Copyright ©1999, Delma RM.. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be re-posted in part or in full without written permission from me.

Disclaimer: Gene Roddenberry's Earth: Final Conflict is copyright 1998, Tribune Entertainment Co. It's characters are used without permission, no infringement is intended.

Title: The Gala

Author: Delma RM






The Gala


            “I’m going.”

            “No, you are not. I need you to watch your brother and sister tonight.” Sandoval was tired of this. All week they had been fighting. It was better than that first day but still bad. Now he had 50 minutes to finish getting ready and Alex was aggravating him again.

            “Aw. Let her go Uncle Ronald. I’ll watch Mellie, I’m used to it.” Chris piped up. These sparring matches usually lasted half an hour at a time and they were tiring to listen to.

            “Do you mind? You aren’t helping.” Sandoval looked down at the young man, then back at Alex. “And no, you can’t go.”

            “When else am I going to have this kind of edge over other people. I’m starting a new school soon and I’m going to need something truly great to reach the status on the team that I had in Colorado. This is absolutely perfect.”

            “I have enough on my mind tonight without having to watch after you too.”

            “I’m 16, I can do very well by myself.”

            “I’m was talking about that mouth of yours. This will be no place for a child.”

            “I am not a child… and besides won’t you have a whole team of security all over that place, each one at your beck and call.”

            “Not this time I don’t. This is a formal affair and my team will not be as recognizable.”

            “I’m going.”

            “No you aren’t and now, if you please, I need to finish getting dressed. You should be using tonight to pack. Maj. Kincaid finally found an apartment, so we can get out of this… place.” He shut the door and Alex raced to her room. She pulled her dress bag out from under the bed and reach into the back of it. She pulled out the formal she had worn to prom that spring.

            “Where are you going Alex?” Mellie climbed out from under her bed where she was playing.

            “With Uncle Ronald.”


            “I don’t have time for your questions Mellie. Chris is going to stay and play with you tonight.”


            Edana opened the door to the suite to see Alex coming out of her room looking fabulous. “Alex, you look beautiful.”

            “Thank you. You look great too.” Alex said shyly. Edana unnerved her sometimes. “Are you taking us to the gala?”

            “Yes, but Ron didn’t say anything about bringing you too.”

            “Well… technically, he did say that I couldn’t go but since I am ready, it would be a waste for me not to go now. It’s not like I’m going to cause any trouble. I just want to observe, I don’t really like to attract attention to myself.” ‘Lie.’ She told herself. Vice President of the debate team doesn’t want to get noticed?!

            Then Sandoval stepped out of his room and his eyes nearly bugged out. “What are you doing? I told you no.”

            “Come on. I will sit the entire time. I won’t talk to anyone important. I’ll blow off the reporters… AND if you say your team will be undercover, I can aid in that and pretend I’m talking to one of them so they don’t look so conspicuous.”

            “Fine.” He went back to his room and returned with a jacket. He handed it to her.

            “What’s this?”

            “If you insist on going, you have to wear this.”

            “It doesn’t match my dress.”

            “Wear it or stay. I will not have you going out looking like that. Now we must be going. Eddy, by the way, you look stunning.”


            They walked into the empty room. Looked over everything they had set up. Sandoval spoke with the guards keeping Alex by his side at all times. Liam went up to the security room to check on the cameras, and the radio systems. Edana had a few people with her making sure everything was where it should be and that there were no surprise deliveries. There were a lot of people hurrying around making the final adjustments. Alex wanted very much to complain but then her uncle would just send her home. Home, heh, that suite was really getting to her. Hopefully the apartment Liam found would be much better. She watched him secure his ear-piece and walk over to her.

            “How are you doing, Alex?”

            “Oh just fine. I’m slightly bored, I forgot we would be here before the guests arrived. I’m burning up, and he won’t let me get three feet away.”

            “Well, I’m on my way to get Da`an. Would you like to come?”

            “Really? I would if he’d let me… and if I don’t have to wear this jacket while we’re gone.”

