Copyright ©1999, Lyta All rights reserved.  No part of this story may be re-posted in part or in full without written permission from me(That includes mailing lists).
Disclaimer: Gene Roddenberry's Earth: Final Conflict is copyright 1998, Tribune Entertainment Co.
Rating: PG.
Spoiler Warning: Season 2 "Redemption" and "Bliss"
Title: In Remembrance
Author: Lyta

In Remembrance

        The cemetery was full of Celtic crosses. It had rained the night before, so the grass, trees and flowers seemed brighter and smelled more alive to Liam Kincaid. As he walked, he clutched a small bouquet in trembling hands.
        Finally, in the newest portion of the cemetery he came to his mother's grave. Simple, the grave marker only her name and date of death. Liam placed the flowers, yellow roses, her favorite, against the marker and stepped back. He had wanted to talk to her since he was in Ireland, but now he did not know what to say. The tears ran freely down his face.
        "I love you." He whispered. It was all he knew to say, yet somehow those three words came the closest to capturing all of his feelings for Siobhan Beckett.
        On his way over to Augur's Liam wandered around the church. It was pretty much deserted this time of day. He stopped at the place where security cameras had showed him Ha'gel had died.
The floor was not even scuffed much, but Liam could feel a faint tingle of energy. An echo, perhaps of his father's passage into the void. He stooped down and ran his fingers along the tiles.
        Memories not his own swam to the forefront of his mind. The Joining through the eyes of all three of his parents. Ha'gel's desperation and sorrow at placing the heavy weight of the Kimera's legacy on an unborn child. Siobhan's mix of fear, confusion and utter joy at becoming a mother. Sandoval's terror at being trapped and cocooned along with his concern for Siobhan. Through the link forged when Ha'gel joined the three of them into Liam, he knew that the real Ronald Sandoval loved him at that moment.
It was very comforting.
