Copyright ©1999, Delma RM. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be re-posted in part or in full without written permission from me.
Disclaimer: Gene Roddenberry's Earth: Final Conflict is copyright 1998, Tribune Entertainment Co. It's characters are used without permission, no infringement is intended.
Title: Promises 2
Author: Delma RM
Authors Notes: Special thanks to Mithril for loaning me her word Ka'lin sha.

Promises 2

Da`an stood gazing out his window over the city. It was a sight that never ceased to amaze him. Although very different from his home world, he found it very beautiful. He knew what Humans thought of it and had come to the same opinion. He awaited his Implant, she would arrive shortly. Agent Martinez had a question to ask him.
"Da`an?" Edana stepped up behind the Taelon. He turned and greeted her.
"Good evening, Agent Martinez."
"Yes. Good evening." She returned the greeting.
"I believe you had a question."
"Uh... Yes. I've seen a symbol recently, I wondered if you could decipher it." Edana pulled out her global. She had blown up an image of the symbol on her ring.
"I do not know this symbol. It is similar to our ancient writings but I am not familiar with its meaning. Where did you come across it?"
"I... uh... Liam gave me a ring with the symbol inscribed on it."
"May I see the ring?"
"Ah. Yes." Edana slipped the ring off her finger, being careful that it stayed in one piece.
"Ka'lin sha." Da`an read the English letters. "Sha. I believe that means the one. Ka'lin, I am unfamiliar with. It seems similar to a Taelon emotion for the strongest bond that can be shared between any two."
"It is not Taelon?"
"No. It has not been used in millennia. I heard a similar phrase as a young one. Humans would interpret the bond as 'best friends'. I believe the connotation changes as life goes on."
"Thank you Da`an." Edana replaced the ring on her finger.
"Tell me. What has happened that you do not trust Liam?"
"Why would you ask that?"
"Why else would you ask me the meaning of this and not Liam himself? It was he who made it a gift to you."
"I can't hide anything from you. Can I?" Da`an looked at her intently.
"Does this have to do with the child you once carried?"
"I..." Edana looked down at her feet. Da`an always knew.
"Or with his brush with death?"
"I am not ready to relive that part of my life with Liam in his place."
"But one can only be stronger from these experiences."
"I do not want to be let down if I love him and he be taken from me, or another child." Da`an smiled at the thought that had crossed his mind upon meeting her.
"I doubt that you will be disappointed, again."


Liam had been struggling all morning. When he had awakened that morning, his shaqarava had been glowing and a dream seemed to be just out of his reach. He thanked the gods that he was able to control himself before Edana awoke. His shaqarava had threatened to make it's presence known all morning, especially when he was around Edana.
Sandoval had given him the afternoon off, all the Taelons and their protectors would be aboard the Mothership for the meeting. Of course, Sandoval had waited until 10 minutes before the meeting was to begin before telling him. Apparently the way to find the leak was to tell only the Protectors and that would ensure they were loyal. All others were told just before so that nothing covert could be planned. Liam took a small bunch of orchids, his jacket and Lili. She was flying him to Ireland.
"Why are we going to Ireland?" Lili asked him from the pilot's seat.
"Do you know what today is?"
"No... Oh. That's right." She looked back at him. "Why did you need me?"
"I haven't been doing well today, Lili. I can't seem to control myself."
"What do you mean?"
"Every time I get near Edana it get worse. My shaqarava glows but I don't know what to do."
"Maybe... it's telling you to TELL her."
"Maybe, but not today. I won't be any good to anyone else after this."
"You haven't been there since the funeral have you?" Liam shook his head. That day had been an awful one.

