Copyright © 2000, Delma RM.. All rights reserved.  No part of this story may be re-posted in part or in full without written permission from me.

Disclaimer: Gene Roddenberry's Earth: Final Conflict is copyright 2000, Tribune Entertainment Co. It's characters are used without permission, no infringement is intended.

Title: Bad Dreams

Author: Delma RM




Bad Dreams


Monday night:

            “Liam, calm down. What happened? Was it a dream?” Edana tried to calm him down. He wouldn’t sit still. Then he was up and pacing the room.

            “It’s just an image I can’t get out of my head. Go back to sleep.” Liam couldn’t tell her what he’d just seen.

            //Energy weapons firing; people running, ducking; Edana running and shooting, protecting others. Someone dying.//

            “I’m here if you want to talk.”

            “Yeah. I know.” ‘But not about this.’



            Sandoval sat in his office. Eddy had told him about what happened to Jonathan Doors. He almost didn’t get to say goodbye to his son before he died. Ronald Sandoval was not going to let that happen to him. He had a few hours free for once, so he was working on the search for his son. If the signs were right, then the kid was in D.C. Last June he’d gotten a Father’s Day card that he’d simply ignored since. Now he was trying to estimate every possible age by going through every partner he’d had over the years. Erika: not together long enough. Siobhan: not even together that way. Deedee: no children, 3 years since he’d last touched her. Sandra: 7 years ago. Jennifer: 8 years ago. Bethany, Jessica, Mary, and Kerry: 9 years ago. Then there was that span of time in college. There were too many to name, and he didn’t know half of their names but he remembered most of their faces. Then there was Eddy, 17 years ago.

            Even in the remote possibility that it was Eddy’s… 17 years old was not old enough to get into the Embassy unnoticed. There was someone or something he was missing. He leaned back and closed his eyes. A wave of his hand turned off the office lights, drowning him in darkness. Faintly he heard talking and tuned in to hear them better.



            “I want to tell him too but it’s not going to happen, Daniel.”

            “I just get the feeling that something’s going to happen… to both of them. I mean the point of us being here is to have them where we can see them.”

            “Yes but there was a reason she left us and didn’t tell him anything. Our parents aren’t exactly low profile. If anyone finds out that we are… not really as old as we appear… things could get bad. Our father has enough to worry about without us popping up all of a sudden.”

            “If something were to happen to you… who am I going to turn to? No one knows anything about our… genetic disposition. With the way things are going… something could happen to you and no one can help but me and father. I might not always be there.”

            “Just talk to me before you do something stupid… here I thought I was the passionate one.” The footsteps and the voices stopped near his door.

            “I will, I’ve got to get back to the… tour thing. I swear we don’t get paid enough for doing these asinine things.”

            “Yeah, I’m supposed to pick up some reports from Agent Sandoval for Commander Boone. You know it feels odd to call him that.”

            “I know what you mean. I’ll catch you at home later.” A pair of footsteps walked off, then the other walked into the office and hesitated just inside.

            “Agent Sandoval?”

            “Yes Miss Blake?”

            “Commander Boone needs the report on last week’s incident at One Taelon Anvenue.”

            “Yes of course.” Sandoval waved his hand and the lights turned on. He picked up the disc and handed it to her. He studied her face for a moment. ‘… not as old as we appear…’ “Can I ask you a question?”


            “You said that you didn’t know who your biological parents were and you had no desire to find them… Truthfully, is the real reason that you have no aspiration to find them that you do know who they are?” ‘That you know what kind of people they are?’ He watched her carefully. Her face never showed anything. There were no nervous ticks in her body language. In her eyes, though, there was a flash of something before she spoke. For a second he could’ve sworn they were brown.

            “Could be Agent Sandoval, could be.” She turned and left the office.



            “What the hell is this?” Edana scowled at the number of people in the Embassy.

            “The photographers.” Boone replied stiffly.

            “I see that.” She made a face at him. “Why are they here?”

            “It seems that someone gave them the ok and now they are here.” Liam said walking into the room.

            “Who authorized this?” Sandoval demanded stalking into the room.

            “Da’an did. He made the arrangements and told Blake to notify you.” Boone rubbed his forehead.

            “Which Blake?” Sandoval opened his global and called the interns into the room.

            “Daniel I believe Da’an said.” Boone’s headache was growing with the movement in the room.

