Perchance to Dream - Part 1
An Earth - Final Conflict story by Tina Price
Original Story Ideas ©1999, Tina Price. All rights reserved.

Archive: All my stories can be found at my personal page at : and

Preview: Life is about to take an unexpected turn for everyone...

Rated PG

Disclaimer: Earth - Final Conflict, all characters and images therein, as well as story elements put forth in the series are the property of the Tribune Entertainment Company. Several characters appearing in this story are my own creation. Any similarity with anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.

Authors notes: <Text appearing like this denotes mental communication."> I owe much of the flavor of this story to the comments, suggestions and ideas given me by my fabulous Beta reader, Janet Spruill White. Indeed, the very premise of "Perchance" is based upon her own original story idea. If you enjoy it, please write and let her know! You can drop her a line, at this address: ( As always, I am in no way receiving 'privileged information'. Any advice, criticism and kudos are always welcomed. Please contact me at the above e-mail address.

Perchance to Dream
Part 1

mage is the Property of Tribune Entertainment


To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub.
For in that sleep of death that dreams may come,...
...We are such stuff
As dreams are made on, and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.

       Boone groaned and rolled over to look at the bedside alarm clock. Three in the morning and the baby was crying again! He began to sit up and swing his legs over the side of the bed when Da'an's hand fell on his arm, stopping him.
        "I will see to our child," she said softly before releasing his hand and rising. "You were awake most of last night and are fatigued."
        He collapsed onto his back. "And so are you," he replied to the dimly glowing eyes hovering above him. "Da'an, we need to take Braedan to a specialist. This continuous crying is not normal. Last time I tried to feed him he refused the bottle and I couldn't find anything the matter. He cried until he was exhausted."
        He heard the rustle of her pulling on a caftan and then the bedside light was waved on. Da'an gave him a sad look, and he knew that the thought that something might be wrong with their newborn was upsetting her. "Perhaps you are correct," she sighed. "I shall contact the appropriate physicians in the morning."
        Boone reached out to rub her bare arm. "Hey, I'm worried too, but it's best to have it checked sooner than later. He'll be fine," he encouraged. "It's probably something very minor."
        She didn't look convinced, but nodded anyway and moved across the room to the crib, where she scooped up the howling infant and moved him to a table to be changed.
        Boone was fast asleep only seconds after she left with their son, returning the noise level in the room to tolerable limits.

        Da'an moved through the Embassy towards the kitchen, cradling her son in her arms and attempting to quiet him. She had already changed his damp diaper and checked him thoroughly for any sort of injury, but still he squalled loudly, building his cries ever louder until he finally had to stop and catch his breath in quivering gulps.
        Then he would begin again.
        Arriving in the kitchen, she balanced Braedan on one shoulder as she removed a bottle from the refrigerator and went about heating it. Her distress at her son's frustrated and hysterical state was such that it took her twice as long to prepare the formula as it normally would, as she tried bouncing him gently while fumbling at her task.
        Finally satisfied that the bottle was just the proper temperature, she seated herself at the table and offered him the nipple.
        Braedan took it eagerly, sucked twice and began screaming even louder, the formula gurgling in his mouth and running out over his chin.
        In a state of complete dismay, she stood and headed back to her audience chamber, rocking him and attempting futilely to calm him. Entering the room, she moved to her chair and sitting, activated the energy stream.
        It seemed to do the trick.
        Braedan slowly caught his breath as he stopped complaining and was soon sound asleep in her arms.
        With a sigh, she too began to relax. Reclining slowly backward, she placed her son on her chest facing her and was quickly asleep herself.
        It didn't last long.
        Only ten minutes later, she was awakened by his renewed crying.
        Whatever could be wrong with him? Before she had given him over for Nivian to carry him to term - while he and she were still joined by shared pathways, she had been able to understand many of his rudimentary thoughts. Now, however, he seemed to be no more capable of communicating than an ordinary human child. Perhaps it was his hysteria which prevented him from clearly communicating his needs. The few times he wasn't in this state, he was exhausted and sleeping.
        With a sigh, she reminded herself that it hardly mattered. The point was that he desperately needed something - and she had no idea what it might be.
        Sitting up, she placed him on her shoulder once more, deactivated the stream and then stepped down. Perhaps she might walk him back to sleep as Boone had done earlier that evening.
        Fifteen long minutes later, she was near to tears herself. What was wrong with her child? Surely it must be something dreadful!
        Deciding that she would rouse every pediatric specialist in DC if need be, she turned back in the direction of her audience chamber...
        ...And was confronted with an apparition in white.
        "Let me try," Nivian said, holding out her arms.
        Numbly, Da'an handed Braedan to her and was amazed when the baby began to quiet and then hiccup as he caught his breath.
        The scientist headed towards the audience chamber with Da'an anxiously looking over her shoulder and they both entered to find Zo'or, newly arrived himself, awaiting them.
        "Da'an, what is the matter with the infant that it carries on so at all hours of the day and night?" he asked, looking more bewildered than upset.
        "I do not know!" she despaired. "I was about to contact a specialist."
        It was then that they realized that Nivian was no longer with them, but seated on the window ledge. As they moved to join her, she pulled down the front of her gown, baring a swollen breast. In seconds the baby was latched on and drinking greedily.
        Zo'or's eyes widened comically at the sight, but Da'an was too relieved to be amused by his reaction. She took a seat on the ledge beside Nivian and watched as Braedan gulped hungrily. "I was advised that he should have formula," she said, embarrassed by the obvious source of her child's distress. "He did well enough on it yesterday."
        "You were advised by Taelon doctors who are biased against having one of their own nursed by a human," the silver haired woman replied. "The formula doesn't agree with him. It's giving him colic. Thank goodness I didn't let them give me a shot to dry me up. I've been saving milk for him in the freezer so that it would be available if something... of this nature occurred."
        "You cannot be nursing this child," Zo'or suddenly stammered, finally getting control of himself. "It would not be in your best interests to become more closely attached to him than you are."
        Nivian smiled at them both. "It's OK. There's nothing I wouldn't do for him, but I do know that he's not my child," she assured. "I'll just continue saving my milk so that his parents can stay up at night with him - But I really wouldn't mind feeding him myself now and then so that they can get some rest."
        Braedan chose that moment to get fussy and with the sure motions of someone well used to handling babies, Nivian sat him up on her lap. Supporting his head and chin with a hand, she rubbed his back, drawing a very loud series of belches from him.
        Zo'or looked horrified, especially when a thin thread of curdling milk ran from the baby's mouth.
        "Welcome to the world of human babies," Nivian laughed, as she placed Braedan at her other breast. "Are you still certain you want one of your own?"
        That really caught Da'an's attention. Looking at her fellow Taelon, she was amazed to see an almost embarrassed expression cross his face before it became aloof once more.
        Seating himself on the ledge at Nivian's left side, Zo'or placed a hand on Nivian's shoulder and leaned close. Still, Da'an could hear him whisper softly, "This is not the time or place to discuss such things."