Liam had to keep his emotions bottled up. Before the services began, he went and prayed at the coffin in the church. She had looked so peaceful. The service seemed to last forever. Sandoval had been asked to give the eulogy, her family was too distraught and no one else had seen her in four years. Liam had stayed in his position behind Sandoval the entire time. He noted the strange looks he received from his grandparents. The Taelons were not welcome at this occasion, neither was Sandoval but the silence made his words carry throughout the church. The march from the church to the plot was agonizing. Sandoval, Liam, his grandfather, his grandfather's brother and two of their friends were asked to be pallbearers. Liam tried desperately to hold on to his mask, it slipped only once. Liam recovered but not before his great-uncle saw. After the service, Sandoval went and gave his condolences to Mr. and Mrs. Beckett. While Sandoval spoke to his grandparents, his great-uncle pulled him to the side.
"Tell me, friend. Did you know our Siobhan?"
"Only briefly."
"Don't lie to me, young man. You cared for her greatly did you son?"
"We worked together on several assignments. That's all."
"Uh-huh. I saw you prayin by her, son. Tell me."
"I was the one... I found her just before... I couldn't save her."
"Don't beat yourself up, sonny. The Lord decides our time on this Earth. He wanted her a wee sooner is all. Understandable... she was an Angel."

"Liam?" Lili had already landed near the church. She snapped him back to attention.
"Alright. I don't know how long I'll be up there."
"Take your time. We have all day and night before anyone will miss us."
Liam ascended the hill to her marker. There were already flowers there. He lay his orchids next to them. He reached into his jacket and produced a silk cloth and lay it on the ground. He sat on it and pulled a pouch from his pocket. He had spent three hours the night before carving a set of runes. Liam lay them out in front of him up side down and closed his eyes and let his mind wander. Suddenly he felt a burning in his hands. He felt himself go up inside himself, an odd sensation formed in his forehead. Liam let himself flow with the feelings and seemed to leave his body. He opened his mind's eye. Liam stood on a hill and his mother was beside him.
"Hello, my son."
"Yes, it's me." She was dressed in white robes, like those of the ancient times.
"Where am I?"
"Not where. No. You are inside yourself. I am projecting from your suppressed memories."
"Mother. I have missed you so much."
"Aye, yes. I have missed you, too. We are not meant to be together yet. You and I will meet again but not for years to come. Only here are you able to see me."
"Can you help me?"
"You must look for the answers inside yourself. I can only guide your soul. There is a great plan. What we do in life decides the outcome. Human fate relies on the three. It's everywhere and in everything. Don't try to understand everything my son. Just know that it is. Take care, my Liam. I will always be inside you." With those final words, everything faded. Liam didn't ask her everything he had wanted to. He went back to reality where Lili was standing over him with a worried expression on her face. It was dark. He felt the tears streaming down his face.
"Liam? What happened? I saw lights and came up here. Lights were coming from your hands and these rocks were spinning around you. Then you disappeared on me."
"I was talking to my mother." Liam looked around him. The runes were all around him in a circle. Three of them were turned right side up. He picked them up to study them. He whispered, "The three."


