulder. "Please leave me now."
        Liam frowned. "Are you going to tell him or are you so proud that you'll starve yourself rather than accept 'charity'?" He moved forward, prepared to grasp her arms again, but just then she swiveled around sharply and stared at a spot over his shoulder. He froze, suddenly realizing that someone was behind him. Turning confirmed his fears.
        Boone stood there, as big as ever and looking decidedly grim. The tall Commander's eyes locked with his own and Liam found himself backing down. There was little doubt that he could hold his own against the man, but that didn't prevent a thrill of fear from creeping down his spine. Boone did possess a skrill, after all.
        "Don't you have a Synod Leader to look after?" Boone nearly growled out the question.
        With a nod, Liam quickly left the room.

        Boone waited until the youngster was gone and then turned back to Da'an. "What's going on?" he asked. "Is he harassing you in some way?"
        Da'an seemed to visibly relax. "Liam is merely a child," he answered. "He is somewhat attached to me and accidentally stumbled upon memories of last night..."
        "In other words, he's jealous."
        "I suppose so."
        "Well hopefully you have a means of keeping him in line, because I don't relish the idea of bringing the church down on our heads - and that's exactly what'll happen if he and I get into it."
        Da'an looked startled. "There is no need to... get into it."
        "Da'an, if he oversteps the bounds of his relationship with you..."
        "Now who is the jealous one? It is not your place to determine the boundaries of my relationship with my pupil," the Taelon shot back just before she strode from the room.
        Boone watched her go and then ran a hand through his hair. He had heard what Liam had said about starving rather than accepting charity, but he couldn't understand it. Was Da'an not eating enough? Why would she require charity? What exactly was going on between her and Liam? It had looked as though the Chimera hybrid had been putting the moves on her... but it simply made no sense!
        "Aliens!" Blowing his breath out, he moved back towards the command area. He'd work on this new little mystery later on. Right now, there were still many things requiring his attention.

          "Ola?" Danielle Warner waited a second. "Hello?" she repeated, still with no response.
        Someone was on the line. She could tell that there was a connection. Annoyed, she slammed down the receiver and after a moment's thought, requested a trace.
        She was informed that the line was untraceable.
        Biting nervously at a hangnail, she convinced herself that it was nothing - only a one time event and, with a shrug, went back to preparing lunch.

        Half a world away, Ronald Sandoval stared at his phone in amazement. It was her! She really was alive!
        Happier than he had been in quite a while, he began planning out a trip to Portugal. He'd take a plane. A shuttle would definitely be out of the question - it would attract too much attention and he didn't want Deedee to know he was there...
        Not until he assured himself that the moment was right to reveal his own personal liberation from Taelon control to her.

          The persistent knocking at his front door eventually convinced Liam to abandon all hope of continuing his meditative exercise. With some annoyance and even greater curiosity, he moved quietly to the door and peered through the peephole.
        Augur stood outside.
        Stepping back, Liam swung the door open and he and his friend stared hard at each other.
        "What's the matter with you?" he asked.
        Augur sneered. "I was about to ask you the same question." Pushing his way past the young hybrid, the techno-wizard entered the apartment and plopped down into a chair.
        Liam secured the door and took the sofa. "Well?" he asked.
        "You go first."
        "Da'an has latched onto Boone to the point that she's willing to face the void rather than turn to me for help."
        A ghost of a smile crossed Augur's face. "Well, at least Boone found someone who loves him back..."
        "The man is clueless!" Liam spat. "He doesn't know the first thing about Taelon needs!"
        The hacker chuckled mirthlessly. "Maybe not... but he knows a heck of a lot more about male/female relationships than you do, so I'd say that that gives him an edge."
        Stung, Liam struck back. "Lili sent you back, didn't she? Maybe you'd better go ask Boone for advice about your relationship."
        Augur turned a sour look on him. "Maybe." He rubbed a hand over his smooth scalp and pulled at his que. "She got all uptight about me contacting her Companion.... acted like the two of us were conspiring against her or something." He sighed. "I really don't understand her sometimes. It's like she's intentionally taking a step in my direction and then running back five spaces."
        "Maybe she's afraid that you're going to hurt her."
        "What makes you say that?"
        "Your description just now. It's like poking a dangerous animal with a stick and then running in case it reacts." Liam noted that Augur was staring at him in a peculiar fashion. "Hey, you're the one who used that particular description. I just elaborated on it."
        "You may be right, too!" Augur stood up and patted him on the cheek. "Thanks. I'll see you around." In a moment the front door had closed behind him.
        Liam sighed and then returned to his exercises.

