Copyright ©1999, Lyta All rights reserved.  No part of this story may be re-posted in part or in full without written permission from me(That includes mailing lists).
Disclaimer: Gene Roddenberry's Earth: Final Conflict is copyright 1998, Tribune Entertainment Co.
Rating: PG.
Title: Sandoval's Top Ten List
Author: Lyta


Sandoval's Top Ten List

10. Move my stuff onto the mothership to save shuttle ride to the embassy
9. Stick "Free Will Rules" t-shirt in back of closet.
8. Hide readout with Zo'or's palmprint under the bed.
7. Stop dreaming of Marquette in Princess Leah gold bikini outfit
6. Talk to therapist about why I'm disappointed at Major Kincaid not calling me on Father's Day.
5. New suits and ties. Watch X-Files for fashion hints
4. Suck up to Zo'or
3. Hope Zo'or doesn't make those shower curtain jumpsuits mandatory
2. Rerun memories of my favorite movies while Zo'or lectures and respond with "Yes, Zo'or" occasionally so he thinks I'm paying attention.
1. Read aloud to my skrill so he doesn't feel lonely, poor baby.