"What are you implying Da`an? That I attempted to murder your Implant and his pilot?" Zo`or wore his usual haughty mask.
"I am not implying it. I have proof." Da`an held up a disc. "This disc has your actions recorded for three days before the incident occurred. I do not believe that it was an accident. There were signals sent out from this ship blocking the Implant and his pilot from contacting anyone for assistance. The logs show that the one who assessed the shuttle before its use was not assigned to the area. What else are we to believe? Why would one so high want to eliminate two so low?"
The Synod agreed with Da`an, it made no sense. Da`an displayed the contents of the disc to the Synod. There was their proof, but Zo`or made no attempt to defend himself. His face never even changed expression.
"I am curious, Da`an, as I am sure the others are, how did you get this information?" Zo`or eyed Da`an out of the corners of his eyes. He stood and walked in front of all those present. "If what you say is in fact true. Would you not have to gain access to my private files? Would you not have to impersonate me to get them?"
"How I got this is not the question. Why this is tolerated any longer I do not know. Why you have stooped so low for revenge is in question."
"Da`an, how did you gain access to my files?"
"That is curious you ask in that manner. Your files, you admit to this crime. I believe that an Implant came across them. I did not order this action. I did not impersonate you, Zo`or. One of our Implants still has a conscience, the Implant was able to recognize the wrong and set about putting it to rights."
"Which Implant?" Zo`or's nostrils flared.
"I know not. As the Humans would say, the information 'fell into my lap.'" Da`an looked around at his fellow Taelons. He could feel the doubt about the one they had chosen Leader. "The only question left is what we are to do about a Taelon that acts in worst ways than these Humans do. I have found no reason to relieve Commander Boone and Major Kincaid of their positions. They are both competent Humans who work our will without question."
All the Taelons both by datastream and those present in the Mothership, lost their facades and communed all as one. It was almost unanimous.
"Then it is settled. Zo`or, you are on probation. If your behavior cannot be proven that which is worthy of the Synod Leader, you will be removed." A high-ranking Taelon called Ke`ri spoke from the datastream.
"That has never before been done." Zo`or snapped.
"There was never before a cause to do so. The highest ranking of the Synod must approve all your actions. This individuals being Da`an, Del`an, and myself. Meeting adjourned." All Taelons gave the motion of dismissal. Then the datastreams disappeared. The remaining Taelons exited the room. They had convened for over 15 hours and all were weary. Zo`or stayed in the middle of the room until all had left.
'They believe they know better than I. I am Synod leader! I will not be replaced.' Zo`or had plans to stay in power. If he were removed as Synod leader, he would have no power. 'I will have my revenge on Da`an, this I vow.'


Edana walked into her apartment to find Lili making tea in the kitchen.
"Lili? What are you doing here? It's 5 a.m." Edana pulled her gun from its holster and placed it on the table.
"It's Liam. He had a rough day yesterday and I didn't think he should be alone." Lili set the pot back on the stove and picked the two cups up.
"What happened?"
"Well, yesterday was the anniversary of the day his mother died."
"That was yesterday? Why didn't he tell me?"
Lili raised her eyebrows. "I guess he knew that with the whole meeting thing, you had enough on your mind. He wanted to go alone and visit her."
"Where is he?"
Lili gestured to the back room. "I have to go pick something up. You take this to him. You talk to him. He hasn't slept all night, he's still real upset."
Lili handed Edana a steaming cup. Edana walked to the bedroom where Liam was sitting on the edge of the bed. He clenched his fists where they held his head. She set the cup on the dresser and dropped to kneel in front of him. "Liam?"
He looked up at her, his eyes were red and swollen from crying. The tears still ran down his face. "Have you ever held someone in your arms and watched as they slipped away."
"What happened?" Edana pulled his hands down in her own.
"I couldn't save her. We had been looking for her all day. She wouldn't respond to our calls. Then I found her, lying motionless. I held her in my arms and she died. I've never told anyone and now I wish I had."
"Why did you keep to yourself? It sounds like it's been with you a long time."
"For most of my life." Edana drew him into her arms. The flood started anew. "I just wish there could have been some way to save her. Maybe if I had found her sooner, she'd still be here. If I had just..."
"There was no way you could have known it would be the last moment for the two of you. At least you were together."
"Yeah. At least we both knew how much we loved each other." As Liam spoke the tension in his hands lessened and he felt as if a small weight had been lifted. There was still more to tell, but Liam didn't think this the right time. Edana held him in her arms and he cried himself to sleep. She called him in sick and lay down next to him. The last 15 hours took its toll on her as well.


