Copyright ©1999, Delma RM.. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be re-posted in part or in full without written permission from me.
Disclaimer: Gene Roddenberry's Earth: Final Conflict is copyright 1998, Tribune Entertainment Co. It's characters are used without permission, no infringement is intended.
Title: Children?!
Author: Delma RM


Ronald Sandoval sat in his office planning out his latest security plan. The silence was starting to get to him. Kincaid was nowhere in sight. The young man did well to keep out of his way. Today was a bad day...  For some unknown reason, Sandoval had overslept, Zo`or demanded his presence immediately so he was unable to eat, Raven protested angrily all morning, his lunch had been undercooked and had nearly made him ill. Sandoval was beginning to believe the day could get no worse when his global bleeped.
"Sandoval." He barked into the thing. A startled young woman was on the other end.
"I'm sorry. I must have the wrong person. I'm looking for a Ronald P. Sandoval, brother to one... Arabela E. Sandoval- Escobar." She looked uncertainly at the impassive man.
"You have the right man. Can I help you?" Sandoval didn't slip one inch; he kept his emotionless mask steady.
"Mr. Sandoval, my name is Connie White, there is something I need to tell you. Please, if you could stop by my office at this address, I will tell you everything."
"Ms. White, I am a busy ma-" She cut him off.
"This is urgent, I can't put this off another day."
"Then just tell me, this is a secure line."
"It would be better to tell you in person."
"Ma'am, if you please, tell me now."
"If you insist sir. Your sister has just passed on, her will names you executor of the will." Sandoval was in shock, but didn't show it. "It would really be better if you came by yourself, sir. There are legal arrangements and paperwork."
"I will be there upon the nearest possible opportunity."


"Yes, Agent Sandoval."
"May I request a week of personal time?"
"What has prompted this request? I have never known you to require personal time. Are you ill?" The Taelon was genuinely concerned for his first Implant. It was uncharacteristic of him to bother any Taelon with anything personal.
"No, I am not ill. My sister has just passed on and I am needed to see to her personal effects and legal arrangements." He did not mention the mourning time he would need as well. It would not be Implant-like to mention such a thing.
"Your request is granted but you must take Maj. Kincaid with you. I believe that he can see to anything you cannot. I believe that death is one of the most difficult times for Humans." Da`an reflected on the emotions he felt at his sharing with Edana and Liam. Sandoval seemed not to show these emotions that Da`an knew he possessed.
"Thank you, Da`an." Sandoval should have know Da`an would do this. With the recent leaks in security, there must always be two Agents together at all times. Everyone must be accounted for and have alibis from another Companion worker. Sandoval started to leave but Da`an stopped him.
"Agent Sandoval, why did you not request your leave from Zo`or?"
"I knew he would not understand." With that Sandoval took his leave.


Edana stopped Liam on his way to the shuttle. He had a suitcase in his arms.
"Where are you going?"
"I don't know yet. Sandoval told me he needed me to pilot him this week. Da`an gave him a week of personal time."
"That's odd." She turned in time to see Sandoval step into the shuttle. "Ron! What's going on?"
He stepped back out of the shuttle and pulled her aside. He pulled the sunglasses from his face to reveal a pair of red, swollen eyes. "What happened?"
"It's Arabela, I don't know all the details yet but she's... she died." He had spent the past few hours kicking himself. He hadn't seen his sister since she ran off after high school, he had been in the eighth grade at the time. Their parents had not approved of her boyfriend and she eloped, they hadn't seen her since. Now, twenty years later, this was the first and last he would hear of her.
Edana was speechless. She had never really known Arabela because of the huge age difference but still she was almost family, as was Ronald. "I'm sorry, Ron. Uh... go. You have stuff to do."
He nodded and replaced the sunglasses on his face and stepped back into the shuttle as Liam secured their luggage in the back. "Let's go Major."
"Yes sir." Liam seated himself behind the controls and they were off.


