DISCLAIMER:  Earth:  Final Conflict and all of Earth:  Final characters in this story are property of Tribune Entertainment.  No infringement of rights is intended. Danella and Ronnie are creations or my own.  Please don't use them without my permission.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: What if the Taelons were finally able to create Human/Taelon hybrids?   And what would happen if they escaped?  All words in ** are thoughts and all words in [] are telepathic communication.

By Roguemoon (AKA: Agent Sandy)

When Ronnie had entered the room, he had known what he was going to do, but for some reason he couldn't do it.  Seeing the shocked look on his father's face froze him as he realized that the Taelons hadn't told him he was chasing his son.
* Those freaks, * Ronnie thought. * How could they send him out and not tell him? *
Sandoval was still in shock himself, but he managed to let his FBI training take over.  
"Don't move!"  He ordered even though Ronnie wasn't moving.  "Who are you?"
The look on Ronnie's face soften, and he replied, "I'm your son.  Didn't they tell you?"
Ronald couldn't believe what he was hearing.  It couldn't be true...
"You're lying.  Now move over there by the girl," Sandoval ordered.
Ronnie moved so that he was standing next to Danella, but didn't stop talking.
"I know this has to be hard to believe, but it's true.  I can't understand why they didn't tell you.  Certainly they couldn't expect you to do your job properly...unless...they wanted you to fail." Ronnie let his voice trail off as one of Zo'or's memories floated to the surface of his mind.  In it, the Taelon was feeling an intense hatred and suspicion toward Agent Sandoval.
Sandoval was about to tell the boy to quit lying when a thought crossed his mind.   Could Zo'or be setting him up?  Testing how well his MI was functioning?...* Because if it were,* Sandoval thought, * I would bring Ronnie in no matter who he was.   If it weren't then I would most likely let him escape.  That little...*
Ronnie tried once more to get his father to listen to him, "What can I do to get you to believe me?"
Ronald looked at the boy.  He could see how torn Ronnie...his son...was.   Suddenly, something in him softened and he lowered his arm so that the skrill was no longer pointed at them.  Then he looked Ronnie in the eye, "Tell me who you are."
Ronnie shook his head, "I told you, I'm your son."
"I know that.  Who was your mother?  Which Taelon is also your father?" Sandoval stated.
For a minute, Ronnie couldn't speak, then he found his voice.  "You believe me?   You aren't going to turn us in?"
"Not at this moment.  I need to know what is going on first,"   Sandoval stated.
Ronnie nodded, and then told Sandoval about Dani's parentage.  After that he explained his own parentage.  At the mention of Siobhon's name, Ronald's face softened.
"She would have loved to meet you.  She always said she and I were meant to come together or something.  I don't think she ever dreamed it would have been like this," Sandoval stated.
Ronnie had to repress a smile.  He was half tempted to tell his dad that his suspicions about Liam were correct, but he knew now wasn't the time.
"Will you let us leave?" Ronnie asked, drawing Dani protectively against him.
For a minute Sandoval was silent.  He wanted to, but letting them go would endanger his life.  Still...* I refuse to let the Taelons control my family any longer.   They took Deedee from me, I will not let them take my son.*
Sandoval looked at Ronnie, "You will need to knock me out and make it look like you ambushed me.  Zo'or won't be happy with your escape, and I will hear about it, but at least you will still be free.  Get out of Washington as fast as you can."
Ronnie nodded and then walked behind his father.  He placed a hand on ether side of his father's head and then used his telepathic abilities to knock him out.  Ronnie gently lowered his father's unconscious form to the ground and then motioned for Dani to wait for him downstairs.  Once she was gone, Ronnie crouched by his father's side and again touched the side of his head.
[Thank you daddy.] Ronnie telepathically placed the words in is father's mind so that he would remember them when he woke up. [I love you.]

Ronnie met Dani downstairs, and they quickly left the building.  They had gone about half a block, when a voice called out to them.
"Companion Security.  Stop right where you are!"
Danella froze in fear when she heard the voice and couldn't understand why Ronnie didn't do the same.  Instead of stopping, he chuckled and then turned around.  After a moment she did as well, and then smiled. 
"Hello brother," Ronnie said.
Liam watched the two teens a moment and then lowered his weapon.  "You aren't going to run?"
"No," Ronnie stated.  "Because I know you are going to help us."
Dani looked at Ronnie and thought, [How do you know that?]
Ronnie smiled at her, [I just know.]
"Do you mind speaking out loud?"  Liam asked.
"Sorry," Ronnie laughed.  "So are you going to help us or send us back to the Taelons?"
Liam was silent just long enough to make Dani worry, then he smiled.  "What do you think?"