At work the next day, Liam was distracted. He had a dream, actually one of Sandoval's memories came to him. He was in a field with Edana walking slowly. He was talking but couldn't hear himself. Suddenly she turned on him. He could tell she was yelling. She reached out to punch him and he caught her arm. For the first time, he realized how young she appeared. The arm that had caught hers wasn't his own, it was his but not. It was a dark arm, Sandoval's arm. He read her lips, 'Is this what you couldn't tell me over the phone?! You think that because you got a scholarship to Harvard and that you've gone away that you can treat me like this. You want to break it off because you're afraid that'll I meet someone else? That's bull! That's why you came back, so you can go with a free conscience. You just want to be able to go and screw every girl you can. You'll screw them over just like you did me!' Edana pulled her arm out of his grasp and ran off. He had felt broken inside.
Then he had woken up. Now he knew how truly close his father and Edana had been. It explained a lot, but apparently she had forgiven him or else she was trying to make peace. They both had little family left. Really all they had of their previous lives was each other. Now it seemed strange. He had memories of her when she was younger, memories of carnivals and fairs, school dances, Saturday barbecues, and yet it wasn't him. It was Sandoval. Eventually all his memories would come to Liam and now Liam wasn't so sure if he wanted that to happen.


Da`an didn't waste time to gloat over his small victory that morning. He and the other three high-ranking of the Synod set about investigating Zo`or's projects. They needed to set a basis for him as to what needed their supervision and what they could let slide. Da`an was just lucky that Ke`ri was on his side but Del`an would be a problem. This probation would not last forever, just long enough to make sure he was a fit leader. It created some doubt in some of the others. It made them question their motives and the way they looked at humanity. If they were so insignificant, why would Zo`or want two of them dead, especially an Implant and a pilot, they were useful and held no power with the Taelons, but much among their own people. Zo`or was angry now and many wished to stay away until the smoke had cleared and he was in a better disposition, it was rare in any case but he had only to get better and not worse.


"Alright Augur, what did I miss in the last two days?"
"Not much man. Holo-Lili just decided she was pregnant, she says she's due any day now and Lili wants me to erase her…. But if Holo-Lili can reprogram herself I might have just stumbled onto something there."
"Where is Lili?"
"She's asleep, she mumbled something about being up all night and headed straight for bed, but she left that for you." Augur gestured to a box wrapped in shiny paper. "What did she do that kept her out all night?"
"Well we took a trip to Ireland. I visited my mom, and she spent the rest of the night with me. I was… not myself." Liam went over to the box. "You know what this is?"
"No. She left it there but there's a card underneath it. It has your name on it." Augur turned back to the screen where he was monitoring his stocks. Liam looked at the card.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY was written on the inside.
Sorry this is late but I think you'll appreciate it.

Liam tore open the paper and opened the box. Inside was another box. Liam couldn't find anyway to open it. Then he thought of something. He set it down and tapped the top. An image sprang from the top, it was a picture taken while he and his mother were searching for Da'an. It was the only one that had the both of them in it. Liam tapped the side of the box. It was a picture of him and Sandoval, both had small smiles on their faces, there was a slight blur in between them. Liam remembered that Abby had filmed them out in the corridor when Lili scared them, the blur was Lili edited out. Liam tapped the box again. This one was an older picture, from when Sandoval first met Beckett, it must have been taken from a security camera. She had her skrill aimed at Sandoval and he had a wide-eyed look on his face. There were more pictures taken from different cameras, angles, and places. All were of the people he cared about most. The gift couldn't have come at a more opportune time. It made him feel much better. He was still going to tell Edana that night.
"You okay man?"
"Yeah. Lili gave me a belated birthday present. Thank her when she wakes up, will you?"
"Sure. What are you going to do?"
"You've got that look, like you just thought of something that you have to do. Like you just thought of some brilliant idea that's not going to work."
"Wow. You can really read my mind. I was just thinking about telling Sandoval."
"You were what? Oh no, you don't. I do not think that is a wise idea. You tell him, he finds out more, then he talks to certain Taelons and we are all rats in a science project. I do not want anymore objects attached to my body. Thank you very much. So whatever you're thinking… you can quit it."
"Oh you know I never listen to you." With that, Liam tapped his box again and the images disappeared. He held it under his arm and left Augur staring at his screen with a very annoyed look on his face.