        It was almost noon the next day when Nivian caught up with a harried and exhausted Boone. As it happened, he was storming up the central Embassy ramp as she was descending, Braedan held against his chest in a baby sling. Before she could even ask him how the baby's physical exam had gone, he had unslung the infant and handed him over to her.
        "Nivian, thank goodness I found you," he said quickly. "We only just got back and I'm way behind on the preparations for the upcoming conference. Please, please, please take care of Braedan for me? I promise I'll only be an hour or so!"
        She smiled at the infant, even as his eyes focused on her and he cooed. "I'll be glad to watch him William," she assured the Commander.
        With a sigh of relief, he handed over the diaper bag. "The pediatrician said that Braedan most likely has a formula allergy," he informed her.
        "Not a problem."
        Boone squeezed her shoulder gently and leaned down to plant a quick peck on her cheek. "Thanks Nivian. You're a life saver."
        With a small laugh she watched him stalk off in the direction of the security offices. Then she lifted the baby up to her face and rubbed noses with him, laughing at the way he wrinkled up his face and grinned toothlessly at her.
        "Daddy and Mommy are very busy right now," she whispered. "Lets see what we can do to entertain ourselves."
        Placing him up on her shoulder, she headed off in the direction of the garden.

        Between meetings, Boone took the opportunity to collapse onto the window seat in the main audience chamber. It had been a heck of a day and CVI or no, he was feeling the effects.
        As he rubbed his forehead, he felt Da'an take a seat beside him. Peeping out from between two fingers he could see the signs of fatigue on her as well. She looked positively blue.
        One of her delicate hands came up to rub his shoulder with surprising strength. Such subtle clues to her alien nature never failed to startle him
        "I don't know, Da'an.... I'm beginning to have second thoughts about the upcoming conference," he admitted with a sigh, the tense muscles in his shoulder relaxing under her expert manipulation.
        "News of our child's birth has already leaked out," she replied. "I feel that we must be forthcoming about this. Best that Braedan be introduced now. I too wish a normal life for him and so it is to our benefit that we face the press so that the... novelty may fade away. By the time he is of an age to attend school, he will be unrecognizable to the general public and able to attend classes with other children."
        He covered her hand with his own, lifting it to his mouth where he planted a kiss on its back as he met her gaze. "I can't help but worry. The situation with Thompson is escalating, not to mention the fanatics who are certain to turn this into a furor..."
        "I agree that there is some risk, however, there always has been when a Taelon attends a public function," she reminded him as she reclaimed her hand. "We cannot live our lives entirely within the shelter of our Embassies and neither can Braedan. Allow your fears to better enable you to prepare for the event ahead, but understand that it must occur."
        Leaning forward, he gave her a peck on the cheek. "I'm just tired and cranky. You know that I agree with you."
        She smiled then, as she went back to work on his shoulders. "Yes. I know.  Did you inform Nivian of the delay?"
        "Oh yeah - that's the spot," he groaned as she found the knotted muscle on the inside edge of his shoulder blade. "Where were we? Oh yes - Nivian. She actually seemed pleased at the chance of having the baby all to herself for the entire day," he chuckled. "Just you watch how quickly she hands him back when we're done though!"
        Da'an stopped kneading the muscle and looked affronted. "Braedan is not a difficult infant."
        "Not when you're around anyway," he replied, pushing his back up against her in the hopes she would continue. "I'm telling you that when he's away from you for any length of time he turns into a terror!"
        She lowered her hands and gave him a measuring look. "So you've said before."
        "You still think I'm exaggerating?" he straightened up, somewhat disappointed that she had discontinued her ministrations.
        In reply, she stood up. "Let us meet with our next guests."
        Boone watched her glide back in the direction of her chair and snorted. "If you don't believe me, ask Nivian!"
        Da'an froze and turned to face him. "Of course I believe you, William. How could I not?"
        Then he was there beside her, pulling her close for a hug and a kiss.

        Nivian had returned to the garden later that afternoon and was in the process of trying to get the baby to settle down when a shuttle came in overhead. Braedan, who had actually looked like he was beginning to doze off, was instantly awake again.
        Awake and fussing.
        She had the strong impression all day that the little fellow was frustrated. His eyes followed objects as easily as a much older child did and he would often let out a howl when she walked past something which had caught his attention. "Oh baby," she whispered to him. "I know that you want to do more than just eat and sleep, but you have to learn how to control your limbs first."
        He began to cry as soon as she finished speaking.
        Pulling out the big guns, she spread a blanket on the nearby lawn and laid him on his back. Then, seating herself next to him, she began shaking various infant toys over him.
        It seemed to do the trick.
        His little arms and legs would flail about in excitement as he tried to reach for the shiny objects.
        To help minimize his frustration, she would occasionally place a small toy in his hand and then laugh as his fist tightened about it and he shook it all over the place.
        "Now that's the way to learn coordination!" she encouraged.
        A short time later, when he began to fuss, she curled up on her side and nursed him. Even while drinking greedily, his little hands would attempt to grab at the small, but shiny symbol of her faith which dangled from a chain on her neck. As he got closer and closer to actually grasping it, she would shake it just out of his reach, not wishing him to accidentally break the delicate jewelry.
        "And here I thought you would be missing me... But it appears that you have already found yourself a new companion."
        Startled, she looked around and saw that Zo'or had come up behind her. Before she could move, he had settled onto the blanket next to her, only then reacting with some startlement at the sudden realization that the baby was nursing. Rolling his eyes, a human gesture which caused her to giggle, he made an impatient gesture for the child and then , before she could move, he scooped up the baby.
        Braedan's reaction was to instantly clamp down, as he refused to interrupt his lunch in order to greet his "uncle".
        Nivian let out a small yelp as her nipple was tugged painfully, but before she could get a hand up to help, Zo'or had expertly inserted a finger in the corner of the infant's mouth, breaking the vacuum and releasing her sore nipple.
        She fixed her shirt as her Taelon lover settled back and raised the baby up in front of him, then laughed aloud at the scowl which was turned on the Synod Leader by the youngest Commonality member.
        "That was very rude of you," Zo'or dryly informed the infant, giving him a gentle shake. "Now, are you done entertaining my consort?"
        Braedan had gone very still and was staring into Zo'or's eyes with his own equally blue ones. Long minutes passed by as the two remained nearly motionless.
        Nivian had seen this before, but always it had been Da'an who had been holding the child. Leaning forward, she sought the Synod Leader's attention.
        "Are you two talking about me?" she whispered.
        The spell was broken. Braedan let out a squeal of delight while Zo'or's eyes turned to capture her own.
        "Indeed, you were mentioned," he said, with a rare and genuine smile, as he shifted the baby to the crook of his arm. "Braedan told me that you play nice."
        She smiled as well and ticked the baby's tummy, making him laugh in a most delightful baby like manner.
        "...Of course, I already knew that...." Zo'or added in a whisper which caused her to freeze and her heart to skip a beat.
        He was just leaning forward to kiss her when the sound of someone clearing his throat caused them to move apart and look up.
        "I have President Thompson on the line for you," Agent Sandoval announced. "He is most distressed by the delay."
        Standing, Zo'or placed the baby up on his shoulder. "Remind him that his race views patience as a virtue and then inform him that I shall contact him as soon as Da'an has completed his own business in the audience chamber."
        Sandoval bowed and departed, but not before Nivian caught sight of the amused look on his face.
        "I do believe that he enjoys delivering your messages," she said wryly, coming to her feet.
        "Of course. Now, where were we?" he asked in a low tone.
        Moving closer, she leaned in for a kiss.

