Copyright 1999,  Lyta. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be re-posted in part or in full without written permission from the author.
Disclaimer: Gene Roddenberry's Earth: Final Conflict is Copyright 1998, Tribune Entertainment Co., its characters are used without permission. No infringement is intended.
Rating: PG-13
Title: An Unexpected Occurrence: Part Three
Author: Lyta

Summary: Zo'or makes Liam a surprising offer…

"An Unexpected Occurrence"
Part Three


    Liam found himself staring, jaw agape at the Synod leader. When Zo'or suggested it, Liam had the urge to hit himself, surely the Taelon had not said the words Liam thought he had heard.
    "Could you run that by me again." Liam finally sputtered.
    "It is most simple: you are Kimera, I am Taelon. We can join and our offspring will aid in a revitalization of the Taelon race." Then Zo'or paused for emphasis. "And as my consort the Synod would not be permitted to order your termination."
    "I'm far more human than Kimera." Liam pointed out. "And any children we have would also be genetically the grandchildren of Agent   Sandoval."
    "A necessary evil." The Taelon finally said, though the bare concept made Zo'or nearly shudder with distaste.
    Liam wondered what Sandoval would think of his DNA being described as a 'necessary evil'.  He stared at Zo'or with a curious expression.
    "You must really be desperate." Liam said softly. "Da'an said the Taelons are a dying race, but your people hate the Kimera. For you to voluntarily agree to a joining with a Human/Kimera hybrid is…"
    "Far more acceptable to my people than a joining with a full Human." Zo'or cut in. "My people exterminated the Kimera out of fear, Major. Fear of your ability to affect our Commonality. When Ha'gel's presence was felt in the Commonality, we feared him because he had the shaquarava and could take on the form of one of our implants and seek revenge against the Taelons. We attributed our own motives to Ha'gel's actions."
    "His only concern was to insure that the Kimera's legacy would not completely die out." Liam defended his Kimeran father.
    "It would appeal to what humans call 'poetic justice' if the offspring of a Kimera would be the one to save the Taelon race from the brink of extinction."
    "What happens if I refuse to join with you?" Liam demanded, remembering how intimate his previous experience with Joyce Belman had been. His joining with Joyce had not been to create a child, a joining with Zo'or would have to last longer to insure the child's survival. Could he keep the secret of his affliation with the Resistance from Zo'or under such conditions?
    The Taelon straightened and looked him right in the eyes. "Then other measures would be taken to insure your compliance."
     Liam took a deep breathe, he fastened his gaze on the stars above his head. If ever he needed his mother's guidance it was now. "I guess I have no choice…"

To Be Continued..