"Mr. Sandoval. I am glad you could make it." Connie held out her hand to him, which he just stared at. "I regret I could not have found you sooner. It was believed that Mrs. Escobar had no other family until just yesterday."
"What are you saying Ms. White?"
"Her first will requested a speedy funeral, everything was taken care of. There were two letters that came into my possession. One to be opened by me, her lawyer, and another to you." Connie pulled three documents from a folder. She handed them to Sandoval but Liam took them instead.
"You mean to tell me that I missed my own sister's funeral."
"I'm sorry... until this letter came to me I had no knowledge that she had other family. Her will stated that I was to execute all arrangements according to the guidelines set therein, this letter was to be opened by me the day after her funeral. In it, it was revealed that she had a brother to take care of her remaining affairs and the letter. It is very important that you read it immediately. I am under orders from my firm to handle this as quickly as possible."
Liam handed the envelope to Sandoval. He opened it and read it's contents. He immediately took the seat he had refused upon entering the office. "It seems that you have taken care of everything according to Arabela's will. Thank you."
"So you agree with my handling of the situation."
"When will you be able to pick up the children?"
"Yes. In the first letter, she named you their guardian." Liam looked over the document and nodded to Sandoval.
"But I couldn't possibly take care of children? I am a Companion Protector, there is no possible way. What of the ... What of Enrique?"
"He died with many others in the SI War. There is no other family that I can locate. I am required to turn them over into your custody. You can do what you see fit after that is done."
"I never knew of any children. Where are they?"
"They are staying with a neighbor for the time being but these arrangements need to be taken care of at once." She pulled a stack of papers from a folder and placed them in front of Sandoval with a pen.

Liam had stood quietly next to Sandoval and watched the man take all this in. The man gave away nothing. His mask never faltered and one would never know until he removed the sunglasses to reveal his eyes. Sandoval had not spoken to him at all, unless it was to give the coordinates for their next destination. Liam had suffered from the flashbacks upon hearing Arabela's name spoken aloud. She was 6 years older than Sandoval, they had alot of fun together. When Arabela had told their parents about her engagement, they refused to acknowledge it. They said she was being silly and didn't know what she was doing. Arabela ran off and married Enrique anyway and both were cut off from their families. They refused to get divorced and so no one had heard from either of them since... that was twenty years ago. Liam remembered Sandoval watching Arabela sneak out the night she eloped and crying the night she came back and their parents threw her out. Their parents had hidden the letters she had written to him. He found a box full of them while up in the attic when he was 17. They had immediately burned them all unopened.
"Major. How much longer?" Liam brought himself out of his thought and paid attention to what he was doing."
"ETA: 4 minutes."
"While I am inside, please stay with the shuttle, make the adjustments for 3 additional passengers and luggage."
"Yes sir." Liam was afraid to talk to him still. The man was not obviously grief stricken but Liam knew he was.
"Also, contact a child service department for me."
"What Major? Speak up."
"These are your nieces and nephew, I assumed you would take them with you."
"Major. I know nothing about children and being in the home of a Companion Protector can only put them in danger."
"If that is true, if it ever got out that these children are connected to you, it would make them easy prey and you know where the Companions stand on terrorist abductions."
"I suppose you are right, Major. In that case, for the timing being, they will need someplace to stay. Any suggestions? As you know, I reside on the Mothership."
"Leaving interdimensional. I will do my best to find someplace for you."
"Thank you."