        Several days later, Boone found himself re-entering the Washington embassy, but this time he was escorted to Zo'or by both Sandoval and Liam. Sandoval was strangely silent, but the piercing looks he turned on Boone spoke volumes. It seemed obvious that he found Boone's presence unnerving, but there was something else at work there as well. It was as though the attaché had something he wished to say - something which he felt was too dangerous to be spoken of within the embassy.
        For his part, Boone kept his silence, speaking only when spoken to. He had other things on his mind at the moment...
        They entered the audience chamber to find the Synod already present via datastream technology.
        "Welcome Commander Boone," Zo'or greeted coldly from his chair, as Sandoval and Liam moved to flank him. "The Synod has heard your demands and has reached a decision."
        Gho'an spoke. "Although we are not willing to agree with every point you raised at our last meeting, we do recognize your request that we make a show of good faith. We have therefore agreed to investigate the possibility of developing a means to free our implants from the absolute control of the series three CVI's."
        "Although an admirable course of action, it's not good enough," Boone replied. "The deal is that you DO release Doors and Park from their CVI's, not that you investigate the possibility of doing so."
        "Commander Boone," Zo'or snapped. "You should be grateful that your plea was even considered. If the decision were up to me..."
        "I guest that it's a good thing that it isn't - for Nivian's sake," Boone snapped back.
        It was Dro'vha who stopped the exchange by speaking. "We are aware of the exact nature of your demands," he soothed. "however, it shall take some time before we may be able to help Doors and Park."
        "How long?"
        "It is difficult to say. Our scientists estimate months, perhaps upwards of a year..."
        Inwardly pleased, Boone nonetheless did an admirable job of appearing put out. "I'll need to take this back to my people," he replied, biting his lower lip in apparent frustration. "It may well mean that the deal is off..."
        Zo'or rose as he turned to leave the chamber. "Wait!"
        Boone turned back around to face him.
        "I ask you to consider trading Dr. Ibraham for something else of value to the Liberation." It was the closest to begging that the the Taelon had ever come, an event which was not lost on Boone. Sympathy for Zo'or was the last thing he had ever expected to feel, but feel it he did.
        It didn't prevent him from doing what he had to do.
        "I'm sorry Zo'or, but she's too valuable a game piece to trade for anything less than what we've already asked." Without looking back at the stricken Synod Leader, Boone exited the room.
        Once outside, he went through an elaborate series of maneuvers designed to ditch anyone who might be following him. Along the way, he thought about the Synod's decision.
        Da'an had already informed him that an opportunity to return Nivian had presented itself, yet she had refused to elaborate further, saying only that she did not wish him to bear any blame in Nivian's return. Better that the liberation blamed her than stripped him of his leadership. Alarmed, he had attempted to argue the matter, but Da'an had easily reverted back to her old, superior demeanor, apparently instinctively knowing that he was still in awe of her - that he had never forgotten that she was indeed a superior, alien being. In the end, he had aired his reservations, his fear that she would end up in a situation in which he couldn't help her, but she had calmly assured him that she had taken all variables into account.
        He had finally realized that there was just no arguing with Da'an and retreated back to his own quarters.
        That had been three days ago. Since then, he hadn't seen her but a few times and it came to him that she was allowing him to avoid her, for surely in the close confines of HQ, they would have seen each other more often.
        It was hours before he finally re-entered Saint Michael's church, and when he did, the one person whom he felt certain would greet him... wasn't there... 


        Immediately following Boone's exit, Sandoval departed for The Museum of Taelon History, which was opening at exactly ten hundred hours. He made it with just three minutes to spare and moved towards the side entrance with a dazed look upon his face.
        From the size of the crowd gathering outside, it seemed that the museum would be opening to record crowds. He sighed. It would make finding Da'an harder... but it could aid him in getting the ex-Companion out of there.
        Moving into the control room, he checked over the special monitors which had been installed for no other reason than to unmask a Taelon renegade. Infrared and energy sensing sensors worked in tandem in the entranceway to reveal true form, regardless of the sophistication of its disguise. They had worked flawlessly at unmasking Zo'or during a test earlier that week.
        While the technicians worked at unmasking Da'an, Sandoval would himself be watching a monitor hooked to a normal zoom capable camera in the hopes of spotting his one time overlord before he entered the building. He knew the odds were against him. He had hoped to have Liam stationed near the entrance, figuring that the hybrid would instinctively recognize the Taelon if he should slip by, but Zo'or had delayed his appearance.
        Muttering under his breath, he sat down and began scanning the crowd.
        It was slightly under two hours later that he noted Liam's arrival via shuttle. The hybrid... his son slowly made his way towards the front door by pushing himself through the milling throng which shuffled aimlessly about. Several attempts had been made to form up strict lines, but they were long and consequently there were always people simply gathered together in groups chatting to pass away the time. Sandoval zoomed in on Liam as he paused to chat with a man who was attempting to pick a fight.
        That's when his eye was drawn to a woman standing directly to Liam's left. It was the same woman who had once posed as one of Zo'or's agents - the one who had helped Boone to escape from a trap which the then United Nations Representative had set for him. She had gone by the name of Dana Dessierre. Now, as he stared at her in shock, her features clicked.
        There was no doubt in his mind that Dana Dessierre and Da'an were one and the same!
        Attempting to appear nonchalant, he rose and commanded the technicians to continue their work, explaining that he had something he needed to check into.
        He waylaid Liam directly outside the door. "He's here," he hissed under his breath, causing the hybr... his son to turn and scan the crowd. "Over there, at ten o'clock, with long dark brown hair and wearing a blue dress," he added. This time Liam made her.
        "On my way," he whispered.
        Without a word, Sandoval marched around the right side of the building and cut through some bushes into a small park next door. Here, seated upon a bench, they would be out of camera range.
        A few minutes later, Liam showed up, his arm firmly closed upon that of the disguised Taelon. He had taken the precaution of circling the building from the other direction and the Shaquarava of his free hand was glowing subtly, a warning to Da'an not to try drawing attention to them.
        Da'an was pushed unceremoniously onto the park bench as Liam sat on his other side.
        For a moment Sandoval and his one time overlord stared at each other in silence...

