The Hidden
An Earth - Final Conflict story by Tina Price
Original Story Ideas ©1998, Tina Price. All rights reserved.

Preview: In but a few short weeks both the Liberation and the Commonality suffer major losses. The battle lines are redrawn and for several individuals life begins anew...

Acknowledgments: A great deal of the material in this story is based upon events which occur in the series. Credit for these elements goes to series writers Paul Gertz and Jonas McCord.
Disclaimer: Earth - Final Conflict, all characters and images therein are the property of the Tribune Entertainment Company. Several characters appearing in this story are my own creation. Any similarity with anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.

Authors notes: This story incorporates some elements of the first few episodes of the second season, but is, in point of fact, "An Alternate EFC Story line". "Script appearing like this denotes use of the Taelon language, Eunoia." <Script appearing like this denotes mental communication or thought.>  As always, I am in no way receiving 'privileged information'. Any advice, criticism and kudos are always welcomed. Please contact me at the above e-mail address.

The Hidden
Image is from Earth - Final Conflict and is the property of Tribune Entertainment
        Boone was dead - gone on to face the void, and all of Da'an's hopes for the future lay in ruins. His Implant, also his friend and otherself, had met his end not by natural means, but by the hand of one of Da'an's own people...
        Even now, the North American Companion felt himself consumed by a sensation he had never before experienced as thoughts of harming the one responsible for the needless tragedy which had just occurred held sway.
        An overpowering urge to strike out - to deal pain for pain seemed to overtake him, despite the faint thought that such mayhem would serve little in the long run.
        Boone would still be gone...
        With something between a sob and a snarl, he swept a stack of books from a table and left his chamber.
        Zo'or had heard and accepted his challenge. The one responsible for this horror was on his way.
        Da'an would meet him in the audience chamber...
        Sandoval glanced to his left at Zo'or for the second time in the last thirty seconds. Truth was that he had been sneaking glances at him ever since they had boarded the shuttle. The Taelon's presence had always made him somewhat uncomfortable, but now it positively frightened him.
        After killing Boone, Zo'or had frozen momentarily, as though receiving a mental communication of some sort. Then he had laughed - REALLY laughed - an event which had caused Sandoval's hair to stand on end and brought up goose bumps all over his body.
        They had quickly boarded the shuttle, bound back to the embassy, but for what purpose?
        He glanced to his left once again, but this time the Taelon was ready. With a quick turn of the head, he met Sandoval's gaze.
        "What is it?" Zo'or snapped, clearly out of patience.
        "I just want to know why," he said in a low tone. He may not have considered Boone a friend, but he certainly hadn't wished such an end for him.
        "Why I terminated Da'an's implant?" Zo'or smirked. At his nod, the Taelon continued. "William Boone may have been an implant... but he was also a spy for the liberation."
        "What? That's absurd! His motivational imperative..."
        "Was not, and never was functional," Zo'or finished. He paused to observe Sandoval's facial expression and apparently satisfied that he was suitably shocked, smiled.
        Sandoval shook his head and blinked. "That's impossible! He was implanted AND tested. I was there! Any way, even if his M.I. wasn't working, how could you possibly know it when Da'an himself..."
        "Da'an knew." Zo'or sighed as though the knowledge was a great pleasure. "The Liberation had their spy, and I have mine. My agent is as firmly entrenched in their organization as Boone was in ours, and informs me that Da'an himself was responsible for, amongst other things, helping Dr. Sahjit Jinnah to escape you."
        Feeling as though the world was rearranging itself around him, Sandoval clutched the arms of his seat and tried to fight down all the ugly thoughts which swirled through his head. True that he had never trusted the large auburn-haired police chief, but for Da'an to have accepted him and granted him the blessing of a non-functional motivational imperative!
        Swallowing convulsively, he spoke as the shuttle touched down, "Are we here to take Da'an into custody?"
        Zo'or's smile became that much colder.

        Together they entered the darkened audience chamber to find Da'an seated stiffly in his chair. He was hardly recognizable, for his eyes fairly blazed with anger and pain. Everywhere his skin was visible, his inner pathways could be seen pulsing through his human-like form.
        Sandoval's mouth dropped open as Da'an rose and stepped down from his chair.
        He projected a look of such intensity... Was it anger?
        A stream of harshly spoken Eunoia issued from the Companion, as without warning, he lunged forward and grasping Zo'or's jumpsuit, spun him to the ground. He followed by quickly placing a foot on his rival's chest and pinning him to the floor.
        Sandoval took a step backward, uncertain of what he should do. His movement drew Da'an's attention and the North American Companion lifted his head to glare at him.
        "You shall not listen to this one!" he commanded forcefully in English. "He is Umrathuma himself!"
        Before Sandoval could react, Zo'or knocked Da'an's legs out from under him.
        The Companion had the presence of mind to fall on top of his opponent.
        Zo'or rolled, managing to come up atop Da'an. He reached down to grasp the North American Companion's head even as the palms of his hands began to glow.
        Sandoval panicked. Zo'or had Shaquarava! If he didn't act quickly, Da'an would be killed!
        But, before he could take more than one step in their direction, something extraordinary occurred... Even as Zo'or gripped his head, Da'an raised his hands, palms outward. There was a blinding flash as energy was discharged, striking Zo'or in the chest and catapulting him across the chamber.
        The U.N. Representative slid down the wall and came to rest in an unmoving heap.
        Sandoval stared in disbelief as Da'an came to his feet and glared at him, apparently believing that he might attack as well. When he bowed, the Companion seemed to relax and slowly moved toward the his fallen rival.
        Zo'or's eyes fluttered open and he tried to focus on the Companion, but he seemed unable to move.
        "You are not the only one... to have gained something from Boone's antibodies," Da'an hissed down at him.
        Turning away from his vanquished foe then, the Companion struggled to compose himself. Then he wilted as a look of shame washed over his face.
        "Carry Zo'or to the shuttle," he commanded in a quiet tone. "We must, both of us, report before Quo'on.
        With a sigh of relief, Sandoval stooped and lifted Zo'or, who seemed to once more be unconscious.
        He refused to mention Zo'or's knowledge about Boone. The man was gone, after all. If he truly were a spy, he could do no more damage. As for Da'an....
        Sandoval sighed inwardly. He had no proof, and besides, with Boone gone the Companion was effectively crippled. There was little chance that he could pass secrets along to the resistance even if he so wished - not without getting caught.
        The implant smiled inwardly as he moved towards the shuttle bay with his burden. Perhaps he would now be returned to his position as Da'an's attaché...

        Da'an stood in an attitude of complete subservience before the Synod leader. His head was bowed, his eyes downcast. Only the nervous motion of his fingers betrayed his inner turmoil.
        In the aftermath of his fight with Zo'or, he had been overcome with remorse so that now only shame, grief and guilt consumed him. Behind him, Sandoval stood beside Zo'or, who had been laid out unceremoniously on the chamber floor.
        The North American Companion had told of the events leading up to the current moment. Now he and Sandoval stood silently, awaiting Quo'on's judgment.
        The silence seemed to go on forever. Da'an wished for it to be ended - in truth he felt his control over himself to be slipping.
        He could not bear the humiliation of breaking down before these two!
        "Agent Sandoval," the Synod leader spoke. "Take Zo'or to his chambers. The Synod has communed. He shall remain there for twenty one Earth rotations... without an energy stream. You shall remain with him until he is... aware once more."
        "Yes Quo'on!" The implant immediately bowed, then hoisting the still unconscious Taelon over a shoulder, left the room.
        Da'an felt Quo'on approach and was soon able to see his feet.
        "Return to your protectorate," his superior ordered.
        He began to quiver with reaction. "I cannot..." he whispered right before he collapsed.
        Quo'on stared in amazement at his crumbled brother and then knelt down to render any aid he could.
        Zo'or sat hunched against the wall with his face buried in his hands. His entire body quivered with pain and the humiliation he felt at having been so easily vanquished.
        Da'an had reacted like a wounded beast! There would be other days, though... His rival bled freely from his wounds - it would take little to finish him off.
        Once he had recovered, he would deal them all a blow which...
        Warm arms suddenly encircled him and pulled him close.
        "Zo'or..." said the one voice he loved in all the world.
        Slowly lowering his hands, he peeked out to see Nivian on the floor next to him. Her eyes held his with such sympathy and love that he instantly flung his own arms around her and held her close.
        "Do not do this to my people or your own," she whispered. "In the end you will only destroy... everything."
        "Where are you? Why will you not come to me?" he asked, as he realized that they met only in a dream.
        "I cannot," she choked out. "Only here with you am I able to function. In reality I am quite ill..."
        He moved to kiss her, afraid that their psychic meeting would end before he had the chance.
        To his surprise, their lips met and for one sweet moment he forgot everything else which had befallen him.
        Finally though, she pulled away.
        "Please remember," she said urgently. "Do not destroy us all in your quest for power..."
        "No!" he cried out as she began to fade away. "Nivian, do not leave me again!"
        "A part of me will always be watching..."

        Zo'or opened his eyes to find Sandoval squatting before him, rubbing his hands. Instantly, he slapped the implants hands away.
        "Leave me be!" he said, indignantly, as he struggled to sit up. He made it to his elbows before collapsing back onto the meditation mat. He let his gaze wander about the chamber and recognized it as his own aboard the home ship.
        "How came I to be here?" he asked, although he was already picking up on his situation from the commonality.
        "Da'an had me carry you before Quo'on," the implant said slowly, carefully. "You've been unconscious for over an hour..."
        "Spare me your attempt at softening the news," he spat. "What is my situation?"
        "The Synod leader has decreed that you be confined here without an energy stream for the next twenty one Earth days."
        Zo'or digested the information.
        This could work in his favor... if he could recover his strength before his release. Without an energy stream, such a feat would normally be impossible, except....
        Except that he had discovered something very interesting in the time he was with Nivian...



        "There is no reason for this course," Quo'on said, as he circled his brother.  Again he took in his sibling's appearance and was shocked to the very center of his being by what he saw.
        The North American Companion wore an expression of such sorrow that even those of his own kind, who had never experienced that emotion, would know it immediately for what it was. He was unconsciously mentally broadcasting his misery as well, frightening and driving away all those whose curiosity led them to investigate the disruption in the Commonality.
        "There is every reason for my withdrawal," Da'an whispered back. "I cannot carry on my duties. I cannot... " he stopped with something which sounded suspiciously like a swallowed sob.
        Quo'on got up the courage to place his hands on the Companion's shoulders. He knew that those Taelons who formed permanent bonds tended to fade quickly away when their loved one joined the void. He had never thought that Da'an's loss of his human love would trigger the same behavior...but now he worried that it had.
        "Da'an, you must not join the void," he cautioned. "William Boone will see you again soon enough. Now, he would wish for you to continue as North American Companion. He would wish for you to continue building a bridge between our peoples."
        Da'an sighed. "This I know...however, I am not able to do so at the moment. My mind is filled with such thoughts that I fear I shall go mad! I have attacked one of my own people!" He turned a pleading expression on his brother. "I cannot go back to the embassy - not when every room brings Boone to mind! Someone else must fill in for me until such time that I may once more function in that capacity..."
        Quo'on nodded and then pulled Da'an close. "I shall contact Eh'har. He will oversee your protectorate as well as his own," he whispered. "We shall release a statement to the news media." Pulling back, he squeezed his sibling's shoulders reassuringly. "I am sorry for your loss. Go now and heal that you may return to us both wiser and stronger than when you left."
        The Companion nodded. "I can be found within my chamber here," were his parting words.
        Quo'on watched as he slowly shuffled from the room. Without Da'an, his position within the Synod was weakened. Those who thought as Zo'or did now equaled his own supporters in number...
        According to Synod standards, he could not confine Zo'or for more than three human weeks.
        He hoped that Da'an would return before Zo'or once more began influencing the Taelon ruling body.


        Sandoval jumped and nearly fell out of the small chair he was balanced in. He hadn't even realized that he had drifted off to sleep until something rudely startled him awake.
        Zo'or poked him sharply in the ribs a second time.
        The Taelon, apparently somewhat recovered, had made his way across the room and now hovered over him. His eyes were lit brightly despite his dim, sickly appearance and the scowl which twisted his features made the implant's hair stand on end.
        "On your feet, lazy creature!" the Taelon snapped at him. "You were assigned to serve me and you shall do so still."
        Sandoval stood. "How may I be of assistance?" he found himself automatically asking.
        Just then Zo'or teetered unsteadily and he quickly grasped the alien's arms to help steady him. "Are you all right, Zo'or?" he asked. "It's too soon for you to be up... and without an energy stream..."
        With an amused expression, Zo'or suddenly gripped either side of his head...
        ...and kissed him!
        Sandoval immediately began to struggle, but Zo'or pulled his mouth away and hissed in his ear.
        "Stop fighting me, you fool! I take only what I require to strengthen myself."
        Again their lips met, but this time Sandoval simply froze and passively allowed the contact. Not that he had much choice... He was an implant, and if Zo'or ever discovered that Kha'rha had enabled him to bypass his motivational imperative...
        He tried to concentrate on something else, but the sensation being produced by the Taelon's lips was... distracting, to say the least...
        It did little to quell his revulsion.
        About the time that he felt that he would have to push Zo'or away, the Taelon stepped back and glared at him.
        "You are singularly uncooperative," he sniffed. "...however, I have obtained what I require." Zo'or walked to the chamber window and stared out at the Earth beyond.
        Sandoval quickly wiped his mouth with the back of his left arm and watched his master with narrowed eyes. Funny... he suddenly seemed to be greatly improved and had even stabilized his human appearance.
        Composing himself, the implant moved to stand beside the alien.
        "What are your plans?" he asked.
        Zo'or's grin reappeared. "Boone has been eliminated and Da'an, in his own way has been as well. All is in readiness for the... next phase...
        Sandoval shivered.



        Julianna Belman shuffled unsteadily into the main conference area of the Liberation's underground headquarters. Everywhere around her people were working, talking animatedly and even laughing.
        She moved to a chair in a corner which was relatively quite and dark and all but collapsed into it as Jonathan entered the room with Lili and Augur. The three of them were in the midst of a heated conversation - probably about Beckette.
        She watched them with haunted eyes and willed her heart to calm itself.
        'How am I going to do this?' she thought. 'How can I be the one to bring such news?'
        Just then Jonathan spotted her.
        "Julianna," he began as he moved towards her. Then he saw her face. "What's happened?"
        "Boone!" Lili called out. "Is it Boone? Please don't tell me..."
        The entire room went silent as everyone turned to hear what was going on. Rising to her feet, Julianna slowly approached Lili, a look of pity upon her face.
        "Da'an contacted me a short time ago," she said softly. She shook her head and found it difficult to go on. She was a doctor! She should be used to being the harbinger of bad news by now! After a moment, she took control of her voice and continued. "He told me... things... Afterward, I found Agent Lassiter waiting outside my front door with something for you. He said that Da'an wished you to read it before all your 'friends'..."
        Lili hesitantly took the folded paper from her outstretched hand and opening it, began to read aloud:
        "It is with the greatest of pain that I inform you that my Implant, my friend, William Boone, has traveled on to greet the void.
        "Truly, I know not how I shall continue on without him."
        "Quo'on asks that I not follow Boone. He makes the valid point which I now impart to you - We must not surrender to the darkness. If we honor him, we must, all of us, continue as he would have wished."
        "I therefore have temporarily withdrawn from my position as North American Companion until I find myself once more able to continue the struggle towards understanding and union which is required of both our races."
        "Finally, I have given Dr. Belman an understanding of those events which led to William Boone's premature journey into the void. She has agree to pass this information on to you. I trust that you shall forgive me for not doing so myself. Already, I sense plans being put into motion, plans to remove myself and those who think as I do from any future struggles. My continued existence upon this plane is not assured... however, I shall endeavor to contact you when I am able."
        Until then, Peace Lili... to you and your friends."
        The paper fell out of Lili's nerveless hands. She had barely made it through the letter without sobbing, but now she broke down completely.
        Augur gathered her close as he himself struggled to hold back tears.
        Of all those gathered within the room, only Jonathan Doors' seemed untouched by the news. His CVI did not allow him the luxury of grief - or any other strong emotion.
        "How?" he rumbled dangerously in his unique, gravely voice.
        "Zo'or." Belman spoke the name as though it were a curse. Her eyes hardened as she wiped away her tears and met her lover's gaze. "The little bastard snuck into the facility last night and vaporized..." Again she began to lose control. " least he never knew what happened..."
        Lili suddenly pulled away from Augur. "I don't care if I have to volunteer to replace Will as Da'an's implant - I'm going to get myself a skrill and vaporize that arrogant Taelon troll!"
        Augur snorted. Then he saw the look she turned on him.
        "You're not serious..."
        "You just watch me!"
        "That's enough!" Doors moved to stand directly before Lili. "Remember what Da'an said, Lili! If you honor his memory, you have to continue the fight - the way he would have wanted you to. That does NOT include blasting Zo'or out of his boots! ...At least, not at this time..."
        She dropped her eyes to the floor. "So what now?" she whispered. "Where do we even begin?"
        "We begin by watching the news - by seeing what the Taelons are going to do next," the billionaire answered. "Then... we decide what needs to be done..."