            “Alright. I’ll talk him into it. I’ll be right back.” Liam stepped over and whispered to Sandoval. The short agent looked up at Liam, then at Alex and nodded. Liam turned and smiled. “Let’s go.”


            “So what is he like?” Alex removed her jacket and readjusted the restraints.


            “Da`an. I heard you were his protector once.”

            “How do you know all this stuff? Yes, I was his protector for awhile. Da`an is a very understanding being, he listens and doesn’t make assumptions without a good basis.”

            “Sounds good. I might actually be nice to him.”

            “Please do… although … if you don’t tell anyone I said so… you can be as rude as you want to Zo`or.” He chuckled.

            “Ha ha. Is he that bad?”

            “Just wait until you meet him and you will understand. Commander Boone is bringing him tonight as well. Coming out of interdimensional.”


            “I am ready. Liam, who is this young woman?” Da`an emerged from his chamber and looked at Alex.

            “Da`an, this is Alex. She is Agent Sandoval’s niece.”

            “Hi. How are you?” Alex held out her hand, which after some hesitation Da`an attempted to shake.

            “I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Ms. Escobar. Maj. Kincaid has told me how you came to be here. I am sorry to learn of your mother’s senseless passing and am grateful that you have relations among our own who can now care for you and your siblings.” The sincerity in his voice surprised Alex a little. No one had spoken to her in such a sincere and frank manner in the past week. It reassured her.

            “I am also pleased to meet you Da`an, Liam has also told me about you.”

            “You two can finish this talk in the shuttle. We need to meet Boone on the landing pad so we have adequate security to get you in.”


            “This is Abby Franklin. I am here at the Candidates Gala in Washington D.C. We have just seen the Leader of the Taelon Synod, Zo`or land and enter the building. The North American Companion’s shuttle was not too far behind. He has landed and we  await Da`an’s emergence. Here we have William Boone, Commander of Security and Interspecies relations, going out to meet Major Liam Kincaid, Da`an, and it seems we have a mystery guest this evening. It appears to be a young woman accompanying Da`an, at the moment I cannot identify her, although she is being escorted into the building by FBI Agent Ronald Sandoval. We’ll be back with more from inside the Candidates Gala after these messages.” Abby kept her smile until the camera was off. “Okay somebody find out who she is. She’s not on the guest list and I’ve never seen her before in my life. That is a daring outfit she is wearing. That dress is great but that suit jacket has to go. Who would have thought I would be doing this again after that Mothership bit? Let’s go people, we have to be inside and set up in three minutes. This is going to be a long evening I can tell.”


            “Put that jacket back on. I told you that you had to wear it. I can’t believe your mother let you buy that dress.”

            “It was hot and I figured it’d be okay until I got back, and see, I’m back and I am putting on the jacket. There is nothing wrong with my dress, it’s the most conservative dress for someone my age.”

            “I doubt that. You are to stay by me for the rest of the evening. You have already caught the reporter’s eye, I don’t like her and she knows it, she won’t come near you as long as you are with me.”

            “Or she’ll use me as an excuse.” She raised her eyebrows at her uncle.

            “Come on.” They hurried down the corridor and the PR people stopped them.

            “Please, this has to look great and not like a police raid. You will enter the room in the order I say and with whom I say. Zo`or you enter with the Asian gentleman, Da`an will enter with you with the hair, yes you. Then you, tall man, with… wait. Tall man you go in with Zo`or and… the scary Asian gentleman with this lovely senorita, and you the policeman… you go in with the young lady. You last two couples will enter through the side entrances so no one notices. Yes. That will definitely work.” The small man went about setting him in the order he had specified and stepped back. “I am… truly great, this is perfect… but honey, lose that jacket. That dress was made to be seen. Yes that’s much better. Oh before I forget, we decided that there will be dancing and at least two pair of you will be expected to dance. Arrange that among yourselves but make it look good. Now we enter. Go, go, go, go.”


