Copyright ©1999, Lyta All rights reserved.  No part of this story may be re-posted in part or in full without written permission from me(That includes mailing lists).
Disclaimer: Gene Roddenberry's Earth: Final Conflict is copyright 1998, Tribune Entertainment Co.
Rating: PG.
Title: Liam's Top Ten List
Author: Lyta


Liam's Top Ten List

10. New gloves: old ones ruined by shaquarava
9. Check stories with Da'an and Lili before reporting to Zo'or.
8. Ask Augur for dating advice
7. Convince Da'an to teach me to swear in Eunoia.
6. Buy shirts without turtlenecks
5. Redecorate apartment.
4. Study chemistry with Suzanne. I though she was out of school so why would she need my help with that???
3. Repair microwave. Either that or learn to cook with shaquarava.
2. Learn to fight better. Getting beat up is not a good thing.
1. Save the world! Oh, and separate lights and darks when I do laundry this week too.