"Alex! Chris! Mellie!" Mrs. Winters called up the stairs. "Please, Mr. Sandoval, make yourself at home."
"I cannot stay. I thank you for taking them in. I have just found out about them myself."
"And your wife won't mind you bringing home three kids?"
"She'd hardly mind... she's dead." Sandoval's love for intimidating people came out again. He enjoyed scaring people.
"Oh, I'm sorry sir. If you don't mind me asking, what type of vehicle did you bring over here? I know most bachelors have sports cars, two seaters."
"Take a look out the window, you can't miss it." Just then five children ran down the steps.
"Children, this is Mr. Sandoval. He's your uncle. He's come to take you with him to... where was that again Mr. Sandoval"
"Which are they?" "We don't have an uncle." The older girl spoke out over Sandoval.
"I'm afraid you do and I am." Sandoval looked at the girl, she looked just like Arabela. "You must be Alexandria."
"I am. We're not going anywhere."
"I believe I am under orders to take you with me until other arrangements can be made."
"Whatever you say buddy, but we aren't going anywhere. You don't know anything about us. We are not going anywhere."
"Alex, please honey. Be nice." Mrs. Winters pleaded with the girl, she had such an attitude and it had gotten worse since her mother died.
"No, it's quite alright. Alexandria Natalia Escobar. Sophomore in high school, vice-president of the debate club, won all district two years running. A-B honor roll, National Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society, and National Latin Honor Society. Dating Anthony Davison, DI in first band, senior. That all correct?"
"Yes." The girl dropped her guard at hearing all this from a complete stranger.
"Alright then, Christopher Jacob Escobar, which one are you? Yes, you. Seventh grade soccer and basketball champion, clarinet in second band. Straight A's, National Junior Honor Society. All correct?"
"Yes sir." He had been real quiet. Once Alex got upset there was usually no shutting her up.
"And this little one must be, Melanie Jane Escobar. All E's, I believe. Best speller in the 1st grade."
"Uh-huh, and I can spell Taelon. Wanna hear?"
"Maybe later. If that's all done with, please pack your bags. I have my pilot waiting to take us to Washington, D.C."
"What's in D.C.?" Alex was still determined to give him a hard time.
"That's where I work and occasionally live. If you please, there are a great many details to be worked out before I can get the three of you settled."
"Please children, go up and pack." Mrs. Winters was getting nervous with this man in her home. The children reluctantly trudged up the stairs. Alex gave Sandoval an ugly glare all the way up the stairs. He nodded... she was exactly like Arabela. "Mr. Sandoval, where exactly will the children go? They have friends here, activities... "
"Ma'am, my place is in D.C. They are required by law to come with me until other arrangements can be made. Besides, this is July, they can't have too many activities."
"What kind of arrangements?'
"I thank you again for allowing them in your home. I am in the process of settling the affairs of the house. I would appreciate it if you told no one where I am taking them." The three children came down with their suitcases and just stared at him. "Please take your bags out to Major Kincaid. He will take care of your possessions."
They marched out into the street where Liam was making the final adjustments to the shuttle. Their mouths dropped open upon seeing the shuttle.
"Wow.... Are we gonna ride in that?" Mellie ran to the shuttle.
"You sure are. I'm Liam Kincaid. What's your name?"
"I'm Mellie. You have funny eyes." The little girl giggled and let him lift her into the shuttle. He buckled her in while the other two nearly stumbled over each other getting to the shuttle.
"What does he do? I mean, not just anyone can get one of these for personal use."
"You don't know?" Liam looked at her and she shook her head. "You mean to tell me you don't watch the news?"
"Not really, I listen but I don't watch. I have too much going on to waste time staring at a TV screen."
"Well, it so happens that your uncle is a Companion Protector... to Zo`or no less."
"You're not serious."
"Dead serious."
"So you mean he has a CVI and a skrill?" Chris asked, he had wanted to be a Companion Protector when he got older, but he didn't dare tell his sister that.
"Don't they all?" She nodded and narrowed her eyes. She climbed in back of the shuttle. She wanted to be as far away as she could.
"Major. What arrangements have you made?" Sandoval walked up and stepped inside the shuttle, ignoring Mrs. Winters' objections to the children riding in the shuttle.
"Unfortunately all the hotels near the Embassy are booked for the gala next week."
"Major. In that case you won't mind..."
"Sandoval you know where I live, you don't expect me to... take children there."
"Fine, take them to Eddy's." Sandoval strapped himself in while Liam took his place at the controls.
"She'll kill me. There is no room for three other people in that apartment."
"Why can't we stay with you, Uncle?" Alex piped up from behind Sandoval. He turned to look at her.
"I don't have an apartment."
"So, what? You live in a cardboard box, and those expensive suits just appear in the garbage every morning." A snicker came from up front.
"Is something funny Major?"
"No sir."
"Good then you have no objection to finding a suitable place for my nieces and nephew to stay."
"No sir... I will take the four of you to the Embassy for the time being."


"Augur, I need a favor."
"Why does that not surprise me?"
"Will you help me or not?"
"Depends, what's the challenge?"
"Find an empty hotel or apartment for three... make that four. Also finding a chaperone for ages 16 and under."
"What is this? You ask for a favor and I expected a challenge. Now you have me looking for an apartment and a babysitter. No I do not think so my friend."
"Come on Augur. You have to help me... or... I could just invite the little darlings to your place, I'm sure they would love to play games on that new system you got."
"Right on it. When do you need it?"
"Tonight. Fairly early."
"I will call you when I can get it." Augur shut off the screen. "He had to pick the week of that big gala. Everyone and their grandfather is here this week. He's probably serious about bringing rugrats here too."


