The Burden of Duty
An Earth - Final Conflict story by Tina Price
Original Story Ideas ©1999, Tina Price. All rights reserved.

Preview: How much does one owe a future which may never be and, does such a duty outweigh both happiness and love?

Rated PG - 13 due to some adult themes.

Disclaimer: Earth - Final Conflict, all characters and images therein, as well as story elements put forth in the series are the property of the Tribune Entertainment Company. Several characters appearing in this story are my own creation. Any similarity with anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.

Authors notes<"Text appearing like this denotes mental communication."> I owe much of the flavor of this story to the comments, suggestions and ideas given me by my fabulous Beta reader, Janet Spruill White. She deserves a great deal of credit for the work she's put into it. Please feel free to drop her a line, at this address: ( As always, I am in no way receiving 'privileged information'. Any advice, criticism and kudos are always welcomed. Please contact me at the above e-mail address.

The Burden of Duty

 Image is the Property of Tribune Entertainment

        "Are you certain?"
        Nivian followed the sound of Zo'or's voice and eventually spotted him standing in a shadowy portion of a side corridor with Sandoval. Approaching slowly, so as not to give away her presence, she hid in a nearby doorway and listened.
        "Yes," Sandoval answered. "Gho'an is moving against you. I'm not certain what he's planned, but with the recent change in the Synod membership, there's no doubt that he's gained a great deal of support."
        The Synod leader stiffened and turned his head to the left, apparently shocked by the news. "He plans to strike at me by having me removed as Synod Leader," he finally responded. "It is the simplest way in which to diminish my effectiveness."
        "You mean your power base."
        Zo'or nodded. "There are very few ways in which he might accomplish my removal. It would be safe to assume that as long as I fulfill all my duties as Synod Leader that he would have little excuse to challenge my position." he stood in silence for a moment before speaking again. "I am pleased with your performance. You may return to your regular duties."
        With a bow, the attaché turned and headed off towards the main entrance.
        Nivian melted further into the doorway and waited until Zo'or had moved off in the direction of his audience chamber. Then, after counting to twenty, she followed. By the time she entered, he was seated in his chair, checking several local news broadcasts in his datastream.
        He seemed not to notice her approach and she was standing directly before him when he finally turned to look at her.
        "Will you tell me what troubles you?" she asked, as she leaned forward and touched his hand.
        He instantly meshed his fingers with her own and rising to his feet, stepped down beside her. Without a word, he led her to his private chamber and then pulled her into an embrace. "It is nothing..." he whispered.
        Lifting her head, she stared him in the eye. "I know that it is not nothing," she whispered back. "Are you certain that Gho'an cannot have you ousted?"
        His eyes widened in surprise, but then narrowed as he struggled to reach some decision. Finally he sighed. "I cannot be certain. It would be to my advantage to try to ruin him first."
        "What will happen if you lose your title?"
        "If I remain North American Companion, I will retain a large say in Synod decisions." He looked away, knowing she would see the catch.
        "Which means that he'll see to it that you don't remain the North American Companion," she stated. "What then?"
        He looked at the far wall, the window, the light, anywhere but at her.
        "What will happen?" she asked again.
        He finally looked at her. "I will be recalled to the home ship."
        "And me?"
        "Gho'an will make me leave you behind. You will become his means of ensuring my 'agreeable' behavior."
        She dropped her head and closed her eyes, overcome by the thought of life without him, but he lifted her chin and kissed her desperately.
        "Believe that I will not allow this possibility to become reality," he nearly snarled when they came back up for air. "Somehow I will find a way around anything Gho'an may devise!"
        This time, when he kissed her, they both went to their knees and from there collapsed heavily on the rug.
        It was a long time before either thought of Gho'an again.

        "OK lazy, time to get up." Boone gently shook Da'an before rising himself. It was their turn to do some reconnaissance work near the south side factories and they couldn't afford to be late. He quickly hightailed it into the bathroom and after answering the call of nature, shaved and brushed his teeth.
        When he returned he noted that Da'an had rolled over but was still apparently sleeping.
        Grinning, he approached the bed and sat next to the unconscious alien. "Earth to the former North American Companion..." he whispered near her face. There was no response. He grasped her shoulder and shook her gently.
        That seemed to do the trick. Leaning over, he could see one eye crack open and slowly seem to focus upon him.
        "We're going to be late."
        The other eye opened and she rolled onto her back, staring at him in confusion for a moment before she glanced at the alarm clock. That seemed to do the trick, as she quickly threw the covers off and headed for the bathroom.
        He couldn't help but shake his head at the sight of a Taelon in an oversized T-shirt bumping sleepily into the doorway before successfully making it through.
        "Are you all right?" he called out, suddenly concerned. He had never seen her like this before. True, she now did nearly everything a typical human did, but she had never slept so much or had trouble awakening before.
        "I am well," her voice came back and with a shrug he began gathering what he needed for a shower. When she hadn't emerged after three minutes, he sidled up to the doorway and looked in on her.
        She was stooped over the sink with her forehead leaning on its cool porcelain edge, her human appearance completely gone.
        "Hey hey hey!" Now deeply concerned, he scooped her up and carrying her back to the bed, quickly depositing her on the soft covers. "Something is definitely wrong! Tell me what it is!"
        "I know not," she sighed. "But this has happened to me before and I feel certain that it will quickly pass."
        Sitting beside her, he stroked her forehead. "You finished off the last two chocolates last night. Maybe it's a food allergy?"
        She sighed. "I am quickly recovering..."
        As she made a move towards sitting up, he reached out and firmly pushed her back down. "Why don't you stay here today?" he asked with a great deal of concern. "I'll take Augur with me."
        She immediately struggled to her feet and leaving the bed, resumed her human guise. "I shall accompany you!" she all but ordered.
        "You're sure?"
        She gave him "the look".
        "OK," he finally agreed. "Let's go catch a shower then."
        Together they headed off down the corridor.

        Liam took a booth seat and ordered for two. He didn't have to wait long.
        "Sorry I'm late." Sandoval slid into the booth across from him.
        "Hope you like Mu Shu Pork."
        The attaché smiled. "Love it."
        "Welcome back from the home ship," he smirked. "What the hell were you doing up there anyway?"
        Sandoval frowned. "I'm not here to discuss that."
        The hybrid shrugged. "OK, so what's the news?"
        "Tell Da'an that Gho'an's moving against Zo'or. We're not certain how he plans to have him removed as Synod Leader, but Gho'an and his supporters seem down right sure of themselves."
        "And why do you feel it's so important for Da'an to know this?" Liam asked as he dipped a fried noodle into the duck sauce.
        Sandoval leaned forward. "You know as well as I do that as much as we dislike Zo'or, Nivian's had a moderating effect on him. With the new Synod members replacing Kha'rha and Sra'lal, Gho'an will lead the majority with Zo'or's removal. We have to keep that from happening... and even more important, we must find a means of restoring Da'an!"
        The noodle dropped from Liam's fingers. "How?" he asked, completely flabbergasted.
        Sandoval leaned back in his seat and lifting the dropped noodle to his mouth, smiled coldly. "I don't know yet... but I will!"

        "Oh! Hi Joshua!" Lili exclaimed, pleasantly surprised by the incoming call. She was at home and had just finished making a lunch which she and Augur were going to share.
        "Lili. How are you? I never hear from you anymore," the younger Doors responded, looking a little sheepish.
        "I'm doing well," she answered. "My new job is great. Dro'vha's wonderful to work with..." She trailed off and an embarrassing pause followed.
        "I miss you," Joshua finally said. "I miss our discussions and having lunch with you."
        "Well, I miss you too. I miss everyone back there."
        "You know I'm not that slow," he replied, smiling sadly. "I know that Augur up and followed you out there because you two have a thing going on, but Lili, I'll never stop hoping that you'll give me a chance. If things don't work out, please don't avoid me."
        She shuffled her feet nervously. "I know. Look - I really need to be going now or I'll never have a chance to eat lunch before I'm due back at the embassy..."
        "Promise you'll stop in and say hello next time you're out this way?" he asked.
        "Of course."
        With a smile and a nod, he signed off, leaving her standing there feeling regretful. Mentally shaking herself, she turned to head back to the kitchen and came face to face with Augur.
        "Augur! You startled me. I didn't hear you come in." Willing her racing heart to slow, she walked around him and finally making it to the kitchen, began setting the dining room table.
        "Obviously," he remarked dryly as he helped her shuttle the food and plates to the other room. "What did Joshua want?"
        She shrugged. "Just to say hello and that he misses me."
        "I can certainly understand that." Pulling her to him, he gave her a passionate kiss, but broke it off soon enough. "Let's eat!" he exclaimed, as he slapped his hands together before him. "I'm starved!"
        With a laugh and a shake of her head, she sat down and began serving.

        Nivian was with Zo'or in his audience chamber when the ax began its descent. As the image of the council appeared before them, he reached out to gently squeeze her hand before dropping it and coming to attention.
        "As Synod Leader, it is your duty to see to it that our meetings are secure," Gho'an sneered.
        Without turning his head to look at her, Zo'or spoke. "Leave us now," he commanded. With a slight bow, Nivian complied and once she was out of sight the Synod Leader rounded on his rival. "I have not called a meeting," he hissed. "What is the meaning of this?"
        Gho'an tilted his head and took his time responding, apparently attempting to provoke Zo'or, but the Synod Leader remained silent, his disdainful, icy stare quickly wearing down his opponent's stance.
        "We have come together to discuss a matter of some great importance," he finally replied, suddenly dropping his gaze and acting regretful. "Your time has been completely taken up with your Synod and Companion duties and we felt that you were neglecting another matter of great importance."
        Zo'or braced himself. "And what matter might this be?"
        "You are the youngest amongst us. It is your duty to try to bring forth new life," Gho'an replied, as an unpleasant smile began lurking on his face.
        "So very few of us are still capable of procreating," another Synod member added. "It is past time that you fulfilled this most important of duties to your people. You must take a consort."
        Zo'or froze for a moment, so unexpected was the tack his enemy was taking. "I have, as you have already noted, many other matters of importance to attend to. Surely this may wait until a more appropriate time."
        It was Gho'an who answered. "You are Synod Leader and the youngest. This duty now comes before any other. You know as well as we all that if you are unwilling to fulfill this obligation that we may have you removed from your office. The needs of our species comes before all else."
        Zo'or sat back down in his chair and propped his arms up on the arm rests. Somehow he managed to project an air of calm unconcern, but inwardly he struggled to find a way out of a situation which would require him to put Nivian aside. Human she was, but life without her would be unbearable.
        This then was Gho'an's plan; his rival knew that he was bonded to and could not part from Nivian, which meant that he could not fulfill his sacred duty. It was a never-before-used grounds for removal of a Synod Leader, but one which would qualify. To be able to reproduce in a society which was slowly dying out and yet not to do so, was a huge betrayal to one's people.
        Zo'or could not, would not allow himself to be put in a position in which he must choose between Nivian and his position as Synod Leader. It was an impossible choice, for either decision would leave him crippled in such a way that he would gladly wish to embrace the void.
        As a sense of panic began to rise up in him, a sudden, incredible option presented itself. It whispered from some hidden corner of his mind and at first he felt that perhaps it was Nivian herself who suggested it. But that was impossible, for she knew nothing of Synod law. Still, the idea was sheer genius, simplicity itself and oh, how it would annoy Gho'an!
        His face a cold mask, the Synod Leader lifted his head and stared directly at his rival. "I am aware of the nuances of the situation in ways you may not hope to comprehend," he said softly. "As one being called upon to reproduce, I have the right to name my consort. You may either accept or drop your demands in the matter."
        Gho'an nodded warily. "Name your consort then. They shall abide by your wish or you shall be released from the obligation."
        Zo'or looked him right in the eye and slowly rose to his feet. "I choose Da'an," he said with a smile and inwardly he laughed at the impossibility, the ludicrousness of making such a choice.
        A current of absolute amazement and consternation buzzed through the Synod. As one they all turned to regard Gho'an.
        "Da'an is no longer a member of the Commonality," his rival stated.
        "He is still a Taelon," Zo'or shot back.
        "He is no longer ours to command!"
        "It matters not. It is he I have chosen. Bring him to me and have him agree to it or drop your demands." Zo'or fixed him with a triumphant look as his rival attempted to find a way around the loophole.
        Dro'vha spoke up. "Our leader has a right to pick the other parent of his offspring. There is no further need for discussion Gho'an. We must either summon our missing brother or YOU must drop YOUR demands."
        "They are the demands of our people, not merely my own!" Gho'an appeared outraged at Dro'vha's accusation.
        Zo'or moved forward until he stood right before Gho'an's image. "The ball is now in your court, as the humans say. What is your decision?"
        "We shall summon Da'an."
        A shocked murmur passed through the Synod's thoughts and indeed throughout the Commonality. Such a summoning had not occurred in millennia.
        Zo'or remained unmoved. "Very well. Expend your energy compelling him to return. Even if you succeed, you must still find a means of assuring his cooperation and THAT is something I doubt you will ever obtain."
        As one, the images of the Synod faded out, leaving Zo'or standing by himself within the chamber. As the moment faded away, he found his triumphant mood turning to one of apprehension. Would they truly summon Da'an? He shook his head slowly. It did not matter if they did. Da'an would never leave Boone for him.
        Turning, he went in search of Nivian. There was much she needed to know.

        Da'an had just emerged from a meeting with Jonathan Doors in which she had been called upon to explain Taelon social structure and how the newly discovered fifth column might be operating. She found herself uncommonly tired and in desperate need of both energy and food, but Boone was still in Doors' office and dinner was still many hours away. As she thought over the feasibility of asking a fellow resistance member to obtain a meal for her from a local restaurant, she spied Liam heading toward her. He had obviously just arrived and she could tell from his demeanor that he bore news of some import.
        Her food forgotten, she moved to meet him.
        "I need to talk to you - in private," he spat out almost instantly.
        With a nod, she led the way to her chambers.
        As soon as the doors closed behind them, Liam spoke. "There's a power struggle of some sort taking place within the Synod," he said quickly. "Sandoval tells me that Gho'an is attempting to have Zo'or removed as Synod Leader."
        She found herself blinking in surprise. "Then the madness is already spreading," she whispered, ashamed of her people's leaders.
        "Madness? I don't understand."
        "Pride. Arrogance. Placing oneself above one's people," she whispered. "These are human qualities. Qualities which some of my people have now embraced. My race is a patchwork comprised of the heritage of many different conquered peoples. We have no strength in this this area and are therefore very susceptible to outside influence." She turned away from him and stared at herself in the mirror above her dresser. "It is the reason Quo'on moved to quickly control humanity. It is the reason he sought to prevent undo interaction between our people." After a pause, she turned back to face him. "What else have you learned?"
        He looked unnerved. "Whatever leverage Gho'an has, he brought it to bear today. Zo'or hosted a Synod meeting and has been in seclusion ever since."
        Da'an nodded. "I know Gho'an. He is very much like Zo'or in many ways, but I would not trade the one for the other."
        "And why is that?" Liam looked intensely curious.
        "Better the devil you know..." she began.
        "... than the one you don't know," the hybrid finished with a small smile. As he moved to take her hand, she jerked back from him and immediately felt sorry for it when a look of shocked hurt crossed Liam's face.
        "Forgive me," she responded. "I am ill and cannot tolerate contact at this time."
        Worry replaced the hurt on her visitor's face. "Is there anything I can do? Something you require?" he asked anxiously.
        Again she turned away. "I thank you... but there is nothing you may do for me. I require only time... to be myself again."
        Completely confused, the hybrid stared for a moment before bowing slightly and withdrawing.
        She turned back to the mirror and stared at the stranger she saw reflected there and wondered if she had been a fool to follow the dangerous path she now walked. So much more than her own life was at stake now.
        And then... there was William.
        What would be his reaction when he knew the truth?
        With a sigh, she left her room and wandered next door to wait for her human lover. Curling up on the bed, she was soon asleep and it wasn't long before she found herself being awaken by a concerned Boone.
        "Da'an..." He gently pulled her into his arms and kissed her, never dreaming the wealth of love and devotion she felt flooding her being at his touch. Despite her awesome store of knowledge, she had truly been only half alive before he entered her world. Without him she would again be relegated to a life which encompassed the intellect at the expense of the soul. A life of black and white, lacking the color which sparked imagination.
        She quickly encircled him with her arms and kissed him fervently.
        "Hey..." he murmured as he came up for air. "It's all right. I'm here. You were probably having a bad dream..."
        "Touch me," she pleaded. "Make me feel!"
        Boone needed no further urging. Though his face stiffened somewhat with a deepening worry, he pulled her close and sought to drive away her fear with his caress.

        Boone smiled and stretched languorously as Da'an snuggled against him. He was just drifting down into warm comfort of sleep when he felt her raise herself on her elbows and opened his eyes to find her worried ones looking over his face.
        "What's wrong?" he blinked and asked as she began stroking his hair.
        "You must believe me when I tell you that there is nowhere I would rather be than here with you."
        He found himself smiling again as he pulled her tightly against him and rubbed her back. "I believe you," he whispered. "Why the sudden melancholy?"
        She laid her head against his chest and sighed. "There is no way to know the future," she eventually answered. "There is no way of predicting where we may be tomorrow or whether we may be separated by fate. I only wished to say this now, while I may..."
        Lifting her chin, he looked her in the eye, searching intently for a clue to what had raised her fears. Unable to fathom what had triggered her mood, he instead kissed her soundly. "Now you have to believe me when I tell you that I won't lose you without a fight," he said, seeking to put her at ease.
        She was not to be consoled.
        "There are some things which are beyond our control..." she whispered back. "... and other things which exact a price of us which must be paid."
        Sitting up suddenly, he held her by the shoulders and felt himself frowning. Her talk was really worrying him now.
        "Please explain to me why you've brought up this subject," he pleaded. "Da'an... Is there something I should know?"
        "It is nothing..." she replied with a small shake of her head. "Only that I wished you to remember my words in the event that some unforeseen event separated us."
        She lay back down, pulling him down with her, but he remained awake as worry gnawed away at him. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her back against him and nuzzled her neck while desperately trying to mentally communicate his need to know what was wrong.
        "Duty," she whispered almost inaudibly. "The betterment of all must come before personal desires."
        Boone felt a chill run through him at her words and he shook his head. "I won't choose between you and the liberation," he whispered back, attempting to reassure her.
        She rolled over to face him and he saw her eyes flare brighter in the dim room. "You would put me above the fate of humanity?" she asked incredulously.
        He felt his face flame with embarrassment. She knew it was something he could not do and had called him on it. As he lay there unable to answer, she reached out to stroke his cheek.
        "Peace William. I know well what you feel," she murmured. "And now you know what it is which I fear may separate us."
        With a shudder he held her tightly, but it was a long time before sleep finally claimed him.