            “You wanted to see us, sir?” Daniel smoothed his jacket as he held the door for the other two.

            “Mr. Blake, I was just informed that you were supposed to notify me about this.” Sandoval gestured to the room filled with people and cameras.

            “Yes, sir, I did.”

            “No, you didn’t.”

            “I told you two days ago when Da’an told me. Your exact response was, ‘Don’t bother me with details, get those damn reports, pick up my lunch and I don’t want to see you again for two days.’ Did I leave anything out, sir?” Daniel raised an eyebrow at him. Sandoval rolled his eyes when he realized the young man was right.

            “All right, please tell me what you told me two days ago.”

            “The Taelons’ public relations team will be here in 45 hours to begin the photo session. They will be taking pictures of those integral to Companion security. There may also be a reporter or two to see if there are any stories that they can make into a headline in favor of the Taelons and those who work for them.” Daniel ignored the smirk on Dara’s face as he spoke. He knew he sounded like a brochure.

            “Look at all you lovely people. I’m sure you remember me. You will do as I say and stand where I want.” Sure enough it was the public relations man from the gala last fall. He turned to his assistant. “Do we have to use him?” He gestured to Sandoval who glared at him and ignored the others who were trying to contain their laughter.

            The young assistant nodded and he made a face. “Ok, call me Jeff. We need to brighten the lights in here and get the reporters in here…”

            “This is going to be a long day.” Liam muttered. Alex, Daniel and Dara made for the door, determined to be ‘out of the way’.

            “Hold on there, you three. You work here, so you’ve got to stay.” Jeff called out. “Oh look, Greg, they are beautiful people be sure to get lots of pictures of them.”

            Daniel rolled his eyes and threw a look at Dara. Definitely going to be a long day.


            “Come on look happy… or is that not allowed in this office?” Jeff moved each person into position.

            “Smiling should be banned.” Dara glared at him.

            “Ooh, feisty. You should be a model, you already act like one.” Jeff moved on before she could lash out at him.

            “Jeff, we need to hurry our time is almost up.” Jeff’s assistant was watching the clock. Just then the doors opened issuing forth Christopher and Melanie.

            “Children in uniforms... hmm... we could use this. Who do they belong to?” Jeff glanced around the room.

            “They’re mine and you aren’t using them for anything.” Sandoval fixed Jeff with a look of understanding.

            “Of course. Hold still for one minute and we’ll be done.” Jeff signaled to his assistant. Snap. Snap. Snap. “All done. You’ll all get copies of the magazines when they come out.”

            “Uncle Ron, you forgot to pick us up again.” Chris started.

            “I sent the shuttle. Things got busy.” Sandoval silenced him. “Spring break?”

            “Yes sir.” Chris glanced around. “Where’s Mellie?”


            “Daniel, she’s following us.” Dara grabbed her brother’s arm.

            “She remembers.”

            “How can she remember? I barely remember.”

            “She’s also older than us.”

            “Dara? Daniel?” Mellie’s little voice drifted up to their ears. They both turned to look at the small girl. “It is you.”

            “Hi Melanie.” Dara faltered a bit.

            “Hi.” Daniel nodded. “Where are you supposed to be?”

            “Are you still my friends?” Mellie looked like she was going to cry.

            “Of course we are. We have to work though. Why don’t we find your uncle?” Dara actually smiled.


            “Renée, how nice to see you.” Will sat behind his desk.

            “Have you any clue how many Sandovals are in the building? It’s a frightening thought.” Renée glanced out the window. “I mean. Sandoval number one could have me killed with the flick of a wrist. Jr. and I don’t get along too well but he’s got the secret ties to have me killed on the other side. Sandoval numbers three and four could kill me with a glance I’m fairly certain of that. Who knows what the other three will become after they grow up.”

            “You’re paranoid Renée.”

            “I know. It’s good to be paranoid. It keeps you prepared. I like to be prepared for everything.”


            “The world is coming to an end.” Liam clutched his chest in mock stress. “Do my eyes deceive me or is that a smile on Miss Blake’s face?”

            “I smile, Major.” Dara could help but laugh. He was so goofy.

            “Please, not too much, I’ll go blind.”

            “Liam.” Mellie reached up and hugged him.

            “Hi, Mellie. How do you like your school?”

            “The teachers smell like moth-balls and the other kids are weird.”

            “I was taking her back to Agent Sandoval.”