"Major. I have to speak with Da`an. Look after them will you." It was an order not a request. Sandoval straightened his jacket and left then in his office.
"Mr. Kincaid, do you like working for Mr. Sandoval?" She took Sandoval's seat behind the desk.
"He's your uncle. I guess I like it. I've been working for him for quite some time now. I wouldn't keep doing it if I didn't like it on some level." Liam sat at his own desk in the corner while the other two sat in chairs against the wall.
"Sure. They probably scrambled your brains too."
"Alexandria, that's your name right."
"Alex, you don't seem to have too much faith in the Companions. Do you?"
"No. I don't. I've read the research reports that the Resistance leaks out, I listen to the news, I don't believe they have done anything for us that we could not have done ourselves if we had opened our eyes a little sooner."
"You are a smart child."
"Yes I am. Damn proud of it too, but I am not a child."
"Ohm. Alex... you said a bad word." Mellie spoke up from her chair where she was sitting upside down. "I'll gonna tell."
"Oh shut up and who are you gonna tell?"
"You know, you could be a little nicer to your sister." Liam had started in on his paperwork, he could do both.
"What would you know? You are an only child. You've probably never shared anything with anyone before."
"Why would you say that?"
"I can tell these things. Answer me something. Why is it that we have never heard of an uncle until now?" Chris perked up at the question, he was dying to know as well.
"I don't know. He doesn't talk much about his family. The only thing I know is that his wife died awhile back."
"Someone actually married that?!" She was in shock.
"Was she pretty?" Chris asked cautiously.
"I don't know. I never met her." Liam typed away and didn't notice Alex snooping around on Sandoval's desk. She discreetly turned on the computer and started looking through its files. The ones not encrypted anyway.
"Where are we staying tonight, Mr. Kincaid?" Chris asked.
"Call me Liam. I don't know yet. I have a friend scouting out some good place for you guys. Do you know who's going to stay with you tonight?"
"Well, I thought Uncle... what do we call him?" Chris made a face that looked alot like Sandoval's when he was trying to think of an answer that just escaped him.
"I didn't tell you but his first name is Ronald."
"Ronald?? What kind of name is that?" Alex piped up from the other desk. All she could find was new articles and news broadcasts, she had already gone through them all that morning.
"Well what kind of a name is Alex? What kind of a name is Chris or Liam or-?"
"Or Edana?" She walked in and looked at the young faces. "Who are these adorable young people?"
"These are Sandoval's nieces and nephew. Alex is over there snooping in his desk, this is Chris and that energetic little thing over there is Mellie."
"Are these Arabela's children?" She was in shock.
"My goodness. She looks exactly like her." Edana walked toward Alex who just stared at her.
"So who are you? An aunt we don't know about? Or maybe a sister from an illegitimate affair? Or a girlfriend sent to take us 'home' to make us comfortable?"
"Alex, please be nice. By the way, she's my girlfriend." Liam pleaded; he was getting tired of her attitude.
"Ha! She won't quit if she's anything like her mother. I'm Edana, I'm a friend of your Uncle Ron."
"He has friends?" The teenager was doubtful. "Let me guess, you're the only one he has."
"Why are you so hard on him?"