        Within a few hours, the Taelons interrupted radio and television programming to make the sad announcement. In an unheard of first, the Taelon leader himself broke the news to the world.
        Quo'on, in his human guise, appeared on screens all around the world.
        "It is with the greatest of sadness that the Taelon Synod announces the passage of Commander William Boone," he said softly.
        "Late yesterday afternoon, the sole implant and attaché to our North American Companion was seriously injured while fulfilling his primary duty as protector to our people. He passed peacefully on to the next level at zero two hundred seventeen hours Eastern Standard Time."
        "William Boone was possessed of a compassionate and caring nature. He was much loved by both our peoples... however, although his passage will be mourned by every Taelon and Human who knew him, there is one amongst us who grieves beyond the rest."
        "Our North American Companion, Da'an, is stricken by the loss of his close human friend, so much so that he is currently unable to resume his duties as a Companion. He asks that you forgive him this. He will return to you when he feels that he can once more execute his duties proficiently."
        "In the interim, the Pacific Companion, Eh'har, shall also assume the North American chair. His responsibilities shall be great and Da'an asks that you treat him kindly."
        "I leave you all with a thought - a reflection - if you will... Herein perhaps lies William Boone's greatest achievement; that a human could feel such empathy and friendship for a Companion that his passing would leave said Companion crippled by a grief which no Taelon has felt for millennia... "
        "That a human and a Taelon forged a bond of friendship and trust... should give us all hope for the years to come."

        Da'an was still in self-imposed isolation three weeks later. The pain of his loss had not faded even a fraction. His days were spent meditating in the hopes of regaining his emotional balance, but visions of Boone - memories of every moment they had spent together, still tormented him.
        Worse of all, he also saw himself at each encounter, the way William had seen him. In the earliest days of their association, he had disappointed the human on more than one occasion... He had even hurt him a few times.
        Once, he had put him through a cruel test which had involved a human female - Elysse Chapell. That test had inflicted the worst sort of mental pain on his friend. Boone had even told Marquette that he had never felt so violated in all his life!
        At the time, Da'an had been incapable of understanding the torment the test had brought. Now he cringed at the truth of what he had done. Yet, Boone had seen this as well and had forgiven him soon after the incident.
        How he wished he could take those times and change them!
        How he wished that he had relished every single second spent with Boone as though it might be the last!
        When he had last seen Boone within his own form, they had been in his audience chamber. Boone had said that he would contact him as soon as he had further information about Hag'el...
        With a sigh, he ended his useless pursuit of inner peace. Rising slowly to his feet, he shuffled slowly to the view port and took in the distant view of Earth.
        The chime of the datastream brought him back to the present.
        Dro'vha's appearance in the stream actually managed to spark his interest.
        "I was to inform you when the infant clone was ready to begin its existence?" Dro'vha reminded him. The kindly Taelon, although not of the scientist caste, had been charged with watching over the clone's development. He, like Da'an, had come to know and care for the late implant, and had taken his duty as guardian to the clone very seriously. Aware of Da'an's predicament, he took delight in bringing his old acquaintance this good news.
        "The infant is ready?" Da'an's eyes lit up, glowing softly, despite the fact that he still held to his human appearance.
        "We only await your presence," Dro'vha responded.
        "Then I waste no further time here." Da'an cut the link, and for the first time in weeks, left his chamber.

        A short time later, the sorrowful Taelon entered the very small lab whose sole purpose had been the gestation of a new human life. A very special life at that, for it was all which remained of the human Da'an had come to love - William Boone.
        Da'an was amazed by the preparations Dro'vha had made for this event. The lights were dim, the room quiet and before the small tank which still supported the infant a warm bath, towels and a blanket had been arranged. A chair had been pulled up as well - a high-backed rocking chair of all things!
        The North American Companion smiled at Dro'vha. "I see that you have thoroughly researched this event," he said, impressed.
        "I wished everything to be optimal."
        "When can we begin?" Da'an asked, as he stepped forward and peered into the tank. It was difficult to make out the form inside, for the tank was kept in a darkened area.
        "The time is now." Dro'vha signaled to the scientist who had been responsible for the clone's development. "This is Ban'hn," he told Da'an, as the scientist took up a position before the tank.
        Da'an watched avidly as, without preamble, Ban'hn reached into the tank and lifting out the slippery human infant, placed it into the warm bath. Quickly, he rinsed the child and placed him on a towel. He then picked up a hose of some sort and expertly suctioned the infant's mouth and nose.
        The child balled up his little fists and scrunched up his face in apparent displeasure at what was happening. Even before Ban'hn cut it's unnaturally long cord, it began squalling at the top of it's lungs.
        Da'an looked on in amazement as the infant's color went from a blue-gray to a pink tone.
        The newborn continued to cry as he was dried off and firmly wrapped in the blanket as Da'an found himself fighting the urge to scoop the child up and comfort it.
        Dro'vha turned a knowing look on him. "Please sit," he told the Companion, gesturing to the rocking chair.
        Da'an quickly complied and the infant was passed over to him by Ban'hn.
        As soon as he cradled the child, it stopped crying and Da'an stared at the infant as it looked back at him with large, green blue eyes. Slowly he took in it's fine, red hair and then unwrapped it for a moment as tradition dictated.
        Finally satisfied that the newborn was healthy and whole, he gently re-wrapped it and held it close to him. He felt an unreasoning sense of pride - and a growing sense of strong attachment to the child whom he had already decided should be raised by Boone's sister.
        Holding the child in the crook of his arm, he rocked it and smiled gently as it drifted off to sleep.
        He could not keep it, for it would be unfair to raise it apart from it's own kind.
        He would have to say his good-byes before he could no longer bring himself to do so.
        Reaching out to it with a hand, he moved to gently brush its cheek, but as soon as their skin made contact, something extraordinary happened...
        There was a sudden wrench - a pain which felt as though a part of him had been torn away...and then a thin, blue stream of energy fled his fingers and was absorbed by the newborn.
        As quickly as the pain had started, it ended.


        He suddenly emerged from an alien world of timeless, twisted sensation and blurred reality to find himself gazing up into the face he loved best...  Why did Da'an look so big?

        The child opened its eyes again, only this time there was an unnatural intelligence in them.
        Da'an began to quiver with reaction and could do little else but stare.
        He was holding Boone!
        "Da'an, what is happening?" Dro'vha asked, having sensed the Companion's distress.
        The startled Companion glanced around the room, and noting that Ban'hn had departed, turned back to address his fellow diplomat.
        "Somehow, a large portion of Boone... which I unknowingly retained... until now... has moved on to the infant. It now has Boone's consciousness!"
        Dro'vha blushed blue and stared at the baby intently. "Does he possess all his memory, or only his personality?" he asked.
        Da'an gently laid a hand on the newborn's head. After only a few seconds, he blushed a brilliant blue. The look he turned on Dro'vha was one of pure joy.
        "This IS Boone!" he announced in melodic Eunoic tones which conveyed his exultation. Then, as though receiving a warning from the infant itself, he frowned. "No one must know of this. Boone must remain dead in the eyes of our people and the general human population. It is the only way to guarantee his safety!"
        "I will see to it that an acceleration chamber is set up somewhere secure. I believe we can have him back to adult stature within a few months..." Reaching behind him, he grasped a baby bottle off the counter and handed it to Da'an. "In the meantime, I assume that you will care for him?"
        "I shall." Da'an settled back into the chair and with softly glowing eyes, fed the newborn its bottle as he rocked the chair.
        The infant latched onto the bottle and devoured his first meal greedily, bringing a smile to the Taelon's face. For the first time in many weeks, he felt that there was some hope for the future.
        Again he laid a hand upon the child's head. Boone's thoughts were jumbled and very confused - but they were there. Eventually, he would be fully restored.
        Until then, Da'an would show him every care. He would not lose him again!

        With Dro'vha's aid, he managed to smuggle the infant and some supplies into his chambers, where he prepared to remain until such time as the acceleration chamber was finished being constructed.
        Preparing his meditation mat, he plopped down onto it and spent long minutes staring at the infant as it slept in his arms. Never had he felt such profound affection for any being as he now felt holding his restored...and quite helpless... other. After a while, he curled up on his side with Boone cradled against him and slept deeply for the first time since he had acquired the ability.
        In his dreams, he explained to Boone everything which had happened.


        A soft moan came from the narrow hospital bed, the first sound to leave its occupant's mouth in a full three weeks.
        The sound came again, louder than before. One of Siobhan Beckette's hands clenched briefly before restlessly twining in the sheet which covered her. Just seconds later one of the monitor alarms sounded...

        Dr. Park immediately entered the claustrophobically small room which had been set up as a hospital room and frowned at the monitor read outs. Her patient's blood pressure had suddenly shot way up, as well as her heart rate and...
        Beckette groaned and began tugging against her restraints.
        "Oh my God!" Park breathed.
        Leaning down, she felt her patient's belly and wasn't very surprised to find it hard as a rock.
        The Implant was in labor.
        "Siobhan!" she said loudly, as she smoothed the woman's hair back and then patted her cheeks. "Open your eyes, hon. Look at me."
        As though emerging from a restless dream, Beckette squinted and shied away from the light.
        "Where am I? Ughhhh.... My back! Oh! My head!"
        Park loosened her bonds and worked the bed controls so that both the head and the foot were slightly elevated.
        "What do you remember?" she asked the rapidly blinking implant.
        "Agent Sandoval and I were in Saint Michael's Church..." she whispered hoarsely. "Ahhhh....uhhhhh.... Oh, my head! What's wrong with me? My belly! Have I been shot? Oh God! I look as though I'm going to burst!"
        "Siobhan....this is going to be very difficult for you to understand at first... but do you remember Hag'el?"
        "Sure. We were tracking him down."
        "The man you met in the church was not Agent Sandoval."
        Beckette's eyes widened. "Hag'el?" At Parks' nod she froze. "He kissed me!"
        "That was three weeks ago and I'm afraid he did more than just kiss you." Dr. Park placed a hand on the implant's abdomen and patted it gently as it began to relax. "Hag'el managed to impregnate you, Siobhan. You've been in a coma ever since."
        Siobhan's eyes rolled up in her head and she fainted.

        When she again opened them five minutes later, it was to find Jonathan Doors, Lili Marquette and Dr. Belman in the room with her! She had fallen into the hands of the Liberation...
        "My head...." she whimpered. The pain had become intense. She felt as though a drill were perforating her skull.
        "Your CVI was damaged somehow during your encounter with Hag'el," Belman explained.
        "So I am to die..."
        The doctor grasped her hand and squeezed it. "Don't be ridiculous. We'll replace the implant - and yes, you'll still have free will."
        Siobhan frowned. "How do you know..."
        "Boone told us," Doors replied. "He was one of ours."
        Boone was a liberation spy? Beckette's already painful head really started throbbing. "...but... I thought that he and Da'an..."
        "Da'an was aware of Boone's connections," Lili added. "They were working together to help save both our peoples... but then you had to show up and start getting nosey..."
        "I don't understand..."
        "You followed me to the church, remember? You were about to blow my cover and expose our base, when Hag'el showed up," Lili hissed. "We had to call Boone in and in an attempt to make peace with Hag'el, he was critically injured, but not before he vaporized the alien."
        "I'm sorry," she gasped, as another contraction seized her. "William Boone has my deepest admiration, as does Da'an. I never would have..." She had to stop talking for a while, until the contraction eased off. "I pray that Will is recovering," she finished weakly.
        There was silence in the room.
        Finally Dr. Belman spoke, "Zo'or killed him three weeks ago - only hours after the battle. Da'an has withdrawn from his position and Zo'or himself has disappeared."
        Beckette closed her eyes. "What are you going to do with me then?" she whispered, as she turned her head away from them.
        Doors cleared his throat. "It seems to me that that's all up to you..."


        Upon the completion of his brief exile, Zo'or immediately made his way to a shuttle with Sandoval in tow. His implant had spent at least ten hours of each Earth rotation with him during his imprisonment and his presence had allowed the Taelon to retain his strength.
        Quo'on most likely anticipated that he would spend the next forty eight hours close to an energy stream.
        Now was the time for him to finalize his plans...
        As they boarded the vehicle, Zo'or took the pilot's chair himself and began the preliminary startup procedures.
        "Will you tell me where we're going?" Sandoval asked.
        "I must make some final arrangements..." he threw back over his shoulder. "...and you shall continue the search for Nivian Ibraham. She must be removed from what is to come and escorted to the safety of the home ship."



        Belman emerged from the small hospital room shortly after a baby's cry began echoing throughout Liberation headquarters.
        "You can come in now," she said. "but only two at a time, please!"
        Doors and Lili pushed their way to the front of the crowd and followed her in.
        Beckette lay on her bed with an infant in her arms, her expression kept alternating between joy and sadness.
        "May I introduce the newest member of the liberation, Liam Kincaid," Belman announced.
        "Liam?" Lili asked.
        "Kincaid?" Doors questioned.
        "Liam is the Celtic version of William," Beckette explained. "and Kincaid was my mother's maiden name." She offered the infant to Lili, who quickly waved her hands before her.
        "Uh, no. I'm not good with babies," she said, as though the thought of holding one terrified her.
        Amazingly, it was Doors who stepped forward and took the child. Cradling it like a pro, he unwrapped the baby and apparently satisfied that it looked completely human, rewrapped it and rocked it gently.
        "I can see you've done this before," Beckette drawled.
        "Joshua Doors is my son," he answered.
        "So I've heard," she answered amusedly.
        "Some things you just never forget..." The billionaire handed the infant back to her. "You understand that Dr. Park will need to run some tests on him?"
        "Yes. So long as he isn't hurt, that will be fine."
        "Have you considered our offer?" he asked.
        "The one where you give me a new CVI and send me back to companion service while keeping my child as insurance for my silence?" She winced as her head began pounding again. "I've thought it over and I have a better suggestion."
        "And what might that be?" Doors asked suspiciously.
        "We do things as you suggested... but, I take over Boone's role."
        "What?" Lili and Belman asked together.
        "I go back to Kha'rha, but I remain your operative. My Companion is every bit as approachable and open-minded as Da'an. I'm sure that with some time, that we could become as effective as the team you lost."
        The three resistance members stared at each other.
        "What about Liam?" Lili asked.
        "No one can know of his existence," the woman on the bed answered. "He must stay here with you. I'd like to say that I have deep feelings for him, but this has all happened so suddenly for me that I feel as though birthing him was simply a strange dream." She sighed deeply. "Truly, I feel it best that I not be allowed to grow too attached to him."
        "But he's your child!" Belman protested.
        "He's the child I have always wished to have, but I see now that there is no way we can remain together. I'm not a monster, doctor. I'm thinking about his safety and about insuring that there is a world left for him to grow up in. His safety still ensures my silence.."
        Doors nodded. "Good enough. I accept your suggestion." he turned towards Belman. "When will you reimplant her?"
        "The sooner the better, but I can't get started until Park arrives to begin her studies of the infant... Where IS she?"
        "That's a good question..." Lili mused. "I never saw her leave."
        "She's like that," Doors muttered. "I've warned her about it before, but she insists that when one of her patient's needs her that she's going to leave." He placed the infant up on his shoulder. "I'll take care of this little fighter until she turns up."
        He left the room as three sets of amused eyes watched.