            “I’ve got her. Thank you Miss Blake.”



            “Agent Martinez, I’d like you to meet Celeste Barron. She’ll be working in the Embassy tightening security.” Da’an introduced the woman. “Zo’or was told she was highly recommended.”

            “I’m good at what I do.” Celeste spoke confidently.

            “Nice to meet you. I imagine that you have your passes to get you around the Embassy.” Edana motioned for Celeste to follow her.

            “Yes, I’m all ready to begin. I’ll be running some tests. I’ll keep you posted on the areas I’ll be working in so you won’t be alarmed when the systems go off.” Celeste nodded her leave and walked down the hall.


            “I’m not a babysitter.” Liam protested.

            “You might as well be. You never seem to be here anyway.” Sandoval glared.

            “I explained about that...”

            “No more excuses. I have to be here. I can’t leave them alone.” Sandoval rose from his desk.

            “Hire a nanny.” Liam backed out of the room. “Excuse me Mr. Blake.”

            “Yes sir.” Daniel stepped out of the way long enough for Liam to leave. “Agent Sandoval, Agent Tate is waiting for you. He mentioned a deal in Russia.”

            “Thank you, Blake.”



            Edana welcomed the darkness of her apartment. Her head was throbbing. She couldn’t remember when it started but it seemed to have lasted for days. She stretched out on the floor and closed her eyes. She’d just take a little nap before dinner with Renée.


            “Joshua, what are you saying? Out with it.” Boone was getting frustrated with the man. Joshua doors stepped closer.

            “There are some projects that my father was heading. Most of them have been transferred into Renée’s care. Others are of a more... covert nature. I need someone who can take them over without drawing suspicion.” Joshua explained.

            “Did you forget who signs my paycheck?” Boone cracked. “I’m having dinner with Renée tonight. I’ll talk to her about what we can do.”

            “You’re a good man. I knew I could count on you.” Joshua patted Will’s shoulder and left the office.


            “Do we have to go?” Dara brushed her hair. Suddenly she stopped and rubbed her palms. “I already hate these things. They’re not good for anything except causing me severe pain.”

            “At least you got them. I don’t seem to have inherited that trait.” Daniel put on his tie.

            “Consider yourself lucky. Ow.” Dara checked her reflection and nodded. “I can’t heal, I can’t protect, I could probably do a joining but who the hell would I join with? I can’t even shoot energy. They’re pretty useless.”

            “Maybe they’ll become more functional. Are they hurting bad?”

            “Not too bad, where are those gloves I bought?”

            “Check the living room.” Daniel shrugged into his jacket. Dara left him to go retrieve her gloves. Just as she was slipping them on she heard a shout. She ran back into his bedroom. She found Daniel doubled over, hands glowing. Just then hers started hurting, bad. Just as suddenly as the pain came, it went away. Daniel flexed his hands and stared at the fading glow. “Well I guess I did inherit that trait after all.”

            “I wonder what that was all about.” Dara clenched her fists until the buzzing energy in her hands faded.


            Edana sat up, her head hurt worse than ever. She knew it was a nightmare that had woken her but she couldn’t remember it. Screams that echoed in her head died. Suddenly she realized something. Ever since she’d given birth... the voices had not spoken to her. Not one of them. Mom always spoke to her and Edana couldn’t remember the last time she’d her the old woman’s soft voice.

            Slowly she rose to her feet and glanced at the clock. She was late for dinner.


            Renée sat at the table with Will and Liam. “So boys, how’s the life of servitude?”

            “Great thank you.” Liam rolled his eyes.

            “It’s fine. How’s the life of leisure and wealth?”

            “Well I do enjoy it.” Renée raised her glass to her lips. “Hello Ed. You look rested.”

            Edana kissed Liam then took a seat. “I took a nap but I am not rested.”

            “You okay?” Liam took her hand.

            “Just stressed I guess. Who else is coming?” Edana gestured to the empty chairs.

            “My lovely niece and nephew.” Renée’s tried to sound happy about it. “Oh look, here come the darlings now.”

            “Renée, be nice.” Will muttered.

            The twins stepped to the table and exchanged glances. Who was going to sit next to mother? “Good evening.”

            “What’s with the gloves? Trying to bring back an old fad?” Renée jibed. They both sat, Dara next to their mother and Daniel next to their ‘aunt.’

            “New to us. Were you around for the first time round?” Dara smirked.