"Well, when you are an orphan, and you get moved halfway across the country by someone who've never met before, or heard of then you can tell me to chill or whatever. Okay?"
"Wow. You really do have Sandoval blood in you."
"Don't insult me."
"I would be honored to be a part of the Sandoval family. They were good people. It's just too bad that they are such stubborn people or else you would have gotten to know them."
"You know why we've never heard of our uncle before?"
"Yeah. I should say I do. I lived next door when it happened."
"What happened?" Chris was interested now.
"Your mom and your dad eloped. Your grandparents didn't want them to and when they refused to get divorced, both families cut them off. Arabela, knowing her, wouldn't have gone back to apologize and your grandparents weren't about to let her come back. Then they were gone and it was too late, I don't even think she knew."
"Really?" Alex shut up after that.
"Liam. I need to talk to you."
"Shoot." He saw the look she was giving him. "I can't leave, Sandoval will kill me."
"Okay." She pulled a chair next to him. The silence in the room was unnerving. She whispered as quietly as she could. "Well when are you coming home?"
"I don't know. I'm waiting on a call and I have to wait until Sandoval comes back. Why?"
"I went to see Dr. Belman today and well... we're having twins."
"Twins!" The kids looked up at him and he turned around to face her. "What do you mean twins?"
He looked at her stomach as if he could tell just by looking. The growth of the baby (or babies) had slowed to that of normal Human growth. Edana wasn't showing yet but soon. Suddenly, Mellie popped up in between them.
"You're pretty... are you gonna marry the guy with the funny eyes?" Mellie hopped up on Edana's lap. Liam looked down at her then up at Edana.
"My name is Liam, Mellie. And I will marry her when she says yes. By the way, why do you say my eyes are funny?"
She looked up at him and shrugged. "They just look funny, kinda blurry. I can spell Taelon, wanna hear?"
"Don't let her get started, mister. You'll never get her to stop. The only one who could stop her was..." Chris suddenly went silent and looked down at his feet.
"You're a dork, Chris. I'm sleepy. When's mommy coming?"
"We told you. Mom's with Dad in heaven, she's not coming back." Alex turned her chair to face the wall.
"Mister, where are we staying?" Liam's global went off.
"You'd better thank me, a bunch of tourists just came to find their reservations were cancelled without their knowledge... but no chaperone, sorry. So who is this room for? I can assume that the Taelons will foot the bill."
"Thanks Augur. I'll tell you all about it later."
"Hey! So what's in this for me?"
"Um... how'd you like an six-year-old that can spell Taelon?"
"Fine, don't tell me. I don't want to know...." Augur signed off. Liam called up Sandoval right away.
"I have a place for you but it's not exactly what I would have picked myself but all I could find."
"Fine. I'll meet you and the children at the shuttle."
"Actually I've got a van. The Hotel doesn't have a landing pad."
"Fine." Sandoval signed off and the screen went blank. Liam closed the global.
"Quite the conversationalist isn't he." Alex said flatly.
"Shall we go?" Liam opened the door and they filed out. Mellie hopped off Edana's lap and waited for her to stand up.
"Will you hold me?"
"Oh... um.."
"Come here Mellie, I'll carry you." Liam picked her up and went to catch up to the others.


