Disclaimer: The series 'Earth: Final Conflict' and all its characters belongs to Tribune
Entertainment. No copyright infringement is intended and no money has been made with this story. I only borrowed these guys and promise to return them safely. No unauthorized archiving or publication of this story allowed.

Title: Levels of Reality

Thanks to: Tatjana, EagleEye and TinaP for their help and advice. Also a tip of the hat to the augurtoo guide for being such a good background source.

Levels of Reality

        William Boone opened his eyes and switched on his bedside lamp. Looking at his alarm clock, he sighed mentally and fell back on his pillow. Like so often since his implantation, he couldn't sleep.
Glancing at his skrill, the alien creature produced a faint blue glow. Adding to that, there was
a slight irritation in Boone's mind which wasn't coming from him solely. 'Condor' was probably as dissatisfied as he was - an aftereffect from yesterday's events.Yet, that day had started so normal....

        Da'an had been scheduled to visit the children's wing at the local hospital where a joint group
of bioengineers and doctors were working on a therapy to treat a rare form of cancer with the
use of Taelon techniques to synthesize the drugs required for treatment. Lately, the group
had reached a breakthrough, and several of the patients hospitalized there were already on
the way to full recovery. The security arrangements for the visit had been planned weeks in
advance and the hospital's staff had been rather accommodating in carrying them out.
        Somehow it had seemed to Boone that Da'an almost had been looking forward to the visit - if
that was something Taelons actually did.

Anyway, the visit had been just a simple PR event and nothing had indicated that they
should had had any problems.  But Boone had been wrong.
It had come out of the blue....
        They'd passed though the main section of the hospital to meet the press and the staff in the
new building where the research wing was housed and wanted to cross a small pathway
when an amok driver had speeded into their direction, trying to run them over. Having
recognized the threat a moment earlier than Sandoval, Boone had dragged Da'an aside,
meanwhile Sandoval had fired on the car. Unexpectedly for the implants, the car had
        Boone's CVI kicked in and once more, he went over his analysis of the morning's events,
mentally watching clips of several scenes in slow-motion. No mistake in the security arrangements.
The amok-driver just shouldn't have been able to get into the area. Not counting that the explosion was inexplicable. None of it made sense.
        Trying to recall if he'd seen the driver's face, Boone realized that the windscreen had been made of tinted glass, making it impossible to see the inside. It was as if the driver had known he would be dealing with implants.
        Currently, the car's remains were at the Taelon lab. Hopefully, its technicians would provide him with a clue as to where to begin the search for the amok-driver's identity and background.
        Just to make sure, Lili had checked if a splinter group in the Resistance might have been responsible for the attempt, but had come up negatively.
        As there'd been nothing to do until the lab results would be back, Boone had taken up Lili's
advice and had gone home to get some sleep. Sleep. Boone sighed.
        Maybe he should try this meditation thing? Dr. Belman had suggested it, not wanting to continue giving him sleeping pills... which weren't helping much anyway. Mentally giving in, he got out of bed.

* * *

        Retrieving his player, headphones and the meditation disc Belman had suggested, Boone returned to the bedroom. If he had to go through *this*, he could at least be comfortable. He assumed a sitting position on the middle of his bed, put on the headphones, inserted the disc and closed his eyes.
        The music was soothing as the voice accompanying it was telling him to breathe deeply and
slowly. He complied and felt the tension in his neck and the irritation in his mind ceasing gradually. Relaxing further, he began to let his mind wander....

* * *

        "Boone," a voice said softly. "This meeting is unexpected."
        The voice seemed familiar, yet Boone couldn't quite place it. Wanting to know who was addressing him, he opened his eyes. This wasn't his bedroom.  He was in a pub, sitting at a table, a bottle of beer was standing in front of him. Looking around, he noticed a brown-haired man standing at the bar, clad in jeans and a blue shirt. Aside from that, the pub was empty. Grabbing his beer, Boone got up and walked over to the bar.

* * *

        "Excuse me," Boone addressed the man at the bar, hoping that the stranger would know what was going on.   The man turned around. "Greetings."
        It was the same voice like before and despite the short brown hair and the clothing, the
stranger's identity was evident.    