        Sandoval put his sandwich down as three men slid into the booth with him. Before he could even bring his skrill up to bear, a gun was shoved into his side.
        "I wouldn't do that," one of the suits growled.
        "You're obviously from the bureau," Sandoval quipped. "You all dress alike. Same old tactics. Boring."
        The silver haired man across from him leaned closer. "You've pushed us too far," he whispered. "Consider this the final courtesy we will extend to you. You are officially removed from duty. Do you understand? You are no longer a part of our organization. I suggest that you inform your... masters of this ASAP, as they will be keenly interested in learning that you no longer have access to our resources."
        "If you think I'm impressed by this, you're sadly mistaken," he replied, picking up his sandwich and taking a bite.
        "Your arrogance is beyond belief!"
        "As is your failure to see the bigger picture."
        With a snarl, the silver haired suit stood up and departed, followed shortly after by his two companions.
        Ronald Sandoval watched them go, a thoughtful look upon his face. Then he stood, and headed out himself.

        Zo'or rose from the bed when the chime went off. It could mean only one thing - that he had an urgent transmission coming in from the home ship. Moving closer to the projection area, he waved the transmission through.
        A Taelon in his natural state appeared in the stream. "Zo'or, we have information of the utmost importance," he announced.
        "What is it?"
        "We have been following a series of strange readings in the area of Saturn..."
        "What sort of readings?" he snapped, interrupting the underling.
        "We now believe them to be generated by a craft of some sort. That it has been taking great pains to avoid notice cannot now be denied."
        "What has changed to revise your assumptions?"
        "When a scout ship was deployed, the artifact drifted off in a direction which could not be accounted for by gravitational forces."
        "And where is it now?"
        "We have temporarily lost it within the planet's ice belt. I assure you that we will uncover it again."
        "See that you do," he snapped. "I wish to be kept apprised of the slightest change. Is that understood?"
        "Yes Zo'or."
        "I fear that this may be another advance scout sent by our ancient enemies. The ship and its personnel must be captured, or failing that, destroyed!" Not bothering to wait for a response, he waved the data stream off.
        Walking over to his chamber window, he stared outside at the nighttime panorama that was the country's capital. A few small meteorites streaked through the black sky. How easily one of those streaks could signal the end of everything! Turning, he looked across the room, to where Nivian lay asleep in his bed.
        She was so tired that she had slept through his conversation with La'ral. His love was still healing, still recovering from the feat of bringing forth new life.
        He hoped that it was something she would live to do again one day, perhaps with him.
        Things were beginning to look bleak. A power struggle with Thompson, a conference announcing Braedan's birth and a mysterious space craft sneaking into this star system all happening at once added up to serious trouble. Unbelievable really. It was almost as though fate were conspiring against him...

        "Well, is it adequate?"
        Boone turned at the sound of Sandoval's voice and found the other attaché standing behind him, scanning the room.
        "It's almost acceptable," he responded. He had just finished a tour of the stage area and was nearly satisfied with the security arrangements.
        "Zo'or asks that you take extra measures," Sandoval announced. "I don't know what it is which has him so..."
        The other attaché shrugged. "I'm not certain that we can attribute that state to Taelons, however, he does appear to be anxious."
        Boone couldn't help but snort as he began moving in the direction of the stairs which led up to the stage. "Believe me - Taelons do get nervous. This was all Da'an's idea and yet I wonder sometimes if she won't just call the whole thing off."
        A ghost of a smile lit Sandoval's face. "Maybe so, however my experiences with Zo'or lead me to believe that such actions on his part are due to a hunch - a feeling that something will go wrong. The Taelons as a whole are very in tune with the universe about them. Zo'or is in many ways a very prescient being. He KNOWS when something unfortunate is going to occur."
        Boone felt himself pale. "So you're telling me that he believes something is going to happen? I can't believe that the Taelons are psychic enough to see the future."
        "Suit yourself. I'm merely passing along my personal observations." Sandoval glanced at the floor and stopped in his tracks, forcing Boone to do so as well. When he raised his eyes, a look of regret had appeared upon his face. "You should know that this is my final errand as Zo'or's attaché," he announced.
        Boone was flabbergasted enough that he could not even respond.
        The other attaché seemed to understand and offered up an explanation.
        "I've been released from the Bureau," he said quickly. "If I worked for anyone other than Zo'or, they'd nail my ass to the wall, but as it is I'm merely being "cut loose". Doesn't matter though. My presence is now an embarrassment to the Taelon leadership."
        Somehow Boone managed to find his voice. "What will you do now?"
        Sandoval shrugged. "I really don't know. I figured I'd travel a bit - take some time to find myself again. They've set me up so that I can live comfortably even if I never work again..."
        "What about your skrill? No Implant has ever left the Companions before and I can't see them allowing you to keep it."
        A look of pain passed over the shorter man's face. "The truth is that they don't expect me to live long. Apparently, the MI is supposed to cause me to fall into a deep state of depression and either kill myself or end up in an asylum. Think about it Boone - having the Companions as your number one priority and then not even being able to get close to one. There have been experiments..."
        "What kind of experiments?" he felt himself growing pale.
        Sandoval shook his head. "Doesn't matter. The point is that I will end up having to disappear, but you were right - I have to give up my skrill. I'm on my way to Belman's clinic to do so."
        Clasping the other man on the shoulder, he offered his hand and was surprised when Sandoval took it and gripped it heartily.
        "Ron, you know that there are other options available to you..."
        A gleam appeared in the dismissed Implant's eyes. "I know. That's why I'm seeing Belman rather than having this done on the home ship."
        Before Boone could do more than close his mouth, Sandoval was half way to the exit.