        Awakening with a start, Nivian found herself drenched in sweat and out of breath. Taking a few deep breaths, she waited for her heart to stop pounding and tried to recall the nightmare which she had been having. Feeling Zo'or's arms tighten about her, she snuggled closer and shivered as her drenched nightshirt began to dry.
        "It is the Commonality," Zo'or whispered near her ear. "The summons has begun."
        Part of the nightmare came back to her and she remembered Da'an being pursued by nameless shadows as she sought to protect her. "Did I pick up on the summons through our link?" she asked her companion.
        "It's horrible!"
        "I fear that it is... to the one being called. Da'an will find no rest, no peace from the collective mind reaching out to him," he explained. "He must come to us or leave this life."
        "There's no way for HER to resist?" Nivian was horrified.
        Zo'or brushed her hair away from her neck and kissed her beneath her ear, causing her to shiver again. "Perhaps, if William Boone aids her, but it seems unlikely that the two of them can hold out against the rest of my race for very long."
        "So Da'an will definitely be showing up before the Synod."
        "Yes, but she will never accept my... proposal." Gently pulling her onto her back, he kissed her and then offered her his left hand.
        She hesitated to take it. "I don't want Da'an to be hurt," she protested. "Once she stands before you and refuses to be your consort, what will be her fate?"
        Zo'or's eyes glowed even more brightly in the dark room. "I am the Synod Leader. The final decision on all matters is mine. Whatever is decided, I promise you that Da'an will not be harmed."
        With a sigh, she finally touched her palm to his and felt the initiation of a sharing. "I love you..." she murmured, and felt the thrill of emotion her words generated within him.

        Boone awoke with a start and sat bolt upright in bed.
        "Da'an!" he yelled, struggling to be heard above the roar in his head. He clutched at his ears, seeking to block out the noise even as a glance showed that his love was no longer in bed beside him. A cold hand seemed to clutch at his heart as he threw off the covers and made to rise.
        That's when he saw her.
        She was sitting in the oversized chair in the corner, her human appearance completely gone. She had her knees drawn up and her arms wrapped around them but, her expression...
        In a moment he was kneeling before her, but it was as though she couldn't see him.
        No reaction. Her face seemed completely blank, those large, phosphorescent alien orbs staring unseeingly at the far wall of the room.
        Reaching out, he took her hands and nearly fell over, for, with the first contact of their flesh, the roar in his head had become a chorus of voices lifted in the most beautiful and yet frightening song he had ever heard. They beguiled and pleaded and threatened all at once and he found himself wanting to seek them out - to find the hidden forms which called out to him.
        "They are calling out to me," he heard Da'an say and he found himself suddenly standing in a church with her beside him. She was looking down the aisle at a chorus of angels who held their arms out to her.
        "Who?" he whispered in confusion as he, too, stared at the host before the altar.
        "The Commonality. My people have joined their voices to reach out to me, even severed from them as I am. They summon me."
        "Summon you?'  Boone tore his gaze away from the angels to look at Da'an and for the first time noticed the rapturous expression on her face.
        "They are asking me to return," she replied as she took a step forward.
        He immediately grasped her arm, stopping her forward momentum. A glance showed that the angels were now frowning at him, they're beauteous faces becoming ugly and disapproving.
        "You can't go!" he exclaimed. "They'll use you for the information you carry. We'll all be destroyed!"
        Da'an took another step forward. "You do not understand. You feel only a fraction of their power and strength. I must go to them!"
        Boone quickly placed himself directly between the ex-Companion and the altar. Gripping her upper arms, he strained to hold her back, but somehow she was inching forward, pushing him ahead of her. He began to panic and instantly used his years of experience in frightening situations to force himself to calm down and think things through.
        They couldn't be in a church and those couldn't be angels. Somehow his mind was interpreting things in terms he could understand. To stop Da'an, he needed to draw upon the strength of their bond. He needed to reach his companion... to drown out the voices she heard.
        Concentrating, he initiated a deep sharing and forced himself back to reality as he knew it. Somehow, the volume of the voices lessened and he opened his eyes to see Da'an staring back him - and seeing him this time. In his mind he heard an ugly screech of outrage just before everything faded to a tolerable background drone.
        Da'an clutched at him and he pulled her into his arms.
        "What is it that they want?" he asked.
        "They want... me."
        "But why?"
        "It matters not." The Taelon's voice was low and defeated. "In the end I will go to them or die. A summons may not be ignored."
        Pulling back, he stared at her. "We'll fight it. Together we can! We did just now..."
        "...Boone..." Da'an's expression was gentle, but pitying. "They shall only grow in strength, while you and I shall grow weaker."
        "It doesn't matter. I won't give you up without a fight!"

        Liam hurried back to headquarters after receiving the urgent call from Boone. The Commander had communicated that something was very wrong with Da'an and that he was needed immediately. At this point he knew only that the event was being kept from Doors, which meant that it must somehow impinge upon liberation security.
        Entering the communication room, he intentionally forced himself to appear unconcerned and at the first opportunity headed down the corridor to Boone's room. There he found Boone sitting on the bed beside Da'an, the Taelon's hand clutched tightly in his own.
        Liam approached them cautiously as a growing discomfort began to alarm him.
        "You can feel it, can't you?" Boone asked.
        He nodded. "What..."
        "It's the Commonality. The Synod has ordered Da'an's return. She's being summoned by her people."
        Liam felt himself blanch as memories from his father surfaced. He could see that Boone had noted his reaction and was looking like a man about to be shot.
        "Tell me," the red head urged.
        "A summons cannot be ignored," he replied. "Right now every Taelon aboard the home ship is talking to Da'an, urging her to return to them. She is a communal being. She must return."
        "There has to be something that..."
        Liam cut him off. "There is nothing that you or I or anyone can do," he replied. Though he hated to do it, he knew that Boone needed to hear the truth. "If you want my advice, you'll let her go now rather than prolonging the inevitable."
        Boone looked stricken, his usually stoic expression replaced with one of terrible pain.
        "I can't do that," he breathed.
        Just then Liam saw Da'an's eyes open and fix him with a pleading look.
        He knew what she was silently asking him, but he couldn't...
        "Please," she managed to plead. "You know what must be done."
        Boone's eyes instantly snapped from the being on the bed to him. "What's she asking you?" he asked, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.
        Liam leaned closer as though about to communicate a secret. "She wants me to..." he whispered, as suddenly grasping Boone's arm, he unleashed a small discharge from his shaquarava.
        The Commander's expression became incredulous for just a second before he collapsed heavily onto the bed beside the Taelon renegade.
        Da'an sat up and looked her lover over, a pained expression upon her face. Leaning down, she smoothed Boone's hair back and kissed him gently. Then she slowly rose and moved toward the door.
        "Let us depart," she said.
        It was the last thing she said to him all the way to the home ship.

        Back at the DC embassy, Zo'or sat bolt upright and blushed deeply. Nivian, startled awake, sat up beside him.
        "What is it?" she asked anxiously.
        "Da'an," he breathed. "She is on her way to the home ship." Rising from the bed, he gently pushed her back down and covered her. "Sleep," he commanded. "When I return you shall learn what occurred."
        "I can't sleep knowing that something so important is happening!" she protested.
        He gave her an annoyed look. "Then rise if you must, but remain here."
        "Zo'or." He was almost to the door when she called him and he turned to see her holding her thumb up in the air.
        He stared at her for a moment and then turned and left the room, completely thrown off by the gesture.

        Aboard the shuttle, Da'an sat silently in her seat and completely tuned out her surroundings.
        How could she ever explain to Boone the power of the voice of the Commonality? The way in which she yearned for her people? Their voices were a seduction of the worst kind for her, for she could not live without them - that much she had finally come to terms with and she felt a deep seated shame that Boone could not replace her need for them completely. He should be enough. She shouldn't need anyone else, but she was not and never would be human. A part of her must remain separate from him, joined with and belonging to her people. The question was, could he ever accept this? He deserved so much which she could not give...
        As they exited interdimension and the home ship filled their view, her thoughts turned to the meeting ahead. She was, after all, to be the pawn in the power struggle at hand, something she had foreseen as eventually happening. This meant that she would have a hold over one of the opponents. The possibilities were great. It was an opportunity she needed to use most wisely.

        By the time Zo'or arrived in the Synod Meeting chamber, everyone was present. Da'an stood in the center of a circle formed by her former peers and the look she turned upon him was neither challenging nor timid. Her entire demeanor spoke of a calm acceptance of what was happening, touched with a defiant spark. He could nearly hear the words, "I shall not be intimidated" echo in his head.
        Taking his own place within the circle, but facing Da'an, he spoke.
        "I have been challenged to fulfill my duties as a Taelon in his prime and must now produce offspring or give up my chair," he explained to her. "In such a matter, I may choose my own consort."
        "And you have chosen me," Da'an responded, seemingly struggling to hide a smile.
        "You find this amusing?"
        "In ways you may not yet begin to imagine," she replied, before becoming quite serious. "What makes you think that I, who have lived apart from you all, would accept such an offer?"
        Zo'or moved forward. "If you accept, then you and I must both put aside our chosen ones," he explained, attempting to hide his fear of that possibility. "We shall produce young and I shall be called upon to step down as Synod Leader that I might properly instruct my child."
        "Agree to it," Gho'an pressed. "and we shall welcome you back into our midst."
        Da'an looked sharply at Zo'or. "And if I do not agree?"
        "Then I remain Synod Leader. Denied my choice of consort, I will not be expected to breed."
        "But YOU, Da'an, shall suffer for such a blatant slight to your people," Gho'an added.
        The renegade turned to confront Zo'or's rival and looked him up and down. "You have risen very quickly through the ranks for one who is so well known for his disregard for his fellow Commonality members. I find it amusing that you of all of us should remind Zo'or of his obligation to his people."
        Gho'an blushed deeply, giving off an aura of humiliation.
        "Still," Da'an continued. "I shall accept Zo'or's proposal if several of my own are met."
        So shocked was he that Da'an would even consider being his consort, Zo'or very nearly missed the next exchange.
        "Name your proposals," Gho'an ground out.
        "First, that I be reinstated to my position as North American Companion."
        The room erupted with shocked thoughts as Zo'or himself nearly reeled. "You cannot suggest that we place one such as you back in so powerful a position!" he sputtered.
        "Do you then withdraw your request that I be your mate?" she smirked.
        He felt himself wilt. "I do not," he finally replied, even as Gho'an agreed to Da'an's demand.
        The soon to be restored Companion was not done yet, however. "I also demand my seat within the Synod," she stated, causing another even more intense disruption in the chamber. "As highest ranking Companion, it is not an unreasonable request," she added. "And in my time amongst the humans, I have not provided them with any information of a sensitive nature and I shall continue to work for the common good of both the human and the Taelon species.
        Gho'an's eyes were hard and unyielding. He seemed about to lead his supporters in a move to deny the demand, but Dro'vha stepped forward to speak.
        "I support this restoration," he said. "As the only one amongst us who has lived amongst the humans, Da'an's insight into their society would prove invaluable." Seeing that Gho'an was about to protest he added, "We have little option, unless of course, you plan to release Zo'or from his obligations."
        Zo'or watched as Gho'an's gaze traveled from Da'an to him and back. Which of them would he consider the greatest threat to his power base, him or Da'an?
        "Very well," his rival finally replied. "You shall have your way in this matter. However, you shall have no further contact with William Boone or any other Liberation Member. Such contact will surely result in your... termination."
        Zo'or was beginning to smile at the stricken look which appeared on Da'an's face, but then he felt himself blush with outrage. How dare Gho'an!
        "Gho'an!" he said loudly, instantly drawing everyone's attention. "I am Synod Leader, not you. You have no place making such decisions!"
        "Security demands that precautions be taken," his rival protested.
        "Then, as Synod leader, I declare that William Boone be captured and re-implanted with a third generation CVI at the first moment he attempts to contact Da'an. As our restored, and this time quite loyal servant, he will be more than willing to tell us what he knows of Doors' organization. Da'an will be effectively kept in check by his own chosen one."
        "What makes you believe that Boone will enter the embassy?" Sra'lal asked.
        "He will," he replied with a smile. "Believe me. William Boone will not be able to stay away."
        At that point, Da'an turned a look upon him which made him doubt the wisdom of his own decree, for the renegade's expression was far from wounded. Her lids half lowered, she seemed, in fact, to be suppressing a triumphant look!
        Burying his suspicion at Da'an's behavior as well as his disappointment at the turn events had taken, he signaled his fellow Synod members to move in close to their returned member.
        Quickly, they all encircled Da'an and reaching out, laid their hands upon her. With a concentration of their collective will, her severed bond to the Commonality began to regenerate and, again hearing the sound of her people's voices, she completely lost control of her facade and cried out. The single, perfect note she issued reverberated in the chamber, striking at something deep within each of the present Taelons. As one, they blushed a deep blue, their heads thrown back even as her own was.
        Finally, as her linkage with her people strengthened and solidified, her cry dropped in pitch, and faded away, at the same time that she slowly sank down to the floor. On her knees, with her arms raised up before her, every part of her being crying out in ecstasy at her restoration.
        As the circle opened up and moved away, Zo'or stared down at the kneeling and still quivering Companion and could not help but note how similar in pose and aspect she was to a human painting from the Renaissance. With her arms raised before her and her long sleeves and plum colored earth garment forming graceful folds about her form, she resembled one of the human's mythical creations - an angel or perhaps a woman in the throes of something called rapture.
        For some inexplicable reason, she struck a chord deep within him, and in an unexpected show of compassion he found himself leaning forward and extending a hand to his fallen, one-time rival. As he was about to grasp one of her hands, she seemed to come back to herself and moved suddenly so that he clutched the material of her sleeve instead.
        With a gently tug at the earthly fabric, he helped her up, but something about how she looked at him, about the expression in her eyes, led him to believe that all was not as it seemed. Despite her obvious relief at being restored, he could see, feel the fear in her. She was hiding something, something which had made the idea of being his consort a bearable option and it had nothing to do with her restored social status.
        As soon as she was on her feet, she withdrew from him and collected herself. She seemed almost to grow in stature as she again radiated the cool confidence and self assurance her restored status demanded.
        Zo'or brought the Synod gathering to a close and gesturing that Da'an should follow him, he led her in the direction of the nearest shuttle. There was much which required discussion, many things to be resolved between them and a mystery which needed solving.

        Once again Boone found himself in the church with Da'an, only this time the angels were no longer singing. They instead waited silently and calmly before the altar as the Taelon advanced slowly towards them.
        "Da'an!" Boone grunted as he sought to block her with his own body, but somehow, impossibly, he wasn't even able to slow her down. She pushed him before her as though he were but a small child.
        "Da'an!" he cried again, this time with real panic lending an edge to his voice. "Please stop! Don't go to them!"
        "William," she responded calmly. "I must go."
        "No. No you don't!" He shook his head quickly. "Stay with me."
        She turned her head and blushed as she suddenly stopped. "I cannot. I belong with them. I am a part of them and this is something you must come to terms with."
        It was as he stared at her in pained shock that she suddenly shoved him aside and took the last few steps to the altar. As he lifted his head from where he had fallen heavily to the floor, she disappeared with the false angels.
        Boone came wide awake, still yelling out her name.
        "Uhhhh..." he groaned as he clutched at his head. It felt as though his skull were about to explode. Gulping, he sought to slow his breathing but soon gave up as a horrible bout of nausea overcame him. Staggering quickly to the bathroom, he lost what was left of his last meal and found himself leaning his head against the cool porcelain of the sink.
        What had Liam done to him?
        The hybrid had grasped his arm and then...
        His shaquarava! Of course! Da'an had asked Liam to do something - presumably to help her flee, and then he had been knocked out. Still, he felt as though his illness was a manifestation of something which had changed within him, something which had nothing at all to do with Liam.
        Somehow he found the strength to walk back to the other room and froze as he passed the dresser. In the mirror he appeared very pale, nearly gray in tone. A cold sweat beaded his face, while his hair, damp and darkened with that sweat, was plastered to his forehead, making him look paler still. Leaning heavily on the piece of old furniture, he gaped at himself and tried to chase away the cobwebs in his mind.
        Da'an had left him.
        The Commonality had called and she had instantly gone to them, leaving him behind to mourn her loss and worse yet, fear her fate. Shuddering with the pain and the fresh bout of nausea his effort elicited, he tried to reach out to Da'an with his mind to reassure himself that she was well.
        It was then that he realized the true extent of their separation.
        There were other voices - other minds present, who quickly moved to block his path to her.
        The Commonality.
        Da'an had rejoined them and now her people were denying them even this small contact!
        A cry of outrage and horror seemed to escape from his very soul as the full truth hit him. Blindly, he snatched the lamp off the dresser and smashed it with all his strength into the mirror. The broken shards of each rained down around him like so many tears. Reaching out he grabbed the next available object, wanting to smash it as well, to transfer his pain to it, rather than holding it within, but his fingers came in contact with a large, pewter picture frame.
        It was as though a bucket of cold water had been thrown on him.
        Looking down at the picture, he saw himself and Da'an staring back. The photo had been taken by Augur on Christmas Eve and showed the two of them laughing as the Taelon reacted to her first taste of chocolate.
        It was then that the first tears came. Turning, he collapsed on the bed, the picture clutched to his heart as he let them fall.

        Zo'or held his silence during the trip back to DC and wasted no time in leading the way back into the Embassy once the shuttle had landed. However, it was not to the audience chamber that he led his fellow Taelon, but rather, his own private chamber.
        As the doorway closed behind them, Da'an looked about the room in a crestfallen manner.
        "Your things have not been disposed of. Nivian's room is furnished with much of your collection. The rest is in Hawaii with Dro'vha," he explained. He watched as the reinstated Companion moved slowly to the windows and looked out.
        Minutes ticked by.
        Realizing that Da'an was not about to speak first, he moved to stand beside her. "Why would you ever agree to be my consort?" he asked. "Have you done so simply to regain the status which you had so carelessly discarded? I somehow do not see this in you. I demand an explanation!"
        Da'an turned to face him and her eyes suddenly appeared cold. "I would never willingly become consort to you," she whispered. "Your plans for humanity will destroy us all!" She took a step towards him and the anger she was broadcasting lent the motion a threatening overtone.
        Zo'or found himself automatically backing up two paces.
        Noting his retreat, she halted and seemed to compose herself. "As much as I do not approve of your leadership, I prefer it to any guidance Gho'an might provide. You are attached to Nivian and she has had a positive affect upon you. You, I am familiar with. You I prefer over Gho'an." She turned away and again looked out the window.
        Amazed, he moved to join her there, again standing close by her side. "If this is so, then why did you not refuse? I would have remained Synod Leader and you would not now be obligated to procreate."
        After a time, she sighed. "And where would that have left me, but in the Synod's grasp?" She tuned her head to look at him. "Yes, I used the situation to my advantage. I am no prisoner, nor am I doomed to the void. I now stand here restored and in a position to once more challenge your machinations."
        "Then you and I..." he breathed.
        "Are rivals and nothing more," she clarified.
        "But we will be expected to produce offspring! I shall lose my position if we do not!"
        "You will lose your position if we do, for you will be excused from your duties so that you may raise the child. Do you believe that Gho'an will ever let you reclaim your position if that were to happen?"
        Zo'or stared at her, confused. "Then, you obviously have something else in mind? You have found a way around this?"
        "Not yet, however, I have found a way in which we might... buy some time." She attempted and failed to hide the small smile which turned up the corners of her mouth.
        "I have assumed the role of your consort as per the Synod's request," she answered. "However, this does not mean that a joining may immediately occur."
        "What?" he snapped.
        "It is impossible for us to join at this time, for I am already carrying new life."
        Zo'or froze, his mind at first failing to comprehend how such a thing might be possible. She had been separated from her people, with only the humans as... As the possibility came to him, he immediately knew it must be the truth.
        "Boone?" he breathed, unable to draw in air for any more.
        She nodded, a pleased look upon her face, as though simply thinking of the human brought her pleasure.
        He found himself helpless to do anything but stare at her dumbly and feel humiliated by his inability to present a scathing reply.
        "I know that such a joining should not be possible," Da'an explained. "however, my regression has left me far more like the humans than any of our people have been in many millennia." (Cannot make this uncounted millennia, because before their transformation at the hands of Hag'el's race, they may have been matter based creatures)
        He continued to stare at her. This explained much and yet raised new questions. He now knew why she had been careful not to let him touch her. His eyes dropped to look at the caftan folds which fell over her abdomen.
        One of her hands instantly came up to cover the area he gazed at. "There is nothing to see yet," she whispered. "However, the garment could prove useful in the time ahead."
        Still finding it difficult to come to terms with all he had just learned, Zo'or simply stared at her for a few minutes as the Companion waited patiently for him to speak. "Are you then finally done with William Boone?" he eventually found himself asking.
        She reacted as though she had been slapped, her eyes widening and glowing brilliantly even as she blushed blue. "I do what I must for both the Taelons and the humans," she replied. "I am doing what duty and my own conscience demands of me. For what might be, I have gambled all that I hold most dear. What exists between William Boone and myself shall never be finished." Straightening up, she recovered. "I have purchased us some time in which to devise a means of circumventing Gho'an's machinations. Best to move ahead. Quickly. And now, I would see my audience chamber again."
        Turning, she glided to the door and out into the embassy beyond.
        Still overcome by all he had learned, it took Zo'or a few moments before he moved to follow.