        It was with some amazement later that day that Lili found herself called to Washington by the acting North American Companion, Eh'har.
        As she entered the main corridor, she heard voices around the bend and slowed to listen.
        Agent Sandoval was talking with one of the guards...
        "You're sure that it was Dr. Ibraham?" the implant asked.
        "Definitely. Commander Boone had already cleared her for entrance to the embassy at any hour of the day or night. I recognized her as soon as she showed up."
        "What happened to her? Her visit here seems to be the very last time see was ever seen." There was silence for a while and then Sandoval tried again. "The woman's life may be in danger. Zo'or himself has ordered that she be found. If you know anything and refuse to divulge your knowledge..."
        The guard sighed. "Commander Boone is dead, so it's not like I'm betraying his trust... " He took a deep breath. "The Commander took her out of here. All I know is that she was to receive a new identity and the treatment which she most definitely needed..."
        "Treatment for what?"
        "She was quite mad."
        Lili backtracked down the corridor and then preceded forward again, making certain that the two men would hear her approach.
        "Captain Marquette!" Sandoval greeted her warmly, holding out a hand to her. "I haven't seen you since..."
        "...The funeral - I know," she responded as she took his hand.
        "I didn't have the chance to tell you that I never believed what Beckette thought - that you were a spy," he continued.
        She forced a smile. "It means a lot to know that you trust me." There was an uncomfortable silence before she withdrew her hand. "I'm sorry. I can't stay and chat. Eh'har is expecting me..."
        "Of course." He stepped aside to let her pass by.
        Lili quickly strode the rest of the way down the corridor and entered the audience chamber.
        Although she knew what to expect, her first face-to-face meeting with the Taelon was unnerving to say the least.
        He looked exactly like Zo'or!
        Fortunately, the strange Taelon who had once been assigned as Boone's assistant was present within the audience chamber. His warm greeting did much to help set her at ease.
        "Captain Marquette," the Companion greeted her, as she bowed slightly before him. "I thank you for heeding my request." He indicated the other Taelon. "I believe that you have met Dro'vha?"
        "Yes, I have." She nodded again to the other diplomat and with a sense of both joy and sorrow noted that he still wore the fanny pack Boone had once purchased for him.
        "Dro'vha suggested that it was past time that we met," Eh'har continued. "I am well aware that my appearance is... unsettling to say the least, which is why I have waited these three weeks before summoning you." He rose then and approached her slowly. "Dro'vha will vouch for my identity," he said, as he stopped before her and lowered his gaze.
        "This is Eh'har," the other Taelon stated. "William Boone, as well as Agent Sandoval and other implants familiar with Taelons, are able to identify him by the colors and patterns of his true form."
        On cue, Eh'har assumed his true guise. "I am a contemporary of Da'an - older than Zo'or, and therefore you will note that my energy matrix is of a shorter wavelength."
        Shorter wavelength? Lili's brow wrinkled for a moment before she realized he was talking about his coloration.
        "You're a bluer tone, while Zo'or has more pink and lavender tones!" she translated.
        Eh'har's human guise reappeared, making his smile obvious.
        "Just so." He held out a hand to her. "I fear that Da'an's existence has taken many startling turns lately," he said, as she clasped it. "I suspect that he will need you more than he ever has before... in the times yet to come. If ever you... or he, require my aid, you need only ask."
        She found herself swallowing hard. "Thank you," she whispered.
        "There is one more thing... You must agree to visit with me as soon as I return to Hawaii."
        "Why there?"
        Eh'har smiled. "It is of the gravest importance that you do so. Please say that you will."
        "OK. I will. Are you expecting to return soon?"
        "I fear that I shall."
        With an affirmative nod, Eh'har withdrew his hand and slowly walked from the room.
        "He certainly isn't anything like his brother!" she said to Dro'vha.
        "No. He is not, which speaks well for his other parent's contribution to his being," he responded.
        Lili looked at his fanny pack. "I see you still wear it," she remarked.
        "It is a remembrance of one who called me friend," he whispered. "I am proud to have known him and this token from him pleases me greatly..."
        Lili nodded and ready to take her leave, spun on a heel.
        "Wait!" Dro'vha called out.
        Before she could do more than look at him curiously, he was beside her.
        "Da'an awaits you at your abode. Please meet with him as soon as you are able."
        Lili's eyes widened with surprise.
        "Thank you!" she called out as she moved off at a trot. She had been hoping for the chance to see her friend for so very long!!


         The shuttle flight felt like it too forever, and yet Lili knew it couldn't have lasted more than ten minutes. She found herself suddenly just a bundle of raw nerves. There was so much she wanted to ask Da'an about Boone's death, so much she wanted to ask him about how he had been coping...
        Quickly landing the shuttle in the small street behind the house, she ran for the back door and fumbled with her keys before she was able to get the proper one in the lock.  Entering the darkened interior, she moved towards the living room.
        She turned to see the North American Companion emerging from the dark hallway and quickly moved to close the heavy curtains and turn on the lights.
        He was holding a bundle of some sort in his arms...
        Lili came to a stop directly in front of him as he placed the bundle up on his shoulder.
        It was an infant! A newborn!
        All she could do was stare at him in speechless amazement.
        Da'an blinked amusedly at her expression before moving into the living room.
        Shaking her head, she watched as he sought out a place on the sofa, but the hair on her neck started to stand on end when she saw the infant staring intently at her over the Taelon's shoulder. She moved to one side and its eyes remained focused directly on her. She moved closer and was able to see that those staring eyes would one day be green. She couldn't see much else - its head was still covered with a light receiving blanket and much of its face was plastered against Da'an's shoulder...but she had the sudden feeling that its hair was red.
        Da'an sat then and motioned her to do the same.
        "Is it a boy or a girl?" she asked, as she sat beside him.
        "Why is it that humans always pose that particular question first?" Da'an mused before answering. "The child is male."
        "Is he...Sarah Boone's child?" she asked, feeling certain that it had to be.
        "Let us come back to the child after we have discussed other important subjects," he answered as he lowered the infant and handed him off to her. As Lili struggled to find a decent way to support the baby, Da'an continued. "Much has changed in the last three weeks..."
        "Yeah..." she sighed sadly.
        "I fear that I too am changing. I shall soon be removed from my chair..."
        "What? Why?" The news was unexpected and unwelcome.
        "There is something I must soon do... which will force the Synod to replace me," he explained.
        She stared at him, mentally urging him to elaborate. When he didn't, she asked, "What is it that you're going to do?"
        "I plan to cut myself off from the common thoughts. I plan to do this within the next four months. I therefore sincerely doubt that I shall resume my position. It is best that your government and peoples learn to accept a different Taelon in that role."
        "But why? Why leave the commonality now?" Just then she unwrapped the baby's head and froze.
        He was the spitting image of Boone!
        Her eyes snapped up to meet Da'an's. "You're cutting yourself off to keep the baby safe," she breathed.
        He nodded.
        Lili lifted the infant up and stared hard at his face.
        The baby stared right back.
        "Da'an..." she finally began. "You and Will....the two of you...." She took a deep breath. "Is this your child? Yours and William's?"
        The baby suddenly wrinkled up his face and let out a brief squall.
        An amused look lit Da'an's face. "This is not my child," he replied. "Nor is it Boone's. It IS Boone."
        Lili's mouth dropped open and she again stared at the infant, which was staring solemnly back.
        "How?" she breathed, lifting him closer to her face. "You told me that he had died!"
        "His body did die," the Companion said, as he took the infant from her. "We were able to clone his form... A large part of Boone's consciousness was living within me and when I first touched the infant clone two days ago..."
        "But...Is this really Willie or just a clone with some of his memories?" Lili asked.
        Da'an rubbed his cheek against the infant's and blushed. "This is Boone, Lili. Some of his memories are lost, but he is otherwise...intact." He turned his large blue eyes on her. "He tells me that you should never call him Willie."
        She felt as though she would faint. Da'an's relayed message was exactly what Boone would say to her for using his sister's teasing name for him. Overcome with relief, Lili leaned over and planted a big kiss the baby's forehead as tears moistened her eyes. Then, as she wiped them away, she turned her attention back to the Taelon.
        "You don't want the commonality to learn that Boone is still alive. That's why you have to sever your mental link..." She laid a hand on Da'an's shoulder. "What will happen to you then? How will you manage to care for William and get by without the common thoughts?"
        "William will be entering an age acceleration chamber within a matter of days," Da'an explained. "The chamber forces its occupant to sleep and provides life support and muscular stimulation while it actually moves its contents into a separate dimension. Boone shall sleep for forty years, but to us it will seem that only a few weeks have passed." Da'an paused briefly in his narration to stroke the infant's silky hair and Lili had the impression that he was mentally soothing him. "So long as I am bound to him," he continued. "I can survive without the commonality... However, William fears that when he has been placed into the chamber, that our connection may be lost."
        "What do you think?"
        "I believe that he may be correct."
        "Then maybe you'd better wait until he's back before doing this."
        Da'an turned two large and very determined phosphorescent blue eyes upon her. "The risk is too great. If Zo'or requests an ... inquest into by recent behavior, then not even Quo'on will be able to prevent the Synod from invading my mind..."
        Lili gulped. "If things get... out of control, try to get to Augur's place. You'll be safest there for now," she assured him.
        "Thank you."
        Lili put a hand on Da'an's shoulder. "Will you be all right? You know I'll do anything I can to help."
        Da'an's expression softened. "I cannot say, however, I fear that there will be many difficulties... Please know that Dro'vha is acquainted with my situation and can be trusted. Should something... unfortunate happen to me, you may contact him through either Kha'rha or Eh'har. Eh'har, as the current acting Companion in this area, is the more convenient choice, however, you know that he resembles our enemy. Do not seek him out unless you are certain that you can identify him..."
        "Dro'vha introduced us," she told him. "He's a bluer color..."
        Da'an looked worried. "The only certain method for distinguishing the two is to memorize their pathway patterns. A young Taelon like Zo'or, may fortify their energy fields for a short time, rendering them capable of assuming a temporary blue coloration."
        "Too big a risk then! I'll contact Dro'vha through Kha'rha."
        Da'an reached out and clasped her hand.
        In a flash she found herself staring at two Taelons as Da'an pointed out the key differences in their patterns.
        Once the lesson was over, they shared and Da'an communicated to her everything which had befallen him in the weeks since Boone's 'death'. From her, he learned of the enormous grief the implant's death had generated in far reaching circles...
        ...And then, Lili felt Boone's consternation at the pain she and the rest of his friends had endured. His need to be among them and set the record straight was enough to cause him to wail with frustration.
        The sound of him brought her back to the present. Of course she had felt his presence during the sharing - Da'an still held him... and the two of them were now fully bonded...
        "Our bond has suffered much," the Taelon said suddenly, as their hands parted. "When we are not touching, I can only sense his emotions - not his actual thoughts. It is my hope that once he has been fully restored, that we may strengthen our bond..."
        Lili nodded. "There's something else you should know... I overheard Sandoval talking with one of the embassy guards. He's trying to track down a woman named Ibraham. The guard mentioned that Boone had a hand in hiding her somewhere, so I figured that this was important."
        Da'an lowered his eyes and stared at the infant, giving Lili the impression that they were carrying on a prolonged conversation.
        Finally, Da'an looked directly at her. "It is important information indeed," he said. "Boone kept this from you and the Liberation, for he feared that Jonathan Doors would take advantage of the unfortunate doctor." He tilted his head to one side. "Nivian Ibraham and Zo'or were... lovers. In addition, they had begun to form a permanent bond, but the doctor withdrew at a crucial moment, leaving herself emotionally crippled and mentally... unstable. Zo'or has searched for her ever since..."
        "If they bonded...then she knows what he knows..." Lili's eyes widened. "He'll kill her!"
        Da'an blushed blue. "You are mistaken, Captain," he whispered. "He loves her and wants her back."
        Lili was speechless.
        "Tell me - has Beckette birthed her child yet?" The ex-Companion's voice snapped Lili back to attention.
        "How could you know that?"
        The Taelon looked amused. "Three weeks is the usual gestational time span for a Taelon/Human hybrid. I assumed that the half human offspring of one of Hag'el's race would take approximately the same time."
        Lili nodded. "She named him Liam. He was only four hours old when I left and already the size of a four year old. He's eating everything in sight... and... Da'an, he's already talking! How is that possible?"
        "We all come into being with the complete knowledge of our parents," the Taelon explained.
        The pilot's eyes widened. "So, in a way he IS Hag'el!"
        "Yes. Do not fear. He also has the genetic makeup and much of the natures of both Siobhan Beckette and Ronald Sandoval. I do not believe that he is in any way dangerous to any of you."
        Apparently realizing that he had given the human more than enough to think about, Da'an stood and began moving towards the doors.
        "Wait a minute." Lili said. As he turned to look at her, she continued. "Exactly how long will 'Willie' be in the chamber?"
        The baby's eyes narrowed as he let out another squall. With another amused look, Da'an again propped him on his shoulder, facing away from Lili.
        "He says that you will pay for that when he emerges from the chamber five weeks and five days hence."
        "Oh really? Well I'll have you know, Willie, that twenty two inches long or seventy six inches tall, I can whip your butt any day!" With that, she reached out and tweaking the infant's behind, laughed at the outraged look which crossed his wrinkled little face.

        Less than one quarter of an earth rotation later, Da'an sat within his chamber, contemplating the view of the Earth. Boone was sound asleep upon his meditation mat, allowing the Companion the freedom to ponder subjects which might perhaps have otherwise upset the human.
        He had decided to withdraw from the Commonality sooner than he had originally planned. Instead of waiting for Boone to emerge from the tank, he would accomplish the feat just before Boone entered it.  His withdrawal would be made with no announcement or explanation to the Synod or his fellow Taelons.
        He would simply do it.
        Rising from the small chair, he moved closer to his mat and stared down at the sleeping infant with a tender look upon his face. He had tried to keep the risks of what he was about to do from Boone, certain that his other would strongly object to his intended course of action.  William would rather risk his own life than jeopardize Da'an's...but, he seemed not to understand that the reverse was equally true.
        Withdrawing from the rest of his race before Boone was once more separated from him by the necessity of the acceleration chamber... was risky, however, the alternative was worse. Da'an could not stand by and allow the possibility that Boone would be discovered - not when there was a way to prevent so dangerous an occurrence.
        He would somehow find the strength to sever himself from his people and trust that separated or not, his bond with Boone would see him through the coming trials...

        Sandoval entered Zo'or's audience chamber late that afternoon and found to his amazement that Joshua Doors was present... and having a conversation with Zo'or! The two of them were standing close together, talking in hushed tones, but they stepped apart when they saw him.
        His surprise and distrust must have been plainly visible upon his face, for Zo'or moved forward to greet him.
        "Mr. Doors has requested an impromptu meeting with Quo'on," the Taelon explained. "All has been arranged. You will escort him to the Synod Leader immediately."
        Sandoval had the strong impression that something was most definitely not right. Hadn't Quo'on mentioned finalizing certain arrangements? Still, his confusion did not prevent him from glaring at Doors. He so despised the man!
        Turning back to Zo'or, he bowed slightly and took his leave.
        "Please follow me," he grumbled at the lawyer, as he spun on his heel and made for the doorway.
        Behind him a triumphant look crossed Zo'or's face. He caught a glimpse of it in a glass picture frame as he approached the door and continued onward as his sense of dread escalated.