        Zo'or felt the disturbance generated by several of the members of his bridge crew even before he was addressed.
        "What is it?" he asked, instantly turning his command chair to face the area where the turmoil was brewing.
        A navigator looked up. "We have positively identified a large object in the asteroid belt as possessing movement which cannot be accounted for by any gravitational calculations."
        The shock of the announcement brought Zo'or to his feet. "What does it look like?" he snapped.
        "We cannot obtain a clear view, however we are now certain that it is a spacecraft moving under its own power."
        "And attempting to disguise itself," Zo'or added. "Do you still have a fix on it?"
        "No, Synod Leader. It is the reason for our distress. It has slipped away."
        "I do not care how many Taelons it takes - I want it located immediately!" He swung around to stare at his own command screen. "I'm sure that I do not need to remind you what shall happen to us should it reach Earth..."
        Behind him the group of underlings seemed to shrink in upon themselves.

        Boone stood by Da'an's side as Zo'or hosted President Thompson in the Embassy audience chamber.
        The Synod Leader occupied the main chair while Thompson paced before him, worked into an angry state by the Taelon leader's calm, non-committal responses to his allegations. In addition, Zo'or's own allegations were weighing him down.
        "I told you - I had nothing to do with Andrew Beal's disappearance! I do not control every aspect of the FBI's agenda."
        Zo'or fixed him with a pointed look. "But they are answerable to you. Therefore you ARE responsible, Thompson. Your government is guilty of spying on us."
        Thompson stopped pacing and turned to face Zo'or directly. "What do you plan to do about it?"
        "You shall know when a decision has been made."
        "If you go public with this, we will be forced to reveal your own involvement in several unsavory circumstances."
        Zo'or stood suddenly. "I think not, Thompson. Such a revelation would reveal your own knowledge of those events and seriously affect the nation's confidence in their own government." He stepped down and moved closer to the flustered President. "Go back to your nice white house. Go back about your duties. You shall hear from us soon enough."
        His face beet red with ire, Thompson whirled around, and flanked by his waiting bodyguards, departed.
        Da'an moved to stand before his fellow Taelon. "Zo'or, I am concerned about your confrontation with Thompson. Surely this might have waited until after Braedan's presentation? I fear reprisals."
        Zo'or moved closer to the windows, while Da'an trailed behind him. "He would not dare."
        It was at that point that Boone, still stationed at his place on the right of the chair, spoke up. "I must agree with Da'an. Thompson has conspired against the Taelons once already. Now that he feels even more threatened, what is to prevent him from attempting to do so again?"
        Zo'or turned to face him. "What are you implying?"
        "I'm not implying anything. I'm merely wondering if he might not attempt to gain a better bargaining position with you by taking something of value from us."
        "And what might he possibly..." Zo'or's voice trailed off as he caught the look on Da'an's face. His eyes snapped back to Boone. "Spare no expense with the security arrangements," he continued. "I assume that they meet with your approval now?"
        Boone nodded.
        "Double your measures if need be, but know this - Thompson is the least of our worries right now."
        "What has happened?" Da'an asked, the fingers of her hands beginning to dance even more nervously.
        Zo'or's eyes closed, as though he were ashamed of some great failure. "We have visitors..."

        Augur heard the shuttle coming in and immediately went into high gear - tossing the last of his personal items into a duffle bag and zipping it even as Lili threw open the front door and came traipsing down the hall.
        "Augur!!" she called out. "Don't tell me that you're not ready yet!"
        He grasped the bag by its handles and stood with it just as she entered the room.
        "Of course I'm ready!" he huffed, putting on an air of mock hurt. He spoiled it a moment later by laughing, dropping the bag and pulling her down onto the bed.
        She squealed with delight and then broke out in the giggles as he began nipping at her neck.
        "OK, OK, Ok..." she managed to wheeze, finally pushing him away.
        "Apology accepted."
        Suddenly her amusement dissolved. "We have got to go right now." She sat up and then bounded to her feet. "The conference isn't for another few hours, but there's been a complication."
        Noting how quickly she had become serious, he got to his feet as well. "What's happened?"
        "Come on. I'll tell you on the way." Lili reached down and lifted her own, already packed suitcase before leading the way outside.

        Boone found Da'an in their room, standing beside the crib and moved to join her. His otherworldly mate was watching their son sleep and seemed to be outwardly calm, but her true feelings - her high anxiety, had called out to him.  He had quickly turned the last minute security check over to Liam and returned to try to comfort her.
        Moving to stand close beside her, he pulled her against him and sighed as she nuzzled her face against his chest.
        "It's not too late to call the whole thing off," he whispered after giving her a peck on the top of her head.
        "This news conference must be held," she responded. "If not now, then soon. It would be best to do so now, rather than give our enemies additional time to scheme against us."
        "But you cannot deny that you're deeply worried," he continued. "And not about the many human foes the Taelons have made."
        "You are of course correct."
        "So you believe that the ship which was spotted was Jaridian?"
        She looked up at him, her large, hypnotic eyes fixing him with an annoyed expression. "Who else could it be, William? I fear them, yes. They have technology which can infiltrate even the best security with ease."
        "Why would they strike at us though?" he questioned. "What could they possibly gain by showing themselves at our news conference?"
        "They could destroy me personally by harming our child," she said and then buried her face against his chest as she clung to him tightly.
        Boone held her close as his thoughts went into overdrive. The Jaridians had a personal score to settle with Da'an? Was that what she was saying? Why?
        He felt a sudden chill sweep through him and for the first time began to truly dread the conference.