            “Oh children behave.” Liam smiled. “Let’s enjoy our dinner.”

            “Yes, yes. We’re all starved.” Daniel muttered.

            “Renée, Joshua showed up today. He’s a little uncertain about Jonathan’s old projects.” Will started the business conversation.

            “Liam, you know who we can get to fill those positions?” Renée sat back in her chair.

            “I’m sure I could give an recommendation later on.”

            “See, this is where we’re supposed to pretend that we don’t know what they’re talking about.” Dara nodded to her brother.

            “Dara, think we could go one meal without your smart mouth remarks?” Renée snapped. Suddenly three globals went off. Ed, Will and Liam pulled theirs out.

            “Major, Commander, I need you at the Embassy ASAP. Agent Martinez, Da’an requested that you be informed that Celeste Barron was found dead. We do not need you at this point but be prepared to be called in at any moment.” Agent Sandoval disappeared from their globals.

            “So much for dinner.” Will and Liam rose from the table. The remaining four people looked at each other for a moment after the two men left.

            “What’s with the gloves kiddos?” Renée knew it irked them when she called them names like that.

            “Technical difficulties.” Dara replied without further explanation.


            The woman watched as her clone was wrapped up and taken away. She smirked. Now she was above suspicion. It would go off without a hitch.



            Sandoval reviewed Ms. Barron’s files. Nothing worth stealing yet. The poor woman had been stabbed to death for her cash cards and her car. “Major, close this case. Find the sick freak and we’re done.”



            Da’an watched the Embassy life go on as usual. It was if someone who worked there had not died. It made the Taelon sad. He couldn’t explain these feelings he had been getting. Memories came unbidden. Emotions overwhelmed him. He recalled seconds and minutes of nothingness. The feelings were not normal for a Taelon. They were more human and yet stronger than human.

            There was such confusion in his ‘head’. Something was going to happen.



            “Major, your progress?” Sandoval straightened his tie as he questioned Liam via his global.

            “We have two suspects in custody. They’ll be shipped to the Mothership for interrogation in ten minutes.”

            “No need for that. They weren’t after Taelon secrets.”

            “Fine, I’ll turn them over to local PD.”

            “I need to you run an errand for me.” Sandoval glanced at his watch. “Christopher and Melanie are due back at school today. I cannot get away and the nanny refuses to take them back. See they get there.”

            “Yes, sir.” Liam snapped his global shut. Anything to keep him out of the Embassy a little longer.


            “Alex, I need copies of all these files in triplicate. Get one of the Blakes to help you out.” Edana sent the girl out of the office.

            Alex took the stack of discs to the copy room where both Blake twins were whispering to each other. “Hey Blake, Agent Martinez needs tri-copies of all these files.”

            “Which one?” They both said at the same time.

            “Actually, I think she meant both of you.” Alex smiled sweetly and divided the stack in two. “Have fun.” She left them glaring in the room.


            “Ed, I’m going to grab lunch. You want?” Will poked his head into the office.

            “Sure, you know what I like.”

            “Alright. I’m stealing Alex to help. She got the hang of delegation today.” Will laughed. “She got both of them making the copies you requested.”

            “You’re kidding. They did it?”

            “In the process now. I’ll be back. It’s just you and Ronnie now.”


            Ed walked into the break room and glanced around. It was empty. She poured herself a cup of coffee and sat to wait for Will. Then Daniel and Dara walked in and each one collapsed on the couch rubbing their hands.

            “Rough morning?” Eddy smiled into her cup.

            “You could say that.” Dara opened her purse and pulled out a bottle of Tylenol. She handed two to her brother and popped two in her own mouth.

            “Headaches? I’ve got one too. Tylenol does nothing for me.” Edana rose and crossed the room. She found her stash of tea. “Manzanilla works better. Drink some of this, plain is better but if you have to, add honey if it’s too bitter.”

            “Thank you.” Daniel took the box from her and went about getting cups and water.


            The woman checked her watch. It was time. She hit the button on her global sending the signal.


            Sandoval noticed someone pass his office but dismissed it and continued working on his reports.


            Energy blasts filled the room. Edana ducked motioning for the interns to do the same. Edana pulled her gun from its holster and fired back. The shots kept coming from an unknown source. She pulled out her global while she overturned the table. “Emergency. This is Agent Martinez. I’m trapped in the fourth level break room with two interns. Shots are being fired. Assistance required.”