            “Here they come. In five, four, three… Abby Franklin reporting from inside the Candidates ball. Here we see President and Mrs. Thompson enter this great room, silence holds as he is followed by Jonathan Doors, this years worthy opponent and headliner himself, accompanied by his son and campaign manager, Joshua Doors. Now we have Zo`or, accompanied by Maj. Kincaid. Da`an accompanied by Capt. Lili Marquette.” Abby wrinkled her brow for a moment then continued. ”I understand that Com. William Boone is also attending although our cameras cannot seem to find him at the moment... Now enter Senator and Mrs. …”


            “Hi. We haven’t been introduced yet and I don’t think your name is young lady and I know mine isn’t policeman. My name is Will Boone.”

            “I know who you are, although… I didn’t think you’d be this tall. I’m Alex, Ronald Sandoval is my uncle.”

            “You know, he never mentioned he had a niece.”

            “Wouldn’t surprise me. I just met him myself this past Monday.”

            “Really? That’s interesting, care to share?”

            “Not really, not tonight, maybe some other time.”

            “That’s fine, so why are you here? I didn’t think someone as uptight as your uncle would allow you to come. No offense.”

            “None taken, that’s exactly what he is.”


            “No speeches tonight, we are all here to talk and mingle amongst ourselves. I believe we will have some music, and then some us old fogies can actually dance to. Just let me say I am pleased to have Zo`or and Da`an here with us to observe. Let’s get this thing started.” Thompson stepped down and joined the other government officials on the floor. The Taelons merely nodded in response. They did not see the need for the overly dressed politicians to convene in the is manner and act as friends when in two weeks they would all be tearing each other down.


            “Oh no. Edana, don’t look now, but here comes Abby Franklin.”

            “Does she have to be here? Can’t we just throw her out or something.”

            “Wish we could. Want to hear the broadcast she did earlier when we walked in?”

            “Sure, why not? Patch it through my earpiece.” Edana listened for a moment then closed her eyes. [I just received an interesting bit of information. It seems that earlier this week, Maj. Liam Kincaid and Agent Edana Martinez were married. We do not have any details at this point but we will have updates later this evening.] ”Who leaked that out? We only told who we needed to. It was private. I’m sorry, it’s not like I don’t want anyone to know… but the gall of that woman….”

            “Good evening. Abby Franklin here. Mind if I ask a few questions?”

            “No. I don’t mind.” Edana said through a phony smile. Liam squeezed her arm and started to leave when Abby called to him.

            “Maj., would you mind staying. I have a few questions for you as well.”

            “Just for a moment though.”

            “I understand that the two of you were married earlier this week. Care to comment of that?”

            “What’s to comment? We are married and happy.”

            “Yes well I did not realize that Companion Protectors were allowed to marry.. much less each other?”

            “What would cause you to come to that conclusion? We do have lives, Ms. Franklin. We are Human. Why wouldn’t we be allowed to marry?” Liam turned to hide the smirk on his face, Edana was turning all the reporter’s questions back on her.

            “Major Kincaid, would you care to comment?”

            “I believe my wife has answered all you questions. Now, if you please, we both have some people we need to attend to.” Liam led Edana away by the arm. She leaned in and whispered to him. “That woman I swear, she just can’t let go… how could you kiss her?”

            “Hey. She caught me totally by surprise. Hey! How did you find out about that?”

            “Oh you know me… I have my ways." They separated to stand each one beside a Taelon, replacing Lili and Boone. They then took their sweep of the room, all seemed to be going fine. Their operatives were all over but hardly noticeable, all were disguised as guests. Sandoval kept to the perimeter of the great room, always keeping Alex by his side. The public relations people had not allowed her to wear the jacket, so Sandoval tried his hardest to keep her out of sight.

            “Why are you doing this? You act like I don’t exist whenever one of those aliens or their lackeys is around, but all of a sudden you act like you care. What’s the deal?” He just looked at her. “Is it that thing in your head? Has it scrambled your brains or something?”

            “You know for all you said you wouldn’t be any trouble you seem to be causing plenty of it tonight.”