"You want a what?!" Liam lowered his voice and spoke again. "I'm sorry. Why do you want a skrill?"
"I need one. Today, I was unable to track a runaway Volunteer by myself which made it far more difficult. I have to be able to do things on my own." Edana calmly said as she put her plate in the sink. He took it and rinsed it off.
"How could you consider doing that? I mean, forcing a living being to be dependent on you for everything."
"I understand everything involved, I even have to be re-Implanted so I can control it." Liam just turned and stared at her. "What?"
"Yeah, my CVI wasn't built to include that particular function. Da`an didn't think it would be necessary, but now that Will, Ron and I bounce around from him and Zo`or... I need to be able to protect myself from Taelon technology."
"Okay, then what exactly was your CVI built to do? I know you don't have a MI. What else does it do?"
"Well, I believe I have the higher functions of the brain, without limiting my already limited 6th sense." Then she looked at him. "An MI?"
"So Da'an designed your CVI to be just enough to have you as a protector but without the desire to protect, therefore without the ability. I'm beginning to believe that you were brought in for the sole purpose of bringing back Boone."
"Excuse me? How did you know about that?"
"Come on. Da`an told me. He usually tells me everything... but ever since you came around he tells me less and less."
"Wait. Why would he tell you anything? You work underneath Ron. I don't know him to talk to Lili at all, so why would he tell you anything?"
"Da'an trusts me... or at least he did. I used to be his protector, remember. He and I have a special bond. I can tell you that I did perfectly well protecting him without CVI or skrill."
"What is the big deal? I need to get a skrill to keep my position secure. I don't have a military career like you and Marquette and Boone, or even FBI like Ron. I'm gonna do this. You know I am."
"I just don't understand how someone as smart as you are could let yourself become daily like... like... Sandoval. A mindless puppet for the Taelons."
"What is your deal? You work for them too. You know what good comes from them."
"Yes I do work for them... of my own free will. I also what evils they bring. I have seen much more than you have. I know what they don't want us to know. Like the motivational imperative in the CVIs, it makes mindless slaves like most of the Companion Agents, like the Volunteers. There are so many programs going on that would rob Humanity of what we are and force us to become what the Taelons want us to be... fearless but controllable fighting machines."
"Where is all this coming from? You sound like Doors." Edana turned and left to the backroom. Liam followed her and then she turned back to him. "You know for someone who claims to be loyal to the Companions... you seem to hold with a lot of Resistance ideals. You know that I didn't tell you everything and I know you don't tell me everything. I think this would be a good time to get all those secrets out. Hm?"
Liam stood for a moment with his head down. Then he looked at her. "Okay. You start. Yeah I know. You'll do what you want anyway. I can't stop you. But we still need to talk about everything else." Liam sat on the bed. Edana sighed and told him everything she could think of, everything that she knew she had not told him and should have. He listened, taking in every word. He held her when she told him about the miscarriage. In comparison to the secrets he kept, she had been open and honest. How was he going to do this now?
"I don't know how I'm gonna tell you this." She looked at him and he looked away for a minute.
"What's wrong?"
"Let me just say that I am glad you told me. I don't know how you are going to take this, but there is only one way that I can be sure you will understand." Liam pulled his arms tight around her and touched his head to hers. Edana felt warm and secure. Then Liam concentrated and dispersed in a cloud of blue around her. She rose up in the air as the cloud spun around her. Objects flew from their places on the dresser and nightstand. After several minutes, the maelstrom died down. Liam reformed and laid her gently on the bed. The experience had proved too much for her and she passed out into a dreamless sleep.
Edana awoke to find herself still dressed. 'Did I really sleep in my clothes?' Her head was splitting. Liam was asleep on the other side of the bed. She got up and changed. 'Did we ever finish our conversation?' She sat next to Liam on the bed, as she reached to wake him, she saw his hands. They glowed, dim at first then brighter. Then images flashed in her mind. She breathed in deep as the pain in her head increased. She tried desperately to slow the images down so she could discern them. There was so much she didn't understand. Then it was over. Liam woke and looked up at her. He took her hand and more images flashed through her mind. These she could understand. Liam was the Leader of the Liberation, and he wasn't Human. He wasn't Taelon either. Kimera. His parents were the alien Ha'gel, Lt. Beckett and... Ron?
She stared at him. He had her right hand in his own right hand. The rings caught her eye. Ka'lin sha, my chosen one.
"Are you alright?" Liam spoke softly, she looked like she was seeing him for the first time. "Edana?"
"Um..." Tears were forming in her eyes as she was beginning to realize what had been going on in the past year. Then she remembered what had happened. He had joined with her so they would have no more secrets. He showed her everything she had been blind to. His leaving hours early for work so he could keep up on his Resistance activities. "I'm seeing these things... are they real? Is it true?"
"Yes." After that she was speechless. Any questions she had were answered from what he had left in her mind. "Do you want to --"
"Sh. I just need some time to think about this." She lay down on the bed and curled up. She allowed him to put his arm around her. She fell asleep and another assault of images awaited her. Her subconscious would sort out the details for her.