        "Zo'or, what is it?" Nivian asked, as she moved to stand beside her mate.
        He had been standing, nearly immobile, before the window in their room for over twenty minutes, staring out at the Washington Mall.
        He said nothing, but encircled her shoulders with his arm and pulled her closer.
        She looked up at him to see that he still wasn't looking back at her. "Can't you tell me?" she tried again.
        He did look at her then. "It is nothing," he whispered. "Only that certain unpleasant complications have arisen which may perhaps strain relations between our two species."
        She felt a thrill of fear run through her. "That doesn't sound like nothing!"
        "But it is." He hugged her tightly. "I have done all that I may to minimize what may occur and therefore there is nothing more to be done. At this point we must simply wait and see what happens."
        Not knowing what to say or do, she remained silent as the hair on her neck stood on end. Fatalism was not something she associated with Zo'or. He apparently was expecting something tragic to occur.
        At that point she realized he was staring at her.
        Before she could do more than give him a questioning look, he had encircled her with his arms and brought their lips together in a kiss which quickly became passionate. Several moments ticked by and when he separated from her, it was only to allow her to catch her breath while he began nibbling at her neck.
        She felt her legs growing weak, but then he had swept her up into his arms and was carrying her to the bed.
        There was a desperation in him which began to panic her. Through their link she could sense a subliminal current of regret.
        Reaching out, she grasped the sides of his head, forcing him to cease his attentions and look at her.
        His expression was intense, his eyes glowing softly in the dim light of the room. "Do you ever regret that I am what I am?" he asked.
        She was both startled and confused by his question. "I don't understand what you're asking me," she whispered.
        "Does it ever trouble you that I cannot possess you as a human male would?"
        "Oohhhh," she sighed. "Is that what this is all about? I understand that most Taelons could not bring themselves to regress as Da'an has and I have never expected you to do so. It really doesn't matter though - I love you as you are."
        "Then... you are content? You do not regret your bond with me?"
        "Everything I need is right here," she sighed, pulling him down for another kiss.
        It was only much later, just before she drifted off to sleep, that she realized that he had never once during their lovemaking lost his human facade.

        Boone stood in the security room of the S. Dillon Ripley Conference Center, which opened out into the auditorium they would be using as a conference area and scanned all the monitors. Although he had thoroughly checked all the security measures several times over since the pre dawn hours, he could not help but be more concerned than usual. Today both his mate and his child would be relying upon them for their lives.
        In addition to the usual precautions, the Taelons had also erected cleverly disguised sensors all around the perimeter of the Washington Mall. If anything at all passed through them which could not be positively ID'ed as human or Taelon they would know it immediately. And they meant it, too. So far the Taelon's security system computers had reported hundreds of birds, fourteen cats and two dogs coming and going through the invisible security surround. No signs of any Jaridians though.
        With a nervous air, he found himself checking his watch again. An hour to go.
        Journalists and paparazzi were already arriving and jockeying for the best seats and camera positions.
        Suddenly, something caught his eye, and he swung to the left to glare at a monitor.
        Augur's face loomed in the screen as he tapped on the camera with a finger. "Hey! Anyone home?" the cyberwizard asked, clowning around with the equipment.
        Although he ought to be annoyed by his friend's antics, Boone couldn't help but snort in amusement. it was good to know that Augur had made it out there - which meant that Lili should be showing up any time.
        He flinched and did a quick one eighty, partially raising his right arm in the process.
        It was Lili.
        "Are you trying to get yourself vaporized?" he asked dryly, lowering his still growling skrill.
        In the next second, she was in his arms, hugging him tightly and then stepping away as she reached up and ruffled his hair.
        "I leave for a few months and right away you lose your edge," she joked. "If I was around, you would be more alert."
        "Yeah. Self preservation kicks in big time when you're around trying to scare me to death," he laughed. "Really, though - I'm very glad that you could make it."
        "You know me. Always willing to help out an old friend." She began walking around the room, checking out the monitors.
        "I take it that Dro'vha has told you about the complication?"
        She became very serious. "Yes. What do you want me to do?"
        "I'd like you to just follow our old procedure. Move around the room, keep your eyes and ears open and be prepared to act."
        "And where will you be?"
        "On stage - with my family."

        It was another warm, beautiful day, the sky an impossible blue color without even the smallest cloud in site.
        Adjusting her grocery bag, the slightly built woman turned a full circle in the street outside her apartment, gazing at the world around her and breathed deeply of the wonderful local smells. She could smell the freshly baked bread of the nearby bakery, as well as the stoking of local restaurant's fire pit in preparation of lunch.
        Wondering what she should do on her day off, she entered her building and began climbing the stairs up to her third floor apartment. Perhaps she would buy a book and sit out by the river reading it after lunch...
        She had just stepped unto the third floor and taken all of two steps towards her door, when a man stepped out of the shadows.
        "Hello Deedee."
        Her bag slipped through her hands and crashed, unnoticed onto the floor at her feet.

        As the appointed time rolled around, Lili moved closer to the stage and took up a position near the stairs. In the front row of the audience, right behind the press and their cameras, was Nivian, as well as Augur and she nodded to them both in acknowledgment.
        Only moments later, the side door opened, admitting Boone, followed by a security contingent and in the middle of them all, Da'an, Braedan, and Zo'or. Amidst a flurry of bright light, flashes and reporters calling out questions, the Companion, her consort and their child took their places behind the bank of microphones. Zo'or stood directly behind and between them, his very presence at the conference taken as evidence of his support.
        Even as Lili wondered where Liam was, she saw him step through the stage door and take up a position next to Zo'or and behind Boone.
        It took less than a minute for everyone to settle down and by the time Da'an took the microphone the room was quiet enough to hear a pin drop.
        "Many of you have heard rumors and stories involving myself and my consort/protector, William Boone," she began. Pausing briefly, she allowed her gaze to wander over the crowd. "I have come to you today to put an end to the speculation. It is true that William Boone and I are the proud parents of a male child whom we have named Braedan."
        Without hesitation, she lifted the small bundle in her arms up and uncovered it, revealing the infant to those in the room.
        Immediately, dozens upon dozens of flashes went off as a deafening roar of simultaneous questions burst from the mouths of every reporter present. Cameramen jockeyed and elbowed their way into better positions in which to get a shot of the baby, as the Companion placed him upon her shoulder so that he would be facing away from the blinding barrage of light.
        In the middle of the pandemonium, William Boone stepped closer to the microphone, his voice carrying over the noise. "OK people!" he said loudly. "Let's settle down and have an orderly question and answer session or nobody is going to be able to hear a thing. Raise your hand if you want to ask Da'an something and you will be given the opportunity as she calls upon you." With a nod at his lover, he stepped away, allowing her to resume her place at the microphone once more.