            “What do you mean? I haven’t spoken to anyone but Da`an, Liam, Edana and Will.” Sandoval pulled out his global and dialed up WebTV. He showed her the news on the tabloid channel. The headline read “Mystery woman attends Gala.” Then she saw her own face staring back at her. She looked up and sure enough, that reporter had spotted her and was making her way over. Alex started laughing.

            “May I ask what is so funny?”

            “Wait until she finds out her ‘mystery woman’ is a high school junior.” She laughed some more and he managed a small smile.

            “Stay here. I’m going to remind her of a law.”

            “What are you doing?” She called after him but he was already meeting Abby.


            “Ms. Franklin, may I have a word with you… off camera.”

            “Of course Agent Sandoval.” He waited a moment before speaking again.

            “That requires the camera to be turned off, Ms. Franklin.” She reluctantly told her crew to take a break. “I believe that you know that it is quite illegal to plaster a minor’s picture all over the tabloids without parental consent.”

            “Yes I do… What’s your point?”

            “Oh, you have been guilty of this all evening.”

            “I’m afraid I’m not getting you.” Sandoval pulled out his global and showed her the headlines.

            “This person here is very much a minor and you can be sure her guardian is upset that she is all over the news and without consent.”

            “What do you mean she’s a minor?”

            “The girl is 16 and I am afraid you must remove all images from your site and broadcasts until you get the proper consent from her guardian, which I might add you are most certainly not getting. Thank you for your time, Ms. Franklin.” The reporter was speechless but by the time she had recovered, Sandoval was back at Alex’s side and they were continuing their walk around the perimeter of the room. Abby nodded to the camera who hadn’t gone far and he put in the call to the station. The images were pulled without explanation… something would have to be made up when the calls came in.


            “What did you tell her?”

            “I reminded her about the law on underage persons in the media.”

            “Really? Man,,, and I wanted to mess with her too. She looks like an easy target.”

            “She is. The woman is conventionally intelligent. A very fine journalist when she can get the good stories but not what it takes to survive without her tabloid connections.”


            “Da`an. Can you tell me what you think of this event?”

            “It is very curious. It reminds me a bit of what you Humans call boxing. This event is where the opponents meet and extend a brief peace before the fight. Each debate is a round I believe they are called and the election is the final round.”

            “Wow. That is a very… accurate perception of our governmental elections. Although I was not aware that Taelons watched boxing.”

            “It is not my usual custom to do so but several of my protectors and their assistants seem to enjoy the event very much and I have observed this Human trait to entertain sports.”


            “Zo’or, How do you view this evenings events?”

            “Very intriguing custom to make peace before declaring war.”

            “That is an interesting way of putting it. Tell me do you find it odd that two of your Human protectors have married?”

            “I have observed this custom and it seems alien to me, although it seems to be widely expected in your societies. We Taelons have similar bonds but the need for ceremony is not present.”

            “How interesting. Can you tell me if you attended the ceremony?”

            “No, I certainly did not. I have other more important matters to attend to. I believe Da`an was present though.”


            “Da`an, I believe you attended the wedding ceremony of two of your protectors recently. Can you tell me your thoughts on the subject?”

            “It was one of the most beautiful of Human ceremonies I have attended on Earth. Taelons have similar bonds but no ceremony.”

            “Yes but what did you think of the ceremony itself?”

            “I believe this particular one was not traditional by the standards of Humans. It was held within the St. James’ Church but was not performed by a member of the church although there was one present. The ceremony was conducted by one of the Human court’s justice of the peace. It never ceases to amaze me how Humans gather together to witness these events in the lives of their loved ones.”

            “Thank you, Da`an. I was also wondering if you could tell me about the young woman who accompanied you to this event.”

            “Yes. She is a relative of one of my protectors. She was awarded the opportunity to attend. I am now aware that Human youths do not ordinarily attend these functions. Can you tell me why?”

            “Well, I don’t think many young people are interested in these elections.”