Edana went to the Embassy the same as every morning but nothing was the same. She looked at her daily routine differently, with different eyes. Upon awakening, she was startled yet relieved to find herself alone. Liam had left a note saying he had some things to take care of but would see her later. At least when she got to the Embassy there was no action. She just had to type up the report on the wayward Volunteer. If she had to see Ron today, she didn't know what she would do. She knew and it felt awkward. She arranged for a meeting with Da'an and requested a skrill. It didn't seem as important anymore but she still wanted it. Da'an had agreed and she set up an appointment for the preliminary examination. Edana hoped that if she kept busy, maybe it would go away. Of course it didn't but... she didn't know what to do.


Liam lay sprawled on Augur's couch. The genius had been sleeping until Lili had gone back in and told him that the hybrid was moping on his couch. After a few hours, it started getting to Augur. Liam just lay there, not doing anything. His eyes were open but not really seeing anything. Augur was beginning to believe that Liam had put himself into a trance, but that wasn't Liam's style. Liam liked to work out his aggression, boxing, tai chi, whatever suited him at the moment. It had to be serious for him to be loafing like that.
"Liam, what is wrong with you? You have been laying there, doing absolutely nothing for over four hours now."
"I am waiting."
"Waiting? For what?"
"I had ... an experience the other night and am waiting for the result."
"Care to go into details? I don't read minds."
"Not at the moment, I don't."
Augur went about his business, figuring he would be told when Liam was ready. Suddenly, HoloLili appeared, once again she had a plate of food resting on her round stomach. She picked from it and looked at Augur expectantly.
"Dear, someone's at the door."
"There is an unidentified person at the door."
"Show visual." Augur walked over to the screen and saw Edana pacing under the camera. "Open outside doors and allow access."
"Hmmm-mmmm. Mfff. Phhmmmn."
"Dear don't talk with your mouth full. You should know better."
"(Gulp) Sorry. Access granted. Person is traveling down the lift."
"Liam man. You have a visitor."
"Get up and see for yourself."
The doors opened admitting a fuming Edana into the room. She glanced around for a moment and spotted Augur. "Uh. Hi Augur. Liam here?"
"Sure is. Please take him. He's bringing down the mood in my abode." Augur gestured to the lump on the couch.
"Thank you." She forced out and stormed over to Liam who was just beginning to sit up.
"No. Don't talk to me. I just got back from Dr. Belman's. You want to know what she said? I'll tell you anyway. She did the preliminary examination so I could get a skrill. Then she tells me. No. I can't get a skrill. You want to know why? I bet you already know don't you. You do."
Liam stared at her dumbly while she yelled at him.
"I can't get a skrill because it has never been done to someone in my condition."
"Your condition?"
"Yeah. As it turns out... you're gonna be the youngest father in history." Augur's ears perked up at that. He walked over from his computer to look at the shocked face of his friend. "Uh-huh. I'm pregnant. Now I want to know how this child will be. Is it gonna be Human or not?"
"Wait. You're not ballooning up. Why? Beckett turned into a pumpkin within a matter of hours." Augur looked her up and down.
"You know about this too?" She through him a look. Some images flashed through her mind.
"Lady, I practically raised him myself... at least for the first few days."
"That is a good question though. You aren't changing rapidly." Liam finally regained his tongue and responded. "What did Dr. Belman tell you?"
"She told me to tell you and then go back to see her again. Speaking of which. Did you do this on purpose?"
"NO! Let's go then. I want to know."