        Deedee led the way into her apartment and dumped what was left of her groceries on the kitchen counter before turning to warily confront her husband.
        Ronald placed the bread and fresh vegetables he had rescued on the counter as she looked him over. He was as handsome and frightening as she remembered, but there was something different about him too. She could feel his discomfort at the meeting, a mirror to her own.
        The Agent Sandoval she had come to know had never been one to show such weakness.

        "Taelons are unable to breed with humans under normal circumstances and this was an incredible fluke?" the reporter asked.
        Da'an nodded. "That is correct, Mr. Sanderman," she replied. "There is very little chance of such an event occurring between another Taelon and human."
        Behind her, Zo'or's gaze went instantly to Nivian.
        A renowned reporter, Ella Bartlett, raised her hand and was acknowledged. "So, what you're telling us is that you love Commander Boone and that's what led to your... metamorphosis, which in turn led to a physical relationship and the birth of your child."
        Da'an blushed a deep blue, but whether from embarrassment or some other deep emotion, no one could say. "Essentially, yes."
        Bartlett smiled warmly. "Then please allow me to be the first here to offer my sincerest congratulations. To the best of my knowledge, no Taelon has felt such emotion since the formation of the species."
        Boone felt his belly churn at the stricken look which appeared upon Da'an's face. What was going on here? How did Bartlett know anything about the Taelons?
        His question was answered immediately as the reporter seemed to shrink in on herself and then expand - revealing herself to be a Jaridian probe!
        He began to move, but everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. Before he could even raise his skrill, the probe opened fire, and a huge crater appeared in the floor before the stage.
        The jolt of the blast threatened to topple everyone in the room and served to shake the stage violently. It was a wonder that he even kept his footing, raising his arm to skrill the probe was momentarily impossible!

        Lili took two shots at the probe before being graphically reminded that projectile weapons were futile against it. Thankfully, none of her ricocheted bullets seemed to hit anyone.
        She heard Liam shouting to Boone to get out of the way and an instant later her concern over handling the probe was gone as Zo'or's protector managed to activate his shaquarava. The energy he unleashed traveled between Da'an and Boone, striking the probe full on. The alien horror disintegrated in a small shower of debris.
        "What in the hell?" the officer standing to her right shouted. Instantly, he opened fire at two figures who had appeared in the cloud of dust swirling out of the gaping pit in the conference center floor.
        Lili recognized the shapes immediately and froze in shock.
        They wasted no time in lifting their weapons towards their enemies on stage.
        The first Jaridian's blast was slightly off, striking Da'an in the shoulder with enough force to send Braedan tumbling from her grasp. As she cried out and made a grab for him, a second shot, fired by the other Jaridian, hit her in the abdomen and she crumpled without a sound.
        Meanwhile, the main body of the first shot had instantly taken Boone down, sending him crashing backward into Liam and bowling the younger man over.
        With both main protectors down, Lili swung into high gear, dropping down and opening fire as she screamed to the panicked onlookers to get down out of the way. Her shots were dead-on, and would have struck the aliens in the chest and head, but they seemed to be encountering a force field of some type and were deflected away, hitting both bystanders and security personnel indiscriminately.
        "No! Don't fire!" she hollered at the Agents who began to open fire as well. "They've got force fields - our own ammo is being turned back on us!!"  Dropping back, she cursed under her breath as she glanced over at the stage. Boone was still down, as was Da'an. Liam was struggling to his feet - thank goodness! He alone had a chance at taking out the Jaridians.
        She turned to find Augur beside her.
        "We have to do something! They're going after Zo'or!"
        Her head snapped around. Sure enough, the Jaridians were barreling their way through the crowd, flinging people left and right - some for more than ten feet! "Zo'or!?" she had to yell to be heard over the noise.
        "He has Braedan!" Augur yelled back.
        Instantly she was on her feet and running for the other stage exit. She had to follow Liam out through the backstage exit. It was the only way to get ahead of the stampeding crowd and maybe catch up to the fleeing Taelon. She made it to the stairs before being caught in the crowd. Despite the fact that her gun was drawn, people around her pressed close in a panic and she found herself knocked off the stairs and onto her backside. Her gun skidded across the floor, but she was momentarily unable to go after it... her primary goal was to avoid being crushed.

        He had reacted instantly, without even thinking as he saw the infant tumble from his falling parent's arms, snatching him up before he could hit the floor.
        Da'an collapsed, perhaps dead or dying and he had quickly realized that neither protector was going to be able to save either him or the infant. He had therefore done the only thing he could - he ran.
        Somehow managing to dodge several shots the Jaridians unleashed at him, he jumped from the stage and ducked into the midst of the human crowd. Marshaling all his resources and moving with the speed that only a desperate Taelon could manage, he became a blur as he navigated a path through the humans who were just beginning to rush toward the exits.
        Making it out the door, he all but flew down the corridor and out a back entrance, losing his human facade as he concentrated all his energy on escape. Once outside, it was a short sprint to the Smithsonian's Castle, an information center for the rest of the museum complex. Flying through the front door, he startled dozens of tourists, who yelped in surprise and tried to decide amongst themselves which Taelon it was that they had seen.
        Ignoring the shocked looks on the faces of the employees manning the information desk, he barreled around them and down a corridor. Finally locating an exit in the rear, he used it, inadvertently setting off the alarm systems and cringed as he realized his mistake. He had just notified the Jaridians of his location!
        He had no choice but to continue onward.

        "Why are you here?" Deedee asked, as she faced her husband from the safety of the opposite side of the kitchen table. "How did you find me? What is it you want?!" Her tone was panicked, pleading, but she counted herself fortunate that she had even been able to speak. Even now, those dark, bottomless eyes that she loved so well were studying her face. Was that sympathy she saw there? Pain? He seemed so much like the husband she had once loved more than anyone or anything.
        "Deedee..." he sighed, then rubbed his face and composed himself. When he looked up again, he seemed determined to get the next few sentences out. "I'm me again. The motivational imperative is gone - overridden by a Taelon, ironically enough. Look..."
        He removed his jacket and pulled up his sleeve, showing her his right forearm. It had several small, but deep scars on it.
        There was nothing else there.
        "Zo'or doesn't want me anymore. They took my skrill and let me go."
        "The Taelons let you go?" She was in a state of disbelief.
        "Yes, I know that they'll be trying to find me, kill me - of course I know too much to be allowed to just leave."
        "You led them to my door?" She could feel herself turning white. Her legs turned to rubber, suddenly unable to hold her weight.  She was falling down into a dark, silent void, the last sound she heard was him calling out name. It echoed in the darkness and then faded away.