            Siobhan Beckette strode off the elevator and into resistance HQ, coming to a stop directly before William Boone.
        Boone looked up at her for a moment before returning his gaze to the security monitor. "Is that him?" he asked.
        "Yes. Shall I bring him down now?"
        Boone looked around him at some of the members who had gathered in the hopes of seeing their newest sympathetic Companion. The rest of the organization had been told only that Kha'rha was much like Da'an, wanting the Taelon enslavement of humanity to end. They had also been told that Kha'rha had seen to it that both Park and Doors had a slightly modified version of the series three CVI's. Unlike the others, these two could be overridden, but only by him.
        "If anyone is against this, they'd better speak now," he warned.
        He and Beckette glanced around them and when it became apparent that there would be no outcries, she turned and re-entered the elevator. Boone turned his eyes back to the monitor, amused by the English Companion's disguise.
        Kha'rha wore the face of an extraordinarily handsome older man. His hair was silver, his complexion pale. He appeared to be dressed impeccably in a long black wool coat with a plum colored scarf, which did little to conceal his broad shoulders.
        Not for the first time, Boone wondered how many Companions walked the Earth, disguised as humans... and how long they had been doing it.
        Only a few minutes later, the elevator doors opened, admitting both Beckette and her Companion. Kha'rha had dropped his disguise in the elevator and now bowed slightly, showing his respect for those gathered below.
        Boone stepped forward to greet him. "Welcome Kha'rha," he said, likewise bowing.
        "It pleases me to see you again," the Companion responded, placing a hand on boone's shoulder. "...however, it pains me that our meeting must take place under such unfortunate circumstances. I would have seen to your fallen leader and medic sooner..."
        "I know that it's been hard for you or Dro'vha to sneak away lately," Boone responded. "What matters is that you're here now. Please follow me to the medical lab." He headed off in the direction of the main corridor as Kha'rha and Beckette fell in step behind him. For the most part, the other resistance members watched them from a respectful distance and Boone was pleased that no hot words were uttered.
        In the relative isolation of the corridor, Kha'rha moved up to walk beside the ex-implant. "Beckette has informed me that you plan on delivering Ibraham to Zo'or so that the Synod may drop their plans to study the series three CVI's."
        "That's correct."
        "May I ask how you plan to accomplish this?"
        "That's Da'an's department." Boone looked at Kha'rha. "And he refuses to let me in on the plan."
        Beckette and Kha'rha exchanged looks and then they were in the medical bay, Dr. Belman moving forward to greet them.
        Kha'rha wasted no time in approaching the fallen Liberation leader. "Awaken him," he instructed Belman.
        The doctor lifted a syringe and quickly injected it into the IV port.
        Within the minute, Door began to stir and groan. As soon as he opened his eyes, Kha'rha leaned over him.
        "Who am I?' he asked.
        "Kha'rha," Doors instantly responded.
        "Listen to me carefully Jonathan Doors," Kha'rha breathed, as he gripped the liberation leader's hand tightly. "Henceforth you shall act as you see fit when protecting your world. You shall act exactly as you would had you free will and you shall no longer comply with any Taelon's wishes unless you choose to do so."
        Doors' eyes rolled up in his head for but a second. He whimpered and then suddenly the intelligence was back in his expression. His eyes snapped over to take in Boone, then Belman and Beckette before returning to Kha'rha's face. Jackknifing suddenly into a sitting position, he swung his legs off the table and pulled his hand free from Kha'rha's.
        "Boone! Don't tell me that you let another one down here!" he snapped. Before the startled ex-implant could respond, he chuckled. "Thank God that you did!" Reclaiming the Taelon's hand, he shook it soundly. "I cannot tell you what a joy it is to simply be me!"
        Before any of them could get emotional over Doors' release from servitude, he swung towards Boone.
        "What are you waiting for? Fill me in!"    

          "I should have guessed who you were the first time I saw you," Sandoval breathed, as he stared in fascination at the woman before him.
        "It is well for me that you did not."
        He nodded. "I know that you feel you have no reason to trust me - that you never have... but everything has changed. I'll come right to the point with you. The museum was opened with one main function in mind - to entrap you."
        Da'an nodded again. "And you are telling me this for what reason?"
        "Because I'm not being controlled by you or any of your people anymore," he answered, gripping Da'an's arm. "I don't have time to prove my new status or loyalties to you, but I don't want you becoming Zo'or's pawn..."
        "I am already aware of your release from the motivational imperative, even as I knew this to be a trap." Da'an stared into Sandoval's eyes. "I am here today for you. Ask me what you will, but be quick about it."
        The attaché almost shook his head, so rattled was he. "You knew? I don't understand..."  Just then, Da'an turned and looked pointedly at Liam. Of course! Liam had intentionally stopped in the crowd where he would draw Sandoval's attention to Da'an. Sandoval grinned at the hy... at his son. "You son of a bitch..." he breathed.
        "Hey! Watch it!" Liam countered.
        Sandoval shook his head. "Here I thought that I was in control, when the entire time you were playing me for a sap..."
        Liam grinned back. "Not the entire time - only since you told me about the trap."
        Da'an spoke, interrupting their exchange. "Once again, I must urge you to make haste."
        "If you know Liam, then you know what I want you to do," Sandoval countered.
        Da'an reached out to grasp her former attaché's hand. "Meet me here at sunset," she said as she stood. "Bring Zo'or." Releasing Sandoval's hand, she watched as he rose to stand beside her. "If you can forgive me for what was done to you... I look forward to beginning a friendship with you."
        "I cannot lay the blame at your feet. It was I who begged you to make use of me..." Sandoval bowed deeply. "I will see you here this evening... my friend."
        He and Liam quickly headed off in the direction of the museum's front entrance. When he glanced back, he could see Da'an making her way back up the street and he stopped to watch her in amazement.
        "Come on!" Liam tugged at his arm. "They'll be wondering where you've got to."
        Together they entered the building.

          Park, showered and once again dressed impeccably, joined both Jonathan and Joshua Doors, Belman and Boone in Doors' office. Kha'rha and Beckette had already departed, needing to get the Companion back to his embassy before his delay in arriving could be noticed.
        "So, we have no choice but to give Nivian Ibraham up to Zo'or..." Doors frowned. "There must be another way..."
        "I wish I could tell you that there was," Boone sighed. "but, unless we turn her over and make it look unintentional, the Synod will continue investigating the new CVI's. You know that they'll figure out what's happened... Nivian's already been smuggled out and Da'an is missing as well, which makes me believe that the transfer is going to take place soon... It's pretty much a done deal at this point."
        Doors stared at him. "Have you thought about what might happen to your... friend once the rest of our people find out what he's done?"
        "Do you really care?"
        "Of course I do! He's our biggest asset!"
        Boone shook his head, amazed as ever by the man's crassness. Losing his MI hadn't seemed to make all that much of a difference. "I've thought about it," he admitted. "and I've decided to take the blame myself. Now that you're back, you can simply demote me. Da'an and I will be able to remain here."
        The billionaire nodded. "In the meantime, I plan to announce that you'll continue your command until the current crisis is over. Don't give me that incredulous look! We both know that changing command now would be detrimental. We don't need to foster confusion and bad feelings at a time like this..."
        With a nod, Boone bowed out of the room and headed toward the command center. Despite his outward calm, he was a nervous wreck inside. Liam had better not let anything happen to Da'an...