"Doors is going to kill you for bringing them here," Augur stated when Liam entered Resistance Headquarters with Dani and Ronnie.
Liam shrugged.  "Doors has wanted to kill me since I was born.  This will only give him another reason." Liam stated and then introduced the techno-wizard to Ronnie and Danella.  When she only smiled in response, Augur looked confused.
"I won't bite," he joked. "You can talk to me."
Dani just blushed and looked down.  It was Ronnie who answered.
"Actually, she can't," He stated.
"What?" Liam asked.
Ronnie shrugged, "Dani's mute.  Something was incorrectly formed in her vocal cords.  She can't speak."
Both Liam and Augur looked at Dani in surprise.  Then a soft voice filled both of their heads.
[I would have been dead a long time ago if I hadn't shown such strong telepathic abilities.  Zo'or thought I would end up with the same abilities as Ronnie, but he was wrong.  I never got any abilities besides these and half of the time I am to afraid to use them.] She thought to them.
"Whoa," Augur whispered.
Dani smiled, [Yes, I guess you could say whoa.]
Liam chuckled, "Augur could you keep Dani busy while I talk to Ronnie...my brother?"
Augur started to object, but stopped when he saw the pleading look on Liam's face.   "Okay, but what are we suppose to do?"
"Whatever you want," Liam said as he and Ronnie stepped into another room.
"Great, now what?" Augur muttered.
Dani looked at him and smiled, [You work with computers?]
Augur laughed, "Well, duh.  I am the best there is."
Dani raised an eyebrow, [Oh really?  Care to prove it?]

After Liam shut the door to the room, the brothers just looked at each other for a while.  Neither knew what to say to the other and Liam was actually kind of afraid to start.   After a few minutes, Ronnie smiled.
"We are quite a pair aren't we?  We both have finally been given something that we have been longing for forever and neither of us say a word."
Liam laughed and then sat down, motioning for Ronnie to do the same.  After he did, Liam asked, "How much of their memories can you access?"
Ronnie shook his head, "Only a small part and more from Dad and Zo'or then Mom," Ronnie's voice dropped, and then he looked at Liam.  "What was she like?"
The look on Liam's face got distant for a moment and then he spoke, "She was an angel.  I just wish I had been able to spend more time with her."
Ronnie was silent and, as the seconds passed, Liam could see something changing in Ronnie.   The teen was slowing letting down the wall of indifference that he had created to protect himself and Dani.
When Ronnie finally spoke, his voice shook slightly, "How do you do if?  Being a part of two words?  Not having a family?  Being a child and an adult all at once?"
Liam smiled sadly at his brother, knowing exactly how he was feeling because he had once-and still did at times, felt the same way.
"I had some really good friends to see me through," Liam answered.
"But what am I suppose to do?  I have none," Ronnie replied.
Liam looked at the boy, whose face was half hidden by his long bangs.  Suddenly, he knew the answer to the question that he had been thinking about ever since he had learned of Ronnie and Dani's existence.
"Yes, you do.  You have me, and don't think I'm letting my only sibling walk out of my life.  I want you and Dani to join the Resistance.  That way you can help us defeat the Taelons.  I'm sure there is a lot of information in both of your heads that will help us," Liam stated.
Ronnie's face brightened, "Really?"
"This is now your home," Liam answered.
A smile suddenly crossed Ronnie's face and the next thing Liam knew he was being hugged.   At first it was a little ackward, but after a few seconds it seemed like the most natural thing on the world...

Across town, Sandoval was just waking up in the warehouse.  His head ached, but not nearly as much as his heart did.  When he had woke up and heard the soft words of love that Ronnie had left as a parting gift, Ronald almost started to cry.   He realized that he would probably never see his son again, and it hurt him more than anything else-even DeeDee's death, had.  He took a minute to pray that they had found a safe way out of Washington.  When he was done, Sandoval stood up and brushed the dust off of his clothes.  As he left the building, his thoughts turned to someone he felt no love for at all.  If Zo'or wanted to play hardball, then he would play hardball too...