        With a groan, Boone opened his eyes, but the nightmare didn't seem to end when he awoke.
        It was worst than he had ever imagined it could be.
        His heart pounded in fear, feeling like it would batter its way out of his chest and he barely felt the pain in his leg and shoulder as he crawled over to her side, bowling over or shoving away those who were gathered about her.
        Her facade was gone. She lay upon the stage floor, a translucent blue being and those areas within her which were usually alive and glowing with brilliant energy were dark now. A faint spark stirred within her now and then, the only sign that she still lived.
        Moving close, he pulled her head and shoulders against his own prone form and hugged her to him. The screaming and noise in the room was nothing more than a whisper to him now as he focused everything on her.
        She was there. A faint touch of her mind against his own. She felt no pain, no fear of what was to come. She was looking for her path to the next level.
        <"Don't leave me now,"> he pleaded. <"There is so much more left for us to do. I can't do it alone.">
        Still there was no interest. He felt her slipping away from him.
        <"Braedan needs you Da'an!"> he nearly screamed into their weakening link. <"He will need you more than anyone, even me, in the years to come.">
        That seemed to do the trick. He felt her pause, felt a huge projection of sadness well up through their bond. She could not leave now. She couldn't turn away from the pain. There was something very important to be done...
        Impossibly, her form shuddered within his grasp as intense pain forced him to clamp down on their link and withdraw. He lifted his head as the patches on her face which were her visual organs came back to life, glowing faintly. She lifted a hand to his face, placing her palm against his cheek.
        "Braedan..." Her voice was little more than a sigh.
        Then her hand fell as she sunk back down into the darkness.

        Running through an archway on his left, Zo'or kept to the left side of the room and tried to backtrack in the hopes of coming out somewhere behind his pursuers, but it seemed that his luck had run out.
        The exhibit had no alternate entranceway and when he actually took in the artifacts around him, he realized with a bitter sense of irony that he had stumbled into the Strandhill exhibit. He was surrounded with artifacts from the life of an ancestral Taelon, but nowhere was there anything which could save him and Braedan...
        Turning in a circle, almost unable to think for the panic which was overtaking him, his eyes lit upon the stone portal.
        A way out! The only way out, despite the danger.
        Knowing that the Jaridians would be entering at any time, he stepped over the rope barrier and laid his palm against the activation pad. It instantly came alive at his touch. No time to spend on complex programming - he did his best to select a time twenty minutes in the future and watched as the time field under the ancient stone archway distorted.
        He stepped through and vanished even as a lone Jaridian entered the room and opened fire, destroying the monolith.

        Unable to make it out of the room, Lili retrieved her gun and then she and Augur pushed their way through the cluster of security personnel gathered around the fallen Companion.
        "Companion security!" she barked. "Get out of our way!"
        They knelt down next to Da'an and Lili felt her heart shriveling in her at the sight before her. The Companion seemed to be dead.
        "Where's the shuttle? Has anyone contacted the Home Ship?" she asked, fighting down panic.
        "I took care of it. A med team is on the way," Augur answered, earning a thankful look from Boone.
        With amazement, she saw the red headed Implant set his jaw and rise slowly to his feet.
        "Hey, where are you going?" She stood up as well. "You're badly hurt - you need medical attention..."
        "Braedan..." he growled dangerously, as his skrill lit up and hissed in counterpoint.
        "Let me go! Liam's already after them. I can back him up. Lie down and wait for the medics!"
        He ignored her and started hobbling towards the right side of the stage.
        Behind him, she signaled to several Companion security agents, who instantly moved forward to detain their wounded superior.
        Boone swung around and raised his skrill at them, stopping them all in place. "Don't get in my way!"
        "Boone, you're hurt! You have to let us help you - it's what Da'an would want," she tried to reason with him.
        "Da'an has already given me my final orders Lili." His voice was a dangerous rasp. "I WILL get Braedan back, or die trying!"
        Before she could react, he turned and fired his skrill. It was a powerful blast - one she wouldn't have thought him capable of in his current condition. As it was, it completely vaporized a five foot radius of reinforced cinderblock wall and she knew she was looking at a desperate and dangerous man. She doubted he even realized how badly hurt he was.
        Throwing her arm out to the side, she held the other security personnel back as Boone disappeared through the hole. "Let him go," she ordered.
        "Don't worry," one guard replied. "Ain't none of us stupid enough to go after him."

        Someone was calling her.
        She came back around slowly. Someone was cradling her.
        Deedee opened her eyes to find herself on the floor in her husband's arms.
        "It's OK, it's OK," he soothed as she began to struggle. "I haven't put you in any danger - you know I would never do that."
        She pushed him away and rolled up to her knees. "No, you just drugged me up and locked me away for three years."
        They stared at each other for several silent minutes, each apparently at a loss as to what to say next. It was Ronald who broke the silence.
        "You know that wasn't really me," he said in a whisper. "I'm here to finish what I tried to do last time we met."
        "And what is that?"
        "To win your forgiveness."
        She felt tears welling up in her eyes. "I forgive you," she said evenly, and she meant it.
        His head dropped in relief and she heard him sigh. "You'll never know the pain I felt when Boone let me believe that you were dead..."
        "That was before you were re-implanted."
        He looked up at her then, his eyes as damp as her own. "I have never stopped thinking of you," he said with a waver in his voice. "There was someone - someone wonderful and beautiful and worthy, but I couldn't... My heart was still bound to yours, even though I thought you were gone." He reached out and grasped her upper arms, pulling her closer. "Deedee, I still love you. I know you're seeing someone else, but I had to come here. I had to see you again, to at least try to win you back. I couldn't live without knowing that I had at least tried!"
        She felt herself shaking. Surely this must be shock coming over her. To have him back - to really have the Ronald Sandoval she had never stopped loving back... It would be wonderful, like a dream come true.
        But she had given up on that dream long ago.
        How could she trust him? It was impossible! He had done such things - such horrible things!
        "Ronald..." she began. Unable to look into his eyes, she lowered her head, looking down at his right arm. "I can never trust you again."
        His grasp became weak, his hands falling away from her.