         Lili found Dro'vha in one of the Companion's favorite places, a chamber which faced the sea and had some of the largest windows in the structure. He had the virtual glass deactivated and a wonderful, fragrant breeze was filling the room.
        Moving to a spot behind him, she waited patiently to be acknowledged and her mind began wandering towards thoughts of Boone. This then was what it had been like for him to serve an understanding and benevolent Companion. How ironic that she who had cautioned him time and again that he was losing his objectivity, getting too close to the enemy, would herself be doing the same thing. She liked Dro'vha and enjoyed those occasions in which he and she would converse on different subjects. He treated her fairly and with respect, which made it hard to think of him in any sort of bad light. She had to admit that she would do nearly anything for him at this point.
        She trusted him completely.
        She didn't have time in which to reflect further, for the Companion was turning away from the windows to face her.
        "Captain," he began and she instantly knew that something bad had happened.
        "Dro'vha." she bowed slightly.
        "There has been an incredible turn of events within the Synod," he explained. "Da'an has been welcomed back into the Commonality and is again a Synod member. In addition, she is to be reinstated as the Companion to North America."
        "Well, I don't think that offering her such tidbits is going to have her running out on Boone and her friends..." Lili threw back.
        Dro'vha's expression became softer, apologetic. "I'm afraid that you misunderstand," he said softly. "Da'an was summoned before the Synod in the hopes that she would be Zo'or's consort. It was she who bartered for her restoration to her previous status."
        Lili couldn't do anything more than gape at him. Da'an had left Boone? It was almost beyond belief!
        Dro'vha nodded. "There are layers and layers again of logic behind what has occurred. Please allow me to explain so that you may take this information to William Boone..."

        By the time Zo'or had caught up with the Companion, she was in the audience chamber standing before her old chair, head askance and staring at it longingly. He moved in close and observed her curiously.
        "When will the announcement be made?" she asked without taking her eyes from the chair.
        "This evening," he replied. "I shall be meeting with Thompson shortly. The news conference shall occur at the white house as befits an announcement of such magnitude."
        She nodded and he slowly began to walk a circle around her, taking in her appearance and trying to come to terms with the knowledge he had. As he walked about her, staring her up and down, he felt his nostrils flaring in distaste as his thoughts focused up how she had come to be in this condition. How horrifying and disgusting to think that she and Boone had... had MATED in the ancient and matter-based way. Repulsive that one of his kind should fall so far as to do THAT! There was a morbid fascination at work here as well. What had it been like? Was it more pleasurable than what he and Nivian already shared, or had Da'an merely felt obligated to endure it to help bind Boone more closely to her?
        Yes, he let Da'an see his revulsion, but he was carefully hiding away his desire to touch her, to pull those memories from her. Still, such a sharing was now impossible. It was forbidden for any but the other parent to share with a Taelon who hosted new life, for there existed a chance that the infant might be harmed or altered.
        Still, merely making gentle contact with that life was allowed and he couldn't help but admit to himself that he desperately wished to do so with the hybrid child Da'an carried. What was it like?
        Putting such thoughts aside, he stopped before his rival and addressed her.
        "Boone does not know, does he?" he demanded of HIS consort, suddenly certain that the human would otherwise have died rather than allow her to return.
        Her eyes closed slowly and every line of her form seemed to radiate a sudden misery. "He does not. I have left against his wishes and when he could not prevent me."
        Finally giving in to his curiosity, he moved closer and slowly extended a hand before her as he silently asked permission to make contact with the infant. Surprised that she actually nodded permission, he wasted no time in gently bringing his hand into contact with her abdomen.
        Instantly his mind was flooded with sensation as he made contact with the new life growing within. He instantly lost control of his form and blushed brightly, as his mind became completely occupied with the new mind he was touching. Still too small and frail to give off much but the most rudimentary of thoughts, it already had a presence stronger than any other Taelon infant he had encountered. It had a will and a strength to it which his own people lacked, and unfortunately required for the war yet to come. There was no doubt that it was Boone's offspring in that regard, but it also possessed a tranquility and a spirit which was purely a part of Da'an.
        Opening his eyes, he met the restored Companion's gaze.
        "You understand now," she whispered and gently moved his hand away from herself.
        He stood silently for a time, different emotions warring within him. He was in awe of the being he had touched and the sudden desire to produce such a child himself was almost painful in its intensity, but Nivian...
        "We shall keep this to ourselves," Da'an said, snapping him back to the present. "Until the Synod begins to question why we have not yet borne children, it is best that no one but us know of this."
        "I agree," he responded. He would have said more, but at that instant Nivian entered the room and froze. He could feel her shock and dismay at Da'an's presence and moved quickly to where she was standing.
        Da'an moved to stand beside him for a moment and gently reached out to lay a hand on Nivian's shoulder. His mental greeting seemed to calm her. "Tell her the truth," Da'an said. "She must know for reasons we both understand. I shall leave you both for now and will be in the upper chamber if you need me."
        Zo'or watched as she departed and then taking Nivian's hand, pulled her gently to him.
        "I have much to tell you," he murmured.
        "I should hope so," she replied anxiously. "Let's start with why Da'an is here."

        After her meeting with Dro'vha, Lili hurried straight over to Augur's new home and knocked loudly at the door. When she got no answer, she pulled out her keys and let herself in. She had to tell him what was going on, besides, his abilities might be needed once she filled Boone in on what she knew.
        "Augur?!" she yelled out, as she walked down the hall leading to his bedroom. After lunch, he had said that he was going home to do some work...
        As she approached the end of the hallway, she could hear water running, which meant that he was showering. It was one of his idiosyncrasies that he did so more than once a day and he definitely showered every time he changed his clothes.
        Entering the bedroom, she plopped down into a chair. She'd give him another five minutes and then she'd pull him out of there herself if need be.
        As the minutes ticked slowly by, she found herself growing increasingly bored and restless. Standing, she began looking at his desk and idly turned over the stack of papers there.
        She froze. The papers contained information about almost every part of Joshua Doors' life - his finances, his past associations, his hobbies...
        She was still holding the stack when Augur emerged from the steaming bathroom doorway.
        Their eyes met and the techno-wizard's instantly looked guilty. Holding the towel around his waist, he quickly crossed over to her and took the files from her hands.
        "Now, Lili... this isn't what it seems," he began.
        "Isn't it? Joshua calls me up a few hours ago and suddenly you've pulled up everything on him, invaded his privacy! What are you doing here Augur? You were going to screw him over, weren't you? Change his financial portfolio a little bit... cause some of his holdings to suddenly vanish." She was beside herself. "I knew I shouldn't have taken up with you!" Backing away from him, she began pacing anxiously back and forth.
        "What are you saying?" He was indignant. "I would never do anything like that! I've known Joshua for many years..." He suddenly stopped. "What was that you said about taking up with me?" He asked, looking truly shocked.
        "I knew about your shady financial wheeling and dealing," she spat back, as she suddenly rounded on him. "I knew that you had little going for you in the 'morals area', but, idiot that I am, I thought it didn't have to have anything to do with me. Well, I was wrong! I can't condone how you do business! I..."
        "You have no idea of how I do business!" he shot back. "And you're making a lot of incorrect assumptions!" He was seething now. "If you really think this of me, then you're right! You should never have taken up with me in the first place!" He stopped and tried to calm himself. When he spoke again, his voice was very low, very cool. "If I had known that you believed this of me, that you thought this of me..."
        "You'd what?" she asked, finally cooling off herself as she realized the turn the confrontation had taken.
        "I never would have given you a second thought," he replied. Suddenly he held the stack of papers out to her. "Here! Take it!" He thrust it into her hands. "Now, get out!"
        Her temper flaring again, she spun and marched out of the house, taking care to slam the door behind her. It was only later, when she was back in her shuttle and en route to DC that she nearly broke down. It seemed that the relationship had pretty much dissolved. She couldn't believe him, couldn't trust him and yet, what he had said chilled her. What if she had been wrong?
        The shuttle beeped, bringing her back to the here and now. Time to re-enter normal space/time. She was back in DC and she had other, more important things to worry about right now.

        Da'an was reclining in his chair within the audience chamber the next time Zo'or saw him. The energy stream was on and set at a high level. As he entered, Da'an reluctantly sat up and waved it off.
        Approaching, Zo'or stood before him and noted the Companion's general appearance. "Are you well?" he found himself asking.
        "Yes. I am simply tired, for I have already hosted this child longer than any of our kind has ever done."
        Zo'or's curiosity got the better of him. "And how long has that been?"
        "Sixty two earth days," Da'an answered, as her eyes glowed with pride.
        "You must be tenacious of life to have endured so long a hosting!" he exclaimed, horrified, but his curiousity soon got the better of him again, leading him to ask another question. "When do you suppose the child shall begin it's own existence?"
        Da'an looked worried. "I do not know. It seems that the child is not yet anywhere near to surviving such an event." She rose and stepped down to stand beside him. "Your experiments with hybrid offspring produced viable beings in just over three months time, however, I am no longer a typical Taelon."
        "It is past time that you submitted to medical attention," he stated. "Have one of our physicians brought in to safeguard your health."
        "You are concerned with my health?" Da'an tilted her head in a teasing manner.
        Suddenly indignant, Zo'or squared his shoulders and lifted his chin. "My position would be assured if you should suddenly join the void," he threw back. "It is the child I am concerned with."
        Da'an turned away and he had the suspicion that the Companion was attempting to hide her amusement.
        "You realize that a Taelon scientist would be out of the question," she asked.
        "Of course!" Now he truly was insulted. "Do you think me intellectually inferior? We cannot have such a one reporting back to the Synod!"
        Da'an's face became very serious. "I have never thought that of you," she whispered. "You are my rival, however, there are few among my people whose abilities I respect more than your own." Turning, she again stepped up and took her seat. "Dr. Belman is my first choice, however, her talents cannot be spared for so long a time. I shall instead have Melissa Park as my guest here. Belman may be consulted from time to time."
        "This is not a good choice," he answered after a moment's thought. "Park is now an implant. She might report back to the Synod with her findings. I insist that you have Belman!"
        Da'an nodded, a pleased look on her face. "Very well. Do you now see the advantage of having non-implanted humans in our employ?"
        He simply shot her a sour look.
        "I also would wish to request Agent Sandoval be returned as my attaché until such time that Boone may be returned to me."
        "Very well. I shall have him report to you shortly." He looked her over suspiciously. "Anything else?" he asked sarcastically.
        "Yes. How is it with Nivian?"
        Caught off guard by the question, Zo'or took a moment before responding. "She is not pleased with the situation. Also, at this point you should know that I have not yet told her of your condition."
        "I understand how difficult this is for her," Da'an replied. "I feel confident that once Boone is restored to us, we shall find a way to counter Gho'an and end this awkward situation."
        In complete agreement and with nothing further to discuss, Zo'or turned and moved off toward the chamber he was currently conducting his affairs from. Sandoval was due back from the White House shortly and Liam was awaiting him. He had much to do, but he truly wished he had more time in which to discuss this bizarre situation with Nivian.
        There was something important he needed to ask her.

        Once Zo'or was out of sight, Da'an brought both her hands up to cover her abdomen, and with a sigh, reclined in her chair. As the energy stream reactivated, she gently rubbed her tightening belly and tried to banish away the frightening thoughts which plagued her. She had to believe that all would be well, that Boone would be restored to her and that the child would survive.
        Careful to blank these worries from her mind, she reached out carefully to her infant and felt its rapidly developing mind move to join her own.
        <"Oh, my first child, my son..."> she crooned mentally, as her fingers clutched against her stomach, desperate to hold the child. <"You are a wonder I never dared dream would exist and I await your entrance to this life with much impatience!">
        She felt the beginnings of the child's first ponderings and chose to answer one. <"You are everything I could hope you to be. Hush now. There will be time enough for learning later. Go back to your peaceful dreams."> She crooned softly until the direct mental contact was lost and the infant slumbered once more.
        Only then did she allow herself another worry. How long could she hope to maintain this pregnancy? Already she was eating more than her body could comfortably process and her time in the energy stream had tripled over her one time metabolic demands. She knew that without Boone, she would require it at least an hour every day!
        Unconsciously, her hands balled into determined fists. No matter. She would live within the confines of the stream, if need be and consume food until it made her ill.
        Yet, would it be enough?
        With another sigh, she forced her hands to relax and stared up at the audience room ceiling and wished with all her heart that Boone were here. His presence, his support in this, would do much to settle her suddenly frazzled nerves.

        Landing the shuttle in the rectory gardens, Lili took the back entrance into the church and made her way forward to the staircase which led to the basement. As she was about to swipe her thumb over the DNA scanner, the hidden doorway opened and Boone himself stepped out. They both jumped as they saw each other and Lili did not like the cold, set look on his face.
        "Will! Just the person I was looking for!" she exclaimed.
        He made to walk around her. "Not now Lili," he answered tersely.
        "Whoa! Hold on there!" She grabbed his arm as he moved by and stopped him.
        The look her turned on her frightened her greatly. He looked as though he were being assaulted by a stranger. Quickly she dropped her hand.
        "I have some important information from Dro'vha," she started to explain.
        "I said, not now," he snapped and took several steps towards the stairs.
        Without hesitating, she drew her weapon and thumbed off the safety. He froze on the bottom step as he heard it building a charge.
        "Don't even think of skrilling me," she cautioned him. "If I see that arm move, I'll knock you out cold!" She shook her head. "God, I hate doing this Will, but sometimes it's the only way to get you to listen!"
        "OK, I'm listening," he replied angrily. "Can I at least turn to face you?"
        "Yeah, but the right arm stays down!"
        He turned and she saw that his mouth was set in a grim line, his eyes narrowed dangerously. With a shock, she realized that he was barely in control, that he might try to skrill her anyway.
        "Look, Boone. I know what's happened. Now don't you think you should at least listen to what's going on with Da'an before you run out in a vain effort to see her? You don't even know where she is, do you?" Seeing the look on his face, she quickly cut him off. "Don't you even try to tell me that you'll find her somehow. I know the Synod is blocking your link with her."
        He finally seemed to wilt.
        "You know that you need to hear what I have to say."
        "You're right," he sighed, suddenly looking more despondent than she had ever seen him. "Let's go back down stairs and discuss it."
        "You're not going to skrill me or try to get away from me?" she asked nervously.
        "No. I promise."
        That was good enough for her. Powering her weapon down, she reholstered it as he approached and flipped the DNA scanner open. They each swiped their thumbs and were soon on the elevator back to HQ.
        During the ride down, she reached out her hand to him and was relieved when he took it, squeezing it gently and hanging on as though it were a life line.

          Da'an stood at the windows of the upper Embassy chamber and watched as the shuttle headed away. Zo'or and Liam were about to meet with Thompson and the press conference had already been arranged for later.
        She had already met with Sandoval and passed on a message for William. She had no doubt that he would attempt to seek her out at the conference and had charged Sandoval with getting him safely away and giving him the message.
        William would not understand how she could do this and it was important that he realize the truth. He had to come to her here of his own free will. Giving himself over to a reimplantation he had no desire for and which could leave him dead in three years time had to be his decision.
        She wondered if he would dare so much simply to be reunited with her and hoped that he would. Touching her abdomen, she felt a wave of melancholia pass over her. She was being selfish to ask so much of him, and yet her life would be empty without him in it. She needed him now more than ever and the advantages to his return far outweighed the disadvantages. All would be made known to him in time and somehow she needed to believe that everything would work out as she planned.
        Shaking herself out of her introspective, she looked around the chamber. It was here where she had first begun the joining of Boone's mind to her own. It was this chamber she had chosen to make her own. Hers and William's. Already, she had dictated that the engineers remove the circle of seats from the chamber's center. She would distract herself from her worries by spending the next few hours arranging the chamber in a pleasing manner.

        Boone sat in the med lab and tried to sip at his coffee. His hands shook badly enough to make it a real challenge. The hot liquid warmed him going down, though, and seemed to help chase away the chill which had taken hold of him.
        "So Da'an is the North American Companion again," he said, numbly. "She's regained her status."
        "Yes, but as I said, it was only because she was making the best of a bad situation," Lili stressed.
        "And I'm supposed to be happy that she's now Zo'or's consort?" he asked, as his eyebrows rose half way up his forehead.
        Lili's face fell. "If it's any consolation, Dro'vha feels certain that it's in name only. He feels that Da'an has done this only to prevent Gho'an from assuming Zo'or's position!"
        He snorted and struggled to shake off the hopelessness which seemed to descend upon him. "I agree with him there. There's no way that she would actually be Zo'or's consort, unless she stood to gain a great deal from it. She gave up her status for me, Lili - there's no way she would throw me aside simply to get it back!"
        "Hey, you don't have to convince me! I believe it!" the shuttle pilot shot back. "The thing is that you can't simply go traipsing off to confront her. The Synod has ordered your capture and re-implantation!"
        "I need to know why she would do this," he said, as he rose and pulled on his jacket. "There has to be a better way to remove Gho'an as a threat!"
        Lili looked at her feet.
        "What else?" he sighed.
        "Kha'rha has been replaced in the Synod by a much younger Taelon."
        "One who supports Gho'an?"
        His heart lurched again. The situation was rapidly growing worse. "Come on," he growled. "You're taking me to the White House."
        "As Dro'vha's attache, you've got an open door. I'll pose as your subordinate. I need to talk to Da'an!"
        "Boone, if I get caught smuggling you in..."
        "You won't. My holo disguise is pretty much flawless."
        "But, I have no excuse for being there!"
        He took several steps towards the doorway and paused when he saw she wasn't following him. "Look, I'm going with or without your help," he threw back.
        With a grumble, she snatched up her coat and fell into step behind him.