        Doors refused to speak to Sandoval during the shuttle trip to the home ship, which suited him just fine. As it was he found himself fighting to keep his lip from curling in disgust.
        Upon landing, he wasted no time in escorting the lawyer into Quo'on's presence. The sooner his task was completed, the sooner he could be rid of the weasel's presence. Then he moved back to the chamber entranceway and respectfully lowered his eyes.
        "What is the situation which required so urgent a meeting?" he heard the Synod leader asked as he entered the chamber from the rear.
        Immediately realizing that something was very wrong, Sandoval started to look up...
        ...and was momentarily blinded by a bright flash of light. Even as he raised his skrill, willing to risk a blind shot at the Taelon's assailant, Quo'on cried out.
        "Quo'on!!!" Sandoval screamed and then fired blindly. His shot must have missed, for in the next second he was bowled over by the fleeing assassin. Coming quickly to his feet, he blinked twice and managing to focus on the man's retreating back, lifted his arm to finish him off.
        Too late! Doors had already ducked around the corner!
        With a curse, he headed off in pursuit. By now, the entire taelon race had to know what had happened to their leader. Key areas would quickly be sealed.
        How the hell had Doors obtained a skrill? Did he have a CVI? How had that happened?! ...Was this the plan Zo'or had eluded to?
        No matter. Doors wouldn't get far!

        Collapsing suddenly to his knees, Da'an cried out as he felt the touch of his brother's fleeing consciousness.
        Quo'on was gone from this plane never to return...
        Falling forward onto his arms, he remained on hands and knees, struggling to come to terms with the latest loss of his life. He knew not how long he remained that way, but the sudden crying of his infant friend finally brought him around.
        Rising slowly and unsteadily to his feet, he started towards him, but then inexplicably changed course and headed for the chamber doorway. He was aware of Boone's sudden silence and the indignant look which crossed his face, however...
        Da'an stepped out into the corridor just as Dr. Park rounded the bend and nearly collided with him.
        "Dr. Park? What is your purpose here?" he managed to ask the equally startled human in a calm tone.
        "Da'an! You ARE still alive!" she exclaimed with apparent joy. Seeing that the Companion did not react, she answered his question. "I'm on an assignment. I was asked to fetch certain items from Kee'sha's old laboratory."
        Da'an's eyes narrowed, for there was little doubt in his mind that he had just been lied to. Before he could ask another question there was the sound of someone approaching at a run and Agent Sandoval nearly slammed into them.
        "Da'an!" he exclaimed with surprise. "Quo'on..."
        "I am aware that my brother is no longer amongst us," he responded shortly. "Who is responsible for this atrocity?"
        "Joshua Doors!" the implant spat. At the Da'an's incredulous look he added, "I saw him! He had a skrill!"
        Da'an stared in complete shock as Sandoval turned to address Park.
        "I don't know what you're doing here doctor, but I suggest that you depart. Immediately!"
        With a quick nod, she headed off toward the nearest shuttle bay.
        The ex-Companion watched her go.
        Sandoval fidgeted. "I need to continue my search..." Receiving a nod of approval, the implant continued down the corridor.
        Da'an entered his chamber and quickly moved to pick up Boone. Discussing the strange occurrence as well as the loss of Quo'on, they quickly surmised that Joshua Doors could not have killed the Synod Leader.
        Furthermore, they were in agreement that Da'an could very well be the next victim...

        Within that very hour,  Da'an settled himself on a cushion in his chamber with Boone in his lap. He could feel his friend's fear for him and gently settled a reassuring hand on the infant's small torso before slipping into a trance.
        In his mind's eye, he became aware of the other members of his race as small points of energy interlocked by lines of force. With a final, bittersweet touch of those minds, he pulled back until he was seeing the point of energy which was himself. He began tugging at the link which joined himself to the others.
        At first it stretched, an event which he felt as a dimming of the others' presence in his mind. Then it snapped.
        The sudden silence in his mind was shocking, unnerving and frightened him beyond belief. He felt suddenly as though his life itself had ended. He could not even seem to find his way back to his own form...
        And then Boone stood there before him, holding out his hand. Da'an grasped it and felt his friend lead him back to a strange new life. He opened his eyes and holding Boone's small form close, lay down on his side. He curled into a ball and miserable in his isolation began to transfer all his psychic needs to Boone.
        Boone welcomed the extra burden with open arms.


        The door chime startled Da'an and for the first time in his existence, he did not automatically know who stood without.
        He found it to be an anxiety provoking situation.
        Uncertain of admitting an unknown visitor, he rose and carefully hid Boone beneath a light cover which was crumpled up on the mat. He didn't need to tell him not to make a sound - it had been Boone's own suggestion that he hide him in that spot.
        Moving to the chamber door, he waved off the lock. The door immediately opened admitting Eh'har.
        Lowering his head and refusing to meet his friend's eyes, he retreated back into his chamber, finally coming to a stop before the window with his back to the other Companion.
        "Why?" Eh'har asked, obviously at a loss as to the circumstances which prompted Da'an's drastic action.
        Da'an did not respond.
        The silence dragged out until the pacific Companion moved forward and placed his hands on his friend's shoulders. "This is the last thing Quo'on would have wished. Your defection in light of his passage strengthens Zo'or to the point that he may assume control of the Synod!"
        Da'an's face remained averted. He did not speak.
        Eh'har clutched him tightly. "I feel for your loss," he whispered. "I am sorry for the passage of your human friend and I too grieve for the loss of Quo'on. How will this abandonment of your people serve to aid the humans or ourselves?"
        Da'an suddenly seemed to straighten.
        "You cannot possible know the agony I experienced with Boone's death!" he said forcefully, startling his friend. "I cannot continue as a part of our collective knowing that another of my kind did this to him and most certainly to Quo'on as well. Nor may I remain linked to the commonality knowing that the majority believes it is correct and right that we abuse the humans in our quest for survival! They already think of me as being lost to them."
        He stepped back from Eh'har. "I cannot continue my chair as North American Companion, for I cannot be a part of the Synod's plans... I fear that Zo'or's leadership will not, in the long run, prove much different than Quo'on's. At least Zo'or believes in making full disclosure, even as I do..."
        Eh'har blushed blue.
        "It is your pain which brings forth these words," Eh'har said softly. "You know that you will soon also fall before Zo'or's ambition. Who then will rally the voice of reason amongst us? Who will speak for the humans?"
        Da'an hesitated. "There are other things which must be taken care of..." he whispered. "Allies amongst the humans who must be brought together. I must go amongst them. It is the only way to ensure my continued existence. Only in this way may I one day prove to our people that a merging with the human race is the only way we may all survive. It is the only way to ensure that I might one day counter Zo'or and restore the balance... "
        "You mean to live amongst the humans?" Eh'har was shocked. "You cannot hope to survive, no matter how you may empathize with them! Boone was your sole supporter amongst them. Stripped of your rank, who among them will welcome you?"
        Da'an turned towards the window again. He couldn't risk revealing his connections, but he couldn't help but respond to his friend's frustrated outburst.
        "I believe that there will always be those among the humans who will welcome us... " he said. "What is done... is done. In the long run, this may well prove to be our only course of action."
        His friend moved forward and embraced him then.
        "Peace Da'an. I shall visit with you from time to time," Zo'or's elder sibling informed him. "Please do not do anything... rash... Let me know when you are ready to depart."
        With that, he turned and quit the room.
        Da'an immediately moved to retrieve Boone and was not surprised to see tears on the infant's face. Is friend's distress for his situation was acute. He placed him high on his shoulder so that their cheeks touched and sat before the window.
        Together, they tried to make sense of everything which had befallen them.


        A short time later, Da'an exited his chamber, a small bundle clutched tightly to his chest. Moving quickly, he fled to the moon base. Time was short. The trap was closing.
        He had to make provisions for Boone's care until such time that he could enter the chamber which would restore him to adult status...
        In his mind, he heard his friend's protests.
        <"Peace Boone. We shall discuss this once we are safely away..."> he thought to him.
        As he entered the small, hidden chamber which was constructed behind a large life control unit at the outskirts of the moon base, he saw that Dro'vha had already arrived and was waiting for him.
        "When shall it be complete?" he asked anxiously.
        "Two more Earth rotations," Dro'vha answered.
        Da'an stared at the nearly completed tank as Boone continued whispering in his mind. His implant was adamant about remaining with him until the tank was completed. With a sigh, he gave in. There really was little he could deny his friend...
        "Dro'vha," he addressed the other diplomat. "When the chamber is completed, contact Captain Marquette. She will meet you at the Washington Embassy with Boone."
        "Where will you be?"
        "With your aid, I shall endeavor to disappear..."

        Eh'har was surprised to sense Dro'vha's arrival and moved to the shuttle bay to greet him. Perhaps they could discuss Da'an's situation...
        He found himself further surprised to see that the diplomat had a human female with him - and that she carried an infant.
        The other Taelon moved to greet him as the female trailed behind. When they stood together, Dro'vha spoke, "This is a friend. I had long since promised her a shuttle trip to Washington. She will be on her way now..."
        "If she is friend to you, then she is always welcome here," Eh'har responded. "Will you stay? There is much to be discussed..."
        "I shall..."
        As the two of them moved off towards the audience chamber a guard moved forward to escort the woman to the front entrance.
        He had looked her over from his post near the doorway.
        She was of average height, with medium length, curly red hair, a pale complexion and freckles. The navy colored dress complimented her well. Now that he stood beside her, he could see that her child had the same red hair and green eyes.
        He decided to give it a try. "First time in Washington?" he asked.
        "Will you need a taxi?"
        "Yes... please."
        The guard shrugged. She was most definitely the shy type, he decided. Still... she wore no wedding ring.
        "Listen..." he said in an enthusiastic tone. "If you'd like to catch a bite somewhere later..."
        The woman stared at him in confusion, but after a quick glance at her child her eyes narrowed. "I thank you for the offer, however... I never eat...dinner."
        Confused and disheartened, he decided it was still worth another try. "Breakfast tomorrow then?"
        Again she looked at her infant and then swung it expertly up onto her shoulder. "I am already... attached," she said firmly. "Now, you were going to obtain a taxi for me?"
        Disappointed, he nodded. "Right this way," he said, as he led her down a side corridor.


        "Joshua! You have to get out of there - now!"
        Doors blinked in surprise and stared at his monitor. "Lili... what are you talking about?"
        "The Synod Leader, Quo'on, was just assassinated by someone impersonating you! The Taelons are already contacting Thompson and demanding that you be remanded to them to answer for the crime!"
        "What!?... That's absurd! I've been here all day..." he thought about that for a minute. His home office was not a public place... "I don't have an alibi..." he swallowed.
        "Word from Dro'vha is that Zo'or is already in the process of assuming Quo'on's office. Da'an has withdrawn from the commonality and is in hiding. Everything is falling apart!" Lili's face was grim. "Zo'or will have the majority of the Synod backing him and if he wants to pin this on you, you'll be dead within twenty four hours if you don't follow Da'an's example and get lost!"
        Joshua felt himself beginning to panic as he came to his feet and began gathering together a few of his belongings. "Where can I go?" he asked. "Will my father consider offering me shelter?"
        "I have a friend..." she answered. "You should be safe at his place until we can work things out with Jonathan..."

        The soft, but persistent sound of his alarm system sent Augur scurrying towards his control room. He had just been watching the latest news reports while preparing dinner - one he planned on sharing with Lili when she arrived.
        The monitors revealed an unsuccessfully disguised Joshua Doors, causing him to groan. This was all he needed right now!
        Thumbing on the microphone, he waited until the liberation leader's son stood just outside the double-doored entranceway to his abode and spoke.
        "I don't need you hanging around here right now, man," he growled. "Don't you know that everyone on the planet is hunting for you? Why would you want to bring such trouble to my doorstep?"
        "Look, I'm sorry, OK?" Doors looked extremely put out. "Lili Marquette told me I'd be safe here until such time as other accommodations could be arranged..."
        Augur snorted. "She has a lot of nerve offering my place up like this without even contacting me first."
        "Can I come in or not?"
        The techno-wizard was about to buzz him through when an attractive looking redhead suddenly entered camera range, setting the alarm off anew.
        "What the hell is this? Open house?" Augur groaned. "What do you want?"
        The woman looked at Doors and then up at the camera. "We seek sanctuary," she replied in a surprisingly familiar sounding voice.
        She held up the bundle she carried, revealing it to be an infant.
        "Lady! This isn't Notre Dame!" he yelled, losing his patience. "What the hell possessed you to show up here looking for shelter?"
        The woman touched her throat briefly and in the next second Da'an himself stood before the two startled men.
        "Da'an!" they both exclaimed in unison.
        Augur hurriedly buzzed them both inside.

        When Lili showed up the three of them were seated around Augur's table amid the remains of a meal and she was surprised to see Augur holding Boone.
        Joshua immediately shot her a look which implied he was grateful for her presence, while Da'an merely nodded before turning and taking Boone from Augur.
        Augur glared at her.
        "Sorry," she whispered. "I've been so busy that I never had a chance to tell you..."
        "Would it have been that hard to pick up your global and give me a heads up?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. Seeing that she had no good reply ready, he reached out and pulled out the remaining chair for her before continuing in a sour tone, "Have a seat. I would have given you dinner, but I had unexpected..." Here he indicated his two guests, "... company."
        "All right, I said I was sorry!" she groused. "What do we know?"
        "Well....Let's see...." Augur went into sarcastic mode. "Joshua here is the number one fugitive on the planet and he's staying at my place, which makes me an accomplice. Da'an is the number two fugitive on the planet and if his Taelon friends find out I'm hiding him here, they'll have me vaporized. Then there's the matter of the little ex-implant cum resistance leader now turned baby. I'm sure that Zo'or wouldn't mind doing something horrible to me for helping him out either...although...." Augur's face softened for a moment. "I'm so damn happy to know he's not dead, that I really don't mind him staying."
        In Da'an's arms the infant cooed, causing the Taelon to blush blue.
        "What did he say?" Lili asked.
        "He says that he's grateful, but that he knows his friend would never turn any of us away..."
        "Watch it red! I'll tan that little fanny of yours the first time you start squalling in the middle of the night!"
        Da'an fixed Lilii with a long suffering look. "While you were not present, we discussed Mr. Doors' options," he explained. "We all know that he did not kill Quo'on... however, I fear that exonerating him shall prove all but impossible."
        Joshua spoke up. "I have no alibi and, in addition, Sandoval claims to have seen me do it. He supposedly shuttled up to the home ship with me..."
        "I surmise that Zo'or used a holographic device like my own to cloak a skrill-weilding implant in Mr. Doors' likeness," the ex-Companion continued."
        "Why don't you know this for certain?" Lili asked. "Why don't your people? Aren't you all joined within the Commonality?"
        Da'an looked down at the floor.
        "You've already done it, haven't you?" she asked. "That's why your people don't know what happened to you..."
        "Done what?" Augur asked.
        "I have severed myself from the Taelon consciousness," Da'an explained. "It was the only way to ensure Boone's safety... and now my own as well. Zo'or had a with a human woman many months ago. I believe that through a joining with her, he has learned how to keep secrets from our brethren, even as I once learned how to keep Boone's true status from them."
        Augur stood up and began clearing the table. "So what do we do now?" he asked.
        "I'll contact Jonathan about Joshua," Lili said. "But as far as Da'an and Boone go, Boone's going to be gone from us for a few months... and I think Da'an would be best off staying here for a while. That OK Augur?"
        The techno-wizard sniffed. "I put up with Sahjit for a while. How much trouble could a renegade Taelon be?"
        Lili smiled at him briefly before biting her lip and reaching out to pat Doors' hand. "Same thing with you, Joshua. We're going to have to watch and wait and see if we can give you back your life, but..."
        "Yeah, I know. It doesn't look good..."
        "One last thing..." At Augur's raised eyebrow, she continued. "Best that we not tell Jonathan that we know where Da'an is - not yet, anyway..."
        "Agreed," the two men answered together.