        Liam rounded the doorway into the Strandhill exhibit just in time to see the stone archway obliterated. The Jaridians were here, which meant that Zo'or and Braedan were as well. Unfortunately, he didn't have the luxury of taking time to look for them in the dust-filled room - he had to take advantage of the situation, and quickly!
        He knew that there could be no bargaining with these two. They had most likely killed Da'an, perhaps Boone as well and they would not be deterred from killing the Synod Leader himself. The baby would surely be in the way when the final blast came.
        Without hesitation, he raised his hands, palms outward and turned his strongest energy blast on the Jaridian closest to him.
        It screamed and fell, but did not die.
        His second shot killed it as it lifted its weapon and attempted to take aim at him.
        A barrage of energy blasted the air to either side of him as the second Jaridian shot blindly into the settling dust and he found himself diving behind a stone outcropping which contained the mosaic burial riddle of Ma'el upon its face. He was trapped now, with no way to get to the door. The advantage was the remaining Jaridian's.
        He would have to make a run for it - perhaps sacrifice himself in the hopes of distracting it from its intended prey. Gathering himself, he made to dive for the corridor.
        Just then the alien spoke.
        "Changeling spawn!" it called out in a high pitched voice. "Your master is dead at my hands! Although you have destroyed my partner, I see us as even - I didn't like him anyway. Come on out and I shall let you live."
        "If you think I'm going to let you out of here so that you can take out some more Taelons, you're insane!"
        "Very well then, we shall fight it out," the Jaridian growled. "What is one less Chimera anyway?"
        The room lit up a startling white which left Liam temporarily blinded. Only after the flash did he hear the distinctive sound of a skrill blast and feel the shock wave of displaced air in the room. Then there was silence, but for the sound of falling plaster, wood and steel.
        He peeked cautiously around the stone slab to see Boone standing unsteadily on his feet in the doorway. The Commander spared him only the shortest of glances before he began hobbling toward the far end of the room.
        Coming out from behind his cover, Liam's jaw dropped at the sight which greeted him.
        The entire back wall of the room was gone, some of it vaporized, the rest blown out by the skrill blast. Huge cinderblocks and pieces of plaster and wood littered the grass outside for thirty feet. A lone steel beam had collapsed from the ceiling and lay crosswise over the opening.
        Twenty feet out, amid the debris, lay the unmoving Jaridian.
        Boone approached slowly, cautiously, his skrill pulsating and at the ready. Even from where he stood, Liam could see the ashen color of his lips, the paleness of his face. He knew that Boone couldn't muster another shot without perhaps killing himself and he rushed forward, his own palms glowing.
        They both stood over the alien for a moment before he stooped down and flipped it over.
        It was a female and that she wasn't dead was a tribute to the strength of her kind. She should have been vaporized, or at least pulverized by the skrill blast, which meant that she must have had a very strong shield in place when it hit her.
        As they watched, her eyes fluttered open and focused on Boone.
        "You are too late, warrior," she hissed. "There shall not be yet another diverging of my species. Your mate and your spawn are both dead, along with the Synod Leader himself!" She gasped for air. "My people are nearing your pathetic solar system. If you won't aid us against our enemies, you'll all die!" Her eyes rolled up in her head and she expired.
        Boone turned fearful eyes towards him and he could do little but glance at Ma'el's ruined stone portal.
        "I don't think they're actually dead," he whispered, as the injured Implant turned and began limping towards the monolith. "I think they made it through."
        Approaching the archway, Boone ran his hands over it's damaged portal stone and then leaned his head against it as well. For a moment he was still and then suddenly he reared back and opened his mouth...

        The conference room was nearly cleared of people, most of the stragglers having plunged from the room following the sound of a very load explosion which Lili had identified as a skrill blast. Da'an had been loaded aboard a shuttle and was on her way to the home ship and she had only just stepped back into the room when a hair-raising sound reverberated through the air. Partly a bellow, partly a scream, it gave her goosebumps and made her heart skip several beats.
        She wasn't the only one.
        Around her, security people exchanged startled, wide-eyed looks.
        "Sounds like Boone caught up with at least one Jaridian," Augur whispered. "Man, that's creepy!"
        "That was no Jaridian," she whispered, catching everyone's attention. "It was Boone."
        Behind them, Nivian closed her eyes and sank to her knees. "I can't feel Zo'or," she said, as though in shock. "He's gone..."
        "Braedan," Lili and Augur whispered together, grief for the infant and his parents overtaking them.

        Liam's heart nearly stopped at the cry which came out of Boone's throat. Surely no human being was capable of such a heart-rending sound!
        He had taken only two steps towards his mentor when Boone again leaned his head against the cool stone and slid down its surface. A second later he collapsed into a heap at its base and didn't move.

        Zo'or stepped out of the time portal's arch, confident that he would arrive back within the exhibit room sometime close to the time he had left. True, he hadn't had a chance to set the controls, but usually such devices were programmed to displace a traveler only a short time into the future. It was a fail safe of sorts, to protect those who stumbled through without setting it.
        He only hoped that the Jaridians had given up and fled the area.
        As the time distortion faded and his foot came down on solid ground he realized his error.
        He was no longer in the exhibit hall, but back at Strandhill! It could only mean one thing.
        He had traveled a year or more back in time!
        Turning in a circle, he held the crying baby close and looked for some sign of a distant village.
        All that could be seen besides the field he stood in, were the portal, it's accompanying monoliths and the trees which surrounded the clearing. The town of Strandhill was nowhere to be seen.
        He was further in the past than he had originally thought!
        Turning once again, he scanned the portal's control panel, intent upon returning them to their rightful time.
        Something was wrong! The panel was locked and would not allow him to access it! In this time and place, the portal was not active.
        No matter. The others would soon figure out where they were and come back for them. His fellow Taelons need only look upon the control panel to obtain their current location in time.
        Holding the crying infant to his chest, he sat upon the stones at the portal's base and comforted his charge.
        <"Do not fear, Braedan,"> he soothed.<"We shall be returned to our own place soon enough.">
        The baby grew still and stared at him solemnly, but his little eyes seemed troubled, frightened even.
        It was as though the child knew something he himself did not.

 To be Continued...






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