            Dara and Daniel huddled together both scared out of their minds. Neither of them was prepared for an attack like this. They couldn’t even help because they didn’t have energy weapons.

            Edana tried to get a target but the shooters were well hidden. She glanced over at the interns. She motioned for them to get back just as another round of blasts ripped through the room. One of the shots burned a hole through the couch partly exposing the pair. The blasts kept coming. Edana tried to fire back but it wasn’t doing any good.

            Dara ducked but the next shot separated her from her brother behind their barricade, and she found herself sprawled out in the middle of the room. She heard more shots and curled into a ball, wishing it could all be over. She felt a body cover hers and still more shots. She peeked out between her arms and saw her brother standing up and screaming. His shaqarava lit up and formed a shield that deflected the remainder of the shots until their shooter was gone.

            Dara tried to get up but someone was still on top of her. When she moved... she felt it; the warm sticky fluid that was dripping onto her back.

            Gently, Dara slid out and Daniel came to her aid. They turned the body over...

            "No!!!" Was the shared cry.

            “Mom? Come on.” Daniel whispered urgently. “Open your eyes. Open your eyes.”

            “You can’t die. We’re not ready for you to die.” Dara held her mother’s hand. Edana was bleeding, her eyelids were heavy but she forced them open. Suddenly the ache in her head disappeared. “She’s awake.”

            Dara smiled a little. Daniel let out a little laugh. “You’ll be okay, you just gotta stay awake.”

            Flashes filled Edana’s head. She remembered everything now. Tears filled her eyes. Renée had lied to her. She looked up into the faces of her children and her eyes spilled over. Then the voices returned. There were so many. “My babies?”

            “It’s us.” Dara whispered.

            “Why didn’t you tell me?” Edana’s voice was weak.

            “It was too dangerous.” Daniel glanced down at the wound. “You’ll be fine.”

            “No, I won’t.”


            Sandoval stepped over the bodies and peered into the break room. Both Blake interns were kneeling over Edana. He listened to their hushed voices.

            “Don’t say that. We need you. Dad needs you. We all need you.” Dara kissed her mother’s hand. “Mom, just hold on until help gets here.”

            “It’ll be too late even if they were here two minutes ago.”

            “Mom, stop staying that.” Daniel urged.

            “Take care of your father. He’ll need you now more than ever. Only tell him when the time is right. I love you both. I just wish I had a little more time with you. Tell him I love him, tell them both that I love them, will you? Good. You’re both so beautiful.” Her voice was soft. The voices in her head got louder. She closed her eyes and softly breathed out.

            “NO!” Daniel took his mother in his arms and rocked her. Dara clung to the now limp hand, sobbing loudly. Sandoval quietly entered the room. Gently he guided Dara away, she clung to him, weeping. Sandoval pulled out his global.

            “Situation resolved. We’ve lost Agent Martinez. We may still need a medic.”

            “Oh my God... she’s really gone...” Dara whispered.

            “It appears so. Are the two of you alright?” Sandoval glanced down at the young man smoothing the dead woman’s hair.

            “She’s the only one who got shot.” Daniel whispered back.

            “She was trying to save me. She left her own cover so I wouldn’t get shot. Why did she have to do that?” Dara’s eyes glazed over.


            Liam returned to the Embassy to find it buzzing with activity. Will and Alex walked up behind him bearing food. “Liam, what’s going on?”

            “I don’t know. I just got here. Something’s not right.” Liam made his way up to his office; Will and Alex were not far behind. They dropped the food on his desk. Liam suddenly felt empty. He couldn’t explain where the feeling came from. “Something’s wrong. Something’s not right.”

            Liam left the office and passed Sandoval’s. He quickly backtracked when he noticed the Blake twins holding each other. Sandoval seemed to be trying to console them. “Agent Sandoval?”

            “Major, there you are.” Sandoval rose to his feet.

            “What’s going on?” Liam walked into the office.

            “You had better sit down for this.” Sandoval then noticed Alex and pulled her into a tight hug. “Thank god you’re okay.”

            “I’m fine, just went to grab lunch.” Alex was confused by her uncle’s sudden openness. Sandoval waited until Liam had taken a seat before speaking again.

            “Major, I don’t know how to say this but... Ed is dead. She was shot. Somehow terrorists snuck onto level four and opened fire in the break room where she and the Blakes were caught unawares.” Sandoval noticed how Liam’s face suddenly lost all its color. “I’m sorry, Liam. There was nothing that could’ve been done to save her.”