        "Da'an?" Boone asked, unable to keep the surprise from his voice.
        Da'an was almost looking like a human male; only his skin tone and the rather large ears were making the difference evident. "It appears you are as surprised about this situation as I am." With a gesture of his hand, he asked, "What is this place, Boone?"
        "It looks like 'McNally's'." At Da'an's questioning gaze, he added. "It's a pub, the place where I often went to in my free time, back when I was still in the Army."
        "It is interesting. What do humans do in a pub, aside from drinking alcoholic beverages?"    
        "They talk with their friends and relax. If this is really is like 'McNally's, there should be a pool table around somewhere," Boone answered. "It's been a while since I played, but I could show you how it's done." He glanced at Da'an. "If you're interested."
        "Thank you. I will keep your offer in mind," Da'an said. "Tell me Boone, do only human males socialize in pubs?"
        "No, that situation has changed in the last century. You might as well find couples or women in pubs," Boone answered. "Can I ask you a question?"
        "Certainly," Da'an answered.
        "Am I dreaming?"
        "No," Da'an smiled, amused. "It seems as if you are in what humans call a 'trance'. Physically, you are still where you were when you entered this state. At home, I suppose."
        "Yeah, I am," Boone answered. "Then this isn't real?"
        "Yes and no. I cannot quite explain it. Your body remains present in the physical reality, yet, your mind is free to wander this world." Da'an looked curiously at Boone. "Why have you come here?"
        "I don't know," Boone answered. "I couldn't sleep and Dr. Belman suggested meditation instead of more sleeping pills. At first I'd thought I'd dozed off...."
        Looking away, Da'an's physical image suddenly lost its clarity and the Taelon's natural bluish energy color resurfaced. Then, all of a sudden, as if he'd regained his emotional stability, the human form was visible again, complete with jeans and shirt.
        "Are you all right?" Boone asked, concerned.
        "I am well, thank you."
        "Da'an, what is *really* going on here?"
        "I am not quite sure. But your meditation has produced results which none of us has expected."
        "I don't understand. Are you really here with me?"
        "Please," Da'an held out his opened hand to Boone, "give me your hand."
        Putting his hand in Da'an's, Boone felt a warm wave of sensations rushing through his body. He looked at their joined hands and was surprised at what he saw. Losing coherence, the forms of their both hands seemed to melt into one another.
        "What the...," Boone muttered. Quickly pulling his hand away, it returned to its solid state immediately.
        "Do not fear, Boone," Da'an said. "The state in which you are has side-effects you are not used to. May we proceed?"
        Not quite sure how to respond to that, Boone met Da'an's gaze. He didn't know what was waiting for him, yet, he was curious, as to what the Taelon was implying upon.
        "You *know* what's going on, right?" Boone finally asked.
        Da'an didn't answer Boone, he simply held out his hand once more.
Deciding to trust Da'an on this, Boone put his hand into the Taelon's opened one.
        "Close your eyes," Da'an said.
        Complying, Boone felt another warm wave of sensations rushing through his body. Though this time, it was more like a comforting embrace for him than the earlier rather terrifying  experience. Now feeling comfortable, the darkness behind his eyelids faded and a mass of  blue energy clusters appeared. These clusters were connected with one another through threads which looked as if they were made of cotton-candy. From his point of view, a small, almost delicate thread was leading up to a big bluish cluster, connecting Boone with it.
        Somehow Boone knew that that was the place where the warm enveloping wave had come from. The thread had a distinct signature to it, and he was sure he knew to whom it  belonged. Wanting to reach out and touch it, Boone felt it pulse briefly, expanding toward him. Another warm wave was washing over him, and Boone suddenly realized that the link had become wider. With the wave came the startling sensation of knowledge.

It was Da'an. At least part of him.
        Boone watched the others reaching out to Da'an and a sensation filled his mind through the link they shared. It was faint and radically different than the waves that had rushed through him earlier. Most of this sensation was devoid of  a signature, even though Boone was aware that one of them was angry.
Afraid that they'd noticed too much, Boone wanted to retreat. Then, another sensation filled  his mind.
        He should stay.

