Domestic Tranquility

by Kari Robinson ( 

Original Story Ideas   1999 by Kari Robinson.  All rights reserved. 

This is an amateur publication and is not intended to infringe on the rights of the Tribune

Company or any other holders of Earth: Final Conflict copyrights. 


Author's Note: This little "doodle" takes place within the universe of Tina Price's stories.  If you

haven't read her work, go do so now!  My thanks to her for letting me play in her yard. 


Domestic Tranquility


William Boone nodded briefly to the guards who snapped to attention as the Companion's attach‚ and consort passed through the main entrance to the Taelon Embassy.  Long strides took him quickly to his office, where he put the large crate he had been carrying on the floor next to his desk.  As he bent over, the tiny ball of fur hidden in his jacket moved slightly and made a small sound. 

"Shhh," he whispered as he opened his jacket slightly and looked inside.  "Just a few minutes more."  Two bright eyes looked back at him hopefully.  Unable to keep what he knew must be a silly grin off his face, he gave the small head a soft pat and settled the bundle more comfortably.  Closing his jacket firmly, he left the office and started up the ramp toward the family quarters at

the very top of the building. 

About halfway up the ramp, he heard a voice crying, "Da da da da!"  So Braedan was still awake, despite the lateness of the hour.  He grinned to himself.  It was just as well, as it would make his next task easier.  Da'an might be able to say no to her consort, but she was putty in her son's hands. 

The voice from the top floor became louder and began repeating the one syllable faster as Boone got closer to their door.  Julianne Belman had told him recently that it was very unusual for human babies to speak much before their first birthday.  At seven months, however, Braedan had recently begun repeating single syllables.  His favorite, judging by how often he said it, was 'da'. Boone was sure that Braedan was trying to say 'daddy' and Da'an was convinced that he was trying to say her name.  Boone chuckled to himself.  A very smart little boy, his son. 

Checking one last time to make sure that the small burden was secure, he entered their chamber.  Da'an was reclining in the energy stream, holding on tightly to a rapidly bouncing Braedan who was sitting on her lap. 

Boone crossed the room to join his family in the stream, scooped up his son in one arm, and kissed him soundly.  "Hiya, tiger.  What are you doing still up?" 

"Da da da da da da!" 

Da'an, who had waved the stream off, rose to join them.  "What are you hiding, William?"

"Hiding?" he asked as Braedan, who had apparently noticed something, began trying to reach inside his father's jacket. 

"You do not normally hold your arm in that position.  You are supporting something under your jacket." 

Sheepishly, he handed Braedan back to her and removed the puppy from his hiding space. 

Braedan squealed and reached for the dog, who began barking joyfully at the little boy.  Boone handed the wriggling puppy to the baby, who immediately hugged the dog to his chest. 

                "Careful, champ.  He's a baby, too.  You don't want to hurt him." 

Da'an looked at the puppy as if he were a Jaridian probe.  "What is this?" 

"It's a dog, Da'an--a Chesapeake Bay Retriever to be exact.  No, Braedan, don't put his ear in your mouth." 

Da'an's concern was evident in her voice.  "Is it safe to have this creature near the baby?"  She  tried without success to stop the dog from licking Braedan's face. 

"Of course it's safe!  Every boy should have a dog, Da'an.  I just figured they should get to know each other early in life." 

"Why did you not discuss this with me first?" 

"There wasn't time.  I had the opportunity to get the puppy and had to take it now or lose him."

Da'an still looked unconvinced.  "Zo'or will not be pleased." 

Boone was ready for that argument.  "You are still the North American Companion.  This is your  residence; Zo'or is just a guest.  Besides, I have an ace in the hole as far as Zo'or is concerned." 

Da'an looked at him out of the corner of her eyes.  "What would that be?" 

"Nivian likes dogs."  He winked at her.  "I checked." 

She took another look at the dog.  "Why is its tail moving like that?" 

"His tail, Da'an.  He's a male.  He's wagging his tail because he's happy.  The same reason Braedan is laughing.  They look like a good match to me." 

"Then I shall consider it." 




"William . . ." 

As he got out of bed and stumbled over to the puppy crate, Boone reflected that Da'an had almost perfected that unique tone of voice which indicated 'aggravated wife'.  Perhaps she would be pleased to learn that she had acquired this ability.  Perhaps one day he would choose to share this knowledge with her. 

Opening the door, he caught the newly named Cocoa as he darted out of the crate and picking him up, hugged him to his chest.  The whimpering, which had continued non-stop since the puppy was separated from Braedan, immediately ceased as he settled into the crook of Boone's arm.  Boone went back to the bed and settled in. 

"You have brought him into our bed?"  Da'an was incredulous. 

"Da'an, it's his first night away from his mother and the rest of the litter.  He just needs a bit of comfort."  He scratched the puppy's head as he spoke.  "I'll put him back into the crate as soon as he falls asleep." 

The silence from the other side of the bed was deafening, and he sighed softly as he slid down against his pillow.  Apparently, it was going to be a long night.  After about a minute, however, he felt the mattress move as Da'an shifted position and reached over to rest her hand on Cocoa's back. 

                "Is he well, William?  Should his heart be beating so rapidly?" 

"He's fine, Da'an.  Just a bit nervous about the new surroundings." 

He could feel her stroking the puppy's soft fur.  "Then we must see to it that he is comforted." 

Knowing that she could see him perfectly despite the darkness, he grinned at her.  "He seems to be winning you over." 

"The canines of Earth are not unlike a species indigenous to the Taelon home world."  Her eyes met his briefly and slid back to the puppy.  "And Braedan seems to have formed a connection with him." 

As she spoke, Cocoa wiggled his way out of Boone's arms.  Bouncing over to Da'an, he sniffed at her energetically. 

"What is he doing?" 

"Dogs identify each other and their people by scent.  He's trying to get to know you." 

"He will be trying for some time." 

Oblivious to their conversation, Cocoa sniffed at Da'an one last time before curling up in the hollow at her waist and immediately falling asleep. 

Boone reached to move the puppy and was stopped by Da'an's hand on his arm.  "I have recently learned, William, that it is unwise to wake a sleeping baby.  I suspect that is true of any species. Let him sleep." 

"Are you sure?" 

She cupped his cheek in her hand.  "Tomorrow we will obtain an appropriate bed for him."  Her eyes glowed with amusement.  "And you shall introduce him to Zo'or." 

He leaned forward with the intention of kissing her and was stopped by her hand on his chest.  "Sleeping babies, William." 

Relieved by her decision, he composed himself for sleep.  Tomorrow would be soon enough to introduce her to the concept of housebreaking.