"Well, so far. It's a normal pregnancy. I can't determine the conception date though. It seems to have grown rapidly then paused. I would estimate two weeks if I didn't know better." She gave Edana a meaningful look.
"I know about Liam and he knows about me. I just want to know what's going to happen."
"Well, it might help to know some of the details. How did he tell you?"
"I'm not exactly sure. I don't remember much of it but it comes to me in flashes." Liam walked in at last. Sandoval had detained him upon arrival. There was apparently a spy in their midst and there would be alot of whispered meetings from then on.
"Ah Liam. Can you tell me how you told her? It might help in me ascertaining what our result will be."
"I joined with her."
"Well it's like how I made Joyce see what she was doing was wrong. I did that to her." Dr. Belman nodded. Liam had told her all about it after the threat was alleviated.
"You did what with Joyce?!" Edana's jealous streak popped up once again.
"Well when I joined with her, nothing like this happened. I was just trying to make sure she wouldn't kill us all." Liam pleaded with her so she wouldn't get angry. Once she was mad, it would take forever to straighten this out. "I don't know how that would have anything to do with this."
"Okay so. Joyce didn't get pregnant when you joined with her but you were how old then? A few months? Maybe since you have matured, so have your biological instincts. Maybe you didn't intend for it to happen but it did. I'll try to figure out any side effects that may occur... but until I have something for you... don't kill him." Dr. Belman said calmly. Edana went to change and Liam stayed behind to talk to the doctor.
"So." She said.
"We got into an argument the other day about the skrill, that's when I joined with her. She hasn't spoken to me until this morning. She thinks I impregnated her on purpose so she wouldn't get a skrill. Honestly, I didn't know what would happen, so I never attempted it before."
"She'll forgive eventually. She's really upset because all this fell on her at once. I don't think she's had time to sort it out yet. Give her time."
"You're right though, she might try to kill me." Liam grinned uneasily at his own joke.


Da`an sat in his chair and waited. He knew something important was happening. Sandoval and Boone were presenting the security plans for the gala at the White House. Lili stood just behind supplying any further information. Da`an wasn't really interested in what they said, he knew they would take care of everything. All of a sudden, voices came from the ramp leading to his office.
"I will tell him. It affects me not you."
"Come on. He's in a meeting right now."
"Agent Martinez? Major? Please, join us." Da`an rose from his chair as the two walked in. Liam followed a few steps behind Edana and stopped just inside the entrance. The proper greetings were made. "Did you wish to speak to me?"
"Yes. Da`an, I - we, have something to tell you?" She turned to Liam who still hung back. Da`an started to dismiss the others but Edana stopped him. "I would prefer they were here to listen. We all work closely together and this will affect them in the not so distant future."
Da`an nodded for her to continue. The others stayed still but were curious to what was going on.
"I have just discovered I am pregnant. My position shall not change with the Companions in the immediate future but eventually I shall require... maternity leave." Her bluntness stunned everyone. Lili looked back at Liam who was staring at his feet. All was silent for a few moments. Boone cleared his throat.
"Congratulations." He said. Da`an was staring at Liam, but Liam refused to budge from his spot in the entrance. Edana nodded and stood fixed in her spot. The announcement was abrupt and no one really knew how to respond. Finally, they all extended their congratulations and the security team left. As Lili passed Liam she mouthed, 'We need to talk.' Edana, Da`an and Liam were left.
"Liam, would you care to explain." Da`an spoke softly.
"I joined with Edana to tell her about me and this was the result."
"I see. Did you object to the joining?" Da`an turned to Edana. He noted the hostility she seemed to harbor at the moment.
"Well, no. I didn't really know he was going to do it. I'm glad he told me, I am, but I wasn't expecting any of this. I'm still in shock. I catch images here and there about what has happened in his life so far. It's confusing."
"Did you not tell her this would happen?"
"I didn't know this would happen. I really didn't. When I joined with Joyce, this didn't happen."
"That is correct. You were too young for the experience to take its full effect. You have matured since then and the instincts motivate your actions. This was bound to happen sooner or later. There is much tension between the two of you. You have to come to an understanding of the others state of mind." Da`an motioned for Liam to come closer. Liam stepped forward until he was even to Edana. Da`an took each of their hands. He turned them to face each other. "You have both turned to me to guide you through difficult times. Now I am asking you to turn to each other to get through this one. I cannot offer any advice but to share with each other. Share the conflicts so that you may share the pleasures."
Da`an put Edana's hand on Liam's and covered them with his own. He initiated a sharing between the three of them. Da`an helped them see what the other felt, he participated so he could see what this was. He was curious about Human emotion, he would only see what they let him in any case. The rush of emotions almost overwhelmed the Taelon. Anger, delight, jealousy, love, desire, hatred, excitement, amazement, lust, hunger, thirst, surprise, pride. It all washed over him as he struggled to keep his concentration. If the others knew what he was doing, he would be removed from his position permanently. Finally, Da`an let go but Liam and Edana continued the sharing. He watched, astonished by what Humans felt every day. It was but a small clue, but Da`an was beginning to see what exactly his race had lost.
At last Liam and Edana lowered their hands and looked at one another. Edana reached up and hugged Liam.


