Copyright ©1999, Delma RM.. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be re-posted in part or in full without written permission from me.
Disclaimer: Gene Roddenberry's Earth: Final Conflict is copyright 1998, Tribune Entertainment Co. It's characters are used without permission, no infringement is intended.
Title: Sunday, June 19, 4 AC
Author: Delma RM

Sunday, June 19, 4 AC

Sandoval stood at his window overlooking the park, his hands clasped behind his back. It made him feel empty inside. All those fathers and their children, cooking out and playing games. He had one, possibly two chances at that but he had thrown it all away. He was 34 years old and he had no one who wanted to be in his company, no one to run up and give him a hug, no one to call him father. Edana, he had practically dropped her when he went to Harvard. He had chosen the wrong way to break up with her. She had been upset and supposedly cried for days. No one had any proof of that though. She knew how not to cry and rarely let anyone see her. He had thought she would hate him forever. At least she was still there. She didn't want him though. She'd married someone else and now was with someone else, Kincaid. He and Deedee had wanted children but that was before he had been Implanted. Then all chances flew away as the MI took over his life. Siobhan would have loved him if he had let her but he pushed her away until it was too late.
Sandoval shook his head. He would never have anyone love him again. A sound came from behind him. It was so small that any normal Human would've dismissed it immediately without turning. Sandoval hoped whomever was there would leave. He heard the small sound once more and then the person was gone. Sandoval would've stayed at the window for hours more if a smell hadn't filled his nostrils. He turned and someone had left a plate on his desk. It was rather large and covered with food. A hamburger with lettuce, tomato, salsa, and mustard the way he liked it. Two hot dogs with mustard, ketchup and melted cheese. There were beans and potato salad. There was a slice of chocolate cake next to it. Who had brought this to him?
That's when he noticed the card leaning on a picture on the desk. That picture had been an indulgence. Someone had found a picture of him and Liam talking to a Taelonist at Strandhill. Sandoval had framed it and left it on his desk. Looking at that picture was calming for some reason. He picked up the card, it was homemade. The front had a chalk drawing, fresh from the look of it. It reminded him of a field near the house he had grown up in. Inside there was a hand written message. There was no signature, no clue as to who wrote it. He turned the card over and noticed a symbol. It appeared to be Taelon. Sandoval wished he had learned Eunoia like Boone had. He could always find him and ask him.


Sandoval found Boone in the garden. There were Agents everywhere. Boone was working a grill and filling plates with the burgers and hot dogs, he himself had enjoyed a few short moments before.
"Hello Agent Sandoval. I see you decided to join us."
"I was actually wondering who brought me my plate a few moments ago.'
"Oh I don't know. I'm just the cook." Boone waved his fork around as he spoke.
"Also, I was wondering if you could read this." Sandoval pulled the card from his pocket and showed Boone the back.
Wow. That's the symbol for um... Oh, the respect for a parent. Taelons use it in referring to the parent who had the most influence over them. Who gave it to you?"
"I don't know." Sandoval replaced the card in his pocket. He picked up a plate and began loading it with more food. He systematically made up his hot dog. The bun on the plate, mustard along one side, the roasted dog, ketchup on the other side, and melted cheese over the top.
"Hey Liam! You and Ron make your hot dogs the same exact way." Edana and Liam had just been getting their plates. Liam let half a smile slip. Sandoval watched him go through the motions he had just completed. Then Liam made his burger. Bread, a little mustard, the meat, salsa, tomato, lettuce, bread.
"I didn't think the Irish ate much salsa, Major."
"Well, there's a rumor of Native American in me." Liam smirked.
"So who threw this thing together?"
"The fathers got the day off and the non-fathers didn't think it fair and got permission to party out here." Edana explained as she struggled for something just out of reach.
"Let me get that for you."
"Thank you Ron. Hey. Come sit with us."
"I don't know. I was just going back to my office."
"Come on. At least try to be sociable." He shook his head. He sat apart from the group and ate and listened to everyone else talk. He was still wondering who had left him the card. Then he took to watching Edana. Something about her seemed different. Then he saw it. Then looks she gave Liam were the same ones she had once given him while they were dating. He missed that. When no one was watching, he left. Edana's announcement last week had shocked everyone. Although, Ronald was happy for her, he couldn't share in her joy. He would have no one to take care of, or to need him. He didn't need to stick around and watch Liam and Edana live something he would never know.
In his living quarters that night, he pulled out the card once more and looked it over. The inside still spoke to him. It whispered to him... that someone cared for him in a fatherly way. Maybe it was a practical joke, but what if it was real? In any case it gave him hope.

"To a man who has set the standard for me. For him who has made me work for what I believe in. A man whose questions made me question myself. You have made me the person I am today. To Ronald Sandoval, the only father I have ever known."

To be Continued..


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