            “This one is. She concerns herself with the ways of your government. She led me to believe that many youths are also concerned about this upcoming election.”


            “Now the dancing commences. The orchestra plays a slow waltz. Most of our guests this evening sit this one out as the younger generations take to the dance floor. Interesting how it isn’t the other way around. This is a night of good will. Men and women dressed in their finest, wishing each other luck in the weeks to come. To think these same people will in the following weeks, be pulling out the faults of their opponents for all the world to see. Tonight, though, all is well, all is laid aside. We’ll return after a word from our sponsor. MCI for all your calls, long distance or otherwise.” She paused. “Cut! Alright let’s get down on the floor. I want to get some of the dancing couples and then you are all free to go.”


            “Hi. I’m Lili, you must be Alex.”

            “Hi. I must be. Which one told you? Liam or Will?”

            “Will did. How’d you know?”

            “My uncle doesn’t seem like the type to talk much to anybody. Hell, if you ask him, he’ll probably deny fighting with me too.”

            “Do you argue a lot?”

            “Who wouldn’t? Have you actually met my uncle?”

            “Oh. I know how he is with me… I worked with him for over 4 years. Is he the same way at home?”

            “Quite possibly. Only difference is this. He walks me over to the supreme beings over there and he pretends I don’t mean squat, but the minute they are out of earshot… I am suddenly the cause of all his problems. Then he’ll yell at me for… tonight for instance, my dress.”

            “That’s interesting. There are few times that I can recall him raising his voice at anyone who didn’t deserve it.”

            “And you’ve been working with him the entire time he’s been with the Taelons?”

            “Yeah. Forgive me for saying this but he’s always been pretty unhuman as long as I’ve known him. Well, no. When his CVI broke down, I saw a whole other side to him, he was such a passionate man, he would have done anything for his wife.”

            “Really? Did you know her?”

            “No. I met her briefly before she died.”

            “What was she like??

            “Well, she was not herself at the time, I’m pretty sure of that but she seemed like a nice person who knew what was going on was wrong.”

            “How did she die?”

            “Um… I don’t know. I wouldn’t recommend asking him either, it’s not a safe subject. I asked him about the ring on his little finger and he looked like he might kill me. I’m pretty sure it’s hers though.”

            “Oh. Can I ask you something? Why is it although all three are Implants… Will and her” She gestured to the two on the dance floor swept over all the guests also dancing. ”are different from my uncle? They don’t seem to act the same.”

            “I don’t know.” Lili shrugged, she liked this kid already… she could come in handy later… if her uncle didn’t get in the way.


            It was silent. Alex was rereading the letter she found in the jacket pocket. It was part of her mother’s will.

            Dear Ronny,                                                                                      2 AC

I’m very sorry, if you’re reading this I must be gone. Hank is gone, he died in the SI Wars. I miss him very much and wouldn’t take the past 17 years back for anything. I miss you and mom and dad and Mom. I don’t think I would have done it differently. It appears things have worked out for you. I saw you on television with those aliens. You looked very important. I didn’t call because I didn’t know how you felt about me leaving. I never got any letters back from you. I wish I knew what was going on in that corner of the world but I don’t think I could ever go back. I really hope you ended up marrying Eddy, she was such a sweet girl and so smart. I just hope you are happy no matter what you chose to do.

Another reason for me writing this is to tell you about me. All the arrangements should have been taken care of so you don’t have to worry about that. The other letters I've written explain everything. Ronny, I know this is a lot to take in. It’s a lot of responsibility I’m putting on you but I know you will do what’s best. I love you… I always have.

                                                Your loving sister,

                                                Arabela Sandoval Escobar


Edana was in the kitchen looking for bowls and spoons for their dinner. The smell was intoxicating. The letter had given her something to think about. She had found it in the jacket at the gala and had read it in a secluded corner. The smell was getting to her though and she had some questions.

“What is it?” Alex sat at the table.

“Menuedo. Do you like it?”

“Well there’s no chance that there’s real tripe in it is there?”