          "How dare you greet me with news of such failure?" Zo'or rose from his chair and quickly stepped down to stand before his attaché and his protector. "By what means did Da'an elude capture?"
        It was Sandoval who spoke. "He never actually entered the building. Kincaid happened to sense him, despite his holographic disguise while he was in line."
        "Unfortunately, Da'an also knew who... what... I was and headed for the street. I lost her when she ducked into a store," Liam explained.
        Zo'or glared at the hybrid, his eyes flashing with barely contained anger. Suddenly, he seemed to wilt. Returning to his chair, he collapsed into it, slumped with distress. "It was my only option for obtaining Nivian without compromising our new CVI's..."
        For a few moments, there was silence in the chamber, until Zo'or happened to glance up to see Sandoval and Liam exchanging knowing looks. "What is it?" he asked, annoyed at the fact that they seemed to be sharing some secret knowledge.
        Sandoval smiled tightly. "After escaping us, Da'an sent someone back to me with a message."
        "If we meet him in the small garden beside the museum at sunset, he will give Nivian over to you," the attaché informed his overlord. "He feels very strongly that Nivian's well-being is being compromised and that she is the first priority in this situation. He also warned that if you made any attempt to turn the situation to your advantage, that you would not be reunited with your paramour."
        Zo'or was sitting bolt upright in his chair, an incredulous look upon his face. "This must be a trick... Da'an would not go out of his way for me!"
        "But, she's made it clear that she's not doing it for you," Liam noted. "She's doing it for Ibraham."


        Augur accompanied Da'an to the attic room within his warehouse. "Nivian, look who's returned," he asked the figure huddled on the old cot. She immediately lifted her head and looked past him, her face breaking into a smile.
        Da'an stopped a few feet away and held out a hand. "It is time, Nivian," she announced. "Come with me now."
        Rising, Nivian moved to stand beside Da'an and took her hand, relaxing as she did so. She turned an adoring look upon her Taelon protector, for only when they touched was she capable of coherent thought.
        "Zo'or awaits me then?" she asked.
        "It is my hope that he does."
        She shivered. "I'm afraid..."
        "I know you are." Da'an's look was one of profound understanding. "... however, it is the only way in which you may recover. Only remember that you are as capable of controlling Zo'or, as he is of controlling you. Use your influence with him in a positive manner and also remember that... despite everything, he loves you truly."
        She nodded. "I'm ready."
        Augur stepped forward and affixed his own rendition of the Taelon holo devices to Nivian's collar and activated it.
        A few minutes later, Dana Dessierre and Augur left the building and entered a waiting taxi.
        From the shadows of the doorway, the real Augur watched then go and silently wished them luck.


          As the sun began to drop in the sky, a shuttle appeared directly above the museum. Briefly, it flamed a golden color, lit by the sun's dying rays before it dropped down to land in the parking lot at the rear of the structure.
        Da'an squeezed Nivian's hand reassuringly and led her out of the office building and across the street. As they approached the park, they could see Sandoval, Liam and a tall, blond man closing the gap from the other direction.
        Nivian turned her eyes toward Da'an's illusionary facade. "It's Zo'or," she breathed nervously.
        "I know." Again Da'an squeezed her charge's hand and together they moved into the park, coming to a stop before a small, dormant flower bed.
        Their visitors stopped on the other side.
        Zo'or, his expression one of both anxiety and hope, held out his arms beseechingly. "Nivian..."
        His voice was barely heard, but Da'an felt the thrill go through the scientist at the non-verbal call Zo'or had made.
        Once more, the scientist turned her eyes toward Da'an. "I am going to miss you... so much..." she choked. "and Boone as well..."
        The renegade Taelon brushed a strand of silver hair away from Nivian's face. "You will be ever in our thoughts," she whispered. "and if all goes well, you shall see us again."
        "I'll never forget what I owe you both..." With tears in her eyes, Nivian finally let go of Da'an's hand and turning, walked directly across the flower bed and into Zo'or's outstretched arms.
        The Synod Leader and the human doctor, embraced as though they feared that they never would again.
        Long moments later, when Zo'or raised his head to thank the one who had saved them, he found that Da'an had already vanished.  