        Later that evening, Lili returned to shepherd Joshua to the liberation headquarters. Before leaving, she lifted Boone and placed a kiss on his head and then turned to briefly hug Da'an.
        "I'll be back as soon as my schedule allows," she promised. "Augur may seem arrogant, but you both know that he can be trusted. If you need anything at all, don't be afraid to ask him."
        Once she had gone, Augur set about making his guests comfortable.
        "There's an upstairs storage room," he announced, leading them up the stairs. "It gets hot in the summer, but at this time of the year it should be just fine. A little dusting, a futon and it should be adequate. You'll only be here to rest. Otherwise you can hang with me downstairs."
        Da'an surveyed the room, with its steepled tin roof and small end window.
        "This is quite suitable," he announced. "...however, I do require some items for Boone as I had not time to bring any with me..."
        "Diapers and formula?"
        "Yes, and a bottle as well."
        Augur leaned over to peer into the baby's face. "You poor bastard," he whispered. "Bet you can't wait to get into that acceleration chamber..."
        The infant's lower lip began to quiver and Da'an immediately lifted him so that their cheeks were pressed together. The look he turned upon Augur was one of disapproval.
        "Sorry. I'll go get those things now..."

        For two more days he had Boone to himself.
        His infant form was aware most of the time, sleeping only when he slept and letting out a short cry only when he had need of food, cleaning or reassurance. The entire situation was difficult for his friend, he knew. Those intelligent eyes watched everything he did and pleaded with him silently to end his current nightmare.
        At those times that Boone's horror became so great that he could sense it clearly from across the room, he would rush to cradle his friend so that their cheeks touched. Rubbing gently against the silky skin of Boone's now beardless face, he would croon softly to him in Eunoia and soothe him by reminding him that he would soon sleep until he was once again himself.
        He had feared that the bond they had finally cemented had been broken when Boone's consciousness had entered the infant, but this proved not to be the case. He had never realized that he had retained nearly all of his implant when his borrowed body had died! Although a very small portion of Boone had found its way back to his damaged form and been aware of Zo'or's murderous intentions, the majority had remained with him, fueling the rage he had felt toward Zo'or and giving him the strength to challenge his rival.
        Boone's presence in his mind, although hidden, had also brought him to the outer reaches of despair... Now that he was firmly established within his own flesh, their bond was functioning minimally, but well enough to enable his friend to sustain him through the silence in his mind.
        It was evening and the weather had turned chilly. Augur had graciously furnished them with an electric blanket to help keep them warm when the heat retained by the tin roof faded away.
        Da'an sat in a chair before the attic's only window wrapped within its folds with Boone fast asleep in his arms. He admired the cloudless sky and the emerging stars as he reflected upon all which had happened since his arrival on the planet nearly four years past.
        Never would he have imagined the path his friendship with Boone would take him down... To be actually living here, among the humans and cut off from his own people... He realized with a start that it was what his own parent had experienced.
        His respect for Ma'el continued to climb.
        The renegade's thoughts then turned to the events of the past few days.
        Lili had been reassigned as Sandoval's assistant, a position which gave the resistance an advantage, but which she herself did not necessarily appreciate...
        Joshua Doors was trying to fit in with the rest of his new... friends, however Lili reported that he felt that he was being given a free ride because he was the boss' son. In addition, the unfairness of his whole situation had only just begun to sink in. Lili felt that there were some very rough times ahead for him.
        Complicating matters, Da'an knew from Augur's ranting that Joshua was stepping up his pursuit of Lili, completely unaware that Augur himself was attempting to lay claim to her. The techno-wizard had been in a very bad mood the last few nights... and even Da'an could predict an ugly confrontation would occur. He still could not understand why Lili would not have already made a choice. Surely there was one whom she felt closer to?
        He sighed.
        The intricacies of human courtship were still nearly unfathomable to him.
        Then there was Siobhan Beckette...
        The implant had returned to Kha'rha with an explanation that she had awakened in an alley way with no memory, borne a strange child who aged rapidly to adult form and then awakened in Dr. Belman's lab. Belman herself had backed her up by stating that the now adult child had barged on in with a very ill and dying Beckette. Her CVI was rapidly deteriorating and she would have died very shortly had she not re-implanted her on the spot.
        Kha'rha had readily accepted the story and, according to Beckette, was simply happy to have her back. Sandoval himself had not been as enthusiastic and was currently leading a search for the hybrid being at the behest of Zo'or...
        The child, whom he had learned had been named Liam, was adult in stature now and quite arrogant according to Lili. Da'an explained to her that he was still but a child despite his outward appearance. Wisdom and humility would come soon enough. It would take time for him to separate himself from Hag'el's memories and develop his own personality.
        How he wished he might meet this hybrid child and help lead him as his parent would have, had he survived...
        Lastly, his thoughts turned towards Zo'or. What was he plotting now that he had the United States government at a disadvantage? The manhunt for Joshua Doors continued, as the President desperately tried to assure the new Synod Leader that Doors had not been charged with eliminating Quo'on. Da'an truly feared what the country's leadership might sacrifice in an attempt to restore good will...
        The hunt for him had been stepped up as well, with Lili reporting that every shuttle flight from the home ship the day of his disappearance was being scrutinized. Fortunately for him, his flight had ended at the moon base and Dro'vha had shuttled him from a different sector than the remote one he had landed at. Even if they tracked Dro'vha, they would know only that he had gone on to visit Eh'har...
        Just then there was a quiet knock at the door. Rising quickly, the he dropped the blanket and moved into the darkened area of the room amid the piled up equipment.
        "Da'an?" Lili called out, as she entered the room.
        He stepped forward, startling her.
        "Jeez! Make some noise before you appear out of nowhere."
        "What is wrong?'
        "Nothing's wrong. Dro'vha reports that the chamber has been completed and tested. He awaits only its future occupant."
         Da'an looked down at the small form in his arms. The infant's eyes were wide open and glittering with anticipation.
        "He is anxious to begin the process," Da'an informed Lili. "Please allow us a moment..."
        "Of course." The shuttle pilot withdrew.
        Da'an froze. Now that the time had come, he was distressed by the thought of giving over his...
        Boone's thoughts interrupted him.
        <"I am not your child,"> he reminded the Companion. <"I cannot remain like this much longer!">
        Da'an held the small bundle up so that their cheeks were touching. <"I understand this,"> he thought back. <"Yet it is still difficult."> He lingered a while, savoring the contact and taking satisfaction in Boone's enjoyment of it also. Finally pulling back, he walked to the door and opening it, stepped out onto the landing beside Lili. He smiled slightly at Boone and kissed him softly upon the forehead. "Pleasant journey, William. I shall see you again shortly," he whispered before handing him over to her.
        I'll take good care of him and report back as soon as I've returned," Lili promised. Then, wrapping the small human in the folds of her jacket, she turned and hurried down the stairs.
        Da'an stood there and watched until they were both out of sight.
        Then he turned and re-entered his makeshift room.
        All the color seemed to have gone out of his life...


        Lili met Dro'vha in the garden of the DC embassy and rubbed noses with Boone before wishing him well and placing him into the Taelon's waiting arms. She was amazed at the sadness which washed over her when the Taelon left with his small burden - it was as though she were losing him again.
        How much worse this must be for Da'an, she thought.
        She was mentally making a note to spend more time with her Taelon friend when she found herself being summoned to the audience room by Sandoval.
        When she arrived, it was to find both Zo'or and Eh'har present within. They appeared to be conferring mentally with each other.
        "What's going on?" she whispered to the FBI Agent as she moved to stand next to him.
        "Zo'or has relieved Eh'har of his extra duties," Sandoval whispered back. "He plans upon taking over as North American Companion himself."
        "But... he's already the Synod Leader. Isn't that a bit much for one person to handle?"
        He snorted at her. "That is not for us to decide, now is it?"
        "No sir."
        A short while later, Eh'har left the chamber and Zo'or beckoned for them to approach him.
        "Agent Sandoval," he said in a pleasant tone, which itself hinted at an unpleasantness to come. "Have you located Nivian Ibraham?"
        "No Zo'or."
        "And why have you not yet located her?"
        "Commander Boone himself had her hidden away. The man was very thorough and it will take some time to..."
        He was interrupted as Zo'or turned to address Lili. "You worked extensively with William Boone. Have you an understanding of his habits... his way of doing things?"
        "Well, yes, but..."
        "Good. Agent Sandoval, you may no longer trouble yourself with this. Captain Marquette will take over."
        Sandoval looked as though he had been slapped.
        "Instead, you are to travel to Ireland, where I expect you to ferret out what really happened to Lieutenant Beckette during her absence."
        "What of the search for Beckette's offspring?" he asked.
        "I believe him to be of no immediate threat to us," Zo'or answered. "He is but an infant and without the aid of a parent to guide him it will be some time before he may learn his own abilities..."
        "But, Zo'or..."
        The Synod Leader turned narrowed eyes upon his attaché. "I do not understand your enthusiasm for this task," he sneered. "Is it jealousy which motivates you? Are you that eager to destroy Beckette's offspring simply because it is not your own as well?"
        Lili stole a look at Sandoval and found that he had lowered his eyes.
        "I would caution you against acting like the lion who destroys all the offspring of his defeated rival," Zo'or continued. "...for I surmise that Hag'el wore your own form when he met Beckette. If this is the case, then the being you seek to destroy is genetically your own child..."
        Zo'or smiled at the way his attaché suddenly paled.
        Lili noted that the FBI Agent was working hard to regain his equilibrium as Zo'or dismissed him from his presence and she waited until he had disappeared before addressing the Companion.
        "That was cruel," she muttered and had the satisfaction of seeing Zo'or's smile replaced with a surprised expression.
        "Marquette," he said pleasantly, as he regained control of his features.
        "Yes, Zo'or?"
        "You are now my acting attaché. While you are pursuing the elusive Doctor Ibraham, Agent Lassiter shall also attend me. Is this understood?"
        She nodded. Things were finally looking up - their biggest enemy would be watched at all times by two liberation spies. She focused on Zo'or's face as she thought it, and to her amazement, saw him look towards the windows with an expression of longing...
        "You love her, don't you?" she suddenly asked the Synod Leader,  amazed by her own audacity.
        At first he curled his lip at her, but then reading only concern upon his face, his own eyes softened suddenly. She found herself confused and unsettled by the change in his demeanor.
        "I would give anything to have her back..." he whispered as he moved closer to her. "She is alone and hurt and only I may heal her." He moved closer still, so that their noses nearly touched. "...I know that you will find her for me. You would not wish for her suffering to continue..." Reaching out, he took her hand...
        ... and kissed it!
        "In some ways, you are like her." He continued, as he dropped her hand and turned away. "You speak your mind... It is a quality which I admire."
        Lili felt herself shiver.
        "You may go now."
        Da'an sat in the chair before the window and watched the night sky. He had felt the exact moment that Boone had entered the acceleration chamber, for it marked the moment in time when he felt the presence of his friend fade to a very dim spark in the back of his mind.
        For the first time in his life, he felt that he was truly alone and, against the backdrop of the night sky, he felt himself to be... insignificant.
        He did not think that he could survive this... not for nearly six weeks...
        Where was Lili?
        In the small cot in the small storage room of the resistance headquarters where he occasionally rested, Liam Kincaid stirred restlessly in his sleep.
        In his dreams he saw a being of light rocking itself miserably and crying out for its missing love.
        He knew it was Da'an, for the name it was calling was Boone's...

        Liam sat bolt upright and shook his head.
        He could still hear that sad voice!
        Pulling on his shoes and a jacket, he left the hidden base, determined to find the wounded Taelon. He had no choice - this was more than mere curiosity. He would find no peace until he had done what he could for it.
        Instinctively drawn in the Taelon's direction, he exited the church and caught a cab to Augur's residence - he had long since memorized the addresses of all the local resistance members. Entering, he managed to avoid the alarm systems, though in truth he wasn't entirely sure of how he managed to do so, and climbing the stairs to the attic storage area, moved into the room beyond.
        He found the ex-Companion sitting in a chair before the window. He didn't even respond to his presence, but merely stared at the stars.
        "Da'an?" he asked tentatively, as he approached.
        The Taelon slowly turned his head to face him, startling him with his expression, for he had such a look of distrust upon his face that Liam immediately halted in his tracks.
        "What has brought you to me?" the Taelon asked.
        Knowing that his answer would forever determine their relationship, he took a breath and felt the right words flow from his mouth.
        "Your need... and my own," he whispered, holding out his hand.
        Amazingly, Da'an moved to take it and as they touched...
        ...everything suddenly changed!
        There was a flare of such brightness in his mind that he fell to his knees beside the chair. In seconds, his perception of the world - the universe changed and he knew who he truly was... where he came from, for he now saw his two human parents as Da'an had known them.
        He also saw Lili, Doors, Augur and Boone through his eyes. He saw the best of them and even the worst of them...
        He saw Da'an's people and Hag'el's and lived the moment when Da'an found out that everything he had been taught about the great conflict was a lie...
        ...And he saw what it meant for a race to evolve too far. He felt the careful, unfeeling perfection of their lives and understood that Da'an reveled in his current pain as well as in his joy, for he now found any sensation better than the barrenness of his former existence.
        Finally, he felt Da'an's essence and in that moment knew that there was nothing he would not do for him, or for Boone, whom he loved. The Taelon's motives were surely the most unselfish of any being he had yet met. He wished only that both his race and Boone's might survive, but if it could only be one, then it must be the human race. They had so much potential, and sadly, his own people were not what they might have been...
        He felt Da'an's acceptance of him even as a psychic tie - one which approximated that of parent and child, bound them together.
        Finding himself suddenly back in his own form, he stared at the blue being who sat in the chair, his human disguise abandoned for the moment and moving closer, rested his head on his new mentor's leg.
        After but a second, the Taelon began stroking his hair.
        The pain had ended - in both of them... at least, for now.