“No, sorry haven’t been able to get the real stuff in a few years.”

“I guess it’ll do. I was wondering… how do you know my uncle exactly?” Edana stopped chopping onions for a minute. She scooped them into a bowl and brought it to the table.

“What do you want to know?” Edana when to the counter and got her knife and a few lemons and returned to the table with the items.


“We grew up together. He’s two years older than me. I was the girl next door.” Edana sliced the lemons and placed them in the bowl with the onions.

“That’s it? You were just friends?” Edana smirked a little as she wiped her hands on the towel.

“You are a smart one. He and I dated rather seriously in high school. I don’t know how much of it was us really liking each other or that we were expected to.”

“What happened?”

            “He left for college, for awhile we missed each other but I think maybe we realized we had lives that didn’t involve each other and we enjoyed it.”

            “So… you’re still friends now?”

            “I guess, he’s not as open as he used to be, and he’s still as stubborn as ever.” Just then the door opened admitting Liam and Sandoval. Liam walked over and kissed Edana.

            “Alex, let’s go.”

            “Ron, come on and stay for some menuedo. It’s all ready. I even got crackers cause I know you like those better.”

            “Come on, Uncle Ronald. I’m starving and it’s not like Chris and Mellie will notice another hour or two.” He sighed and looked at her.

            “Okay, Eddy, I hope you made a lot.” Edana smiled and pointed to the huge pot on the stove.


            The meal passed in an awkward silence. Edana tried to create conversation but the only one that kept up any sort of possible feedback was Alex. Sandoval either ignored questions or gave monosyllabic answers.

            “Alex, where did you get that dress? It is fabulous.” Edana asked her and when Alex opened her mouth to answer, Sandoval cut her off.

            “It doesn’t matter. She’s not wearing it again, and you won’t be able to wear anything resembling it for quite some time.”

            “What’s your problem? We have all been bending over backwards to be nice to you and you return it with being your usual charming self.” Liam tried to say calmly.

            “You should have known it would a waste of effort Maj.” The two men stared at each other with their wills of iron. Alex tried to break the tension.

            “Uncle Ronny, Can I go home tomorrow? To my home?”

            “Why? We’re moving tomorrow.”

            “Well, Anthony’s leaving for college Monday and I want to say good-bye. In person.”

            “Who-  Oh. Right. No, but you can call him.”


            “Ron, let her go. Remember we got to spend one last day together before you left.”

            “Yes, I remember and that is precisely why she can’t.”

            “Ok, that’s it. I did not need to hear that.” Liam dropped his spoon and got up from the table. He went into the main room and opened a window.

            “What exactly did you not want to hear, Maj.?” Sandoval goaded him, Liam turned and glared at him.

            “You know Uncle Ronny, I hear that there are ways to treat that kind of enjoyment of malicious treatment of your fellows.” Alex spat out sarcastically. Sandoval didn't even glance her way, that scared her the most. There was something really wrong here. She glanced at Edana and could tell she could feel it too. The two men glared at each other, the silence was deafening.

            "Alex, why don't you come in here with me for a few minutes, I want to show you something." Edana grabbed her arm and pulled her into the back room. "Oh my God… they are going to kill each other."

            Alex watched as Edana knelt and started praying. Something was definitely wrong. She sat on the floor and picked up a box next to the bed.


            "Do you want to tell me something?" Sandoval asked coolly.

            "I don't know what you are talking about."

            "This charade that you've been carrying on for the past year."

            "And what exactly do you think you know?"

            "I know that you are not who you've been pretending to be." Sandoval stood wiping his hands on his napkin.

            "Please, elaborate." Liam felt both amusement and fear run through him.

            "I don't know what you are doing here. I can't prove any of it, you probably already know that. It upsets me that you have chosen one of my dearest friends to toy with. Now listen to me, if you harm her in any way… I will kill you."

            "So. You think you know who I am. You think I have some ulterior motive for being here don't you."

            "Would you care to explain?"