        As the final preparations for the press conference were underway, Sandoval walked about the gathering members of the press and kept his eyes open for anything out of the ordinary. He knew that Boone would be employing a holo device, but felt certain that he would note the slightest discrepancy, the merest flaw which would give the ex-implant away.
        The trick was not in finding Boone, but rather, in getting him out without raising anyone else's suspicions.
        Time ticked by and he found himself repeatedly consulting his pocket watch. Boone had to show soon!
        The press continued to gather, as did the secret service agents. Soon Da'an had arrived and been shepherded to the room where Thompson, Zo'or and Liam waited.
        Still, nothing caught his eye. Not one thing seemed out of place. Boone had to show. He HAD to! It seemed inconceivable that he would pass on the opportunity to see his... Companion.
        Perhaps he would attempt to slip in once the conference had begun.
        No sooner did the thought cross his mind, did he see Lili Marquette, of all people,slip inside. With her was a tall brunette male he had never set eyes upon before.
        He smiled. His one out of place element had just shown up. Slowly, he made his way around the perimeter of the room. The Secret Service agents were all familiar with him, but it was still risky to approach anyone cautiously in this room. Even now, several watched him inobtrusively on the off chance that he was onto something. There was no way that they would allow a Taelon agent to foil an assassination attempt on their turf. If something were to happen, they would be certain to get in on it.
        Acting as though he were simply greeting an associate, which, in a way he was, he sidled up to Lili.
        "Captain Marquette," he greeted her. "This is an unexpected surprise."
        She played it very cool. "Yeah, well, I was in the area and didn't want to miss this. Dro'vha told me the news earlier today."
        He leaned forward so that he could look at the person with her. "And who might your friend be?" he asked.
        "This is Marty Reynolds," she said quickly. "He's a new pilot trainee. I didn't have time to leave him behind."
        Moving around her, he extended a hand to the taller man. "Always nice to meet new associates," he said, flashing a large smile, as the other man took his hand and shook it. "Ever been in DC before?" he asked.
        The man shook his head.
        "You don't say much, do you?" he tugged on the man's hand as he leaned in closer. "I know it's you, Boone," he whispered. "And you already know that I'm free of the MI. Follow me. I have a message for you from Da'an."
        The man's eyes widened. "Stay here, Lili," he said, unmistakably in Boone's voice. "I'll meet you outside later."
        "No he won't" he quickly amended. "I'll get him safely away. You can catch up with him outside the embassy following the press conference."
        "Marty!" she exclaimed, worriedly.
        "It's OK," Boone replied. "He can be trusted."
        Leaning closer, Sandoval addressed her as well. "It would seem that you and I have quite a bit to talk about as well," he observed, as he led Boone past her and towards the small security office
        Once inside, he moved in close and kept his voice at a whisper. "This is the only room here without surveillence," he explained. "Still, it doesn't hurt to be cautious. By now, you must know the position I'm in. I'm certain that Da'an would have filled you in before hi... her departure. You know, I never really appreciated the stress you must have been under until this happened to me..."
        "You had a message for me?" Boone prompted impatiently, as he shifted his weight to one foot.
        "Uh, yes..." Sandoval looked around them. "Once the conference is over, no one will question my leaving," he said. "It would be safest if I told you in the car."
        "OK, I'll by that," the disguised man replied. "So why don't we step outside and watch until then?"
        He nodded his agreement. "As long as you're with me, Zo'or and his other agents won't question your identity. You do realize, though, that you cannot contact Da'an here? They'll have you in an instant if you even try."
        "So I see," Boone grumbled.
        "All right then, let's go." Sandoval led him back into the conference area and up the right hand wall close to the stage.
        In only moments the President and the two Taelons were announced and Sandoval turned his attention back to scanning the crowd for potential trouble.

        As Da'an walked out on stage, Boone felt his heartrate climb. He couldn't help but will the Taelon to acknowledge his presence in some small way and got his wish, when a few seconds later, Da'an looked directly at him.
        Their eyes locked briefly and in that moment he clearly heard his lover's voice in his mind. <"Go with Sandoval,"> she urged gently, as she communicated a deep affection. The touch of her mind faded away again with shocking speed as she again turned her attention back to matters around her.
        He almost wilted with both relief that he was apparently not being rejected and disappointment that she had not said more. As he had suspected, she had been allowing the Commonality to block her link with him. They apparently had no idea that she could override them at any time. Moreover, he was willing to bet that they wouldn't even be aware of her doing so.
        The rest of the conference went by in a blur, as Da'an was officially reinstated, creating an uproar of excitement in the room.  Questions came fast and furious as both she and Zo'or took turns answering. The official story was that there had been an incredible discovery made during the course of their investigation into Boone's death and that Da'an was now fully able to once more assume his duties. There were a flurry of questions directed towards the mystery of his death, for the Taelons had originally claimed that he had died of wounds sustained during his defense of the Companions from some, so far, unknown threat. These were answered with a promise that more details would be released when the investigation was completed.
        Despite the topic, Boone's attention was focussed almost exclusively upon Da'an. He couldn't help but be amused by the fact that the North American Companion was still being referred to as a HE. Of course, she did still look completely androgenous even without her caftan - her suit hid so much.
        Fleetingly, he wondered if she would ever wear the caftan again. He had come to love seeing her in it.
        Sandoval jostled him and with a shock he realized that the President and the Taelons were leaving the stage. The conference was over.
        "Come on!" the Implant urged, as he led the way out.
        Boone quickly followed him back through the surveillence room, down a corridor and a flight of stairs and out a door leading to the hidden parking area. They both climbed into Sandoval's car and were quickly waved out by the guards.
        They were half way back to the Embassy before Sandoval began talking.
        "Da'an has done what she can to keep Zo'or in position as Synod Leader, however, this is a temporary measure at best. She wants you to understand that she is his consort in name only. Soon the Synod will question their failure to procreate and an alternate way to remove Gho'an as a threat must be found before then."
        Boone stared at the implant. "I don't get it. Why is she going out of her way to help Zo'or? Is Gho'an really THAT bad?"
        Sandoval snorted. "He's risen very quickly in the ranks and to answer your question, yes. He is worse that Zo'or ever was. At least Zo'or works for the Taelon's survival. Gho'an cares nothing for his fellow Taelon's - only for himself."
        "How can this be?" Boone didn't bother to hide his confusion. "Zo'or was atypical enough, egocentric and highly competative. How can Gho'an be exhibiting such un-Taelon-like behavior?"
        Sandoval glanced over at him. "Da'an thinks it has something to do with the contacts occurring between Taelons and humans all over the world. Each time there is a sharing, the Commonality is being flooded with more human concepts. It's like a plague, spreading throughout their population. Some, like Gho'an, seem to be more susceptible to it than others."
        He felt a chill climb up his spine. The thought of a powerful race like the Taelons falling prey to the worse of human emotions was frightening in the extreme. "So what's being done about Gho'an?" he finally asked.
        "That's where you come in. Da'an said that this decision must be your own, hence her message." He pulled the car over in front of a park and turned to face Boone. "Da'an is hoping that you'll allow yourself to be captured and reimplanted. She will then release you from the MI, but you know there are many risks involved. If you try to talk before the MI is deactivated, we'll have to kill you. Also, although Kha'rha and his people are hard at work, there is still no way of removing the new CVI's, which means that there is a possibility that when it burns out, so will you."
        "I see..."
        "No. You don't. Not yet anyway," Sandoval countered with a smile. "The Synod approved your reimplantation and reassignment as Da'an's attache, figuring that as a true implant, you would be their willing spy, that you would keep Da'an in check. If you allow the reimplantation, you'll be back where you first started. You'll be the Liberation's main eyes and ears again!"
        He turned his head and stared out the front window as he nervously licked his suddenly dry lips. To go through all that again...
        "Boone," Sandoval whispered. "Once you've been re-implanted, you'll be in the perfect position to help me retreive the incriminating evidence we need to destroy Gho'an. I've already got the lead we need."
        Boone stared back at the implant, but hardly saw him. It would be hellish to have the implantation again, but it seemed the only way in which he could reunite with Da'an. Now the conference announcement about the new findings with regard to his death made sense. The Synod were ready to declare that he hadn't died after all...
        "Da'an doesn't expect you to decide right away," Sandoval said. "You can take a few days at least to think it over, but I wouldn't wait much longer. We need to know if we have to find another way to do this..."
        "Two days," he stated. "Give me two days to decide. If the answer is yes, I'll be seeing you again in the Embassy."
        With a smile, Sandoval started the car and pulled back out onto the road. Within five minutes, they were back at the embassy.
        "Boone," Sandoval said, as he parked the car. "I never had a chance to thank you for what you did for Deedee..."
        Unable to deal with this now, he shrugged. "Later, Ron," he said, as he quickly left the car and moved down the sidewalk. Within minutes, Lili drove up in one of the Embassy cars and the two of them were quickly on their way back to HQ.
        "Well?" she asked after several minutes had ticked by without an explaination.
        "Later, Lili. Much later!" he mumbled as he slouched in his chair and rubbed at his temples. "Do me a favor when we get back and distract Doors for me. Tell him we'll discuss what's happening in the morning. In the meantime fill him in on what you know. I can't deal with him right now."
        "OK," she answered in a subdued tone. She glanced at him repeatedly as she drove, worried sick by his demeanor. She hoped that things were not as bad as he seemed to think they were...

         It was well past eleven that night when Zo'or finally re-entered the embassy. Moving quickly onward to his chambers, he was disappointed that Nivian did not await him there and after a moment's thought, decided to seek her out. It was not all that late and they had not yet had much time in which to discuss all which had occurred. He suspected that she was yet awake.
        His guess was confirmed as correct when he entered her chamber next door to find her in bed reading.
        As soon as he entered, she put the book down next to her and welcomed him with open arms. Instantly, he was across the room and gathering her close as he sat upon the bed beside her. A kiss was eagerly offered up by her and received.
        "You've been gone quite a while," she murmurred, as she snuggled against him.
        "Thomson was concerned with my sudden loss of the Companion chair," he explained.
        "All he cares about is his re-election campaign," she snorted.
        "Precisely. He fears that I am losing my position and that it may affect him." He kissed the top of her head. "I have since... corrected him," he added with a cold smile.
        She suddenly lifted her head and sat up so that she could look him in the eyes. "Zo'or, if the whole world thinks Da'an is your consort, then where do I stand?"
        He reached out and brushed back her hair. "Only my people believe this, not your own. There are no plans to release this information to the human population." Seeing that the worry, the hurt hadn't left her eyes, he pulled her close again. "Nivian, I have already told you that Da'an is my consort in name only. It is in fact impossible for us to join."
        She bolted upright. "Impossible? Why?"
        "Da'an is even now carrying Boone's offspring." He watched as the knowledge sank in and her mouth dropped open.
        "Oh..." was all she could manage.
        He could not help but find himself greatly amused by this. "Oh?" he mimicked. "Have you nothing to ask me?"
        "I thought that it was impossible for humans and Taelons to interbreed without laboratory manipulation," she finally managed. "How could Da'an have gotten... pregnant?"
        "In the usual human way, it would seem," he said with a shudder. "She has regressed into a more matter-based form since her original break with the Commonality."

        Nivian felt his form quiver at the mention of how Da'an had become pregnant and instantly knew that he found the thought of so physical a union between human and Taelon repulsive. She felt a sudden sadness that he would feel this way, despite the love they both shared, but tried not to dwell on it. That way lay madness, or more unhappiness, at the very least.
        "Poor Da'an!" she whispered, as she thought upon the Companion's situation.
        He stiffened and held her at arms length so that he could search her face. "Why do you sympathize with her?" he asked indignantly. "Have I not suffered the humiliation of being placed in this position, of losing the Companion chair?"
        She reached out and placed her palm against his cheek. "You're still Synod Leader, the highest ranking Taelon and you still have me," she soothed. "Da'an has lost Boone at a time when she is most vulnerable and she must be frightened for her child's future."
        He blinked and looked at her curiously "What do you mean?"
        "She's carrying a hybrid child. Surely she must fear what the Synod will say when they know?" She thought for a moment and suddenly clutched tightly at the front of his suit. "They won't try to take it from her, will they?" she asked, deeply worried.
        "I do not know," he answered, and she instantly knew that he spoke the truth. When they were in contact, he could not lie to her.
        "Zo'or, we can't let that happen. You have to make sure it doesn't!" Somehow she knew that such a loss would be too much for the gentle Companion to bear.
        Zo'or sighed. "I have touched the child - Da'an allowed it," he told her, as his eyes took on a far-away look. "It is... amazing, a creature of remarkable beauty and untold potential." His eyes suddenly saw her again. "You are quite right. The child must be protected."
        It was her turn to shiver as she realized that he wouldn't sympathize with Da'an in the least if she lost her child. It was for the child's sake alone that he was willing to protect it.
        Thinking her cold, he pulled her close again and held her tightly. "I wish you to feel what I felt when I touched him..." he whispered.
        She quickly sought out his hands and clasped them tightly. "Show me then," she encouraged him.
        Pulling her down on the bed beside him, he initiated a sharing through their bond and unexpectedly showed her everything pertaining to Da'an and himself, culminating with his curious investigation of the child. As they reached this point, she could feel herself smiling uncontrollably, for the touch of that little mind was indeed a wonder.
        She also began to pick up much of his thought, his emotion surrounding Da'an's unusual condition and was shocked to see so much fear... and jealousy! He feared for himself, for his future, for her and also for the child, but at the same time, he wished such a child of his own!
        As the sharing ended and their minds separated, she began to fear what was coming. There were only two ways in which Zo'or might have a child and as far as she was concerned, both were unacceptable.
        She opened her eyes as he began gently rubbing the backs of her hands with his thumbs and saw that he was watching her carefully. Slowly, he moved his head forward and kissed her tenderly.
        "If Da'an and Boone could produce such a one, then what might we produce?" he murmured near her ear.
        She pulled back and stared at him. "You would never allow yourself to regress far enough to make it possible," she stated. "Therefore, there's no point in even wondering."
        His eyes narrowed at her unexpected response and she was careful to hide her thoughts from him. How could she tell him of her determination to never again have a child? She had lost one to a horrible genetic affliction and was not willing to ever bear that pain again. Even if the Taelons could tell in advance if her ripening egg was flawed, she would not risk it. To have an infant, a child at a time such as this, when all of humanity was facing a horrible threat from both the Taelons and the Jaridians, bordered on cruelty.
        Still, looking at Zo'or, and having felt his desire, she knew that one way or another he would have a child. Best for now that he did not know her true feelings in this, for he would surely take it badly. If he were desperate enough to undergo a regression, then the subject would need to be broached.
        "You are correct," Zo'or sighed, as he gently rubbed her shoulder. "I do not think that I could endure the necessary regression." His expression suddenly softened. "But, would you not wish a child one day?" he asked softly, as he leaned forward and nuzzled the side of her face..
        "I am content with what I have," she whispered, shakily, when he began rubbing his cheek against her hair.
        He pulled back, looking concerned. "What is it which troubles you?" he pressed. "I will not produce a child with Da'an, Nivian. Do not fear this." He pulled her closer and began slowly kneading her back. "Besides, I suspect that she is no longer capable of producing offspring with her own people," he continued, in a husky tone.
        He thought she was jealous of Da'an! Inwardly, she sighed. It was so like him! Still, best to distract him by allowing him to believe it to be true. Letting her breath out in what sounded like a sigh of relief, she hugged him tightly and was surprised when he pressed her down onto the bed and began nibbling at her neck and shoulders.
        "What's all this?" she gasped out when his hands began roving under her nightgown. "We haven't... not since..."
        He hushed her with a kiss and then pulled back to search her face. "No, we have not," he agreed. "and I have begun to wonder if perhaps I have been neglecting you in this matter."
        "I like it when we join in your way," she protested, feeling that he was doing this for the wrong reason.
        "But I recall that I enjoyed this as well," he breathed near her ear, as he locked his left hand to her right one. "...and so did you."
        She found herself shivering uncontrollably as he nibbled at her earlobe and her last thought as she felt herself began to utterly melt, was that his curiosity had been aroused by thoughts of Boone and Da'an.
        "Zo'or..."  It was a half hearted protest which came out as barely a moan.
        Still, he understood.
        "Shhh. Hush..." he almost groaned, as he undid her buttons and began kissing his way down her throat and chest. "Let me..."
        His voice trailed off then as he found a nipple and began mouthing it.
        All her thoughts of protesting vanished instantly.
        Then there were no more words, as everything was said with their touch and their thoughts.

        In the upper chamber, Da'an paced restlessly before the large windows as the caftan she was again wearing billowing out behind her. She wished that it were warm enough to let down the virtual glass, for she longed to feel the breeze on her newly sensitive skin.
        Since hearing back from Sandoval, she had been more anxious than ever before in her long years of life.
        She had known how Boone feared the thought of re-implantation, and yet a part of her had hoped that he would have agreed to it out of hand so that they might be reunited.
        Stopping in place before the chamber's new bed, she forced her hands to unclench.
        Boone had done the correct thing in waiting. She would not wish him to submit without being aware of all the ramifications of his decision. Besides, he too had a duty to look to. The Liberation would certainly miss his guidance, despite the merits of returning him to his original function as their chief spy.
        Again she began pacing. Two days, though! Where was this anxiety, this utter lack of patience coming from? Why was she like this?  She longed for her bed, and yet, as she looked over at it, she knew she would not yet be able to rest.
        Finally coming to a decision, she climbed onto the large bed and sat cross legged, her arms propped against her knees. Lifting her chin, she closed her eyes and dropped her facade as she began a meditation designed to calm her and restore her equilibrium.
        Ten minutes later she gave up.
        It just wasn't working!
        Collapsing onto her side she sighed. Life had certainly been easier when she had first arrived in Earth orbit. It hadn't been as enjoyable, but it had definitely been easier.
        As she lay there looking like a plum colored heap of material, she gazed down at herself and focused on her own translucent hands and feet where they poked out from beneath the folds of her garment.
        She didn't look all that different.
        The changes which had been wrought within her were minscule, insignificant really - But, oh what a difference they made!
        She could feel so much more, sense so much more.
        AND, most remarkable of all, she carried a new life - a child whose very existence ought to be an impossibility. Yet, despite all these gifts, what she felt right now was only what was missing.
        She crossed her arms before her, unconsciously hugging herself as she thought about Boone, wishing he were here holding her to him.
        And thinking thoughts of him, she slowly sank down into a restless sleep.