         "I'm telling you, Jonathan, Zo'or has a spy amongst us!"
        "And I'm telling you that if that were the case, we'd already be dead." Doors rose from behind his desk and approached her. "Lili, I know that spending so much time with Zo'or is difficult for you..."
        "You have no idea! The past weeks have been..." She took a deep breath and composed herself. "Every time I have to report to him, I feel as though I'm taking a trip to hell..."
        "You're doing fine. You just have to learn to accept the fact that he has been known to lie through those Taelon teeth of his. All these hints of possessing a spy amongst us is just a way to make his people think he's on top of things."
        "That's just it though. He hasn't told any of his people about it and he's specifically ordered me to keep it to myself as well!"
        A frown creased the billionaire's forehead. "OK, I'm willing to accept that he may be telling the truth. Any ideas of who it might be?"
        Lili shook her head and slumped into a chair. "Not a one."
        Zo'or entered the medical facility and quickly made his way to an upstairs patient room. He was unescorted, having assigned his guards other duties. No one knew that he was no longer in the embassy, a situation which pleased him no end. Humans were so very easy to fool... or at least some of them were, he mentally amended. Ever since his liaison with Nivian, he found it harder to generalize about them.
        With a sigh, he dropped that train of thought - it would only lead him back to thoughts of her...
        Approaching the bed, he stared down at the wizened old man who lay there. Paralyzed and rendered both silent and unaware by a massive stroke, his room provided a safe place in which to meet his spy...
        At the appointed time, the door swung open.
        "You have completed your adjustments to the... project?" he asked.
        She nodded. "It's ready when you give the word."
        "Then consider the word given. Make certain that Liam is present when it goes off. It will be interesting to see its effects upon him..."
        "I'll contact you afterward."
        Their business concluded, she departed and after waiting a few minutes, he did as well.
        "You're sure about this?" Augur asked.
        They were seated around his small table, exchanging information. Lili had just come from HQ and was venting her frustration on her friends.
        "Of course I am!" she snapped. "I know that he was telling the truth about having a spy in our inner circle... but who?"
        Liam suddenly glanced over at Da'an and Lili knew then that the Taelon was about to reveal something. She had actually been glad to hear that the two of them had found each other. Da'an was a good influence on the young hybrid, tempering his arrogance with knowledge, while Liam's presence helped to fill the void left by Boone's absence. Still, in the weeks that Boone had been gone, Da'an had changed somewhat. He looked... tired and stressed, which worried Lili greatly. Even Liam had remarked that there was something wrong with him - something which he was keeping to himself...
        Da'an stood and slowly began walking around the table's seated occupants. His fingers jittered - a sure sign that he was distressed. After completing a slow circle, he stopped behind his vacant chair and addressed them all.
        "Is Doctor Park a member of your inner circle?" he asked. "I know she is a member of your group, however William's memories were somewhat jumbled when we joined..."
        "Yes," Lili answered. "... but you can't be saying that you think it's her... Why her?"
        "I saw her on the home ship immediately after Quo'on was killed..."
        "What?!" Augur and Lili yelled together.
        "Agent Sandoval appeared only moments after she did. It was clear that he was chasing the assassin..."
        "It has to be her..." Lili breathed as she turned to look at Augur. "She has no good excuse for being aboard the home ship..."
        "Not to mention that she never once told any of us that she had been on the ship..." Augur answered.
        "If what you surmise is true, then Zo'or knows all about me... and about you as well, Lili," Liam stated.
        "This makes no sense! If he knows I'm liberation, why he would continue to keep me in his confidence?"
        Da'an resumed his seat and spoke, "He does not believe that you can identify his spy," he explained. "...and I fear that he plans to destroy the resistance headquarters and everyone in it. It is the only explanation for his patience in this matter."
        "Park might be able to sabotage the energy core..." Lili guessed.
        "No, she couldn't do it without being caught," Augur said. Then a horrified expression appeared on his face.
        "What is it?" Lili gripped his arm.
        "The virus!"
        They all sat, stunned for a moment before anyone was capable of speech.
        "She wouldn't..." Lili breathed.
        "If she has been implanted, she will do whatever Zo'or asks of her," Da'an responded. "However, unleashing the virus so far underground does not guarantee that it will not escape to the surface..."
        "He's right," Augur replied. "The ventilation systems would eventually move the virus up top... and then all of humanity would perish."
        "Zo'or would have foreseen this," Da'an said. "Park must have re-engineered the virus so that it is no longer an airborne pathogen."
        Liam spoke up. "Forgetting the virus for a minute... We know who the spy is. Even if we stop her, Zo'or knows who we are and where we are. We need to start relocating..."
        "I have an easier solution," Da'an offered.
        They all turned to look at him.
        Rayna wandered about the underground complex. Since being reborn as a synthetic clone, she found that she no longer required any sleep. As a result, she made a perfect guard for their headquarters and worked the graveyard shift which no one else wanted.
        There was very little chance that an intruder would ever be likely, but there were very sensitive areas which were off limits to all but the higher ranking resistance members. It was her primary purpose to make sure that those areas remained restricted.
        Making her way through several airtight doors, she stepped into the clean room and was surprised to see Dr. Park working. Although the doctor was cleared to be there, something about the situation - her presence at so late an hour - raised Rayna's suspicions.
        ...There had been talk of a spy amongst them...
        Wearing a level five containment suit, Park did not notice her entrance until she turned to move to a different counter.
        "Rayna!" she exclaimed, with alarm. "You scared the hell out of me! What are you doing here?"
        "It's my job to be here. What are you doing here at such an hour?"
        "Some last minute work Jonathan gave me. With everything which has been going on, I've fallen way behind..."
        Rayna's eyes slid over to the monitor behind Park, and although the doctor quickly reached behind her and turned the display off, Rayna's electronic brain had already taken it all in.
        "You've re-engineered the virus to kill only humans..." she said. "Doors asked you to do the exact opposite. You're the spy!" She reached out to grasp the doctor by the hoses in the front of her suit, but in that instant, Park's arm came up...
        There was a flash and Rayna realized too late that the doctor wielded a skrill.

        Park stared down at the crumpled replicant and then at the hole in her suit where her skrill's blast had vaporized it. She had been careful and did not think that there was a chance that the virus had contaminated the room.
        Her greatest concern right now was in hiding the delivery device and explaining Rayna's condition...

        "What happened?" Lili panted as she ended her run in the headquarters' infirmary.
        Rayna lay on a gurney, eyes open, but unmoving.
        "She attacked Park," Doors answered. "The doctor only survived because she suddenly collapsed."
        Lili's eyes came up and fixed the doctor with a piercing look, but Park's expression was steady and challenging.
        "What are you going to do?" she asked Doors, as she turned to meet his eyes.
        We'll keep her locked up and under close watch for now. I'd like to hear her side of the story if she ever comes around..."
        "Listen... Jonathan," Lili whispered as she steered him out of the room. "I have something I have to show you..."
        "What have you done now?"
        "Just step into your office and give me a chance to explain..."

        Doors sat behind his desk and lifted his chin from his fist. "I hate to say this, but your Taelon friend is right. With Nivian Ibraham living down here with us, Zo'or wouldn't dare to try assault." He rose and walked over to where the afflicted scientist sat mumbling to herself. "I still don't see how it's going to prevent him from simply barricading us in... or out..."
        "As long as he thinks Nivian's continued good health is dependent upon our good graces, he won't dare try anything..." Lili answered.
        "What's to stop him from implanting another of us? From implanting you?"
        "We still need a backup base..." Augur put in. "If we could somehow link it with this one, the way rabbits link their burrows, then we could simply scamper off to a new location and collapse the tunnels behind us."
        "By destroying the old base... Yes. I had already thought of that back when the scarecrow nearly gave us away." The billionaire tapped his lower lip with a forefinger. There must be another way..."

            After settling Nivian into yet another refurbished chamber and ensuring that neither she not Dr. Park would not be allowed out of sight anytime soon, Lili returned to her new office.
        She was terrified of being dragged before Zo'or by Sandoval and perhaps being implanted for her deceit, but she had to believe that if Zo'or had not yet done anything, that he would not do anything until after he believed the Liberation base destroyed.
        Her global bleeped and with dread, she opened it to find Zo'or staring out at her.
        "...Yes...Zo'or?" she finally responded, after a brief hesitation.
        "I am Eh'har," the Taelon corrected her and then blushed to prove it to her. She relaxed as she recognized his unique energy pathways and he continued. "Had you forgotten what we last discussed?"
        She turned red. "I'm sorry. Your brother's had me at his beck and call for the past few days..."
        "I understand, however, what I have to impart to you is of critical value."
        "I'll be right there!"

        Twenty minutes later, she was standing before Zo'or's elder sibling within his personal chamber.
        "What?" she gaped. "You intercepted Park?"
        "That is correct, Captain. She believed that she was talking with my sibling, as I met her within the hospital room where they often rendezvoused." He blinked slowly. "When I discovered that my brother had a Liberation spy, I watched closely... When Da'an left us, I surmised that he found his way to his Liberation allies...You must understand that I cannot allow anything to happen to him. He must live to assume his rightful place as our Synod Leader."
        Lili's eyes widened. "Are you saying that Da'an is that high up in the Taelon hierarchy that he can become your leader?"
        The Companion nodded. "He refused. He said there was no point in trying - not while the majority supports Zo'or... Perhaps one day soon, this will change..."
        She nodded. "So, how did you keep Zo'or from asking Park about her accomplices?"
        "I simply told my brother that she had mistaken us and that I had obtained a list of her accomplices. Having no reason to believe that I would... mislead him, he asked their names."
        "...And you gave him false ones?"
        Eh'har smiled. "I have learned much from observing Boone. Zo'or was furnished with the names of several individuals belonging to a particularly viscous drug cartel. He also has the location of their stronghold."
        Lili shook her head. "Sandoval is bound to know this is a set up! As soon as Zo'or told him, he was bound to have checked up on them!"
        Eh'har smiled. "I removed all computer records of these individuals. They seem not to even have pasts now..."
        Her mouth dropped open. "Which would convince both Sandoval and Zo'or that they were Liberation members!!! You clever thing, you!"
        "There is a way in which you might thank me."
        "Name it."
        "Confirm that Da'an is safe. Is he with you?"
        "He's with me and some of his other friends. I don't think he'll ever be completely safe, but I promise you that we'll all defend him with our lives..."
        The Companion nodded. "It is enough then. He must survive to fulfill his purpose in this life."

         "Why do you risk contacting me in this manner?" Zo'or sneered into his data stream. "It displeases me that you would act so unintelligently."
        "There's no time!" Park looked frantic. "Nivian's here. The Liberation somehow located her and is holding her to prevent you from striking..." There was a squeal and the doctor disappeared from the monitor. In her place, Joshua Doors appeared.
        "The Doctor is correct, Zo'or. We hold Nivian Ibraham. A life for a life. You took mine away from me... and now I have a big piece of yours... Don't worry - she'll be treated compassionately. We'll even see that she receives the proper treatment... so long as you behave yourself..."
        "Wait!" Zo'or spoke quickly, but it was too late. The transmission had been cut.
        The new Synod leader wilted visibly. Park had no doubt already set the device which would release the altered virus. If she hadn't had the time to deactivate it, everyone in the resistance base would die... and so would Nivian!
        A shudder shook his form. Did he dare to storm the resistance HQ? Joshua Doors might kill his love if he did, but if he did not risk it, the virus would kill her anyway...

         "How long before she awakens?" Jonathan Doors asked, as he looked over the unconscious Park. Her skrill had been stripped from her and now resided within a special tank on the counter.
        Belman shrugged. "Hard to say. Her new CVI should be firmly established within the hour, but every implant reacts differently. Sandoval was out of commission for over four hours after his reimplantation..."
        "We don't have the luxury of time, Julianna," Doors rumbled. "We have yet to locate the device..."
        Belman tapped her chin with a well manicured nail. "Bring Da'an down," she said firmly.
        "Are you insane? We can't risk bringing him down here!"
        "Why not? He already knows who we are. He knew even while he was still North American Companion. If he were going to betray us, he would have done so long ago!"
        "He was protecting Boone then. Now he has no reason to keep this a secret."
        "Will you listen to yourself?" Belman moved so that they were nearly nose to nose. "You're so paranoid that you're not making any sense any more! Da'an ran from his own people! He chose us over them. It's time that you learned to trust him. Now, get him down here and and let's see if he can't get the device location out of Park."
        Doors remained rooted in place and put on his best scowl. "He is NOT coming down here!" he growled before turning and leaving the room.
        Belman sighed and walked to her monitor. The push of a button brought Lili up on her screen.
        "Are you alone?" she asked. At Lili's nod, she continued. "We need Da'an's help. I suggest that you, Augur and Liam bring him on down. Don't tell Jonathan. Just do it. I'll pass the word down here..."
        Jonathan Doors glanced out at the common area and was startled to see it packed with people. Why were nearly all their members here at one time and gathered in one place, he wondered?
        As he stepped out the door and moved forward, Julianna appeared at his side and twined her arm in his own, effectively stopping his forward motion.
        "What's going on?" he nearly snarled.
        Just then the doors leading to the hidden lift opened and LIli, Augur and Liam stepped out. Liam reached behind him and pulled a fourth person forward.
        It was Da'an!
        "How dare you?" Door's bellowed at Belman, even as the other resistance members formed an effective barrier between him and their Taelon guest.
        "We need him, Jonathan! If you'd stop being so pig-headed, you'd see that yourself!" she yelled back.
        Lili led the way through the crowd and confronted him. "The majority has spoken. We want him here. We need him to be here. It's what Boone would have wanted - what he would have done, if he had lived. You've been voted down on this one, Jonathan, so never let it be said that the Liberation isn't a democracy!"
        Augur stepped forward. "If you'll excuse us, we have some pressing business with Doctor Park..."
        With that, the four of them - and Dr. Belman - headed off towards the infirmary, leaving the livid resistance leader in their wake.
         Lili allowed Belman to lead the way and fell back so that she was walking alongside Da'an. She was amused by the interest he showed in his surroundings as they made their way down the corridor which led to the infirmary.
        Once they had entered the lab, he quickly moved to Park's side and laid a hand upon her forehead.
        The doctor's eyes immediately fluttered open.
        "Where is the device?" Da'an asked her gently.
        "I hid it within..." her eyes closed again.
        "Where?" Da'an asked again, as he stroked her brow.
        "Within Rayna."
        The five of them stared at each other in startled surprise.

        A short time later, they, along with Doors, stood before the pallet on which Rayna rested.
        "You're sure that Park can't remove the device?" the billionaire asked.
        Belman snorted. "It'll be hours before she can stand, let alone perform so delicate a task. She's not even capable of telling us how to do it ourselves..."
        "If any of you has any notion of how we might do this, now is the time to speak." Doors stared pointedly at Da'an, who looked at the floor. There was silence. "Very well. We have no choice but to wait it out," he rumbled. "She said that it was set to go off at ten tonight. If she's not capable of defusing it before nine, we'll have Beckette come in and vaporize it with her skrill."
        He then turned to face Lili. "Put our guest in Boone's old room. He is not to ever leave it without a proper escort. Understood?"
        Lili opened her mouth to protest, but Da'an laid a hand on her arm, stopping her.
        "It is an acceptable arrangement," the ex-Companion answered.
        After he and Lili had departed, Augur moved to stand beside the resistance leader. "You once told Da'an that you were willing to build a bridge. This is hardly the way to do it!" He made no attempt to hide his contempt.
        "Yeah, well... I'd say that his usefulness to us is somewhat limited. He's more of a liability than anything else at the moment."
        "You're going to eat those words, Jonathan," Augur hissed. "And I hope I'm there to see it..."

        Lili moved off down a relatively new tunnel which had been blasted into the bedrock. "They're still working on digging out rooms in this section," she explained. "but Doors and Boone got the first two which were completed. "Boone had such harried, unpredictable hours that he really needed a place to crash for a few hours now and then..."
        She stopped before a metal doorway and slid her thumb down an ID plate on the side. The door slid open, and they entered.
        The chamber was large enough to accommodate a queen sized bed, a dresser and a small room with a doorway which in turn contained a commode and sink. Soft lighting was set into the rocky ceiling and a brighter, reading light was set in the wall over the bed. The only other furnishing was the oversized cushioned chair in the corner near the bed.
        Da'an walked about the chamber before stopping to open a dresser drawer. Within was one of Boone's favorite shirts as well as a few other articles of clothing. The Taelon laid a hand atop the material and looked up at Lili.
        "It pleases me to stay here," he said, as he removed his hand and closed the drawer.
        "Doors can't keep you a prisoner here," Lili answered as he moved toward the bed and seated himself upon the edge.
        "It matters not..." Da'an sighed, before moving further onto the bed and collapsing onto his side.
        Alarm bells went off in Lili's head. Moving forward, she knelt beside the bed and reached out to take his hand. "I know that something is very wrong - that you're not well. Please tell me what it is... don't hurt me, or the rest of your friends by keeping this from us!"
        Da'an's eyes blinked slowly. "This is... difficult for me... humiliating..."
        "Trust me."
        "Without the voices of the commonality, I am completely dependent upon Boone. His voice in my head, or even just his emotional presence, is the only thing which allows me to remain what I am..."
        "What you are?"
        "I fear that I am regressing, becoming a dangerous, animalistic version of one of my ancestors. It is the reason why none of us ever withdraws from the commonality... I thought that with Boone... but his mind is far removed from me, he slumbers so soundly within another dimension."
        "You've held on for four weeks though! You have less than two to go."
        "Liam's presence has helped me considerably, but it is not enough to allow me to forego the change which threatens to occur. When it happens, you must leave me locked within this chamber. You must not enter or allow me to leave, for I will surely kill any I may encounter..."
        Lili stared at him, horrified. "Then, there's only one thing to do. We have to awaken Boone now!"  She stood, intent upon contacting Dro'vha, when her global bleeped.
        Turning and shielding her surroundings from view, she answered it.
        Zo'or had another job for her... one which would keep her tied up until well into the evening hours.
        Turning back to Da'an, she laid a hand upon his shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "I'll be back with Boone, Da'an. Just try to hold on a bit longer. I'll lock you in for now, but Augur or Liam will check on you, OK?"
        Da'an nodded his acceptance as she headed off to locate Augur - but not before locking the door behind her.