        "Here he comes, Commander!" Jose yelled across the room to Boone, who hurried over to take a look at the sentry's monitor.
        "Thank God," the ex-implant whispered under his breath when he saw Da'an arriving in the Church's vestibule in her Dana disguise. It was late - well after sunset and he had become worried enough that he had been about to head above to search for his companion.
        Turning, he moved to stand beside the entranceway doors, which only moments later opened to admit his missing friend. Relieved, he made to take her arm, opening his mouth to greet her, but she immediately shied away from him, eluding the contact.
        He frowned. "What's wrong?"
        She looked up at him, but did not drop her disguise. "All is well, however we should not discuss this here..."
        Of course! Da'an was obviously just hiding any physical association between them from the other resistance members... Besides, she was right - they couldn't talk about the incident in public...
        He gestured towards the corridor which led to their chambers, but she moved off in the direction of the medical bay. Suddenly aware that something really was not right, he frowned and followed. Once they arrived, Da'an moved into the small chamber which had been recently inhabited by Nivian and began collecting her things together on the bed.
        "Da'an, what is it?" he asked, gently.
        She stopped, staring down at the small pile she had made for a minute before slowly turning to meet his eyes. "I have sudden reservations about returning Nivian to Zo'or," the ex-Companion admitted. "Perhaps you were correct to doubt this course of action..."
        "Are you saying that we've done the wrong thing?"
        "Your words to me... about gambling with people's lives..." Da'an shuddered. "If Nivian felt so strongly about leaving Zo'or in the first place, what right have we to return her to him now, when she is unable to reason for herself?"
        He moved closer. "Perhaps more important even than life, is quality of life," he whispered. "Not a night has not gone by that I haven't pondered this. Nivian had no life here with us. Robbed of her mind and her freedom, she was but a broken, empty shell. She may not approve of what we've done. She may even hate us for it for a time... but she WILL be able to think for herself again. She'll grow strong and make her own choices, even if it means leaving Zo'or again, only next time she leaves, she'll leave a whole person.
        In addition to regaining her life, her return will ensure that so many others will regain their lives as well. She will know this. She'll remember what we told her while she was here and somehow, I think she'll take a great deal of comfort in knowing that."
        Da'an tilted her head slightly and looked at him with interest. "Quality of life..."
        "Live free or die..."
        Boone nodded. "How we live is more important than how long we live."
        The renegade turned away from him and gathered the edges of the bedding together, wrapping Nivian's things in a neat bundle. "I understand this concept," she whispered. "I understand it quite well."
        He stepped forward and took the bundle from her. "Doors agreed that we shouldn't let the rest of the organization know about the fifth column or the secret CVI modifications. There's too much chance that there could be a leak. One of our people could be captured, tortured..."
        Da'an turned to meet his eyes again. "They will be angered by Nivian's loss. They will not understand the logic in giving her up for her own sake - not in light of the threat they believe my people pose."
        "I'm not going to let you take the blame for releasing her," he stated.
        "Boone. We have already had this discussion. For the sake of both my people and your own, your rank in this organization must not be compromised!"
        "I don't think you'll have to worry either way," came a dry voice from the doorway. Dr. Belman stood there, her face strained. "You'd better come quickly. Liam's just taken the blame for returning her."
        With a quick glance back at Da'an, Boone broke into a jog, quickly covering the ground back to the control room, where he was just in time to hear Doors quieting down the angry buzz in the room.
        "OK people! Settle down!" the restored billionaire bellowed. "Liam, i understand that you released Nivian because you wished to help her, but you went behind our backs. You know that there was to be consequences for this."
        "I understand that." Liam held his chin up, defiantly glaring at those members who were giving him a filthy look.
        Doors sighed. "Wait for me in my office." As Liam left the room, Doors spared Boone, and Da'an, who had just arrived with Belman, a warning glance. Then he turned back to addressing his group. "What's done is done," he stated. "All we can do now is wait and see what the Synod's next move is. May I remind you all that Liam was almost literally born yesterday. Go easy on him for now."
        That said, Doors stalked over to Boone, Da'an and Belman. "You three. My office. Now."
        They quickly followed him.


        The techno-wizard paused slightly, waiting for Lili to catch up to him before running his thumb over the DNA scanner.
        "What? No hello?" she asked, as she followed suit.
        He stared at her. "Hey, you've been gone three days. No call. No letter. Not even a postcard, did I receive," he accused. "So don't go getting huffy with me just because I didn't gush out how glad I am to see you."
        "So... you are glad to see me?" she asked as she followed him onto the elevator.
        As the lift began to plummet, he removed his glasses and gave her a stern look. "When are you going to learn to trust me?" he asked. "That's what this is all about isn't it?  You're afraid that I'll up and vanish one day, that I'll move on to greener pastures." He sighed. "Lili... I don't think there will ever come a day when I'm not glad to see you. I missed you."
        A huge smile split her face. "Good," she said, just as they exited the elevator and the doors to the command center opened. "because, I want you to come back to Honolulu. I've done a lot of thinking lately... I missed you, too. Things are dull when you're not around. Forgive me for sending you away... and I promise to trust you."
        "You're going to trust me?"
        "A little..."
        "Can I move in with you?"
        "Don't push your luck. Well? What do you say?"
        He pulled her up against him and kissed her for all he was worth.
        She came up for air first. "Is that a yes?" she panted.
        "I forgive you."
        "But, will you come back?"
        "Uh huh," he confirmed.
        Loud applause broke out around them then and they looked up to find almost every member present below gathered around the doorway they stood in. A chorus of different comments could be heard;
        "Way to go!"
        "Never thought I'd live to see the day..."
        "Maybe now things'll calm down around here!"
        "Wait! Who'll fix my drives for me at half price now?"
        "Jeez you guys!" Lili bellowed. "Get a life, will ya?"
        Together, the two of them headed for the relative safety of the kitchen.

          "That was a brave thing you did out there," Boone noted.
        Liam shrugged. "It was necessary. There's no way I'd let Da'an confess to letting Nivian go - she's barely tolerated as it is and as much as I hate to say it, we need you too. I realized that I was the only person who could 'fess up' and not get drummed out."
        "Nevertheless, I owe you big time." Boone held his hand out and after only a slight pause, Liam shook it.
        The young hybrid then turned to face Da'an, his face lighting up at the approving look he saw on her face. "You don't have to thank me," he said to Boone. "I did what had to be done, that's all..."
        "I commend you as well, but we have to keep up appearances..." Doors rumbled. "Now about your punishment..."
        Liam's smile quickly faded.

          Sandoval exited his taxi and stood for a moment, taking in the charm of the small city named Aveiro. With a small river running through the center of it and the many arched bridges crossing over it, the place reminded him of a smaller, cleaner, more open version of Venice. The buildings were brightly painted and outdoor cafes abounded along the tree lined roads. Some of the side streets were cobblestone.
        Dressed impeccably in a suit and carrying no luggage, he drew a few curious looks as he made his way towards one of said cobblestone streets. The taxi driver had pointed him in the right direction.
        As he walked, he felt his pulse quicken as a nervousness took control of him. Deedee had to know that he thought her dead. How would she react to his sudden appearance on her doorstep? Would she scream and run? Did he dare to pursue her in a town like this? The locals might try to beat him to death...
        Ten minutes later, he stopped and glanced up at the three story dwelling across the narrow street. It was the place, but his feet seemed strangely rooted to the ground. Perhaps he should wait for her to come out...
        With a sigh, he moved a few doors down and entered a small restaurant where he took a table at the window.