"Do you know what's going on?" Boone asked Lili as she paced the office.
"No. I knew he was going to tell her, but he never said if he did. He had better now, she can't be pregnant though. She would have already popped by now. I wish I knew what was going on."
"All I know is... this morning she came in to get a physical for her skrill and now she's pregnant. I can't claim to know what all you know about Liam but maybe it'll be normal... maybe." Boone sat at his desk and flipped through some old files. He had already read them but it always helped to be prepared.
"What was he thinking?"
"Oh I have a pretty good idea...." Will looked at her meaningfully.
"Oh shut up."


"So what's wrong? You've been restless and have not been paying the least attention to what I've been saying... Lili... Lili!" Augur had been trying to explain the possibilities that AI could bring about.
"Huh?" Lili looked up. Will had gone hours ago, said he was tired of her mood. Lili wouldn't say what was wrong but Augur had a hint. If Liam and Edana had shown up at the Embassy... Lili knew. Augur knew better that to talk to her about it until Liam got there. Speaking of the devil....
"Liam!" Lili called as the hybrid stepped into the room. "Where have you been? You knew I needed to talk to you."
Edana stepped in just a bit behind him. Lili threw up her hands in exasperation. She didn't want to see her right now. Liam pulled her aside. "Lili, she knows, she's known. It's just that she was upset about it until today. We've just come to an understanding, we trust each other now."
"What you couldn't trust her before?"
"Yes I could, but she couldn't trust me. She thought I had been lying to her for the last year, which is kinda true." Lili crossed her arms and looked at him. "Lili, everyone knows. Sandoval, Boone, Da`an, you, Augur...."
"Augur knows?!" Augur heard his name and immediately ducked into another room. "Excuse me Edana. I have to hide now."
"Lili, if she was a threat in any way... don't you think she would have turned me in three days ago when I told her. We can trust her, no scrambling CVIs this time." Liam left her in the corner of the room and went back to Edana. Augur came up behind Lili. "I found out when she came this morning. She was real upset. I'm surprised she didn't tell anyone. Now they seem to be fine. I would just be happy for them. Liam's a big boy... he doesn't need you to be looking over his shoulder all the time."
"I promised to take care of him... He's not ready for this."
They watched Liam and Edana sitting on the couch. She leaned on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around her. They had a lot of planning to do, there was no telling how long this peace would last.

To be Continued..