        The acceleration chamber had long since been tilted into a vertical position and Dro'vha gazed with some excitement upon the now adult Boone. The human was younger than he had been when they first met, and according to Ban'hn, he was now just into his twenty eighth year of maturity. He had fewer creases on his face, all his previous scars were of course, nonexistent and his hair was a more vivid red, rather than the auburn it had been. All in all, he was still recognizably and unmistakably William Boone.
        Standing before the chamber, a folded towel and robe in his arms, Dro'vha watched as Ban'hn waved an arm over the console and the chamber began to drain. Within a minute, the last of the chamber fluid had disappeared and he flinched as the door popped open.
        "He should awaken within a few seconds," Ban'hn informed him as the tension in the room mounted.
        Boone suddenly jolted awake, coughing and spluttering out the last of the fluid from his lungs. Before either Taelon could move to support him, he fell to his knees and remained there, woozy and disoriented.


        Zo'or sat up straighter in his chair as Lili entered the room and approached him.
        "I'm afraid that I have bad news..." she said, as she lowered her eyes to the floor.
        He stood slowly as a deep seated panic began to take hold. "Explain."
        "The information passed on to you by your spy was inaccurate. We did not find either the rebels or their base. Instead we found a group of drug runners in their little strong hold."
        "This is not possible!" he spat as he descended to stand beside his acting attaché. "My spy's loyalty is not to be questioned..."
        "Unless the resistance had already found her out and re-implanted her," Marquette responded.
        Zo'or thought back on Park's frantic call to him about Nivian. "That is possible," he admitted. "...however, I suspect that something else has occurred in this instance..." He circled Lili, looking her up and down. "I expect you to provide me with proof of your discovery."
        "Of course. The files have already been uploaded for your convenience."
        "Good." He stopped directly before her. "You have performed your tasks admirably so far, Captain."
        "Thank you Zo'or."
        "Have you eaten your evening meal yet?" he asked as he faced her.
        Zo'or's eyes narrowed as he detected the slight shiver which ran through her at his question.
        "Then you are dismissed."
        He found himself briefly amused by the speed with which she exited, but then his thoughts turned back toward the situation at hand. There was a traitor amongst them... and he feared that he knew who it had to be..."

        Lili hurried off towards the shuttle. She had instructed Augur to contact Dro'vha through Kha'rha when he called to request Beckette's presence. If the message had gotten through, she would find Boone waiting for her in a shuttle atop the Taelon Medical Research Facility...

        Boone awoke from the nightmare of being trapped within an infant body to the nightmare of suffocation.
        A sudden, violent coughing fit wracked his form and he was distantly aware of fluid gushing from his mouth and nose before his legs gave out, forcing him down to his knees. Supporting himself on his outstretched arms, he concentrated on drawing air into his lungs as the urge to cough slowly faded away.
        Becoming aware that he was wet and cold, he began to shiver violently.
        It dawned on him that one did not usually come awake on their feet...
        ...and then someone reached out and wrapped a warm towel around his shoulders. A corner was lifted up to gently dry his hair, prompting Boone to lift his head and open his eyes.
        A Taelon was kneeling in the puddle before him, his eyes filled with concern...
        He looked familiar, but...he wasn't Da'an...
        "Can you stand?" the alien, whom he now recalled was named Dro'vha, asked as a second one, whom he knew he had never seen before, stepped forward and supported him under the upper arms.
        "I think so," he gasped as he was helped to his feet.
        Realizing that he was naked, he shrugged away from the arms which steadied him and quickly wrapped the towel around himself.
        Dro'vha offered him a robe, an amused expression visible upon his face.
        "Where is Da'an?" Boone wheezed, unable to calm the fear which had begun to take control of his mind. He knew that Da'an would be there unless something terrible had befallen him.
        "Da'an needs you," Dro'vha replied in perfect english. "Much has befallen him since you entered the chamber eleven weeks and two days ago."
        So - They had taken him out of the chamber almost five weeks early! "What's happened?" he asked sharply, as he shrugged into the robe.
        "There is little time," the diplomat replied. "Your presence is urgently required."
        Boone followed on wobbly legs as the other Taelon helped support him.
        Melissa Park, Doctor of Medicine and former Taelon slave, stood upon shaky legs before the unconscious replicant.
        "I'm so sorry..." she moaned, as she ran a hand through Rayna's long dark hair.
        "Never mind that now, doctor," Doors hissed. "You'll be a whole lot sorrier if Beckette has to vaporize our artificial associate..."
        "Jonathan!" Belman cried, appalled at his behavior.
        Doors would not back down. "Can you remove the device or not?" he asked the shaken Park.
        With a weak nod, she reached for Rayna's side...
        As soon as her hands made contact, Rayna seemed to explode into motion. Sitting bolt upright, she backhanded both Doors and Park and leaped to her feet as Belman scurried back out of the way and hit the alarm.
        Immediately the sound of sirens and the flash of red lights invaded every space in the resistance HQ.
        Rayna tried to pry the isolation doors apart and failing, transformed into a terrifying, two legged version of the original probe. Lifting an arm, it easily blasted the doors from their supports...


         "Boone!" Despite herself, Lili's sense of decorum fled her and she flung herself into the reborn resistance leader's arms. She actually found herself being soundly kissed and briefly felt happier than she had been in a very long time. Tears filled her eyes as she began to withdraw, embarrassed by the emotional display...
        ...At least until he suddenly slapped her fanny. HARD!
        "Hey!" she yipped as she jumped back.
        "That'll teach you to spank a defenseless baby," he said with an amused look on his face, but in the next instant he had become his old, serious self. "What's happened?"
        "What hasn't?" she grumbled as she rubbed her sore posterior. "Better get in my shuttle before you're spotted. I'll fill you in along the way."
        Turning, Boone surprised Dro'vha with a quick hug and a heartfelt thank you in Eunoia. Even Lili could pick up on the fact that the diplomat was both amused and pleased by the attention.
        Then he followed her to the shuttle and within moments they were speeding off towards the church rectory.
        "Where's Liam?" Doors roared to be heard over the sound of gunfire. They had the probe pinned down in isolation... for now. He and several others had been hit by exploding rock as the monstrosity blasted its way past their defenses and worked its way through several sectors. He had been stunned by the preliminary backhand blow and had barely managed to duck into a side room and come out into the corridor ahead of the probe when there had been a blinding flash followed by a roar. A large chunk of rock had struck him in the side of the head and if several alert sentries hadn't grabbed him and pulled him out of the way...
        "He's gone up to meet Beckette!" Augur shouted. "I can't get through to the outside - all our communication systems are down and the probe is somehow interfering with our global links!"
        "We can't let it get out!" Joshua yelled as he joined them behind the stone outcropping.
        "I know!" Doors quivered at the pain in his head. Blood was still dripping down his neck and soaking his shirt... "We need someone with a skrill or we need Liam!" he shouted. "Nothing else will do more than slow it down!"

        In Boone's chamber, Da'an frantically circled the room. The probe's presence and the sound of gunfire, explosions and screams which echoed throughout the system ventilation shafts had combined to wear down his defenses. He was changing!
        "Boone!" he cried out as he collapsed. In the back of his mind he could feel his other's presence again... but it was too little...
        ...too late...

        Things had gone from bad to worse as the probe which had once been Rayna had methodically made its way through chamber after chamber and now threatened the main control room. At least two dozen resistance members crouched down behind anything they could find that might shield them. Many others were missing and Doors prayed that they had ducked into other chambers and were safe.
        He, his son and Augur now found themselves pinned down behind a main control console with soldiers to their left and their right. Although the men fired round after round, the monstrosity continued to gain ground by inches. Before long, it would begin returning fire, as it had in the other areas it had fought its way through...
        "Augur!" Doors shouted into the techno-wizard's ear to make himself heard. "You have to set the destruct sequence on the elevator shaft! We can't let this thing get out!"
        "I'd be happy to, but the main console is trashed and my remote is way over there!" He pointed to a small, hand-held arm pad which rested on the conference table twenty feet behind Joshua.
        The junior Doors grimaced. "Dammit! I hate days like this!" he yelled before bolting for the console at the same exact moment that the probe decided to begin firing.
        Part of the flooring disintegrated behind him, but miraculously, Doors made it to the table.
        Grasping the computer device, he was about to toss it to Augur, when two things happened simultaneously...
        The probe aimed its weapon right for him...
        ... and the elevator doors behind him whooshed open, spitting out two very startled resistance members.
        "Joshua! Get down!" Boone screamed, as he launched himself at the lawyer. He flattened Joshua to the ground as an energy bolt dissolved four feet of solid rock behind them...
        Lili had already ducked behind the console with Jonathan and Augur and watched helplessly as Boone tugged Joshua to the relative safety of a small alcove.
        "My remote!" Augur wailed. "Without it I can't seal the lift!"
        Doors wasn't hearing a word. He stared at the resurrected redhead who had just saved his son's life and blanched a dangerous shade of white. "My God..." he exclaimed. "They can raise the dead..."
        Lili elbowed him painfully. "Snap out of it! That IS Boone and I'll explain the entire thing to you later... provided that we survive this!"
        A blinding explosion lit the room white as the probe disintegrated an entire bank of controls - and the four men who had been sheltering behind it.
        "No!" Boone cried out as he raised his arm - and realized that he no longer had a skrill. There had to be a way out of it. They couldn't die like this! He couldn't stand by and watch as the probe destroyed everything!
        He had a sudden vivid flashback of the SI war and knew that he was in hell...

        Within Boone's chamber, a creature vaguely resembling a Taelon rose to it's feet. It's mouth opened in surprise as it felt the nearby presence of the one it needed...
        Then the special one's mind cried out in horror as it saw the death of everything.
        "No!!" the creature roared in counterpoint to Boone's own scream.
        Lifting it's hands, it's palms aglow, it demolished the doors which kept it from it's mate...


         "Lili!" Boone shouted. "You have to go! Get back in the lift!"
        "I'm not leaving!"
        "You have to! You have to continue what we've started AND you have to watch over Liam!"
        "He's a big boy - he can look after...." Lili's suddenly shocked look drew everyone else's eyes back toward the probe. A hideous looking creature was approaching it from the rear!
        As though sensing that it was being stalked, the probe turned and at that moment the creature attacked, throwing some powerful energy blast towards it...
        ... and disintegrating it utterly!
        The creature lowered its hands and turning towards Boone, slowly approached him as the remaining guards took aim at the new threat.
        "Boone..." it breathed painfully.
        "Don't shoot! It's Da'an!" Boone quickly scrambled to his feet and placing himself between the guns and the creature, held out his arms to it.
        Everyone's mouths dropped open as the monster quickly moved into the reborn human's embrace and clung to him tightly.

        "Shhh..." Boone soothed in a whisper that the others could not hear. "It's OK now. I'm back." He was frightened by this change in his friend and wondered briefly if he would remain like this... Not that it really mattered all that much in the long run, but Lili had told him that Da'an found the thought of such a transformation humiliating. More than anything, he did not want his friend to suffer - he had done more than his fair share of that already!
        "Boone..." Da'an rasped out his name in a guttural tone and quivered as he continued to cling tightly.
        Reaching around his own back, the ex-implant grasped one of the Taelon's encircling hands and opened his mind to him...

        The lift doors parted, as Beckette and Liam entered the complex - and froze in shock at the destruction evident around them.
        "Holy..." Beckette breathed as she stared at the survivors who were only just emerging from cover.
        Liam's own eyes were instantly drawn to the odd couple in the center of the room. A look of fear crossed his face as he realized what had happened to his mentor.
        "Da'an!" He started forward, only to have both Lili and Augur grasp his arms and hold him back.
        "Whoa, there!" Augur said. "Boone's already taking care of him."
        "But, I must..."
        "No, Liam." Lili gave him a sympathetic look. "Da'an may be your adoptive parent... but he is far more than that to Boone. You know that. Leave them alone for now."
        The hybrid looked as though he might protest, but Beckette took his arm, freeing him from the other two. "Come on. Help me gather the survivors. We need to get them treated while the others fill us in on what happened here."
        Together they moved off with Lili following close behind.
        Augur stayed long enough to convince himself that Boone really was back and then followed the others with a sigh. His relief at their missing leader's return was profound. He snorted with amusement as he caught sight of Doors' face. The man was ghostly white.
        "Probably thought we were going to let him run the show alone again..." he muttered under his breath, but then noted the billionaire's blood soaked clothing. During the emergency he hadn't noticed that Doors had been injured.
        "He man, are you all right?' he asked, suddenly greatly concerned.
        "Fine," Doors answered gruffly as his son walked up and began checking his head.

        Boone gritted his teeth and, well aware that they had an audience, tried to maintain a blank expression. Da'an had most definitely changed! Gone was the calm and very subtle personality he had come to rely on. The Taelon's emotions were nearly overpowering him. All his fears and insecurities were laid bare... but the most unnerving sensation of all was the undisguised and quite desperate desire the Taelon was projecting - for him!
        He chalked that one up to Da'an's apparent regression... could he help his friend? What should he do? He couldn't allow this to go on much longer...
        Almost instinctively, he performed a mental twist... and their bond re-established itself in a spectacular fashion! Their thoughts and emotions became one and the same... as an elated cry was torn from both. Together, they took back control of Da'an's form and as their minds finally disengaged, once more returning them to individual, but linked status, they found that they had somehow sunk to their knees and were kneeling together amid the rubble on the floor.
        Da'an was slumped against him, but when he gently gripped his arms and held him at arms length, he could see that his friend looked like himself once more.
        The Taelon's lids fluttered weakly before opening and she fixed so sweet a look upon her other, that Boone did something even he never suspected he would do.
        He drew Da'an close and kissed her full on the mouth!
        The contact was electric and Boone quite literally felt himself going cross-eyed behind his lids. Dimly realizing - with a thrill - that Da'an was actually leaning in to him and pulling him closer, he tightened his own embrace.
        The kiss began to deepen...
        "Somebody turn a hose on them quick!" Augur shouted, rudely interrupting the moment.
        With utter shock he broke contact and stared at Da'an. The ex-Companion's expression was a comical mix of both ecstasy and annoyance.
        "I'll kill him..." Boone whispered, red-faced with both embarrassment and anger. They were being stared at as though they were zoo exhibits!
        Da'an looked around at the people gaping at them and sighed. "Perhaps later... after he has helped to put things in order..."
        Boone barely had time to snort before he was pulled away by the people who had mourned his passing and now took turns hugging him as they cried or laughed their relief at his return - and their own survival of the day. He realized to his delight that not one of them cared that they had just seen him kiss the ex-Companion to North America - a being of a different species and from an entirely different galaxy!
        Da'an watched enviously for a moment before he too was unexpectedly swept into the crowd and soundly welcomed into the fold. One and all, they thanked him for their lives... and Boone's as well. Amongst people not of his species, he had finally found acceptance. He began to truly believe that there was hope for the future...
        Most of those gathered together were far too busy to notice when Doors signaled two armed soldiers to follow him and left the chamber...

