Copyright 1999,  Lyta. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be re-posted in part or in full without written permission from the author.
Disclaimer: Gene Roddenberry's Earth: Final Conflict is Copyright 1998, Tribune Entertainment Co., its characters are used without permission. No infringement is intended.
Rating: PG
Title: An Unexpected Occurrence: Part Two
Author: Lyta
Summary: Da'an once asked Liam if he could save the life of a Taelon at the expense of a Human, but he never imagined the Taelon would be Zo'or and the Human quite possibly himself!.

"An Unexpected Occurrence"
Part Two


    Liam had no pre-conceived plans of what he would do when the Atavus caught up with him, as he knew it eventually would. After all, he was the only available source of the psychic energy it craved on the planet. His palms were raised in a gesture that mirrored the Atavus, as it attempted to feed off him. As soon as the Atavus tried to draw his life energy from him, Liam began to process of restoring Zo'or to the Commonality until their hands touched and Zo'or collapsed in relief and astonishment.   With no small amount of trepidation, Liam watched as the Synod leader looked at his now dormant shaquarava for a long moment. Then Zo'or shifted his gaze to stared at Liam's brightly glowing palms, before Kincaid remembered to retract the energy.
    Suddenly a great many questionable events of the past few months made sense to Zo'or. He now knew how Da'an had been restored to the Commonality, and how the replicant had been destroyed. Sandoval had been correct in his assumption that Kincaid was the link, but the implant had not seen the full scope of how those things had occurred.
    "Why?" Zo'or asked. Kincaid had to know what the likely consequences of his revelation would be. The Synod decree that all Kimera be slaughtered had not changed since its original implementation before even Zo'or's parents had been part of the Commonality.
    "Da'an. He once asked me if I would save a Taelon at the cost of a human life. I never imagined that life would be my own or that the Taelon would be you." Liam said simply, looking away at the stars above them.
    "You are obviously not human." Zo'or pointed out.
    "My Kimeran father may have been Ha'gel, but the remainder of my heritage links me with humanity. The Kimera are a dead race, I'm the last."
    In spite of the fear of the Kimera he had been taught, Zo'or found himself sympathizing with Liam. He, too, had borne the tremendous burden of being the last of his kind. His next reaction was one of curiosity. Zo'or had never been able to question a Kimera, full or hybrid, they had been eradicated millennia before his birth since the Synod feared their influence over the Commonality. Zo'or personally thought the Synod had reacted too harshly, after all the Kimera might have been able to aid in the growing problem of Taelon sterility.
    "Who are your human parents?"
    "Agents Beckett and Sandoval."
    Zo'or recalled how Beckett had been missing for some time after the threat by Ha'gel had been removed. He also had noted the unusual interest Kincaid had shown toward Lt. Beckett. At the time he had dismissed it as romantic attraction that was beneath him, but Zo'or also knew that human courtship was baffling even to humans. That he had misinterpreted the situation was easily understandable.
    "Well, Major, this leaves only one question remaining: what am I to do about you?" Zo'or stated, a solution already forming in his mind that could solve Kincaid's fears and simultaneously offer new hope to the Taelon race.

To be continued..