        Nearly and hour later, he saw Deedee coming down the street in his direction. He stood, paid his bill and was about to exit the restaurant, when he heard a man calling her.
        In a state of shock, he watched as the handsome stranger embraced and kissed her.
        They entered her building together.
        Sandoval collapsed back into a spare chair and stared with unseeing eyes at the doorway they had gone through.


            Boone's eyes snapped open. The bedside clock read 01:45 hours. He was alone in his bed, as he had been ever since the night that he had pushed Da'an away.
        Not long after Liam's phony confession, Beckette had called in to let them know that the Synod had ordered the CVI investigation halted. Knowing that Nivian had been returned, they planned on eventually informing Boone that they were unable to find a means of undoing the new CVI programming.
        Da'an had seemed to take the news far worse than anyone else, disappointed that his people had failed to heed Boone's plea that they make a show of good faith.
        Boone sighed. It was no use. He couldn't sleep. There were just too many things weighing heavily on his mind, not the least of which was Da'an...
        Wearing only his sweat pants, he rose from the bed and silently making his way next door to the Taelon's own chamber, carefully slipped inside.
        The lights were out and yet he knew instantly that his friend was not there.
        He had known all night that something was not right with his friend, for she had maintained her holographic disguise and carefully avoided all contact with him the remainder of the evening. He had spent the greater part of his sleep time tossing and turning as he debated whether or not to confront her... and now he wished that he had.
        Something was VERY wrong...
        Turning, he quickly went in search of her.
        After a brief search of the hidden fortress failed to turn up the Taelon outcast, Boone nearly panicked. Pausing only long enough to pull on a T-shirt, he questioned one of the night sentries, who informed him that the otherworldly liberation member often went into the church during the course of the night and having left almost an hour ago, was most likely there again.
        Boone quickly made his way above and silently moved from the vestibule into the main cathedral, a place he had not visited since his fight with Hag'el. The place was dimly lit and the stone tiles all but froze his bare feet as he moved up the central aisle. He could sense Da'an's presence nearby and relaxed somewhat, relieved that she had not actually left the structure.
        Closing his eyes, he concentrated and then backtracked towards the stairs which led up to the steeple.
        He found her sitting at the top of the landing. With a blanket shrouding her, hiding her features from any chance observer in the street, she sat and watched the stars through the thin glass of the upper window.
        "It's a cold night," Boone commented, as he sat beside her. "...but I see that the sky is cloudless. It's quite a view, isn't it?"
        Da'an's head turned and he could see the faint glow of her eyes within the cowl formed by the blanket.
        "It is not so fine a view as I have previously enjoyed," she sighed.
        Reaching out with an arm, he encircled her shoulders and pulled her back against him. "I don't suppose that it is," he agreed.
        Now that she had finally allowed him to come into physical contact with her, he could feel the Taelon's misery. Completely cut off from the Commonality and constantly at odds with her own kind, she despaired of being accepted by the humans she now lived amongst. Did not the one being in all their race who understood her also reject her?
        With utter shock, Boone realized that he was that being and that Da'an did not expect to live much longer. Her duty in bridging the gap between Taelon and Human was all which kept her in this life - a life which she now found nearly unbearable.
        Gripping the Taelon firmly by the shoulders, he turned her so that they faced each other and pushed back the blanket.
        Da'an looked sickly. Her human-like appearance fading in and out as though she were too weak to keep up the illusion.
        Frightened beyond words, Boone pulled her close and kissed her desperately and with a passion which surprised them both as Da'an sighed with relief at the contact and wrapped her arms about him.
        When he drew back several minutes later, he was relieved to see her looking a bit less grim.
        "Eating isn't enough to keep you alive and without relying on Liam you're not getting the energy you require to live..." Boone whispered, suddenly certain that he was right in his assumption.
        Da'an did not deny it, merely staring at him with a hunger he had never before witnessed on any being's face.
        "Were you going to wait until it was too late and just simply fade away?" he asked, more angry with himself for not having noticed her predicament, than with her.
        "Peace, William," Da'an whispered, as she leaned forward and rubbed her cheek against his own. The contact brought back vivid images of the care she had given him when he was trapped within an infant body... as well as eliciting its customary pleasurable sensation. "I do not need an energy stream... or Liam..." she murmured. "...so long as you... accept me..."
        Boone knew now that the theory he had begun to piece together was in fact reality. Every time they touched, Da'an absorbed a small amount of energy from him. It was residual energy that he did not require - given off when his neurons fired or his muscles moved. Chalk it up to the relative inefficiency of matter based organisms, but they wasted enough energy to apparently keep an energy based creature, like a Taelon, alive. It only followed that the more wound up a human was, the more physically and emotionally charged, the more energy they would dissipate.
        It had to be the reason why, on the night that they had nearly made love, the usual electrifying sensation at any contact between their skin... had been intensified enormously...
        He cradled her face with his hands. "Gho'an was right... I'm the key to your existence outside the Commonality..." he whispered, completely awestruck by the trust she had placed in him. "...All this time, you relied upon me... for so much... Why didn't you tell me? I would have..."