          Walking through the crowded streets of one of DC's elite shopping neighborhoods, Nivian noticed several passers-by giving her baby startled looks. Steering the stroller closer to a building, she moved around to the front of it and found that the child had once more kicked away his blanket. His arms and legs were not only excitedly flailing where everyone could clearly see them, but he was blushing a vivid Taelon blue.
        With a sigh, she tucked him back in and again explained mentally why he must not uncover himself. He quieted down and watched her solemnly as she wrapped the blanket around him, and his thoughts promised that he would behave.
        After straightening out his beach hat so that it shaded his features, Nivian again began pushing the stroller.
        She had only gone a block when she heard someone behind her shout, "There she is!" and turning, saw that several of the people she had passed earlier, were advancing towards her with a small crowd.
        With a squeal, she began running, as she pushed the stroller ahead of her. Fortunately, she was able to duck into a large department store up ahead.
        Moving quickly towards the rear, she screamed for the employees to call security, that the people behind her meant to hurt her child. She saw their startled faces as she moved past them and heard a page go out overhead as she hastened on towards the customer service center.
        Arriving, she ducked through the glass doors and took cover in an office. Hiding behind the desk, she briefly wondered why the place seemed so deserted as she unstrapped the baby and pulled him into her arms. His eyes were huge and terrified, his small form quivering with the effort to create and maintain a human-like appearance.
        She had to do something!
        Thinking quickly, she opened the bottom desk drawer and pulling out the file rack, set it on a table near the wall. Then she wrapped the baby in one of his blankets and set him down in the drawer.
        <"You have to stay here and be silent">, She told him mentally. <"I'll come back for you,  as soon as it is safe, but you must not give yourself away!">
        She closed the drawer so that it remained open a crack and then turning, wrapped her purse in another blanket and strapped it into the stroller. She had to lead the crowd away!
        Almost crying at the thought of leaving her infant behind, she wheeled the stroller out into the hall and back through the glass door into the store.
        It was pitch dark! All the lights were out!
        Terrified, her heart pounding in her chest, she froze and listened.
        She could hear footsteps moving in the darkened store. Maybe she could work her way forward towards the street entrance if she moved slowly and quietly...
        She took only one step before she was seized.
        "I've got her!" the man shouted. "Get the lights on so we can kill the monster child!"
        Her scream split the darkness as she sat bolt upright in bed. Instantly, Zo'or's arms were around her, pulling her to him as she struggled to catch her breath and still her heart.
        "Nivian! All is well. You were merely dreaming," he soothed near her ear, as his hands rubbed her back and stroked her hair.
        She clung to him and shook as the dream faded away.
        Unfortunately, she would never rid herself of the memory of it.

        In the upper chamber of the Embassy, Da'an also bolted upright, trembling with reaction to the nightmare she too had dreamed. It had something to do with running from a crowd.
        They had been trying to kill her child!
        As she sat there, hugging herself and trying to regain her composure, she felt Zo'or's thoughts broadcast to her over their link to the Commonality.
        "It is Nivian's nightmare you have experienced," he projected unhappily. "I resent this attachment you share with her and I demand that you show me the dream which has so troubled her! She is too shaken to tell me of it herself."
        With a sigh, Da'an dropped backward onto her back and wearily complied.

        Boone lay strapped to the exam table, completely helpless to escape from what was to come. He could hear Belman walking around the room, readying her equipment, but he was unable to turn his head to watch her. Fortunately, she stepped close and leaned into his field of vision.
        "It's OK," she encouraged him. "No different than the first time. Try to relax."
        He blinked. "I'm trying." How could he ever explain to someone who had never gone through this, the terror of the situation? It had been bad enough the first time, but now, when he knew what was going to happen... He was lucky that he had good control over his bladder.
        His head was tilted enough to allow him to look over at the observation window and he could see both Da'an and Zo'or watching him. Da'an nodded her encouragement, while Zo'or simply grinned icily at his situation.
        Closing his eyes, he fought down his nausea and tried to tune everything out. It actually worked for a while, until he heard the loud whir of the robotic arm and felt Belman's hand on his shoulder.
        "OK, Will. Relax and count to ten," she said.
        "One. Two. Three." The probe made contact with the underside of his jaw and speaking became impossible as it was rapidly forced through the soft tissues and to the base of his skull. There was a popping sensation as it entered his braincase and an unspeakably horrible tingling all over his body as it began threading its way through his brain.
        "We have a problem!" he heard Belman yell as he went cold all over.
        Then the first wave of seizures hit him and blessedly, he knew no more.
        Boone sat bolt upright in bed, drenched with sweat and shaking uncontrollably. Slapping a hand over his mouth, he rushed for the bathroom and became violently sick, losing his entire dinner, pitiful as it was.
        Afterward, he splashed cold water on his face and managing to prop himself on the sink, looked at himself in the mirror.
        "How am I ever going to get through this?" he wondered aloud.

        Augur knocked softly at Lili's door and after a few minutes with no response, used his key to let himself in. It soon became obvious that she had not yet returned and he dropped into a chair before the large living room window with a sigh.
        She hadn't contacted him since their fight that morning and he had no idea of where she might have been heading. Pulling out his global, he contacted HQ, figuring that her sudden absence might have something to do with her secret allegiance.
        Rick answered.
        "Is Lili there?" Augur asked, cringing at the way he sounded.
        "Well, yeah," Rick answered. "She's staying the night. With everything that's happened, Boone's practically a basket case, and she's trying to keep Doors off his back until morning."
        "Boone? What's happened?"
        Rick looked shocked. "Good God, man! You don't know? Don't you watch the television or listen to the radio anymore?"
        "I've been busy working," he snapped defensively. "Now tell me what's happening!"
        Five minutes later, Augur closed his global and let his head drop forward into his hands. "What happened was not my fault," he muttered. Then he looked up. "So why do I feel guilty?"
        Standing, he moved closer to the window and braced his palms and forehead against the cool glass.
        Lili had to come back sooner or later. He'd be waiting for her when she did and if she didn't apologize... well, he could live with that. But... could he live with her believing such things about him?
        He began banging his head against the glass. "I'll set her straight," he said. "She'll believe me, and we'll take it from there..."
        "Argh!" he let out a brief cry of frustration. This not knowing their future was killing him.
        Turning, he snatched his keys off the end table, and bolted out the door.

        As soon as she was awake, Lili's first action was to reach out for her global and contact Dro'vha. When the Pacific Companion responded, it was clear that he had been roused from his energy stream, for it was only around one in the morning back in Hawaii, and he was seated in his audience chair.
        Still, his demeanor was pleasant, as usual.
        "I trust that all is well as can be expected?" he asked.
        "Yes... Dro'vha, is there anyway that you can spare me for a few more days?" she asked hopefully.
        He tilted his head and blushed ever so slightly. "I fear that I cannot spare you that long. The long absence of my sole attaché and protector would be certain to attract the wrong sort of attention. You may stay the morning, but then I must require you to return." He raised a hand in a gesture which reminded her of Da'an. "Perhaps you may travel again in a day or two."
        "I understand," she said softly. "Thank you for understanding and allowing me what time you have."
        "Safe trip, Lili," he responded, before cutting the link.
        Rising, Lili washed and dressed, then headed for the kitchen. Once there, she piled two plates with food and headed for Jonathan's office. As she suspected, he was already awake and impatiently pacing the floor.
        Banging gently on the glass door with her foot, she got his attention and he hurried to open the door for her.
        "Thanks, Jonathan," she said, as she walked around him and placed the tray on his desk. "I figured you'd be up, so I brought you breakfast."
        He looked the plate over. "That's way too much, Lili. You know I tend to have a light breakfast."
        "I also know that when you're agitated, that you keep snacking," she said with a smile. A glance at his desk clock showed the time as a quarter after zero six hundred. "Boone called the meeting for zero seven thirty," she reminded him. "We've got some time to kill."
        Grumbling, he dropped into his chair and began nibbling at a link sausage.
        The sound of the door opening caused Lili to turn and look behind her.
        Boone entered the office with a cup of coffee clutched so tightly in his hand that his knuckles were white. He looked pale and shaken.
        "Boone! Are you OK?" she asked, as he dropped into a chair beside her.
        "I've been better," he ground out before turning to address Doors.. "I can see that Lili filled you in as I asked her to," he observed.
        Doors nodded and looked sympathetic. "What have you decided?"
        Boone looked down into his coffee. "First tell me what your opinion is."
        "The billionaire looked troubled. "You know that I wouldn't wish this on anyone," he rumbled softly. "...but I feel that, as far as the Liberation goes, that it would be best for you to do as Da'an asks."
        The red head nodded. "Yeah..." he barely whispered. "It looks that way to me too."
        Lili, who had been watching both alternately, placed her hand on Boone's shoulder and leaned close. "You can't go through that again!" she counseled him. "Isn't there another way?"
        He sighed and met her eyes. "If there is, I haven't been able to find it. The only way for me to be with Da'an is as her implant, and it seems that there's no way to fake that."
        Doors spoke up. "With Will restored to his original position, we'll have our eyes and ears back."
        "But I do that for you! Dro'vha..."
        "Dro'vha is a big help, as is Kha'rha," Doors interrupted, "but neither is privy to some of the goings on that Da'an and Zo'or are."
        "So that's that," Boone said. "Two days from now, I go back to the Embassy."
        Lili didn't like the way he paled as he said it. "Is there something you're not telling us?" she asked.
        "Except that I'm scared spitless by the thought of doing this again? No."
        Doors offered Boone a link sausage, which the Commander turned down with a polite shake of his head. "You ought to know that Julianne has been called on to make a visit to the Embassy today," he offered.
        That roused Boone's interest. "Oh? Why?"
        "Don't know. It's very hush hush," Jonathan answered and then bit into his sausage. "She'll tell us when she has a chance, though."
        They sat together in silence for a while, each lost in their own thoughts, bu as Lili glanced sideways at Boone and saw the haggard look on his face, she couldn't help but be distracted by his dilemma. Reaching out, she briefly rubbed his back in a show of concerned understanding.
        Her spontaneous show of affection won her a thankful smile from the Commander, but she didn't have much time in which to savor the moment. Jonathan stood up and came back to the desk with a stack of papers, divided it into three and handed a stack to each of them.
        "Here," he said in his gravelly voice. "We've got time to kill, so you might as well help me go through these progress reports.
        She and Boone moaned in unison as they accepted the papers.
        "Jonathan," she said, as she shook her head. "You sure know how to hurt people."
        "Shut up and get to work," he snapped, as he sat behind her desk.
        She turned to gape at him and only then did she note the smile which gave away the fact that he was pulling her chain.
        "I should have stayed with the U.S. military..." she grumbled. "They didn't have nearly as much paperwork as you... or the Taelons." Turning away from him so that she could look over her first report. she caught Boone slipping a small stack of his own reports under hers. "Hey!" She slapped his hand away.
        "Since you miss the military so much, I thought I'd remind you of the good old days by delegating my paperwork to you."
        "I don't think so!"
        "I outrank you, Captain..." he reminded her in his best command voice.
        "That may be so, but I have other ways in which to even the score, Commander," she threatened.
        "Name one."
        "I'll name three." She proceeded to count them off on her fingers. "Augur. His computers and your security codes," she said with a smirk.
        He reached out and took back his share of the paperwork. "Just you wait..." he said with a laugh.
        "Righttt..." she laughed back.
        Settling down, they got to work.

        "All right, Da'an. Are you ready?" Belman asked.
        A moment later, the Companion entered the room dressed only in a hospital gown. Looking somewhat uncomfortable, she slowly approached the exam table.
        "I assure you that I am most anxious to see what you may discover," Da'an responded, as she settled herself onto the table and then lifted her legs up as well.
        Belman helped her lie down and made certain that a pillow was comfortably situated beneath her head. "We'll start with a few quick scans," she explained. "and then move on to the more invasive procedures."
        Da'an nodded. "Dr. Belman?" she asked, drawing the physician's attention as she had begun to turn away.
        "Yes, Da'an?"
        "I would not wish news of my condition to reach your... associates until after I have informed William."
        "Oh, of course not!" she appeared shocked. "Believe me, this will remain confidential. I'm a doctor first!"
        The Companion closed her eyes in relief. "I thank you. You may proceed now."
        As excited as she had ever been, Belman readied her equipment.
        "How I wish I could write a paper about this!" she moaned softly.

         "Yes? What is..." Joshua's voice trailed off as he realized who it was who had been knocking at his office door. "Lili!" He immediately moved to one side and gestured for her to enter. "Please - come in!"
        "Thank you." She waited for him to close the door behind them and then followed him back to his sofa where she took a seat.
        He sat next to her. "This is a very welcome surprise!" he smiled.
        "Yeah. I was in town and... well, I did say that I'd visit," she fumbled, more nervous than she would have imagined. "Joshua..." she finally continued, as he watched her patiently. "I'm afraid that I've got something... distressing to tell you..."
        He clasped his hands together, his elbows leaning on his knees and bent forward, his face suddenly worried. "What is it?"
        "I caught Augur hacking into your files. Financial, personal... He's got everything!"
        "And I'm afraid it's all my fault! I should have known that...." She froze. "What did you say?"
        "I said, 'Good.'," he smiled. "I asked him to do his worst - to see how electronically vulnerable I am."
        "Oh my God." She bolted to her feet.
        He stood as well and his smile vanished. "Lili, what's going on?"
        "I thought he was hacking your files!"
        He shrugged. "That's understandable."
        "You don't understand. I said some things I really shouldn't have said!" She raised a hand up to cup her brow. "I'm sorry. I really have to go..."
        Turning, she nearly sprinted to the door, and without looking back, opened it and ducked out.

        ...Tomorrow was the day.
        Lying on his bed, with his arms crossed behind his head, William Boone stared up at the ceiling and tried to relax.
        ...Tomorrow he would have to submit to the implantation.
        It was no use! Try as he might, the dreaded re-implantation kept occupying his thoughts!
        Groaning at the futility of sleep, as well as at his situation in general, he pulled his pillow out from beneath his head and covered his face with it instead.
        "I can't do this. I can't. A second, voluntary implantation is too much to ask of anyone!" he whispered, trying to talk himself out of it.
        Perhaps the entire thing was a trap, engineered by Zo'or, simply to place him back in the Synod Leader's power... Surely Da'an would not wish him to allow that to happen?
        Uncovering his face, he rolled onto his side. "I am NOT doing this!" he soon began repeating like a mantra and despite his turmoil, three nights of little sleep finally caught up with him.
        Almost without realizing it, he drifted off into an exhausted slumber.

        It was springtime again and Boone found himself walking through the Embassy garden, thoroughly enjoying the fact that he was back in a place which represented so many wonderful times in his past.
        As he walked along the paths, he looked to his left, and was hardly surprised to find Da'an walking beside him.
        "Are you really here? In my dream?" he asked, as he continued walking.
        "I am here. The Synod, indeed, the entire Commonality, are unable to follow us in this place," she explained.
        He nodded and there was a comfortable silence as each contented themselves with the other's presence.
        Finally, Boone stopped in his tracks and turned to face her. "Da'an, I don't think that I can go through with this..." he told her, attempting to be honest and brace her, should his courage fail him.
        Her face instantly fell, her expressive eyes taking on a wounded look. "I know how you dread this," she said, slowly. "however, it is the only way in which we may be reunited."
        He shifted his weight on his feet, very uncomfortable with the pain this was bringing both of them. Still, it had to be spoken of.
        "I should just place myself back within Zo'or's reach then?" he asked.
        She reached out a hand and laid it gently upon his shoulder. "I shall protect you," she said, almost pleadingly.
        He looked at the ground. "You couldn't protect me from him last time," he whispered. "And it's unrealistic to think you can guard against him twenty four hours a day... Still, I don't think that I can stay away."
        She looked up then, hope beginning to light her face.
        "I'm truly stuck between a rock and a hard place," he continued. "But, I love you. That will never change, and I suspect that when the moment finally comes, that I WILL walk through the Embassy's front door."
        "Then you are still not certain that you shall come to me?"
        "I can't be. Not until the moment actually arrives," he whispered, as he pulled her close. Before he knew what he was about to do, he was kissing her hungrily. When they finally came up for air, he shuddered. "Can we have a life together?" he asked. "or must I forever act the part of your willing slave to the point that our personal life is nothing more than a series of stolen moments?"
        "William," she sighed. "None may choose my consort for me. As soon as the situation with Gho'an ends, my role as Zo'or's consort will be revealed to be but an act." She pulled his head down so that he had to look her right in the eye. "Implant or not, I intend to name you as my consort."
        He blinked. "And if you can't override my motivational imperative?"
        Suddenly, she could not meet his eyes. "Let us not talk of it. All will be well..." Pulling away, she made as though to start walking again.
        He grabbed her arm roughly and hauled her closer so that she was forced to look at him. "We can't ignore the possibility! Promise me that Liam will be there. He can and will end it quickly if it comes to that."
        Her head nodded imperceptibly and he released her.
        She looked distraught, staring at the ground, her lids shading her eyes and her fingers twitching.
        "You would name me as your consort before the Synod?" he asked skeptically, as he remembered the previous thread of their conversation.
        "Yes," she whispered.
        "There's no way that they would ever..."
        "Boone." Suddenly she was looking him full in the face, her eyes electric blue and intense. "Without your help, I cannot discredit Gho'an. You must aid me here or everything will be lost!" Apparently seeing that the plea was moving him, she pressed on. "I require your support now, more than ever before. Please find the strength within yourself to go through with this. Please, do not condemn me to a life spent surrounded by those who care nothing for me!"
        Overcome with emotion, and unable to give her the assurance she wanted, he kissed her passionately, desperately. Then, in the midst of their kiss, he heard an infant crying somewhere nearby.
        Lifting his head, he looked around them but saw only the neatly clipped hedges. "What is that? It sounds like a baby..." he asked her.
        Da'an smiled slightly, appearing almost shy. "It is the future calling out to you," she replied.
        He looked at her in confusion, trying to understand what it all meant and at that point he opened his eyes to find himself back in his own bed.
        With a moan, he sat up and reached for his robe.
        He knew he wouldn't be sleeping anymore tonight.

        Rising more quickly than usual from her chair, Da'an moved to stand before the large audience room windows. It was late, the sun already very low in the sky and still there was no sign of Boone.
        Would he show? He had led her to believe that there was a good chance he would not.
        Her eyes turned towards the ground, scanning the gardens and their surroundings for any sign, but of course, it was no use. Her mind already told her that he was not present. She felt certain that if he were, she would instantly pick up on his agitation...
        Closing her eyes slowly, she tilted her head to one side and blushed as a quiver passed through her.
        Why could she no longer be content with the voices of her people? Why did she desire... need William's voice as well? 'Because you love him', her own thoughts echoed back at her. 'Good or bad, you have fallen prey to the most powerful of emotions and it is impossible to undo it all now.'
        She opened her eyes to find the sun even lower in the sky and found them stinging as a strange sensation seemed to squeeze her chest.
        Feeling trapped, she turned and headed swiftly for the ramp which led to her own chamber and barely made it there before losing control of her form. In her own natural state, she rushed to her own windows, just in time to see the deep orange of the Earth's sun begin coloring the landscape as the brilliant disc touched the horizon.
        He was not here.
        He was not coming...
        Collapsing to her knees, she covered her face with her hands and wished that she could weep. It was too much! Too much! How could she face a life of derision? Without Boone to complete the plan, it would collapse. She would be disgraced and her entire reason for returning lost. As for her child... he would most assuredly be destroyed... an event she would not survive to see, for she would fight them to her last conscious thought before allowing them to take her child from her.
        It was then, as she began to give up all hope, that she felt his presence nearby.
        Coming quickly to her feet, she headed back to her audience chamber, only remembering to resume her human like form once she was seated there.
        Within minutes, Sandoval arrived, preceded by his would-be captive. "I caught him sneaking in through the underground tunnels," the Implant commented, while keeping his skrill trained upon the taller man.
        Boone, holding his hands up and in plain sight, fixed his eyes on Da'an's own face, as he seemingly tried to tune out all else.
        Meeting Boone's eyes, Da'an nodded at Sandoval, who, without hesitating, skrilled his captive in the back.
        It had been the attaché's idea to spare Boone further pain by quickly rendering him unconscious and although Da'an had agreed to it, the event itself brought her far more pain than she would have anticipated. Sandoval, a master at controlling his skrill, used a low level blast, which still managed to wrench a deep grunt from her lover, who then collapsed with a look of betrayal upon his face...
        To add further to Da'an's unexpected feeling of guilt, Boone also cluncked his head upon the floor before lying still.
        After a second in which she froze in horrified shock, she bolted to her feet and stepping down so that she might go to him.
        She never had the chance, as Zo'or chose that moment to show up with Liam, having responded to Da'an's own notification of Boone's 'capture'.
        "Take him to Belman's lab," the Synod Leader ordered, as he watched Da'an with a satisfied smile upon his face. For her part, Da'an had straightened and turned her face away as Boone was half carried, half dragged from the room, but that did not prevent Zo'or from approaching and moving around her so that he could see her face. "What is the matter with your eyes?" he asked after staring at her for a few tense moments.
        She lifted a hand and was startled to see her fingers come away damp. Without a word, she turned and headed off after Sandoval, Liam and her fallen lover.
        There was no point in stating the obvious to Zo'or. He knew what the moisture was and what it signified. She would not remain to allow him to torment her with his scorn.