"Take as long as you need, Agent Sandoval and I will handle Zo`or."
"Thank you Da`an." Sandoval left the office. Da`an found this situation amusing. His own Implant with the heart of stone was now to care for young ones. He wished to meet the young Humans sometime in the future. The Taelon walked slowly to his window and gazed down where Liam carried a small child and guided two others and Agent Martinez to a vehicle in a nearby parking lot. Da`an could see how much alike the four appeared. He was very interested in how these events would turn.


"You expect us to stay here!?" They parked the van outside of a hotel with a Hawaiian theme. There were people in grass skirts carrying leis, there were exotic fruits stacked high on tables, it was an odd place to see in D.C.
"Major, is this your idea of a joke?" Sandoval was equally displeased with the place.
"Agent Sandoval, I told you, the whole city is booked up for the gala, I was lucky to find this place. It was the only one with a suite for four."
"Very well. Make sure the reservation still stands."
"Yes sir." Liam was off to get the room key.
"Must you treat him like a dog, Ron?" Edana was tired of this.
"Act the way you wish to be treated." Sandoval countered.

"So Uncle Ronald... where do you normally live?" Alex threw her bag on a bed.
"I don't think that's any of your business."
"I think it is. We can't stay here forever."
"He lives on the Mothership." Edana piped up and picked up the phone. "What do you guys like to eat?"
"You live on the Mothership? Now that is classic. Not only are you Zo`or's lap dog but you live with him as well."
"Excuse me." Sandoval stared her down. "You have been rude to me ever since I picked you up this afternoon. I demand an apology."
"Have fun waiting for one." She shut the door in his face.
"What is her problem?"
"She doesn't like the Taelons." Liam managed to get out as he carried Mellie and her bag into the room. "Therefore, she doesn't like you. Combine that with just losing her mother and finding out she has a uncle who took her from the only home she's ever known, and she's not a happy camper."
"Is that all?" Sandoval looked at Liam who still had the small child hanging on him.
"Pretty much. Would you mind getting Mellie?" Sandoval just looked at him. "Come on. She just needs an adult to take care of her."
Liam set the little girl down and she ran to her brother on the couch. He put her suitcase next to Alex's door. "I figure the girls can stay in there, Chris in there and you in there. Here are the keys."
Edana hung up the phone and joined the men standing in the doorway. Sandoval had his face on again and she backed off into the suite once again. She noticed that one door was shut and the other two were on the couch. This was an interesting situation.
Chris looked at the men talking in the doorway. He got the distinct feeling that his uncle didn't want them. Mr. Kincaid was different. He at least pretended he cared what happened to them. Edana was genuinely concerned how they fared. She had know his mother when she was younger, he would have to talk to her sometime about it. Alex was in her zone, as long as Uncle Ronald tried to talk to her she was just going to go after him. Chris believed that she would someday join the Resistance if she could get in, like they would keep her.   Mellie didn't know what was going on. She wasn't a shy little girl and she took to Mr. Kincaid well enough but Uncle scared her. Chris could tell because she was quieter when he was in the room.
"Hey guys... I hope you like pizza. I ordered a few."
"A few? Alex and Melanie don't eat much, I eat alot but not that much."
"Well one whole pizza will be for your uncle, he eats a lot."
"Well I'm sure you noticed his right arm." Chris nodded. "Well that's his skrill and it takes alot of energy so Ron has to eat twice as much as he normally would."
"OK... so it's like he's eating for two?"
"Something like that..." She chuckled. 'Smart kid.' She thought.
"Can I ask you something?"
"How come you are friends with ... Uncle Ronald? I mean, he doesn't even seem like he likes you that much. He doesn't seem like he likes anyone very much."
"You have to know how to talk to him. You know this tough guy thing is all appearance but he can be really sweet when he wants to. I have known him as long as I can remember. We used to play together, in high school we even dated."
"So what happened?"
"We graduated, he went to Harvard Law, I went to Ohio. He got married, I got married, I lost my husband, he lost his wife, and here we are both working for the Taelons. Sound eventful enough?"
"Hmm. Well as least you stayed friends with him. I don't think many people would."
"You are right my friend. Not many people would stick around now. But I still like him. Try and get him to open up. He's really nice if you let him... take care of your sister too. She already doesn't like him but that's just the Sandoval in her. But you know, your mom and Ron always had the best fun fighting with each other."
"Cool. Are you leaving now?"
"Yeah. I am."
"Oh. Will you be back?"
"Well, schedule permitting... I'll stop by tomorrow to see how things are going. Alright?" Chris nodded. Edana got up and left with Liam, leaving the new family in their makeshift home. Chris and Mellie stayed on the couch and watched as their uncle went into his room and put his suit bag on the bed. He opened a pocket and pulled a small device from it. He walked over to Alex's door and placed the device near the door handle.
"What are you doing?" Mellie hopped off the couch and looked up at Sandoval.
"I'm hungry."
"Well I don't have any food."
"Umm. Uncle Ron, Edana said she ordered us some pizzas." Chris managed to say around a cracking voice.
"Haha. Chris, you're talking funny again." Melanie ran back over to her brother and climbed up on the couch. Sandoval realized something, he didn't have to pretend with them. He didn't have to be Zo`or's attaché with them, he could just be Ronald Sandoval. These were after all, the last of his family, his only living relations. If he couldn't have his own family, he could raise his sister's. There was a knock at the door. He answered it. It was the pizza guy, he pulled out his portable cash machine and Ron handed him a cash card. He took a deep breath and let go before he walked back into the suite.
"Alright, dig in. I'll get Alexandria." Sandoval didn't know how he was going to do this but he would have to. They were his responsibility, he was glad that Liam had talked him out of taking them to Child Services. "Alexandria! Food is here."
"I'm not hungry." Came the muffled reply through the door.
"Well, we'll leave you some."