         He was safe.
        They didn't know.
        They were aware of the intrusion, but were unable to identify it.
        Something prevented it.
        Something shielded him and and his link to Da'an.
        Did Da'an do it himself?
        What was it then?
        Uncertainty filled his mind, and Boone realized that Da'an truly didn't know what protected  them. Neither had the Taleon any idea how it had happened. It just *was*.
        Finally, Boone understood Da'an's earlier statement of not being able to explain it; a connection like this had to be felt. It seemed to convey a feeling of awareness mostly, though Da'an had told him things through their link which implied it was more than that.
But how much more?
Would nothing be kept secret through the link?
A sense of amusement filled Boone and a knowledge that, if ever, information was shared willingly. With that came a flash of realization, catching him unaware.
*This* was real.
Sort of.
On another level of reality.
        Boone opened his eyes and met Da'an's gaze, who was watching the human closely. All of a sudden, the warm wave washed over Boone again, and with those non-human blue eyes resting on him, he felt an energy between them which he couldn't quite put a finger on. It was closeness, friendship and intimacy in a way Boone didn't know how to react to.
        Surprisingly, it didn't disturb him, despite Da'an's current male appearance. He just wasn't sure which rules he was supposed to follow now.
        "You understand," Da'an said.
        "Yeah," Boone said. "I guess, I do."
Da'an ceased their link, and both their hands returned to their former state immediately.
        Looking at his hand and flexing it, Boone felt a slight sense of loss. Glancing back at Da'an, he realized that despite being laid open like a book to the Taelon, the link had brought a sense of belonging which he hadn't had experienced for quite a while. The wish to return to it was tempting; never ever feeling alone again could be quite addictive, yet frightening. Having it with Da'an only enhanced its temptation.
        Boone's train of thought was interrupted by Da'an's hand on his shoulder. "You have to leave now. You will exit this state and go to sleep. Tomorrow, you will think that this has just been an unusual dream."

        "Da'an!" Boone protested, not wanting to forget this experience. "I don't want to lose this."
        "You won't," Da'an assured him, a slight smile on his lips. "But it is important that you follow my orders." There was an edge in the Taelon's voice; something Boone hadn't heard before.
        "Okay," Boone agreed. Finding out the reason for Da'an's fear would have to wait. 
        "You will exit this state and go to sleep. Tomorrow, you will think that this has just been an unusual dream," Da'an repeated. "Only when you return to this state, the memories of your past experiences here will be accessible to you."
        Immediately, Boone felt a sleepiness overtaking him. His eyelids suddenly felt heavy and he was absolutely sure, he couldn't stay awake any longer.
        "Da'an...," Boone muttered.
        "Good night, Boone," Da'an said, his hand gently caressing the human's cheek.

* * *

        "... and here our weather report. Sunny, mild, temperatures between...."
        "Out," Boone said.
        He rubbed his face and opened his eyes, unable to shake the feeling that something had happened last night. Sitting up, he noticed his player and the headphones lying discarded at the lower end of his bed.
        The mediation.
        He'd fallen asleep.
        And dreamed.
        A pub.
        A guy... Da'an.
What the hell was Da'an doing in his dream?
        Concentrating, Boone tried to remember more, even deliberately attempted to use his CVI,
but came up empty. Sighing, he got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. 
        Just before he left his bedroom, Boone's global beeped. Fetching the equipment from his jacket, he answered it. "Yes?"
        "Rise and shine, Will." Lili grinned, as she noticed that Boone looked like he'd jumped out of
bed. "Parker just told me the analysis is done."
        "Good," Boone answered. "Pick me up at my house in twenty minutes."
        "On my way. Marquette out." 
        So it was a quick instant coffee only today. As he felt the annoyance from his skrill in his mind, Boone realized he'd have to pick something up from a diner before they departed for Washington, or the creature would never cease complaining. 
        Boone quickly picked out a fresh suit, shirt and tie from his wardrobe, threw it on his
unmade bed and finally headed for the bathroom.