        After reporting directly back to Dro'vha and spending the next five hours catching up on her assigned tasks, Lili finally made it out to Augur's place.
        She was bitterly disappointed to find that he wasn't home. A glance at her watch showed the time as being zero eight hundred hours local.
        Had he spent the night somewhere else?
        Her heart heavy at the thought that it might be too late - that what they had shared was now hopelessly lost, she meandered slowly back to her car and, once there, leaned her head heavily on the steering wheel.
        What now?
        Sighing, she lifted her head, and starting the car, drove off in the direction of her apartment. Sooner or later she'd run into him and when she did, she'd do her best to apologize.
        Fifteen minutes later, she entered her own place and froze after closing the door behind her. Augur's things - his virtual glasses, his wrist touch pad, and even his briefcase, were all in her living room.
        Moving into the room, she looked around and picking up several dishes and glasses, made her way to the kitchen. From the looks of things there, it seemed that he had been at her place the entire time she was gone. Her anxiety began to fade, coming down to a tolerable level when she realized that the relationship was still salvageable. He wouldn't have stayed, if he hadn't felt guilty over their last conversation and wanted to make things right between them.
        Happier than she had been in days, she moved quickly, but quietly to the bedroom and made her way inside to find him fast asleep in her bed.
        With a smile, she moved into the bathroom and showered, emerging five minutes later to find him still asleep.
        Moving to the bed, she slipped naked under the covers beside him and soon fell fast asleep, enjoying some much needed sleep.

        "What have you done to him?" Dr. Belman asked, as she examined the bruise near Boone's temple. He was still unconscious, but thanks to Sandoval and Liam, strapped firmly down on the examination table in the implantation room.
        "I stunned him, Doctor," Sandoval replied blandly.
        "Why?" She stared at the implant, a matching bland look upon her face. She didn't allow anyone or anything to intimidate her in her own facility and had long ago learned the trick of unnerving both the Taelons and their servants. Her stare soon had even Sandoval shifting nervously on his feet, though his eyes remained distant and unconcerned.
        "For his own safety and our own," he finally answered. "He does have a skrill of his own and is therefore extremely dangerous"
        She shook her head in disgust and turned to look at her monitors.
        "Proceed, Doctor," Zo'or commanded through a microphone, as he arrived in the observation room with Da'an.
        Even with the glare of the lights upon the glass between them, Belman could see the sick look on Da'an's face. Fortunately, Zo'or was too occupied with what was happening in the treatment room to note the Companion's anxiety.
        "He has to be awake for this," she told the Synod Leader. "It's the only way to be sure that the implantation is proceeding normally."
        "Then wake him!"
        With a sour look, she went back to consulting her readouts and then turned and checked Boone's pupils. "He's coming around," she related, as she began rubbing his cheek. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Da'an approach the glass.
        The Companion was watching intently.
        Coming to a decision, she turned to confront Sandoval. "Please leave the room now," she said. "You're not gowned up and your presence puts Commander Boone at risk."
        With a dismissive look down his nose at her, he did as she had asked, appearing a moment later in the observation room.
        Belman then addressed Da'an. "Would you come in and give me a hand?" she asked.
        "Are you no longer capable of performing the implantation on your own, Doctor?" Zo'or sneered.
        "I have to finish aligning the probe and making the final calibrations," she replied. "You did barge in here without warning, after all... Anyway, someone should be next to Boone when he awakens. There's no sense in scaring him to death."
        "I would be glad to aid you," Zo'or answered, with a sickening smile of anticipation.
        "NO. I will go to him," Da'an broke in, pushing past the Synod Leader while shooting him a challenging look. In a moment she had entered the treatment room and moved to stand between Boone and Zo'or, blocking the unconscious human's field of vision so that he would not see Zo'or when he awakened.
        Up in the observation room, Zo'or appeared put out, but held his tongue. He could not see the grateful look Da'an gave Belman, or her answering sympathetic one.
        As she went about readying her equipment, she heard Boone begin to stir, but tried to keep her mind focused on the work at hand.

        Augur stretched and rolled onto his back as he began to become aware of his surroundings. How he loved those last few minutes in bed, when everything seemed so... mellow. He was warm, relaxed and comfortable. The blankets were wrapped around him tightly, making him feel cradled and loved.
        He yawned and stretched.
        About to drift off again, he was startled wide awake by a yawn somewhere near his left ear and sprang into an upright position.
        Lili sat bolt upright beside him, equally startled.
        "Lili!" he exclaimed, and then did a double take when he saw that she was naked where the covers had dropped away from her.
        "Don't look so surprised," she said with a smirk. "You ARE sleeping in my bed, after all."
        He felt himself grinning from ear to ear, but then he sobered. "Listen, cher," he said, gripping her upper arms. "About those papers you found..."
        "No. Wait!" she interrupted him. "I'm the one who has something important to say." With a sigh, she placed her own hands on his shoulders. "It was wrong of me to jump to conclusions. I know that you weren't hacking Joshua's files and I'm sorry that I believed the worst of you. Please forgive me. I promise not to think badly of you any more."
        He kissed her then and it was a long time before their lips parted.
        "You're going to give me the benefit of the doubt?" he asked, hardly daring to believe.
        She nodded and pushing him back onto the bed, kissed him.
        He gently moved her to arm's length. "But, do you trust me?"
        She hesitated. "I'm trying. You know that it doesn't come easy for me..."
        "I know." He brushed her hair back over her shoulder. "Right now I'm content with what I have."
        "Then everything's OK between us?" she asked worriedly.
        "Hey, I'm in your bed, aren't I?" he laughed.
        She became very serious. "Yes you are..." she drawled, as she leaned forward to his him again.
        "Mmmm. Yes I am..." he murmured back.
        Then there was no more talking.

        Da'an was gently rubbing Boone's cheek when he awoke and she watched with concern as his green eyes focused slowly and filled with the knowledge of where he was and what was about to happen.
        "Da'an..." he breathed, a hair's breadth away from panicking.
        She grasped his hand and squeezed it as she made mental contact with him. <"Hush now. All will be well. Dr. Belman is here with us.">
        <"Let's get this over with! I can't stand the waiting!">
        From the speakers overhead, they could hear Zo'or's voice. "Get on with it, Doctor!" he snapped, his voice causing Boone to shiver.
        "We're ready now," Belman replied. "Da'an, you need to move back now."
        She leaned closer for a moment, so that their noses nearly touched. "Have faith," she whispered. "This night we will be together again."
        He closed his eyes wearily and she felt his mental assurance that he was ready, but oh, how difficult it was to let go and take that single step backward!

        After searching much of the Embassy, Beckett finally found Kha'rha standing on a small balcony off an upper passageway and paused in the shadows to watch him for a while. The night was bitter and the wind persistent, but the Irish Companion seemed not to care.
        He stood, clutching the organic looking railing and staring off at the lights of the city.
        His removal as a Synod member had been a terrible blow to him, and although he had borne the Synod's decision with typical Taelon fatalism, he could not hide the turmoil in his heart from his chief implant.
        Unable to bear watching him suffer in silence a moment longer, Beckett went to him, gently wrapping her arms around him and leaning her head against his chest. As though she were an anchor in rough seas, he in turn enfolded her in his embrace and pulled her tightly against him.
        "Siobhan..." he breathed. "Forgive me. I know I have been poor company these past few days..."
        "Fah! You don't need to be apologizing to me," she chastised. "I know what you've been going through. Why don't we talk about it?"
        He looked down at her. "In a bit, perhaps," he hedged. "I think that first you should know that William Boone has given himself back into Taelon hands."
        She pushed away and stared at him. "What?! Why?"
        "In many ways it has much to do with the reason I am now outranked by a Taelon less than half my age," he sighed.
        Beckett shivered. "Well? Are you going to explain or not?" she prodded after a few minutes of his silence.
        He seemed to snap back to the present.
        "Come, let us move back in to warmer surroundings," he breathed, as he steered her towards the doorway.
        With chattering teeth, she nodded her agreement. "Perhaps I can get myself some tea as well?"
        "Anything you like, Siobhan," he said with a smile.

        "What has happened?" Zo'or asked, as he approached Boone's inert form. The new implant had suffered a series of seizures and lost consciousness immediately following implantation twenty two minutes ago, and still had not recovered.
        "He had difficulty the first time as well," Belman reminded him, as she again checked Boone's pupils. "I expected this."
        Da'an looked up at her. "Is there nothing you can do?" she asked.
        "The best thing would be to allow him to recover at his own pace."
        "He is in possession of knowledge which I must have," Zo'or reminded her, as he approached and loomed over her. "Awaken him now!" he commanded, as his fingers moved rapidly in anticipation of the knowledge he would soon possess.
        Belman stood her ground. "I can't! Whatever you might think of these implantations, they still cause trauma to the brain. Pumping him full of drugs will just increase the chances of causing him some sort of lasting injury."
        Zo'or moved to stand right beside the new Implant and gazed down at his form a moment. "How long is it likely to take for him to awaken?"
        Belman shrugged. "An hour?"
        Zo'or looked at Sandoval. "I have matters to attend. You will remain here and notify me at once when Commander Boone is conscious."
        "Yes Zo'or."
        With a nod in the attaché's direction, Zo'or departed.
        Belman looked at the clock and allowed five minutes to tick by before lifting a syringe off her tray and moving to her patient's side. "This will counteract the sedative I slipped him," she reassured Da'an, as she administered the injection.
        Within the minute, Boone began to stir, but his awakening didn't fill any of them with joy.
        Not yet.
        Not until the motivational imperative was deactivated.
        As Boone's eyes opened and focused on Da'an, they became cold.
        "Release me," he demanded, in a frosty tone.
        "You know that we may not yet do that," the Companion replied.
        Boone's tone instantly warmed and he smiled gently. "It's OK," he assured. "I'm still me."
        Belman stepped forward. "Give it up, Will. You know that you're going nowhere until Da'an truly releases you."
        Knowing that his act was not going to work, the new Implant began fighting furiously against his restraints. "You're all traitors!" he growled. "One way or another, I'm going to expose you all!"
        Da'an could take it no longer. With a determined look, she grasped Boone's forearm.
        "Let go of me!" he shrieked, trying to pull away.
        Her expression determined, she held on and tried to make mental contact, but Boone closed his mind to her, viciously pushing her away with a particularly strong and disgusted thought. Still, she would not back away. For the first time, she found herself in a position where she had no choice but to fight him.
        Carefully, but firmly, she pushed past his defenses and tried to reason with him, but when that failed, she simply overwhelmed him.
        Boone stopped fighting her and became still as death.
        <"You shall listen to my thoughts and follow them,"> she projected. <"From this moment forth, you shall act as though you were not under the influence of a motivational imperative. You shall act as you see fit, not answering to anyone, Taelon, human or species unknown, unless you chose to do so.">
        Boone gasped loudly and suddenly relaxed, his muscles no longer tensed for a fight.
        "Thank you," he rasped aloud.
        Sandoval and Belman began undoing his restraints as Da'an leaned forward and hugged him.
        With her help, he managed to sit up and then gingerly rubbed his head. "Oh... my head..." he whispered. "Please tell me that you have aspirin in this place..."
        With a smile, Belman handed him a few, along with some water.
        Noticing Sandoval in the corner with his global out, Da'an turned and whispered to him, "Agent Sandoval is contacting Zo'or. When he arrives, you are to behave as though you can remember nothing since the time of your first implantation."
        He looked startled. "Long term memory loss?"
        Belman nodded. "Don't worry. I'll think of something that sounds good. I always do."
        Boone and Da'an gaped at her.
        "Great..." the new implant muttered, as he rubbed his head.

        Boone looked around the circular upper Embassy chamber in amazement. Since he had last been here, the room had been completely changed from a conference or small meeting area into a huge living suite. In the sunken center, where the circle of chairs had been, was now a queen sized bed and end tables.
        Without even bothering to investigate further, he stumbled down to the bed and collapsed on it with a sigh.
        A minute later he felt the mattress shift slightly as Da'an climbed on the bed next to him.
        "It pains me to see you go through this," she whispered, as she stroked his hair.
        "It's no worse than the first time," he muttered, content to feel her fingers on his scalp.
        "But the first time, I never thought of the discomfort you felt," she said, so sadly that he could almost see her frown.
        Reaching out to her, he pulled her down beside him and rolled to face her. Throwing his arm around her, he pulled her close.
        "I love you," he whispered. "It doesn't matter what happened then. All that matters for me now is the present and the future."
        "For a human, you are most wise," she smiled.
        "That's why you're here with me now."
        She nodded.
        "So, I take it that our relationship is going to continue openly?" he asked, as he gestured at the rest of the room.
        "Only within the confines of this room," she answered. "Zo'or and Nivian are well aware of our relationship, however, the rest of the Synod is not. They must continue to believe me to be Zo'or's willing consort."
        She took the sting from her words by reaching up to stroke his hair again and they became silent, enjoying the feel of having the other nearby again.
        After a time, Boone's thoughts wandered back to what had occurred earlier in Dr. Belman's treatment room and he smiled slightly, almost without realizing that he did so.
        "What is it which so amuses you," his companion asked, already sounding amused herself.
        "Zo'or's face, when Belman told him that I had lost my memory," he snickered. "He looked as though someone had force fed him a lemon!" Opening his eyes, he saw that Da'an was amused, but that she also appeared puzzled. "Don't worry," he laughed. "When you finally taste a lemon, you'll understand what I mean."
        "I look forward to it..."
        He shook his head. "That's what you think." He pulled her closer still, so that they were pressed together, but froze before he could kiss her when he heard her gasp. "What's wrong?" he asked anxiously. "Did I hurt you?"
        "I am well..." she assured him after a brief hesitation which had him instantly alert.
        Pushing himself up on his elbow, he nudged her onto her back and leaned over her. "What is it that you're not telling me?" he asked with a frown.
        She stared innocently up at him. "It is nothing..."
        "Tell me."
        She actually looked embarrassed. "My chest is... sore..."
        That threw him for a loop. He gaped at her and then shook his head. "Your chest is sore?"
        "Yes." She blushed deeply. "I believe that I am... growing breasts..." she trailed off, apparently baffled.
        He felt his eyebrows creeping up his forehead as he stared at her, at a loss as to what to say, but in a moment, he began slowly rubbing her tender areas and leaned down to kiss her.
        "Let me take your mind off the pain, then," he murmured, when they came up for air.
        She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him back for more.

        Nivian waited anxiously for Zo'or within his chamber.
        She had been very happy to see Da'an return with Boone and had greeted the re-implanted Commander warmly. Yet she had known that he was not feeling well and had excused herself quickly, not realizing until a few minutes later that she had forgotten to ask Da'an where Zo'or was.
        That had been nearly three hours ago. What could have happened? She doubted that he had gotten any crucial information out of Boone, for the Commander's attitude had been upbeat, if weary.
        Finally becoming weary herself, she dropped down on Zo'or's meditation mat and after another few minutes of worrying, somehow managed to drift off.
        She was awakened by the feel of his arms encircling her and pulling her close.
        "I was worried..." she mumbled sleepily against his chest. "Where have you been?"
        "I was aboard the home ship," he murmured softly.
        Sensing that he had gone back to his old quarters there to brood and that he didn't wish to talk about it, she dropped the subject, content to simply snuggle close. She felt him stroking her hair, something which he seemed to enjoy doing. He had always seemed fascinated by the feel of its silver strands running through his fingers and often spent many long minutes repetitively arranging it, something which never failed to put her in a state of catatonic bliss. She felt herself drifting off again...
        ...And resurfaced at the feel of him kissing her neck, as his hands moved over her thighs.
        "Mmmm," she uttered sleepily. "What are you up to?"
        His hand came up to stroke her cheek as he kissed her some more. "Is it not obvious?" he asked in a teasing manner which was very out of character for him.
        She opened her eyes to find that he was in his natural state, the glow of his form lighting the area. Those amazingly blue eyes were very close to her own brown ones.
        Reaching out, she encircled his neck with her arms. "You seem so... different lately," she said, honestly.
        He appeared puzzled. "How so?"
        "I don't know. It's hard to put a finger on it." She looked him over. "Where's your suit?"
        "I removed it when I saw you sleeping upon my mat." He kissed her passionately then.
        As the kiss began leading to other things, Nivian found herself completely distracted from her previous train of thought.
        What did it matter? They could talk about it later...

        After a much needed three hour nap, Boone was up and about as Da'an helped him to make ready to leave the Embassy. Before Zo'or had arrived in the medlab to ask his as yet unanswered questions, Sandoval had suggested that he recover in the Dublin Embassy, where he would be filled in on the information that he and Kha'rha had managed to gather.
        His head still pounding, his legs feeling as though they were made of jelly, Boone wanted nothing more than to stay in his new bed with Da'an forever, but he was also aware of the responsibility which now rested solely with him.
        If he didn't expose the wild card in Gho'an's power play, some very bad things would soon begin happening, not the least of which was that Da'an and Zo'or would both lose their positions in the Taelon hierarchy.
        "It is time," Da'an announced from the doorway behind him, causing him to jump slightly in startled surprise.
        He quickly finished tying his tie. "Zo'or won't notice the shuttle leaving?" he asked.
        Da'an tilted her head as though listening. "He is otherwise... occupied," she sighed.
        Boone couldn't help but shudder at the thought. "I don't even want to know..." he breathed, as he moved to the door and pulled her close for a quick kiss. "I'll see you soon," he promised, before ducking through the doorway and moving quickly in the direction of the shuttle bay.