        Alex had sat on the bed and cried for the last half-hour. It was the only time she can remember crying besides at her father's memorial. She hadn't even cried at her mom's funeral. She had been more angry than sad the day before. Her mother had yelled at her about her boyfriend and left to go shopping. She didn't come back. The call that night had left Alex numb. 'I'm sorry, there was a hold up at the store. The man was caught and will be brought to justice young lady, but I'm afraid your mother was caught in the middle. She didn't suffer. I'm sorry.' That voice echoed in her head even now. She felt bad for fighting with her mother but that didn't matter now. This Ronald man would have to get used to the idea that he couldn't control her. He was not her father and in two short years, she would be rid of him.
        'Listen to them, laughing. What do they have to be laughing about? Somebody just died. Don't they have any respect?!' Alex threw a pillow at the door. Then suddenly she had to be out of there. She grabbed the knob and felt a light buzz, she ignored it and opened the door quietly. Alex slipped out and started toward the door and suddenly felt dizzy. She stopped and the room spun and she dropped to her knees.
        Sandoval stopped telling stories, he heard a noise. He got up and went to see what had happened. Just as he predicted, she was going to leave. He had put a stunning device on the door so she wouldn't get far. He wiped his hands on a napkin and went to help her up. She tried to resist but she couldn't move all she could do was glare at him.
        "I'm sorry I had to do that Alexandria. I need to you stay here. The effects will wear off in a few minutes. Listen. I didn't choose this, in fact, I had no choice but now we have to deal with it. I am missing some important work right now, I have gotten special permission to have complete leave like this. After this week I can arrange for more permanent arrangements. The only catch is, I have to be able to trust you to leave you guys alone on Friday night." He watched as she recovered herself and was able to speak.
        "What? You got a hot date Friday?" She croaked.
        "No, there's a gala at the White House and I am running security. I have to be there and I can't take you with me. I could leave the three of you at the Embassy but you would have nothing to do and would probably get into trouble, especially with that mouth of yours. Do you understand?" She nodded. "Good I don't want to have to leave that stunner on the door. I only did it so I could talk to you without you interrupting. Do you promise not to run away? At least not this week."
        "Okay.... I promise." Alex did have to admit he had a good point. She didn't want to risk trying to run away if he had already kept her just from leaving the suite. This was the first moment that she realized her uncle was a dangerous man, but that he did care what happened to them.
        "Good. We have pizza in Chris's room come on." He stood and held out his hand to her, the stun would take a little longer on the rest of her body. It was normally set to a much higher setting, this one was the lowest level.


        Zo`or sat in his chair, feeling useless. His fingers fidgeted on the arm of his chair. Three others watched everything he did. He had even lost his Implant. Agent Sandoval was no where to be found, he had to rely on Da`an's Implants. Sandoval would be dealt with when he returned, if he returned. This feeling of agitation about the missing Implant made Zo `or even more agitated about feeling that way in the first place. Boone was standing beside him. His presence agitated Zo`or even more. For reasons he could comprehend the man made him nervous.
        "Commander Boone, leave me." Zo`or spoke softly, which actually surprised Boone. He did as he was told but was under orders from Ke`ri to keep a close eye on Zo`or. To keep up the guise was hard. Either way Boone took that order would confirm one thing in Ke`ri's eyes. If he refused, it was defying a direct order, if he complied, he was taking pleasure in the job. Da`an said that Ke`ri was to be trusted, but Boone was still wary. First Sandoval and Liam disappear, Edana leaves early, and then he gets this assignment. Somebody was going to have to talk eventually. There was just too much stuff going on that no one was talking about.


        Alex was silent through the meal, she just nodded and smiled. She wasn't feeling up to the cheery conversations that were going on and excused herself to bed. After she heard everyone go to bed she sat up and walked out into the main room. The whole theme of the hotel didn't allow for curtains so there were two big holes in the wall that passed for windows. She glanced out and looked over D.C., it didn't look very welcoming but she was used to Ft. Stockton.  The lights were brighter and there were more cars out late at night. She stood there and let the breeze hit her face. While enjoying the cool breeze she heard a sound and went to investigate. There was Uncle Ronald sitting on his bed, crying, holding a picture in his hand. He didn't see her. Now Alex felt like she was invading his privacy this way and she went back to her room. Maybe she misjudged him. Then again... Maybe not.

To be Continued..