            “Where is she?” Liam whispered.


            Da’an gently touched the still woman’s face. “You were loyal Edana Martinez. Your death was a deep price to pay for the cause. It will not be in vain. Rest in peace.”

            Liam and Dr. Belman entered the morgue. Liam walked straight to the gurney where his wife was laid out. It wasn’t real for him until he saw it for himself. It was then, holding on to her cold hand that the tears came.

            “How could this have happened?” Liam cried. Da’an moved around the table to the hybrid. “What happened to security?”

            “Agent Sandoval is handling the case. He will find those responsible. We are fortunate that nothing was lost.” Da’an placed a hand on his head. “I will be on the Mothership.”

            Dr. Belman stood beside the weeping man once the Taelon had gone. “Liam, I’m sorry.”

            “We don’t even know why they were in the Embassy in the first place do we?” Liam whispered. “There were so few agents in the building at the time. Almost like it was planned that way.”

            “We don’t know anything yet Liam.” Dr. Belman lightly touched his shoulder. “There was nothing we could do for her even if we had gotten to her right away... I’m sorry.”

            “I had a dream something like this would happen. I should have known.” Liam slowly took the ring off her finger. “I don’t want them to ever use her against me. Cremate her.”

            “Are you sure?”

            “It’s what she would have wanted.” Liam sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I need a minute with her.”


            “They looked real upset.” Alex whispered to her uncle. She didn’t cry, she’d been to too many funerals in her young life.

            “She died right in front of them. They’re in shock.” Sandoval nodded. “It’s always hard when people die right before your eyes.”

            “You’ve seen people die haven’t you?”

            “Too many people.” Sandoval sighed. “Let’s go.” Alex nodded and followed him out to the car. She glanced one last time at Dara and Daniel Blake. They looked horrible.



            “I can’t believe she’s gone.” Dara rocked herself in her chair. She just stared at the food Daniel had placed in front of her.

            “It’ll be alright.” Daniel pushed his own food around his plate.

            “It won’t be alright, Daniel.” Dara glared at him. “She’s dead. She’s not coming back.”

            “At least she remembered before she died.” Daniel spoke softly.

            “Kinda figures we’d be in the same position as our father. You know, mother’s dead and father doesn’t know we’re alive.” The tears rolled down her face once more. “It happened too fast. If only I had more control over myself... maybe I could have saved her.”

            “You’re not the only one thinking that, Dara... I got the shield to work but then they went away. I couldn’t use mine either. Maybe it was meant to happen like this.” Daniel bowed his head.

            “I refuse to believe that. We should have been able to do something to save her.” Dara curled up in the chair. “We have to tell him.”

            Ding-dong. Daniel got up and answered the door. “Agent Sandoval?”

            “May I?” Daniel stepped aside and allowed the Implant to enter the apartment. “I came by to express my condolences for your loss.”

            “Our loss?” Daniel tried not to let on how uneasy he was.

            “Your mother.” Sandoval said simply. “I caught part of your conversation with her before she died.”

            “Excuse me?” Dara quickly wiped her eyes. “What are you talking about?”

            “Agent Martinez was your mother.” Sandoval looked from brother to sister. Neither one gave anything away. “The two of you called her mom and she called you her babies.”

            “She was delirious. We played along to comfort her.” Dara insisted.

            “Then why were you so distraught when she died?” Sandoval watched them carefully.

            Daniel tried to think but the pain in his hands returned making it difficult. “I’ve never seen anyone killed in front of me before, neither has my sister. It upset us to say the very least.”

            “I don’t know why you insist on lying to me.” Sandoval sat in a chair across from Dara. “I know more than you could possibly imagine.”

            “Is that some sort of threat?” Daniel clenched his fists.

            “Why? Would my knowing be a threat to you?” Sandoval smirked. Both were silent. “I hear things.”

            “What kind of things?”

            “I know that neither of you are who you say you are. You are not 21 years old. You are not the niece and nephew of Ms. Palmer. Your mother was Edana Castro Martinez. I know who your father is.”

            Dara stared at the man with apparent shock. Daniel managed to keep his mask. He opened his mouth to speak but the doorbell rang. Sandoval stood.

            “We can continue this conversation another time.”


To Be Continued...