        Beckett stirred her tea and, leaning back in her favorite chair, watched Kha'rha.
        The Companion was seated across the small table from her in a chamber which was used by the Embassy employees as a sort of retreat. They were surrounded by a few well stocked bookshelves and there was always a pot of hot water available for tea.
        It was extremely late... or very early in the morning, depending upon your point of view, and they therefore had the place to themselves.
        "So," she prompted, taking a sip of tea. "What is it you're wishing to tell me?" She nearly smiled at the way he leaned forward as he spoke. It was a sure sign that he had been anxious to bring about the conversation.
        "One of our Synod members, Gho'an, is orchestrating a coup attempt," he said seriously, causing her to almost drop her teacup.
        "What?!" she coughed, trying to catch her breath. "Taelon coup attempts? I would have thought that to be impossible!"
        He shook his head. "Gho'an wields some power I cannot seem to discover. He has slowly won over many supporters, many of whom were once his opponents." He stood up and began pacing. "I was replaced as a Synod member by one too young and too inexperienced to be deserving of the chair, and yet, my fellow Synod members supported his ascension. It is because two of our number have suddenly begun backing Gho'an..."
        She put her teacup down. "So it's a safe bet that this 'young' Taelon is a supporter as well."
        He nodded.
        "And what has this to do with poor Boone?" she asked.
        He sat back down and explained the situation to her.
        Beckett stood and poured herself another cup of tea and then turned to face him. "Let me get this straight. He's just been implanted and yet he's coming here tonight?"
        "Time is of the essence."
        "It's too much to ask of anyone! How can he function? His mind must be a jumble right now." Seeing that he wasn't about to answer, she continued. "He needs all his wits about him. Why didn't you just allow me to do this? I still can."
        Kha'rha rose and moved to stand beside her, pulling against his side. "Boone speaks Eunoia fluently, something which is a necessity in this assignment. He is well acquainted with the burden of duty and more than willing to do this."
        She sighed. "Couldn't you have allowed him a day in which to recover?"
        He kissed her forehead. "Time is something we have little of. Gho'an could call Zo'or and Da'an before the Synod tomorrow. Best that this be done quickly so that we may explore other options if Boone fails to uncover anything of use."
        Beckett sipped her tea dejectedly and was about to make another argument when her global beeped. Setting down her teacup, she activated it to find Sandoval on the other end.
        "Siobhan, I've just arrived," he announced. "Where are you?"
        "I'm in the break room with Kha'rha. We'll meet you in the audience chamber."
        "Good. I've just come in from new York. Zo'or had me taking care of a few things and I've just heard from Da'an. Boone should be popping in any time now."
        "We're on our way." Closing the global, she looked up at Kha'rha, who put an arm about her shoulders and steered her in the direction of the doorway.

        Zo'or watched over Nivian as she slept and found himself reflecting upon her earlier words. She was right. Something was different within him. He felt oddly, strangely tender towards her, but it went further even than that.
        He wanted her...
        He wanted to touch her, to please her... and to share in the sensations it produced.
        Was this what the humans referred to as lust?
        It was exhilarating, incredible... and the more he experienced, the more he wanted.
        Yes, something was different with him.
        Something was very wrong.
        This was not the way Taelons acted.
        This was the way humans acted...
        ...and he was not a human!!!
        Reaching out, he began to softly stroke her hair again and with a sudden start, pulled his hand away. Rolling away from her, he rose off the mat and made his way to the window, where he stared out over the nighttime skyline of Washington.
        He had to face the truth.
        He was regressing.
        Somehow his joining with Nivian, in conjunction with the serum he had received from Boone, had conspired to begin the process. The more time he spent with his human love, the faster his slip backwards progressed.
        Whatever would he do? He wouldn't leave Nivian.
        He couldn't!
        Sitting in a chair near the window, he hunched over and dropped his head into his hands.
        He was still like that hours later, when she awakened.

        As soon as Boone arrived in the Dublin Embassy, he and Liam, who had been his surprise shuttle pilot, made their way to the main audience chamber. There they found the others waiting for them.
        "We may now begin," Kha'rha announced as they approached him. "Boone, it saddens me to see that you have once more fallen into the hands of my people and it pains me further to ask this of you so soon after your implantation."
        He bowed respectfully to the Companion. "I understand the urgency of the situation," he replied. "Please don't apologize."
        "Let's get down to it then," Beckett agreed.
        Sandoval led off. "I have been tracking the sudden reassignment of a large number of hybrid slaves aboard the home ship," he said. "Nearly all of them are being rotated down to the moonrise every other day. Since they still perform their normal duties when aboard the home ship, the change in assignments has gone unnoticed amongst the Taelons. Even Zo'or is not aware that there has been a large change."
        "Once Agent Sandoval reported this odd behavior to me, I was able to discover that they were being rotated through the moonrise," Kha'rha added. "More disturbing yet, they were moving through underground corridors which did not exist a few months ago. I could not discover more, for I lost my Synod seat and top level clearance the same day that Sandoval alerted me."
        "It was fortunate that he was able to discover what he did," Sandoval added.
        Liam turned to face Boone. "The plan is for you to enter the home ship disguised as one of the hybrid drones, and using his identity, uncover what's really taking place on the moonrise. Kha'rha has provided us with a holo device which will alter your appearance so that you look like the drone in question. His name is Darrell."
        "Meanwhile, I've obtained an upper level Taelon computer access code you can use once you pass through their security," Sandoval added. "In order to retrieve documents from the computer, we needed an operative who could read and respond in the Taelon language..."
        "Our window is rapidly shrinking," Liam added. "The drone you are replacing is in the middle of his sleep rotation right now. If you feel ready, we have to be going."
        "Let's do it then," Boone answered.
        Beckett took his hand and squeezed it. "Good luck," she wished him.
        Turning, he and Liam headed back for the shuttle bay.

        Once aboard the home ship, Boone wasted no time in hunting down the hybrid being, whose identity was his cover.
        Consulting the ship's computer, he located the correct section, corridor and unit which contained the man's sleep cubical and quickly made his way there.
        None of the small sleeping quarters used by the hybrid slaves had the luxury of a lock, which made it easy for him to step inside and skrill the startled occupant. Pulling the man off the small cot, he pushed him beneath it and made the bed so that the blankets hung almost to the floor on one side, hiding the underside from view.
        Then he waited.
        As he passed the time, he studied some schematics which he found while perusing Darrell's computer terminal. He wasn't certain what the device he was looking at went to, but it was not recognizably any form of human device.
        His CVI allowed him to memorize the entire series of schematics, something which could come in useful when he had to act like his cover.
        Within the hour, Darrell's work group was called to board their shuttles and Boone quickly fell into step with the others out in the corridor. Feeling as though he were in the movie, THX 1138, trudging his way through a dismal underground, he marched in a double line with them to a large fixed link transport device and took his place at one of the floor markings.
        There was the usual, disorienting sensation that fixed link travel produced, and then he was back in his body, but standing in an entirely new room. The cavernous area seemed to have been carved into solid rock.
        He had no time to admire it, though, as his group was again in motion, leaving the area even as a new incoming transport was announced. Whatever was going on here involved an incredible number of workers.
        His group marched through what appeared to be crude underground tunnels and along the way, different workers parted their company, turning down various other corridors which they passed. He was careful to stay close to the two hybrids he knew to be members of his cover's work detail and they along with five others ended up entering a clean room where they dressed in lint free, static free suits.
        Each of them then picked up a tool kit and moved out into the biggest underground cavern Boone had ever seen. Within its center was a mechanical device which would have dwarfed a Boeing 747.  As each moved off in a different direction and disappeared into the different sections of the machine, Boone located a portion which matched the schematics he had called up on Darrell's computer. This had to be his assigned workstation, but what was he working on?
        Fortunately, there were computer terminals arranged within reach, most likely there for retrieving data in the event that troubleshooting became necessary.
        With a glance around him, to make certain no one was staring, he logged on. Several minutes later, he logged back off, still in the dark about what he was working on. He had no choice but to use the security codes Sandoval had given him.
        Pulling out the small, hand held computer interface, he again logged on, this time using the stored data. It worked! This time the screen lit with Taelon figures.
        He started reading them and froze.
        He was logged on as Zo'or!
        Boone's respect for Sandoval's abilities rose even higher than they had been - and they had been very high.
        Shaking his head in stunned amazement, he went to work calling up information and tracking down files. His CVI allowed him to instantly memorize everything, but that wasn't enough. He also downloaded the information to his small computer pad. Moving at Implant speed, he had completed his task within twenty minutes.
        Then he made himself look busy and whiled away the hours until his shift ended.
        Fortunately, he was able to return to the home ship without incident. The real Darrell must have remained unconscious.
        Once back on board, he slipped out of the hybrid sector by dropping his disguise and assuming a different one - that of the Implant to the Russian Companion.
        Rendezvousing with Liam in the bay in which he had arrived, he was shuttled back down to Dublin.

        As soon as Boone set foot back inside the Dublin Embassy's audience chamber, he spilled the beans.
        "Gho'an's slaves are stripping parts of the home ship's dimensional drives and constructing another such engine under the moonrise!"
        "What?" Sandoval and Beckett exclaimed simultaneously as Kha'rha blushed deeply.
        "He plans on building his own ship so that he and his supporters can flee when the Jaridians arrive and monitor the ensuing battle from a safe distance," the red headed implant explained. "Don't you see? After the battle is over, provided that anyone survives, he just jumps back in and takes over the exhausted victors!"
        "This is far worse than anything I had imagined," Kha'rha said gravely. "You have the necessary evidence?"
        Boone held up a disk. "It's all here." He staggered as a pain shot through his head and he felt one leg go numb.
        "William!" Beckett was the first to step forward and try to steady him.
        Sandoval grasped his other arm. "What's wrong?" he asked, his face showing a deep concern.
        "I'll be all right," Boone gasped. "It's just the CVI integrating itself..."
        "Come sit down until it passes," Beckett offered.
        "There's no time. Liam's waiting for me in the shuttle..."
        Kha'rha rose from his chair and moved to join them. "See him to the shuttle," he told Beckett and Sandoval. Go with them, Siobhan. I wish you to help watch over Boone until the matter with Gho'an is resolved. If that one finds that his security has been breached, he may suspect Boone, in which case his life will be endangered."
        "I am capable of protecting him," Sandoval responded, apparently stung by the insinuation that his presence was not adequate.
        "You are still Zo'or's implant," Kha'rha reminded him. "As is Liam his protector. It would be foolish to believe that either of you can be available every moment."
        Without further comment, all three implants gestured their leave-taking and headed for the shuttle bay.

        Da'an sat in her audience chamber chair and patiently awaited Zo'or's return from New York.
        In the chamber above her, Boone slept, still recovering from the implantation and the strain of the last twenty one hours as Siobhan Beckett kept watch over him. He had returned slightly over an hour ago with Liam, Sandoval and Beckett.
        Da'an had delayed calling Zo'or for a few precious minutes so that she might learn the facts and see her chosen one comfortably settled in what was to be their new bed.
        It still amazed her that he could accomplish such missions, gather such covert information. The entire concept of such... spying was still very new to her people. Yes, they did, themselves, eavesdrop on other races, and they did keep their own secrets, but this concept of hiding truth from each other, of plotting against each other... was very new.
        And very disturbing.
        She now had her spies. Zo'or had his spies. The liberation as well. How many such agents were being shared - double agents playing both sides of the proverbial fence? What were they accomplishing by this feuding? Surely it was doing nothing to further their goal in the most important area of all...
        Their survival.
        Somehow, her people must be brought back together again. The fractionalization of their small group must end.
        Perhaps the information she now possessed would be the key to uniting them...
        She heard Zo'or's footsteps echoing in the central corridor and became instantly alert.
        The Synod Leader wasted little time in marching to stand before her. "Well?" he asked. "What have you uncovered?"
        She held up the disk, careful to keep it out of his immediate reach. "Boone has obtained the necessary information," she announced. "We have the means to discredit Gho'an."
        "Excellent! Give it to me."
        "First I ask compensation," she said, as she tilted her head and watched him from the corners of her eyes.
        "Compensation?" His eyes narrowed suspiciously.
        "Boone, still suffering from his recent implantation, has gone to great lengths to obtain this evidence," she explained. "In exchange for the information, I require your promise that I may name him as my consort once this situation has been resolved."
        "This is agreeable," Zo'or quickly agreed.
        "I am not finished." Da'an rose and stepped down to stand beside him. "I also require assurance that the Synod will accept our hybrid child."
        "This is also not a difficulty," the Synod Leader replied, reaching for the disk.
        Again Da'an moved it out of reach. "Kha'rha must be reinstated," he declared.
        This time Zo'or looked put upon. "You wish him restored so that the balance between us is restored," he observed. "You must understand that I cannot comply with this demand."
        "I thought not," she answered. "which is why I made no such demand. You shall note once you've examined the evidence that Kha'rha MUST be restored." That said, she handed the disk over to the now irritated Synod Leader.
        Zo'or accepted the item, and with a look down his nose, retreated.
        After watching him depart, Da'an turned and made her way slowly back to her new chambers.

        After reviewing the information on the disk he had obtained, Zo'or wasted little time in calling a Synod meeting.
        As the various Synod members gathered, there could be little doubt that Zo'or and Da'an were putting up a united front. They stood together at the center of a circle formed by their fellow members, their demeanors grim.
        Gho'an spoke first.
        "Are you making an announcement?" he asked with a small smirk.
        Zo'or smiled coldly. "Indeed we are." Without further ado, he placed his hand upon a small control stand and the data Boone had collected was projected for all to see on an overhead screen.
        When the scrolling information came to a stop some minutes later, all heads turned to stare at Gho'an.
        "I am not yet finished," Zo'or sneered. "In addition, I also have this to submit,' he added, allowing a list of Gho'an's confirmed accomplices to light the screen. "What disappoints me most of all is that even a human diplomat knows better than to provide documentation of their transgressions."
        "Let alone a list of their accomplices," Da'an added.
        At that point, several skrill-bearing hybrids entered the chamber and surrounded Gho'an, two of his supporters and Kha'rha's replacement.
        "You will, of course, be expected to do the honorable thing," Zo'or stated. "We cannot afford to risk contamination of our populus with such dangerous and foolish thoughts as your own."
        After the four silent conspirators were removed from the room, Zo'or gestured to a few hybrids near the door. "Allow him to enter," he ordered.
        The door opened to admit Kha'rha, who walked to the spot his replacement had so recently occupied and took his place there.
        "Kha'rha is hereby reinstated to his previous position," Zo'or announced, as he shot Da'an a look.
        Da'an moved forward and addressed the remaining Synod members.
        "I wish to impart to you the news that I am hosting," she managed to announce calmly as a flurry of excitement passed through the Synod, and from there, through the Commonality itself.
        It was Dro'vha who stepped forward, and looking Zo'or up and down, spoke. "Why does Zo'or not also host?' he questioned.
        All eyes then slid over to the Synod leader, who, looking uncomfortable, snapped out, "I am not the one who joined with Da'an. SHE was already hosting when she agreed to be my consort."
        All eyes then turned back to Da'an, as a nervous dread began to spread through them.
        "I am hosting the child of a joining with my chosen one, William Boone," she admitted, with her head held high.
        "Impossible!" one Synod member said, speaking the thoughts of many. "This cannot be accomplished without technological intervention!"
        "You forget that I myself have been altered," Da'an reminded him. "It is not only a possibility, but a fact that I carry a hybrid child, the natural product of a union between our species and the humans. It is proof that a joining between our peoples and the human race is not only possible, but relatively easy to accomplish."
        "I still fail to see how anything good may come from our devolution," Zo'or added. "Better to elevate the humans than to lower ourselves."
        "This child cannot be allowed to join the Commonality!" one member snapped. "Banish it to the void now, before the humans learn of its existence!"
        Da'an's hands immediately flew to cover her abdomen as her eyes widened in fright.
        "I shall not allow this!" she replied forcefully. "This child shall serve to bring the humans closer to us - to help unite our peoples. It shall accomplish more than all our politicking has in the past four years."
        Zo'or gestured for attention. "There will be no talk of destroying this child," he decreed. "I have myself touched the child and found it to be extraordinary of spirit and form. It may well prove to be a part of our future." He then nodded once more for Da'an to continue.
        With an answering nod of appreciation, she spoke. "I hereby name my Implant, my bonded one, William Boone, as my consort." Before any protests could be raised, she added, "It is my right to name the one I have procreated with, and I do so now!"
        "It shall be so," Zo'or replied, sanctioning the relationship. Then he turned back to more pressing matters.
        "Gho'an has faced the penalty for his manipulations, however, many of his followers are still hidden amongst us. They must be found. In addition, several new Synod members must be brought into our midst. I charge you all with pursuing these goals. It should be done with the utmost priority!"
        The Synod meeting was then officially ended and the events which transpired quickly spread throughout the joint mind of the Commonality.

        Lili found herself summoned before Dro'vha very late that evening. She found him awaiting her on the balcony.
        Moving to a position directly behind him, she stood at attention and waited for him to acknowledge her.
        She didn't have to wait long.
        He turned after only a few seconds and nodded to her in his customary, friendly manner.
        "You should know that Boone is well and that, thanks to his efforts, Gho'an has been removed from the Synod and condemned to the void."
        She grinned, but quickly regained control. "And Da'an? Zo'or?"
        Dro'vha smiled at her then. "Their positions are assured. Also, those who were conspiring with Gho'an have been removed."
        "Can I..."
        He nodded instantly. "Take Augur and go visit with your friends," he offered. "This is indeed a time to celebrate - as you will discover once you've talked with Boone and Da'an."
        Bowing deeply at the Companion she had come to love, she turned and nearly skipped from the room.

        Sarah watched in amazement from the kitchen window of her Long Island home as a Taelon shuttle touched down on the front lawn. Her heart began to race when she saw the man her brother had once described to her as Zo'or's lap dog exit the shuttle and head for her front door.
        Turning, she began moving towards the front door.
        What did he want? What did THEY want?
        It had taken her so long to believe ill of the the Taelons. Even after her brother's warnings and the loss of her baby, she had found it difficult to believe that they had been responsible for so many evil things. It wasn't until Willie had died in some shady Taelon incident which even Da'an had refused to elaborate on, that she had truly believed.
        Her brother had died and they hadn't even told her until after they had already made a formal announcement to the media. She had learned of his death during a CNN special report! Immediately contacting the Washington Embassy, she had demanded an audience with the North American Companion and been granted only the most cursory meeting.
        Da'an had seemed grief stricken himself, yet that was no excuse for his refusal to give her the facts surrounding Willie's death. Da'an had simply told her the same thing the news was saying - that he had been killed while fulfilling his job as protector to the Taelons.
        She had taken the whole thing very badly and had missed the funeral. She had been too depressed, too suicidal to attend - not that she would have given the Taelons the satisfaction of seeing her there anyway! The news had been rife with speculation as to why she had refused to attend the Taelon ceremony, some going so far as to wonder if she was protesting the Taelon's presence there.
        William had been the last of her family.
        She would never forgive the Taelons for having taken him from her!
        There was a knock at the door and she slowly moved to open it. She didn't know why Sandoval was here, but if he was expecting a cordial welcome, he had another thing co....
        Sarah froze and felt her blood run cold. Everything began to go black...
        Willie was standing there! He couldn't be.... He couldn't....
        She regained consciousness on the sofa to find her brother kneeling anxiously next to her.
        "Will!!!" she shrieked, throwing her arms around him and crying. "You're alive!"
        He held her tightly, and when he spoke, he sounded very choked up. "It's me," he sniffed. "Sarah... I'm so sorry!"
        She let go long enough to wipe her eyes so that she could see him better and kissed him on the cheek. "What happened?' she managed to get out between shuddering breaths.
        He pulled her into another hug. "Where do I even begin?"
        "How about at the beginning?"
        Wiping at his own eyes, he did just that.