            "Not really. IF I did, you wouldn't believe me. No one ever does… and I don’t think it wise with your niece in the apartment. No need to give her another reason to dislike you."

            "How is it that you seem to know more about my niece than I do?"

            "I listen to her. I don't treat her like an inconvenience. If you don't take the time to talk to those kids, they will turn on you."

            "Who are you to give me advice on raising these kids? Because you knocked up Edana?"


            Edana's head snapped up at that one. Alex was too busy looking at the images in the box to listen and didn't notice Edana get up and leave the room. One of them she recognized, it was the picture her uncle had on his desk. All the pictures had people she had seen recently. Lili, Liam, Edana, Sandoval, Will, Da'an… there were also some of a red-haired Implant and a short man with a pony-tail. The yelling in the next room rose but she didn't hear any of it. She kept the images going in a round and noticed something. They were all recent pictures, they had all been taken within the last year or so. Alex started to feel dizzy and the world began to spin, voices whispered and buzzed around her unintelligibly. Slowly they became clearer along with a far off cry. 'I am with you my son.' 'Mi hija, stay with him.' 'I am proud of you my child.' 'They will bring you happiness.' 'It's the young one.' 'Bring them together.'


            "Is she breathing?"

Suddenly Alex was snapped back into reality and looking up into three concerned faces. She blinked rapidly until she saw clearly.

"Alex, what happened? We heard you cry out…" Edana started.

"I'm fine. I-- I don't know what happened myself."

"Look at this." Liam pulled a strand of hair from her head, it was white. "How do you suppose that happened?"

Edana and Ronald exchanged quick glances. Ronald swallowed and cleared his throat. "Let us go."

"I'll walk you down." She helped Alex to her feet, Liam started to speak but Edana shook her head at him.


They stood on the curb and waited for the taxi. Edana kept watching Sandoval, but he wouldn't give a clue as to what he was thinking. She stepped closer so she could whisper.

"Ron… what are you thinking?"

"What do you think?"

"You never believed… do you now?"

"I don't know… I don't know what happened to me then and I don't know what happened to her just now… I am sorry. I should not have disrespected you in your home… or Liam for that matter. Tell him I said that."

"Nah. He wouldn't believe me if I did. It is real. I hope you realize that now. I'm curious, what did he tell you?"

"He neither confirmed nor denied anything that I have suspected about him, but you know don't you?"

"I am his wife, I think I know him better than he does. You aren't ready to know, tell your boys to back off… for my sake at least. They can't tell you anything that you don't already know."

"Of course, I'm sorry. Are they obvious?"

"To the trained eye… yes. Ron, take care of yourself and those kids. You need them as much as they need you. Tell her." She wrapped her arms around him in a sisterly hug. She was a little surprised when he actually returned it as warmly. "Don't be too hard on her, you may lose her."

"Eddy, I don't know what I'm doing. Alex doesn't listen to me. Chris looks at me the way you used to look at Arabela, Mellie is just too little to understand. I have asked myself everyday this week, why? Why me? Why not someone better equipped to take care of them?"

"I'm sure it'll all work out fine, just love them and I'm sure they will love you back. Just give them time."

Alex pretended she wasn't listening. Her mind was racing, she had seen her hair in a mirror while they half carried her from the bedroom. Just what did her uncle have to tell her?


Liam picked up the picture box from the floor where they had found Alex. The last image had been the collage of everyone in all the other pictures. What had she seen in it to scare her so badly? He had come close to telling his father, very close but he just couldn't do it. He heard Edana come back into the apartment as he sat there. He lay back with the box on his chest. She moved about quietly getting ready for bed.

"So what happened to her?"

"I don't know."

"Don't lie to me, I saw that look you gave him… both of you know what happened."

"If you think you know, why don't you tell me?" She laid down beside him. "Liam, you're upset, try to get some sleep. We are both on duty tomorrow and it's already late."

Liam saw again the embrace he witnessed on the street below. He had never seen Sandoval like that. It all made him curious. He closed his eyes and it all ran through his head again.