        Da'an covered his lips with a finger, silencing him. "If you are unwilling to accept me...then I would rather pass beyond this life than live a lie."
        They stared at each other then, their eyes locked unblinkingly for several seconds.
        Boone slowly leaned forward as he pulled Da'an close and kissed her, but this time he put his every hope for the two of them into it.
        As she responded to him, holding on to him tightly as though afraid that he would again change his mind, he groaned and pushed her down onto the landing, pinning her there with his weight so that only the blanket shielded her from the cold flooring. The kiss deepened, igniting the fire that he had intentionally been keeping at a smolder. In moments they went from feeling chilled to feeling as though they were being consumed in a conflagration.
        With an effort, he took his mouth from hers, only to nibble his way across her jaw line and then down the side of her neck.
        Da'an seemed to writhe beneath him, inciting him to further exploration.
        Before he could do more than return to her mouth, she had slipped her arms under his T-shirt and begun lightly stroking his back, shoulders and chest. Everywhere she touched him, he was jolted with an erotic sensation which threatened to snap his control.
        Dimly aware of the sudden brightness which was lighting the small landing, he pulled away long enough to note that Da'an was glowing brightly, her human appearance well and truly gone. With another quick kiss, he wrapped her in the blanket and hoisting her to her feet, led her back down the stairs and towards the safety of the command center. At this point he really didn't care what the night crew thought!
        Indeed, their mouths dropped open when the two of them re-entered the base, for they had never before seen the Taelon in her true form.
        Eventually reaching his own room, he pushed Da'an in ahead of him and pointedly locked the door behind them before leading her to the bed.
        Quickly seating himself on the edge of the mattress, he pulled her down so that she was astride his lap and quickly discarded the blanket which was still wrapped about her shoulders. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaning forward, began kissing him as he gently pulled her caftan over her head.
        With a groan, he realized she still wore the Taelon jumpsuit underneath.
        Da'an actually had the audacity to smirk at his frustration, which in turn made him snicker at his own reaction.
        Understanding what he wanted, she took pity on him, showing him how to run a finger in a certain way down the seam at the back of the suit. As he did so, it quickly parted halfway down its length.
        Watching him intently, she unselfconsciously withdrew her arms from the sleeves and let it fall to her waist.
        Boone's gaze traveled over the alien form which he had never before seen without its jumpsuit.
        She certainly didn't look like any Taelon he had ever seen...
        Almost of their own volition, his hands came up to rest upon Da'an's strong shoulders and then slowly slid down over her thin, but deceptively strong arms. He planted a kiss at the base of her neck, where it joined her torso and slowly slid his mouth downward. When he moved to the left and trailed kisses over the gentle swell which looked suspiciously like the beginnings of a breast, Da'an arched herself against him.
        Through their mental link, he realized with a thrill that she had felt some sort of sensation.
        "You can feel this?" he asked softly, excited by the possibility.
        He moved on to the right swell, licking and nibbling at it for a time as Da'an squirmed on his lap. By now there could be little doubt in the Taelon's mind that he found her form... arousing. Gasping, he broke contact and lifting her easily as he rose suddenly to his feet. Turning, he deposited her on the bed and grasping the jumpsuit at her waist, he peeled it the rest of the way off her, amazed when the boots came off with it, revealing two insubstantial, but human-looking feet. He briefly wondered how she could stand the boots, before he allowed them to fall to the floor and returned his attention to her.
        His heart skipped a beat as he looked at the being on his bed.
        Da'an was...
        She was...
        ...definitely a she!
        "It is little more than a cosmetic alteration," She explained, apparently afraid that he would somehow be disappointed by the truth. "In every other way, I am a Taelon still."
        Pulling his T-shirt over his head, Boone discarded it and moved onto the bed beside her. "A Taelon that eats, drinks... feels?" he murmured, as he shook his head in wonder. "You've moved beyond your fellows." He nuzzled his cheek against her neck, not giving her a chance to reply. "Either way... it doesn't matter," he sighed. "Not with you." Pulling back a bit, he stared into her mesmerizing eyes. <"I would love you even if you had not changed.">
        Da'an nodded. <"But this makes it easier.">
        He smiled again as he picked up on her amusement.
        Unable to stop himself, he reached out a hand and gently stroked her cheek.
        She sighed, pressing her face to his hand and seemed to relax as he again felt the odd, but pleasurable, tingling sensation where their flesh touched.
        He was amazed by the truth... Without him, she could not survive - it was he who sustained her mentally... and physically.
        As she picked up on his thoughts, her eyes clouded over and became troubled. He felt the fear rise up in her - fear that she was about to be rejected again.
        "It is not a good enough reason..." she whispered, suddenly doubting his motives.
        His heart lurched painfully. "Yes it is, but the fact that we love each other... and that I can't continue on without you... clenches it," he answered, as he leaned forward and kissed her again.
        Da'an's eyes closed as relief washed over her. She kissed him back as hope grew within her, then began trailing kisses over his face and neck, imitating him. Pausing to rub her cheek against the hair of his chest, her hands slipped down to his waist and began to slide his sweat pants down...