        Zo'or made the formal announcement that Boone was alive at slightly after five that evening and the news quickly became the top story around the country. Even in places like Japan and Dublin, news of his return made the headlines.
        The official story was that he had been kidnapped and held by the Liberation in an attempt to force information about the Taelons out of him. Zo'or stated that the Synod had presumed him dead until they had recently received an offer for a trade - Boone in return for several of their own detained spies.
        The Synod had, of course, immediately bargained for his life, while the entire event, had, of necessity, been kept from the media. Now, with William Boone back and on the road to recovery, they were delighted to announce the joyous news.
        William Boone had been returned to his previous rank as Head of Interspecies relations and primary attaché to Da'an.
        The reporters lucky enough to have been invited to the news conference immediately began competing to ask questions of both Zo'or and Da'an, who was also present. Several began shouting to get Da'an's attention and the Companion responded by calling upon the first reporter to have addressed him.
        "Is William Boone's return the reason for your own return to the North American Companion chair?" she asked.
        "It is," she answered without hesitation. "Boone's loss was devastating to me, for contrary to popular belief, we Taelons are as prone to forming strong friendships and relationships as any human is. It was only when I had hope that he had not passed into the void because of his association with me that I was able to consider a return to my duties."
        "Then you felt responsible for his abduction?" another reporter asked.
        "Yes. His life was endangered because of his commitment to me."
        The questions flew fast and furious after that and continued until a halt to the questioning was made thirty minutes later.

        By nine that night the media uproar over Boone's ordeal was in full swing. It seemed that overnight he had become a huge celebrity of sorts -  the man who endured torture and lived to tell about it, the man who had come to mean so much to their beloved North American Companion, that said Companion had been unable to continue on until his attaché's return.
        Watching the news and live talk shows, he cringed at the fact that his name was being mentioned on almost every channel and despaired of ever being able to walk unnoticed in public again.
        Rising from a chair in the new private chamber he shared with Da'an, he moved to the window and leaned his head against the virtual glass. It produced a strange, buzzing sensation which helped to clear his head.
        "Oh, this is almost too much," he moaned.
        Suddenly feeling the overpowering need to seek out Da'an, he headed out the door and down the ramp towards the audience chamber.
        He was half way down  when he realized that she was in a meeting. Freezing, he listened to the way in which she graciously fulfilled her duties, despite the pressures of the last few days and quickly resolved that he himself would somehow deal with his newly complicated life.

       Boone was trying to relax in an office chair when Da'an sought him out. His head still ablaze with pain - a nice little side effect of the implantation, he had found the most comfortable chair in the Embassy and reclined in it, his feet propped up on a desk. He had cold, wet paper towels covering his forehead and eyes, but loss of sight would never prevent him from recognizing her presence.
        He heard Da'an approach and then there was the sound of another office chair being wheeled up beside him. The seat creaked as she sat, and in the next moment he felt her delicate fingers moving over his temples.
        A sigh of pleasure escaped him as the pain began to fade almost instantly. He relaxed, wilting in the chair and felt Condor relax with him. Commiserating with his pain, the poor skrill had been hissing almost inaudibly, but continuously ever since his re-implantation, its body vibrating as it forced air out somewhere along its underside as it. Now it seemed to sigh contentedly and go dormant.
        "Thank you," he groaned, as Da'an continued to gently probe at his scalp with her fingertips.
        Her fingers paused for the barest moment and then resumed working their magic. "I believe it is time that you knew something I have been keeping from you..."
        Reaching up, he slid the paper towels off his face and cracked an eye open.
        She was watching him, only the slight glow of her eyes betraying her apparent anxiety.
        He immediately opened the other eye. "What is it?" he asked, fearful that it was bad news pertaining to their reunion.
        "I am hosting," she replied, as her eyes dropped down to stare at her caftan covered knees.
        He was baffled. "Hosting what?"
        Her eyes closed briefly as she blushed a bright blue. When they again opened, they were fixed upon his own.
        "I am hosting a new life," she elaborated slowly in a velvet tone.
        Boone stared at her and blinked. What was she saying? He blinked again. Was she saying that she was... pregnant?!
        Reading the thought, she added, "By you. Yes."
        He blinked again as his mind seemed to freeze up, unable to move beyond the shock of the moment. Then, in a split second, he suffered a huge CVI intrusion! Starting with the dream in which he had heard a crying child and moving backwards till the morning he again saw her ill and leaning against the bathroom sink, every little episode which pointed at the truth was replayed for him in its entirety. When it was over and he could again see her, he knew it was true.
        "Oh... my... G..." he began to exclaim, as he struggled to sit up and suddenly tumbled from the upended chair. As he fell, Da'an tried to catch him and ended up on the floor beside him.
        Boone struggled to his knees and gripped her shoulders as he stared at her in shock.
        "How? I mean... when?" he breathed.
        She blinked slowly and watched him amusedly from half lowered lids. "Back in November," she said softly. "I was not completely certain until just before Christmas, when I first felt the infant's mind."
        He staggered then, and dropped down so he could support himself with his arms. There was a rushing, spinning sensation as he almost blacked out. This was proving to be too much, coming so close on the heels of his re-implantation. Ironically, only his CVI helped him to hold onto consciousness.
        After some minutes, he finally lifted her head and gaped at her. "I had no idea... I mean, if I had known, I would have..."
        "... Taken precautions?" she finished, watching him anxiously. When he nodded and sat up, showing her that he was all right, she actually cracked a smile. "How could you have known, when I myself could not be certain?" she asked.
        He still stared blankly at her. "You must have been, er... surprised."
        She tilted her head and looked at him from the corners of her eyes. "Yes, but only because it actually occurred." Reaching out, she cupped his cheek. "This... pregnancy was intentional. I wished a child with you."
        Still, he could only stare at her in shock.
        "Did you not once tell me that you and Kate wished to start a family?" she asked him.
        "Yes, but..."
        "Then, are you not pleased to learn of this?" She stroked his cheek.
        "Yes, it's just that..." Seeing that her face was becoming troubled, he tried again. "Da'an... This is such a shock! Of course I'm pleased, but..." Reaching out, he pulled her to him and sat there, rocking her against him. "It's just so incredible," he whispered after a few minutes. "To think that you and I could produce..."
        "The child is a wonder," she whispered back. "He is..."
        "The future?" he finished, as their eyes met.
        Pulling her chin up, he kissed her gently before suddenly breaking it off to laugh.
        As she stared at him in confusion, he stood, pulled her up with him and then, taking her hand in his own, led her from the office, in the direction of the audience chamber.
        "Come on!" he laughed again. "We've got a lot of people to tell! Where's Zo'or?"
        Da'an struggled to keep up with his longer strides. "He knows," she informed him, as they rounded the corner.
        He stopped and turned to look at her. "He knows?" he asked, crushed. At her nod, he shrugged. "What about Nivian?"
        "She knows."
        "You know, where I come from, it's traditional to tell the father first..." he grumbled. "Do you guys meet someone, get pregnant and then just go on about your merry ways?"
        She had the good graces to look embarrassed. "Would that it were that simple."
        "Belman?" he continued.
        Da'an shook her head.
        "I guess I should have figured that one out. Kha'rha?"
        Her eyes suddenly found the floor fascinating.
        "Does everyone but me know of this?" he asked in exasperation.
        "Agent Sandoval does not know," she offered with a small smile.
        He felt a wicked grim split his face. "Good. I'll tell him next time I see him," he said, as he again pulled her into a hug. After giving her another good kiss, he began to again lead her down the hall.
        "Where are we going?" she asked, as he pulled her along behind him.
        "We're going back to our room, where I am going to introduce you to the wonders of whirlpool baths and foot massages... among other things..."
        "Ice cream?" she asked hopefully, her face coloring blue with pleasure.
        "Since when do you eat ice cream?" he asked curiously, as they rounded another curve and began moving up the central ramp.
        "I will tell you IF you procure some of it," she insisted.
        He shook his head and chuckled. "Do we even have any ice cream in the Embassy?"
        "I fear not, however, you may send someone out for some," she offered, as they finally entered the audience chamber.
        Moving over to the windows, they stared out over the city for a while before he unexpectedly swung her up off her feet and began kissing her passionately. "Whatever you'd like," he gasped, coming up for air.
        She nibbled at his lower lip. "Perhaps the ice cream can be put off until later..."
        He set her back on her feet, but they remained embracing.
        "I love you," he whispered, suddenly very serious.
        "As I do you..."
        Again they melted together, unaware that they were being watched from the opposite end of the room.

        Zo'or had followed the sound of their voices and now stood, watching silently from the entranceway. For once, his perpetual expression of superiority was missing, replaced instead with one of envy.
        He remained there, silently watching them until Boone took her hand and once more led her off in the direction and privacy of their upper chamber. Then he turned and moved off in the direction of his own chamber.

        A few hours later, Boone awoke and immediately snuggled closer to Da'an, reaching his hand around her waist so that he could stroke her belly. He found himself smiling uncontrollably at the tautness of her flesh and planted another kiss on the back of her neck.
        He could tell by her answering sigh that she was awake.
        "How long?" he asked.
        "I know not." Her voice was very soft, reflective. "I do not believe that it will be very much longer, though."
        "But, you're not even showing! How could the baby possibly be anywhere near ready to be birthed?" he exclaimed.
        She rolled over to face him. "Were this child completely Taelon, it would have been birthed last month," she reminded him, as she stroked his hair. "Although it is half human, it will still derive a great deal of its substance from me, in the Taelon manner. The infant's human flesh is still relatively insubstantial and it will not complete it's form until I birth it."
        He digested that for a while. "What happens if the pregnancy goes on longer than you expected?"
        She withdrew her hand and suddenly looked very frightened. "Then, I fear for our son's life... for I could not possibly hope to sustain it long enough for it to survive."
        Boone's heart skipped a beat and he reached out to hug her tightly.
        It was a while later, as he was drifting off to sleep that it hit him. "Son?" he exclaimed, as he raised his head from the pillow.
        Da'an smiled and snuggled closer, gently reaching out to push him back down.

        Early the next morning Boone headed over to Dr. Belman's clinic, intent upon learning more about Da'an's condition. Fortunately, she was in her office dictating reports when he arrived.
        As soon as she saw him, she switched off her microphone and smiled. "She finally told you, I see," she muttered dryly.
        He nodded. "Doctor, if you've got some time, I'd like you to fill me in on what you know - what you've discovered from your examinations."
        She nodded and rose quickly to her feet. "Close the door," she told him. "And lock it!"
        Removing a few things from a locked drawer in her desk, Belman loaded a disk into the computer and motioned Boone to join her in front of the monitor.
        When he stood beside her, she clicked the file and the screen came alive with a three dimensional picture of a translucent blue Taelon abdomen, presumably Da'an's.
        "These pictures were made using a probe similar to the one which inserted your CVI," Belman explained. "Ready?"
        He nodded and she hit the enter key, causing the the picture to zoom in as the computer displayed an internal view.
        Da'an's energy pathways were prominently visible and could be seen conducting pulses of brilliant light. Now and then different tissues around the probe would light suddenly, appearing to glow and then quickly fading back to their original translucence.
        "Da'an possesses only a few internal organs, thanks to her recent regression," Belman explained. "She has a rudimentary digestive tract, with a rudimentary circulatory system associated with it. She has no heart, and no blood, though she does possess some sort of carrier fluid which is distributing the nutrients she ingests. The vessels themselves seem to contract in a peristaltic motion, forcing the fluid along without the necessity of a larger pump. As I said, it's a rudimentary system, small and compact. It feeds those few organs she has, including a dense tissue growth down lower in what we would consider to be her pelvic area."
        "This didn't hurt her, did it?" he asked worriedly, as he watched the probe meander through Da'an's torso.
        "It was uncomfortable," she admitted. "but Da'an assured me that it was bearable."
        Boone shivered as the picture zoomed in again and the probe advanced. Somewhere ahead of it, a dense area of tissue appeared and the probe slowly moved towards it, stopping just short of entering.
        "OK," Belman said. "That's as far as I dared go. This is that dense area of tissue that I mentioned. Da'an has no uterus or ovaries, although she does now possess the proper copulatory organs which allowed her to get into this condition." She shot him an arched look, which caused him to flush with embarrassment.
        She snorted and then continued. "Don't you want to know how she could get pregnant by you when she has no genetic material of her own to offer up?"
        He sighed. "Somehow Taelons manage without DNA," he replied. "Are you suggesting that you've finally figured out the mystery of how they 'do it'?"
        She let out a small laugh. "You're right, of course. I may never unravel that little mystery unless Ban'hn can be coerced into spilling the beans. Course, that doesn't mean I'd understand what he was telling me..." She shook her head. "Anyway, Da'an has told me that she intentionally willed this pregnancy to occur. She used your DNA and what she referred to as a 'borrowed spark of your life force' to initiate her own reproductive process. Somehow, your genetic code was incorporated into what would have been a typical Taelon conception, resulting in a very atypical infant." She stopped to catch her breath. "How I wish that I could write a paper about this..."
        Realizing that she was about to go off on a tangent, he pointed to the screen. "What else have you got for me?" he asked.
        She immediately switched gears and picked up where she had left off. "What you're going to see next is a myriad of different pictures made using different parameters," she announced, as she hit several more keys.
        Different images clicked by, all of them unremarkable to his eyes.
        "I've saved the best ones for last," Belman exclaimed. "First up is the Taelon equivalent of a low level x-ray, nothing which would harm the child, according to Da'an."
        Suddenly, within the dense area, a small skeleton became visible. Most of it was shadowy and insubstantial cartilage with a few brighter, denser areas of forming bone highlighting it.
        A jolt of excitement surged through him as he watched the small head and spine flex and squirm so that it had rolled completely over. Suddenly he frowned. "Where are it's arms and legs?" he asked. "I can't see them anywhere!"
        "Let's switch to the next image set," she responded. "These are infrared."
        This time more substance was given to the form.
        Belman typed quickly. "Now I'm going to overlay both," she explained.
        Boone leaned forward and gaped. Now the child's entire form was visible. It had a relatively large head, as all fetuses did, a spine, a small, thin torso and spindly little arms and legs which moved in small, jerking motions.
        "Oh my goodness..." He knew he was wearing a goofy grin and just didn't care.
        Belman let him watch for a while and then pointed to the image.
        "Da'an has already said that much of the child's substance will be derived from her - taken from her own form at it's birth, which is a very good thing in this case because..." She pointed to the torso and limbs. "See here? The child is lacking quite a bit. It has no heart, for one thing, very few internal organs, most of them rudimentary and it's limbs show no bone growth. I can only guess that in many respects it will be very much like Da'an."
        His smile faded. "What happens if the pregnancy lasts too long?"
        Belman sighed. "I've contacted Ban'hn, the Taelon scientist who cloned your form. As you already know, he's very good at keeping secrets..."
        "And?" he urged.
        "He says that we may be able to transfer the child to a surrogate."
        "A human woman?"
        "Yes." Belman looked troubled. "This procedure would be much different than transferring a newly conceived hybrid child, as was done in the portal experiments," she cautioned him. "Even Ban'hn is uncertain of how it might safely be accomplished, but he's working on it round the clock..."
        Boone swallowed. "Where would we get a willing surrogate?"
        "I don't know. Anyway, Da'an is dead set against this unless and until it becomes absolutely impossible for her to carry the child a moment longer. You'll have to watch her carefully, William. She's not thinking about the risks to herself here, only about the risks to the child."
        He reached out to pat her on the back. "I understand. Thank you for showing me this."
        "My pleasure. Please, Will, call me at any time, day or night if you suspect that something's wrong."
        With a nod, he headed for the door, completely overwhelmed with all he had just seen and heard.

        Nivian paused on the landing outside the Companion's new chambers and waited to be acknowledged. Still, she was surprised when Da'an came right to the door and opening it, looked at her expectedly.
        "I just wanted to be sure that you were all right," she explained awkwardly as those blue eyes swept over her.
        Stepping back, Da'an gestured for her to come in. "Please. I would welcome your company," the Companion offered generously.
        Entering the room, she moved to a pair of comfortable arm chairs and settled into one as Da'an took the other.
        "Where's Boone?" she asked curiously.
        "I am not certain, however, I suspect that he has gone to talk with Dr. Belman about my condition."
        "That's why I'm here," she confessed with a smile. "Are you all right? Because, I keep having dreams..."
        Da'an suddenly seemed very interested. "What dreams?" she asked, leaning closer.
        Nivian shrugged and pushed a lock of her hair back over her shoulder. "It doesn't matter," she began, not wanting to alarm her alien friend.
        The Companion was not to be put off. "I assure you that it does," she responded. "Please. Tell me of it."
        She hesitated, but then came out with it. "In my dream, you're in some sort of danger and you hand the child to me, begging me to keep him safe..."
        "And do you?" Da'an asked sharply.
        "Of course! I take the child and wrap it tightly in my coat," she related. "Then I run as fast as I can. Even though my arms grow heavy, I somehow manage to get away."
        Da'an sighed and leaned back in her chair, looking almost teary eyed.
        Worried, Nivian stood up, and pulling over a foot stool, lifted the Companion's legs up onto it. Then, kneeling beside her, she took her hand.
        "What's wrong?" she asked. "Please tell me. You know how I feel about you and Boone. You saved me! There's nothing I wouldn't do for you!"
        Da'an stared at her intently for a moment, as though weighing the depth of her sincerity. "Give me your hand," she finally asked, holding out her own.
        Nivian offered her hand and was thrilled when the Companion placed it on her own abdomen. In just seconds, she felt a sharing begin, but she was not prepared for what happened next, for the mind she touched was not Da'an's but that of her unborn child.
        When the link ended, minutes later, she could do little more than stare at the Companion in amazement.
        "You know the truth," Da'an said softly as she took Nivian's hand in her own again. "You've seen it in your dreams. Do you love me enough to save my child when the time comes?"
        "You're asking me to carry the baby for you," Nivian answered, suddenly certain that she was right.
        "Yes. I fear that I cannot support the child long enough for it to survive." Da'an pulled on her hand, drawing her closer.
        "I'm scared," she answered, licking suddenly dry lips. "But for you, Boone and the child, I will do it."
        "And if Zo'or disapproves?"
        "He will need to get over it," she answered firmly.
        Da'an wrapped her in her arms then and pulled her close in a tight hug. "Let this remain between us for now," she murmured.
        "I won't speak a word of it."
        Da'an smiled and pushed her hair back. "You will be like a sister to me then," she whispered. "You have done this before. You will be my teacher, my confidante in this matter."
        Nivian couldn't help but laugh. "Are you ready for lesson number one?"
        Da'an nodded, apparently intrigued.
        "Good. Get up and follow me to the kitchen."
        "What are we to do there?" the Companion asked, coming to her feet.
        "We are going to do THE correct thing to do when stressed."
        "And what might that be?" Da'an asked, tilting her head to one side curiously.
        "We're going to eat ice cream till we're stuffed!" That said, Nivian grasped Da'an's hand and pulled her down the hall after her.

        Boone sat on a bench in the Embassy garden with Da'an by his side, the two of them wrapped in a Taelon heat net which protected them from the cold morning temperatures.
        Together they watched the sunrise, as Boone reflected silently to himself that everything had changed. Even the days seemed different now.
        "What are you thinking?" Da'an asked softly. "Your thoughts seem so jumbled this morning."
        He smiled. "I was thinking that this is the beginning of a whole new life," he answered. "Somehow, I feel that there's hope, where before there was little or none."
        Da'an smiled back at him. "I feel the same," she admitted.
        Just then, a robin landed on the lawn before them, and picking up a piece of fur which had blown by, flew up to a tree behind them. Turning, they saw the bird was in the process of lining a new nest and the image seemed to strike a chord deep inside both of them.
        "If only an early frost doesn't mar our season..." Da'an breathed softly.
        Boone looked at her strangely, but then pulled her into his arms. "Everything will be well," he said, almost fiercely. "You must believe it!"
        "I shall, so long as you remain with me," she answered gravely.
        He kissed her then, as the sun lit the garden a golden color around them.


Next time, "The Waiting Game."