        "...So Zo'or knows that we have Nivian AND that everything he thought he knew about us was false," Lili finished explaining to Boone.
        He, Da'an, and the rest of the upper ranked resistance members sat around the conference table as he was brought up to speed on everything he had missed.
        "Wait a minute..." Boone shot a worried glance at Da'an before shifting his gaze back to Lili. "...If Zo'or knows that he was fed the wrong information, then he knows that Park was turned back against him early on... either that, or Eh'har betrayed him..."
        Da'an laid a hand on his arm. "I had guessed that this would occur," he informed them. "...and Eh'har must have known as well... We must trust that he has planned for this eventuality..."
        Boone nodded. There really wasn't anything they could do for the Pacific Companion - at least, not at the moment. He instead fixed his eyes on Beckette and Liam, who were sitting together at the other end of the table. The young hybrid was holding her hand and it was evident that he was quite happy to have her near him again.
        Boone had already gathered from Da'an's mind the nature of Liam's relationship with the renegade Taelon and he approved of it one hundred percent. If anyone could raise a Human-Taelon hybrid to be kindhearted, fair and a master at subterfuge, it was Da'an. Not to mention that the weak link to Liam had prevented Da'an from regressing until just before Boone's arrival...
        "Siobhan, how's Kha'rha handling all this... and is Ron throwing a monkey in your wrench yet?" he asked the only other redhead in the room.
        "He knows about Hag'el... and Liam," she said, as she leaned her chin nervously on a shaking hand. "Somehow, he's figured it out. He says he doesn't blame me - that he knows I disappeared because I wanted to protect my child and that Hag'el probably influenced my CVI - reordered my priorities..."
        "Does he know he's also Liam's father?"
        "I think he suspects it..." She suddenly sat up straight. "What am I to do? He wants to know where I stayed while I was in hiding and he wants to know where Liam is."
        "You'll think of something..." Boone tried to reassure her.
        "There's something else you really need to know..." She leaned forward over the table. "Kha'rha now knows everything. He can be trusted to keep our secrets... and he revealed one of his own..." Beckette took a deep breath. "The last time he and Sandoval met, he insured that Ron could overcome his motivational imperative... if he wants to...when it comes to protecting Da'an"
        "What?!" A half dozen people exclaimed all at once.
        "Kha'rha commanded Ronald to act as he saw fit when protecting both Da'an and Boone. He told him that he need not comply with any Companion's wishes but Da'an's during such occasions," Beckette explained. "Since his arrival at our embassy, Kha'rha has set him free. "
        "How?" Da'an asked, as he startled many of those present by blushing brightly.
        "He commanded him to act exactly as he would if he did not have a motivational imperative. Although he may still put up a good act, he's pretty much free to do as he pleases..."
        Boone rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You had no idea that the solution was that simple?" he asked Da'an.
        The Taelon looked amazed and twisted his head radically to one side as he tried to control his appearance. "Kha'rha worked closely with Eh'har and Zo'or's parent, Deh'r in developing the cyber viral implants and their imperatives. This is as new to me as to you."
        Lili shook her head as though it were too much to take in and then turned back to face Beckette. "Before sending him to you, Zo'or told Sandoval that Liam was most likely his child as well. Has he..."
        "He's asked, but I'm not talking until I'm absolutely sure that he won't hunt our child down or turn him over to the Synod." Beckette took Liam's hand and squeezed it gently. "I don't want you near him yet, do you understand? I couldn't bear it if something happened to you!"
        "Don't worry... mother. I won't approach him until I'm certain of his motives."
        It was the first time the hybrid had referred to Beckette as his mother, and it brought a quick smile to her face.
        "OK. I'm back... and Da'an is here with us as well. Zo'or has lost this round and we have a weapon to use against him - Nivian. Beckette and Kha'rha are both on our side. Sandoval may now be a free agent and Lili is his assistant, as well as Zo'or's current attaché. Da'an seems to feel that Eh'har will be all right..." Boone took a deep breath and continued. "Dr. Belman is attending the injured and we've suffered but five casualties. That's five too many... but I think we all know that things could have been much much worse. Now we need to decide what to do about Dr. Park and how to remedy Joshua Doors' situation."
        Just then, the elder Doors stepped into the room. "For now Joshua is fine. We - he and I - will determine his best course of action," he rumbled, as he absently rubbed his head. Joshua had temporarily bandaged it.
        "Fine Jonathan. We were only trying to put everything in order." Boone leaned back in his chair and stretched wearily.
        "As for Park..." the billionaire continued, "...we've just placed her under arrest. She refuses to talk about how she fell under Zo'or's control to begin with and I'm beginning to get a very bad feeling about this..." He walked slowly around the table until he came to a stop beside Da'an's chair. "I assume that your little friend here is staying?"
        Boone glared at him. "You bet she is," he said firmly.
        "Then he's your responsibility. You keep an eye on him at all times and he's not to leave this base. Is that understood?"
        The redhead rose to his feet, his nostrils flaring dangerously. "You can't keep her prisoner, Jonathan! My God, she just saved our lives!"
        "Really? It seems to me that HE saved YOUR life, not ours. We were just fortunate to have benefited as well. Oh, and believe me, I can keep him down here - and I will." He turned to glare down at the Taelon, smiling knowingly at the nervous twitching of his fingers and the sad expression on his face. "One of your friends will be down here at all times. If you decide to leave, I assure you that they will be shot."
        There was an uproar around the table as angry voices were raised in protest. Absolutely livid, Boone took a step towards Doors..
        <"William! Stop!">
        ... and froze instantly when he heard Da'an's voice in his head. His friend had a look of terror on her face.
        At that very second, he heard the sound of rifles being readied and knew that only Da'an's warning had kept him from being killed. Behind him, two men stood with rifles aimed for his head.
        Into the sudden, shocked silence, Doors waved the soldiers off, acting as though they had acted of their own volition, but Boone knew that he had been set up. Another step and he would be dead, with Doors claiming that the men had acted in his defense.
        "I know what this is all about," Boone said, his voice shaking with anger. "And so does everyone in this room..."
        Lili stood up suddenly. "If anything happens to Boone or to Da'an, then so help me Jonathan, I'll..."
        "You'll what?" Doors sneered.
        Augur stood up as well. "WE will see that you get a nice private interview with the Taelon Synod - after we've wiped your mind, that is!" he finished.
        Everyone stood tensely for several uncomfortably long seconds. Then Boone held a hand out to Da'an.
        "Come on," he growled. "Let's get out of here. The air in this room has suddenly gone foul..."
        Da'an took the hand and rising to his feet, followed Boone out.
        Augur sniffed. "He's right Lili. It DOES stink in here. Let's go!"
        The two of them followed Boone and Da'an as the other people around the table likewise rose and dispersed. Only Liam and Beckette were left and judging by the way the implant's skrill was glowing, she was not in the least bit intimidated by the two armed soldiers. In fact, it was they who looked cowed when her skrill began hissing.
        Doors stood as though rooted in place, his face a stony mask. Only his eyes seemed alive when Liam rose and took a few steps in his direction.
        The soldiers began to raise their rifles, unsure of the hybrid's intent, but Beckette instantly lifted her arm.
        "Don't!" she warned as the skrill lit up even brighter.
        The soldiers froze.
        "Your CVI is dying again," Liam told the billionaire as he stepped closer. "This is not the real you. You're losing control... getting dangerously paranoid. If you don't let Dr. Belman help you soon, you'll die... but first you'll destroy the Liberation and everything you've worked so hard for."
        Doors blanched, but in the next second his sneer was back in place and he was striding for his office - with his guards in tow.
        Liam and Beckette watched him leave before trading worried looks.
         Boone led the way back to the living area and paused briefly before the shattered doors of his old room, apparently admiring the damage that was done to them.
        "You did this?" he asked.
        "Your life was in danger..."
        Boone laughed and patted her on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it." Stepping through, he retrieved a few personal items and then led the way to the next room. It had obviously just recently been completed and was still unoccupied. Unfortunately, it was also unfurnished.
        Lili and Augur caught up with them then and Boone asked Lili to remain in the room with Da'an, while Augur followed him back to his old room. Within ten minutes they had the mattress and box spring set up on the floor of the new room. The dresser and chair were moved as well.
        As soon as they were done relocating him, Boone closed the door and collapsed on the mattress with a groan.
        "Are you OK?" Lili asked, suddenly concerned about him.
        "This new form is not used to such physical stress," Da'an answered, as he sat gently next to his other and laid a hand upon his forehead.
        Boone sighed at the touch. It was amazingly soothing. "I feel like I've run a marathon..."
        "You do look like you can stand to put on a little muscle," Augur teased.
        "You try hanging around a chamber for twenty eight years!"
        Lili giggled. "Let's see.... you lost some muscle, but added twelve years to your life... Sounds like a fair trade-off to me!"
        "I'll hit the weight room tomorrow... In the mean time..." He sat up. "What in the hell is wrong with Jonathan? I've never seen him so out of control!"
        "Well, he's been through a lot," Augur shrugged. "... what, with thinking that Zo'or was about to exterminate us like rats and all... Not that I'm defending his outrageous behavior!"
        Lili shook her head. "He was going to kill Boone. I'd say that qualifies as more than just outrageous behavior!" She frowned. "He wasn't like this when I left..."
        "Could that blow to his head have done it?" Augur asked. "He took what looks like a bad hit. maybe his CVI was damaged..."
        "Lili, when you leave here, hunt up Belman and let her know. If that's the case, we need to do something quickly. And make sure she realizes the dangerous state he's in!"
        "Dangerous indeed." Da'an stood suddenly and walked slowly around the bed before turning back to face his friends. "I fear that William is no longer safe here... not without his skrill..."
        "Oh no. No. Don't put me through THAT again!" Boone went a shade paler.
        Da'an tilted his head as though surprised by his emphatic refusal. "You need not receive a new CVI," he said with a small smile before moving to stand beside him. Silently, he extended his hand and the ex-Implant took it without hesitation.
        A series of dizzy images and mental thoughts flashed lighting fast through Boone's brain.
        Their hands had barely touched when the redhead smiled broadly and chuckled.
        "What's so funny?" Augur asked, as he moved closer.
        Boone stood and faced him and Lili. "The skrill that Belman removed from Park's arm? It's Condor."
        Lili's eyes grew large as saucers. "What?!"
        "Zo'or refused to allow a perfectly good skrill to be destroyed. It was transported to a second tank at the same time that my original form was..." He swallowed hard and refused to complete the sentence - or even the thought. "I'm going to go retrieve it right now. Want to come along?"
        The Marine looked at Da'an. "I don't understand. How can he possibly control a skrill without a CVI?"
        "We'll explain later," Boone answered. "Augur, find Beckette or Liam and have one or both watch over Da'an..."
        "No." Da'an laid a hand on his shoulder. "I am capable of caring for myself now. I insist upon accompanying you."
        "Da'an..." He started to argue, but the renegade Taelon brought his hands before him and turned them palm upward.
        In the center of each was a small diamond shaped discoloration.
        This was nearly too much for the already overwhelmed human. "Shaquarava..." he breathed. <How?> he asked with in his mind.
        <I developed them after receiving your antibodies, but part of my... regression would appear to now be permanent... and my abilities have strengthened further.> Came the answer along with a wave of embarassment...and pride. The Taelon was clearly pleased that he would be able to guard his other's back...
        <Why are you so embarrassed by this?> Boone thought and immediately picked up another wave of pained humiliation.
        "OK, nevermind...any of it," he said aloud to the three people in the room with him. "Lili can go keep an eye on Doors while you, Augur, check to make sure the way to the lab is clear."
        "Finally! Some action!" With a smile, the techno-wizard slipped out.
        "I hope you know what you're doing..." Lili sighed as she followed him out.
        Less than fifteen minutes later, Boone was settling Condor onto his arm.
        The skrill reacted instantly, inserting its appendages into the flesh beneath it and joining itself both physically and mentally to it's host. Boone hissed and tensed as he sought to keep from crying out, but within seconds the worst of it was over.
        "He recognizes me..." he whispered, turning a joyful expression on Da'an.
        <As I surmised he would. You wielded it for nearly a year. The ability to interact with the skrill is one that is not easily lost or forgotten... even when a CVI's special abilities are lost. The CVI enabled you to learn the basics, but you still remember them.> Da'an switched to Eunoia. "Can you not still speak my language?"
        With a shock, Boone realized that he could. Perfectly.
        Da'an smiled. "In addition, your skrill seems most eager to cooperate with you. You do not require a high level of control."
        "Yeah. I can hear him in my head... It sounds like he's... singing?"
        "It is overjoyed by your survival. Never have I seen so generous and amicable a skrill... Truly you have had a profound influence upon it..."
        Again Boone smiled, but then he remembered where they were and what they were doing. "Let's get out of here..." he whispered as he rolled down his sleeve.
        A very short while later, they were again within his new chamber with Augur and Lili.
        "You know, Will, you actually looked almost naked without that thing on your arm. I'm actually relieved to see it again," Lili teased him.
        "Let me tell you a secret." Boone leaned closer and pretended to whisper. "He really likes you too..." As if on cue, the skrill hissed softly, causing all three humans to laugh. The laughter ended abruptly when Boone staggered backward and sat heavily on the mattress as a wave of dizziness struck him.
        Da'an immediately moved forward and pushed him backward so that he lay flat upon the bed.
        "What's wrong?" Augur asked, as he and Lili became alarmed.
        The Companion sat beside the fallen resistance leader and placed his hand upon his forehead. "He has done too much since his release from the acceleration chamber. The sudden demands of the skrill's metabolism have proven to be an extra burden. He requires food, drink and rest."
        "I'll fix him something," Augur offered before leaving the room.
        "I need to go fill Belman in on what we had been discussing," Lili said. "Da'an, can I help you get a room together?"
        Boone lifted his head from the mattress then and both he and Da'an stared at her.
        "She's staying right here where I can keep an eye on her..." Boone muttered before dropping his head back down.
        "Together we are safer than we would be apart," Da'an explained.
        Lili snorted. "Riiiighhttt...." In the next instant she was gone.
        Boone awoke suddenly from the nightmare, at first unsure of what had disturbed his sleep. He then became aware of a figure kneeling beside the mattress and relaxed as he recognized it. Memory of the final events of the previous evening returned to him...
        Augur had brought him several sandwiches and a half gallon of iced tea before taking his leave and he had quickly polished everything off. After taking a quick trip to the commode, he had returned to find Da'an curled up on in the large sofa chair, watching him. Collapsing onto the mattress and squirming his way under the covers, he must have fallen instantly asleep because he could remember nothing else...
        "Da'an..." he whispered as he lifted his head from the pillow. "What's wrong?"
        The Taelon wrung her hands together before her as though she were unsure of the welcome he would receive or perhaps as though she thought she was overstepping the bounds of their relationship.
        "I feared for you," she whispered back. "I have been having disturbing dreams..."
        "I suppose that they are."
        Without a word, Boone lifted the covers, inviting him into the bed. Without hesitation, Da'an slid in next to him and he pulled the Taelon close so that they were each lying on their right sides, Da'an's back pressed against his chest. Covering them both, he threw an arm over his friend and laid his head back down.
        "There are some facets of sleep which are singularly unpleasant..." Da'an shuddered.
        "There are pleasant dreams as well," Boone reminded her, hugging her gently.
        There was silence for a short while and then the Companion sighed and seemed to finally relax. " this," she whispered sleepily.
        "Me too." Boone smiled in the dark. "Sleep now," he urged. "We'll keep each other's nightmares away..."
        Within a few short moments they were fast asleep... and dreaming together...


To be continued in the next story...
"Quality of Life"