        A glance at the clock showed the time as slightly after zero six hundred.
        Boone lay in a state somewhere between sleep and bliss, his arms around Da'an, who was curled against his side with her head on his shoulder. Every few moments, he would gaze down at her as though he still could not believe that she was there, sleeping peacefully against him.
        He had been an idiot to delay this day for so long, but he had so feared... changing their relationship, risking the special closeness they already shared... And there had also existed the possibility that they would prove physically incompatible, and frighteningly, they almost had...
        He sighed softly.
        In his mind's eye, it had been preferable to deal with the yearning rather than face a disastrous attempt at an interspecies union.  In the end, it had been his fear for Da'an which had given him the courage to attempt it, and how very glad he was that he had!
        Yet again his mind wandered back to the events of earlier that night...
        Da'an had stripped him of his last article of clothing, at the same time encouraging him with the delicate touch of her hands slipping over his skin. Uninhibited in a way few humans were, her hands had wandered over every part of him, pausing to fully explore and stroke his inflamed member until he had finally captured her hand in his own and stilled it. With an annoyed look on her face, she had then pushed her pelvis against him, making certain that there was no doubt in his mind as to what she wished them to do.
        With a small laugh at her mock look of exasperation, he had instantly pressed her to the bed with his full weight while hauling her arms above her head and pinning them there. Pressing his aching hardness roughly against her abdomen, he nibbled at the flesh immediately below her jaw line as he rapidly began to lose control.
        Da'an had gasped at his sudden aggressiveness and then arched herself against him invitingly as he raised himself enough so that he could lower his head and turn his attention to the swells on her chest. With something akin to a growl, he slid further down on the bed, releasing her arms and instead griping her waist between his hands as he licked and kissed her belly. The pathways within instantly lit up a whiter, more brilliant tone and everywhere he touched her, he could see a brighter glow, like a halo effect surrounding the points of contact between them.
        He had paused then, to lay his cheek against her abdomen and simply tune in to her, ferreting out her thoughts and letting her feel his own. An instant later, her hands had tangled in his hair, pulling him firmly, but demandingly back up so that their faces were level with each other. Cupping his face with both hands, she had brought him close, so that the bottomless blue of her eyes locked with his own, mesmerizing him utterly.
        <"You ARE deserving,"> her thoughts echoed clearly in his mind. <"You are my conscience... truly, the other half of my soul... and I hold you above all others. My respect for you knows no bounds... You would know this already, had you not taken such pains to avoid the touch of my mind...">
        He felt his heart skip a few beats even as tears of relief stung his eyes.
        "William," she said aloud, as she stroked his cheek. "You are the best in all of us. YOU are what I would wish my own race to be."
        She had kissed him then, as he had remained perfectly still for a moment, frozen in place by the enormity of what she had told him. In an instant all the insecurities about his worth, and his ability to offer her anything... vanished...
        His eyes, his very thoughts, must have communicated the end of the struggle, for a second before he kissed her, he clearly heard her thoughts.
        <"Come to me now,"> they whispered. <"Be my lover... my mate in all ways...">
         He had finally crossed the line then, suddenly treating her as a woman he desired and loved rather than as an alien being he was still in awe of.  Exploring her form as she had his own, he had prolonged their love play, waiting for her to urge him further. Only when she used her strength to grasp his hips and pull him to her, had he finally relented.
        Shifting himself atop her, he sought and found entrance, but shockingly, discovered that she could not accommodate him. He pushed carefully against her, again attempting to enter, but she gasped and the hands on his hips urged him to be still. A panic began to rise up in him then and he started to back away, unwilling to risk hurting her, but Da'an held him tightly. Mentally, she reassured him, urging him to remain where he was.
        Boone felt her concentrating and watched in fascination as her form lit up more brightly still, a pulse of heightened energy spreading outward from her chest. She sighed then, even as the unnatural tightness disappeared and he felt himself slipping within her, finally able to complete the joining of their bodies.
        One of his last coherent thoughts had been that she had somehow modified her form further...
        In the instant that their bodies had come together, their bond had flared to full intensity so that their every thought and sensation was shared with one another. He had paused to rain kisses over her before the compulsion to move became overwhelming.
        As he had given in to that compulsion, she had writhed furiously beneath him, pulling at him and urging him on with a passion which matched his own, his name echoing over and over in her mind.
        It was at that point that Boone's own thoughts rapidly disintegrated so that, now when he tried to recall them, he could only remember that he had been consumed with a need to end the sweet, but overwhelming agony which had consumed them.
        He had thought that, as with Nivian and Zo'or, Da'an would only feel his own pleasure, sharing it with him through their link.
        He had thought wrong!
        Her regression to a form which was more matter based had enabled her to feel touch and physical pleasure. And through their bond, they had shared both their experiences simultaneously!
        It had proved to be nearly too much...
        ...The end, when it arrived, had been nearly mind shattering and heart stopping. They had been unable to do more than hold each other tightly as they quivered violently in the grip of a doubled pleasure which left him seeing stars.
        Afterward, he had collapsed on his side, struggling to find his breath and literally dizzy with what had to be a massive endorphin rush. His heart was racing outrageously and he suddenly recalled Hag'el's first, quite dead, human lover...
        Still, he had pulled Da'an to him and looked at her, concerned first for her own health.
        <"I am well..."> she had thought sleepily, just before laying a hand over his chest. His heart had quickly slowed and his breathing had returned to normal as she used her healing ability to calm him. Then she had clung tightly to him and rubbed her cheek against his own.
        "You were right," he had murmured sleepily, drawing her curious attention. "When you tuned in to Zo'or and Nivian, you called what they shared, 'a moment of perfection'. At the time, I disagreed... but you were right. This was ... perfection..."
        The amusement within her had been such that it had bubbled up at him through their link, instantly bringing a silly grin to his face.
        "Then we are blessed, for I see many more such... perfect... moments ahead of us...," she had replied.
        Laughing aloud, he had planted a kiss on her forehead and somehow finally found the energy to pull the blankets up over them before drifting off to the first deep sleep he had had since the last night they had slept together.
        Now awake, he looked her over and could see that Da'an once more wore a stable human guise, appearing far healthier than she had been when he had discovered her in the steeple. It amused him no end that she still wore a small smile upon her face.
        "What a way to recharge..." he murmured as he stroked the back of her head.
        "Indeed..." came the Taelon's sleepy, but equally amused voice.
        Hardly believing what he was doing, Boone found himself reciting a poem which had suddenly come to mind. It was one which seemed so very appropriate that it could not be contained...

How shall I hold my soul, 
that it may not be touching yours?
How shall I lift it then above you
to where other things are waiting?
Ah, gladly would I lodge it, all forgot,
with some lost thing the dark is isolating
on some remote and silent spot that,
when your depths vibrate,
is not itself vibrating.

You and me - all that lights upon us, though, brings us together like a fiddle bow drawing one voice from two strings as it glides along.

Across what instrument have we been spanned?
And what violinist holds us in his hand?
O sweetest song....

        Pleased with the appreciative look which Da'an gave him, he hugged her closer and planting a kiss on her forehead, quickly drifted back off to sleep, unaware that his own face bore a trace of a smile which mirrored her own.


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